Impact on recommendation performance of online review helpfulness and consistency

Jaeseung Park, Xinzhe Li, Qinglong Li, Jaekyeong Kim

Data Technologies and Applications

ISSN: 2514-9288

Article publication date: 8 September 2022

Issue publication date: 25 April 2023




The existing collaborative filtering algorithm may select an insufficiently representative customer as the neighbor of a target customer, which means that the performance in providing recommendations is not sufficiently accurate. This study aims to investigate the impact on recommendation performance of selecting influential and representative customers.


Some studies have shown that review helpfulness and consistency significantly affect purchase decision-making. Thus, this study focuses on customers who have written helpful and consistent reviews to select influential and representative neighbors. To achieve the purpose of this study, the authors apply a text-mining approach to analyze review helpfulness and consistency. In addition, they evaluate the performance of the proposed methodology using several real-world Amazon review data sets for experimental utility and reliability.


This study is the first to propose a methodology to investigate the effect of review consistency and helpfulness on recommendation performance. The experimental results confirmed that the recommendation performance was excellent when a neighbor was selected who wrote consistent or helpful reviews more than when neighbors were selected for all customers.


This study investigates the effect of review consistency and helpfulness on recommendation performance. Online review can enhance recommendation performance because it reflects the purchasing behavior of customers who consider reviews when purchasing items. The experimental results indicate that review helpfulness and consistency can enhance the performance of personalized recommendation services, increase customer satisfaction and increase confidence in a company.



Park, J., Li, X., Li, Q. and Kim, J. (2023), "Impact on recommendation performance of online review helpfulness and consistency", Data Technologies and Applications, Vol. 57 No. 2, pp. 199-221.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2023, Emerald Publishing Limited

1. Introduction

The online e-commerce market is growing explosively with recent developments in information and communication technology and the popularization of smartphones. Accordingly, the size of online shopping transactions is growing steadily. Thus, new items and services are released regularly and accessibility and convenience for customers have improved. However, there is an information overload problem in that the cost of information search increases for customers making purchase decisions. In other words, selecting an item suited to customer preference from among many items takes a long time and is challenging (; ; ). Recently, the demand for online shopping has soared; however, customers face limitations in checking and experiencing their preferred items or services, which highlights the problem of information overload. Furthermore, many companies have difficulty generating profits due to reduced opportunities to promote and display their items or services to customers who prefer them and are likely to purchase them. Accordingly, a personalized recommendation service is essential for providing personalized items or services to customers. For example, global e-commerce companies such as Amazon, Netflix and Google provide personalized recommendation services to strengthen their sustainable corporate competitiveness (; ; ). Amazon generates 35 per cent of its corporate sales through items or services that are provided by personalized recommendation services. Netflix delivers 75 per cent of all videos that are viewed by customers through personalized recommendation services. As such, personalized recommendation services can reduce the cost of searching for information and positively impact corporate revenue generation ().

The collaborative filtering (CF) algorithm is the most widely used of many recommender systems (, ; ). CF algorithms are implemented based on the following assumption: customers with similar preferences for certain items exhibit similar preferences for other items. Based on this assumption, the CF algorithm predicts preferences based on the similarity between customers. The CF algorithm measures the similarity between the target customer and other customers to select a customer with high similarity as a neighbor to the target customer, and it predicts the preference of the target customer according to the neighbor's preference. The core idea of the CF algorithm is to select a customer group that indicates preferences similar to those of the target customer. Here, similar customers are usually referred to as nearest neighbors (). Nevertheless, existing CF algorithms may select less representative customers as neighbors of their target customers. This means that the recommendation performance is not accurate enough when providing recommendations. With the development of the Internet and smart devices, unstructured data related to customers and transactions are continuously increasing. Such a rapid increase in data helps to improve the performance of the recommender system, but on the other hand, it also decreases the performance of the recommender system due to increased noise (). Therefore, in order to reduce computing cost and provide effective recommendation service, a strategy to improve the performance of the recommendation algorithm by filtering only influential and meaningful data is required along with research to develop a new recommendation algorithm to increase the recommendation performance (). However, there have been few studies on how changes in input data affect recommendation system performance in the recommendation system research so far.

Therefore, it is essential to investigate the impact of selecting influential and representative customers on recommendation performance. Recently, some studies have utilized review-related information as an additional feature to provide personalized recommendation services; online reviews contain specific and reliable information that effectively provides recommendations (; ). Many previous studies have argued that such online reviews influence customers' purchase decision-making processes (; ; ). argue that when consumers process online review information, they simultaneously process review texts and their attendant star ratings. In other words, consistency between a review text and its attendant star rating affects information decision-making. Another study argues that helpful reviews have an essential influence on purchase decision-making (; ). Based on previous studies, the authors selected neighbor customers based on review consistency and helpfulness to address the problem of insufficient representative neighbor customers. Review consistency indicates the consistency between a review text and its corresponding numerical rating. Review helpfulness indicates the proportion of helpful votes to total votes on questions asking whether the review is helpful or not. The authors also investigated the effect of review sentiment balance on recommendation performance in helpful and consistent reviews. The authors evaluated the performance of the proposed methodology using several real-world Amazon review data sets for experimental effectiveness and reliability. From the experimental results, they confirmed that the recommendation performance was better when a neighbor was selected who wrote consistent or helpful reviews than when neighbors were selected for all customers. The contributions of this study are summarized as follows:

  1. This study investigated the effects of review consistency and helpfulness on recommendation performance. Online review can enhance recommendation performance because it reflects the purchasing behavior of customers who consider reviews when purchasing items.

  2. This study applied a text-mining tool to perform sentiment analysis of the review text. Review consistency was calculated as the consistency between the review text and the corresponding numerical rating. Review helpfulness was calculated by dividing helpful votes by total votes.

  3. This study conducted experiments using several real-world Amazon review data sets. The results indicate that reflecting review helpfulness and consistency on recommender systems can enhance the performance of personalized recommendation services, increase customer satisfaction and increase confidence in a company.

The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. describes CF- and review-based recommender systems. describes the proposed methodology. describes the data sets, evaluation criteria and experimental results. Finally, summarizes the research and describes future studies.

2. Related work

2.1 Collaborative filtering

first proposed the CF algorithm and demonstrated the best performance among the recommendation algorithms to date. The CF algorithm predicts preferences based on similarities between customers or items on the basic assumption that customers with similar preferences for a particular item will show similar preferences for other items (; ; ). Therefore, it is necessary to calculate the similarity between the target customer and neighboring customers when using the CF algorithm. However, as the number of neighboring customers increases, the computational cost increases. Previous studies have utilized K-nearest neighbor (KNN) algorithms or clustering techniques to classify groups having similar preferences to address such issues (; ; ). Furthermore, the CF algorithm can be divided into user-based CF and item-based CF according to whether the group is classified based on the item purchased by the customer or based on the customer who purchased the item (; ; , ). shows the basic concept of the user-based CF algorithm. When the target customer is selected, the similarity between the recommended target customer and the neighboring customers is measured based on past purchase history. In other words, similar purchase patterns indicate high similarity, so the algorithm selects the customer with the highest similarity as the neighbor when it measures the similarity with all neighboring customers. For example, in , the customer with the most similar preference to the recommended customer is Alice, who purchased Item 1, Item 3 and Item 5. The final phase of the CF algorithm is the recommendation list phase. Here, Item 8 is the item that Alice has purchased but that the target customer has not yet purchased. Therefore, Item 8 was recommended to the target customer. Item-based CF selects similar items based on the target item and recommends them to customers who have not purchased the target items. This study predicts preferences based on user-based CF algorithms.

summarizes studies using CF algorithms. These studies proposed a methodology for enhancing recommendation performance by using purchase history data. However, they provided recommendation services to target customers by selecting neighbors using quantitative data such as ratings, click status and purchase status. Selecting an influential and representative customer as a neighbor that is similar to the target customer is challenging. In addition, the computational cost increases, and the computational speed decreases when the customer's transaction data increases. This study investigates the impact on recommendation performance of selecting influential and representative customers when building CF algorithms. To investigate the impact on recommendation performance, the authors selected neighbor customers who wrote consistent and helpful reviews and compared them with all customers.

2.2 Online review-based recommender system

Many previous studies have argued that online reviews significantly impact customers' purchase decision-making process (; ; ). Thus, some studies have utilized review-related information as an additional feature to propose a personalized recommendation methodology (; ). used sentiment analysis to develop a model to estimate review sentiment. The calculated sentiment score was then reflected in the recommendation algorithm. This study was the first to apply customer reviews to a recommendation system, and it received considerable attention. This study showed that higher recommendation performance can be achieved when qualitative and quantitative data are simultaneously considered. used sentiment analysis for customer reviews and classified customers as intuitionists and pessimists. The result showed better recommendation performance when customers were classified as intuitionists and pessimists than when they were classified using traditional methodology. However, online review contents were not reflected in the recommender systems, and there is a chance that the loss of information could be reduced. proposed a user review–enhanced CF recommendation methodology that reflected the review. It used the reviews of approximately 32 movies from the movie review ontology of . The features of the reviews were derived using feature frequency-inverse review frequency, which is similar to the term frequency-inverse document frequency. The user's sentiment polarity was reflected in each review's features, and the similarity between users was then calculated. The CF algorithms were proposed based on them. The results showed that the proposed methodology applied to Yahoo Movies data improved the prediction accuracy from 6.18 to 8.24 per cent compared with traditional CF methods. The prediction performance results were excellent; however, the content of the reviews was disregarded. considered online reviews and ratings to enhance recommendation performance. To confirm the effectiveness of the proposed methodology, review data and quantitative ratings based on text mining were used. The results show that the CF that reflected reviews was better than traditional CF in terms of performance. proposed a novel recommendation methodology that combined online reviews and star ratings. They also created a sentiment dictionary using movie review data to calculate sentiment score and then to calculate new star ratings generated by combining the sentiment score. The researchers used the new calculated rating to create a recommendation algorithm with the CF technique. The results show that the proposed methodology exhibits excellent performance compared with the traditional CF methodology.

Previous studies have shown new possibilities for enhancing recommendation performance by combining review texts and recommendation algorithms. However, the existing methodology does not adequately consider the expressiveness of review information or the influence and representativeness of neighboring customers. This means that the recommendation performance is not sufficiently accurate. Therefore, it is essential to investigate the impact of selecting influential and representative customers on recommendation performance when building recommendation algorithms. Some studies have suggested that review helpfulness and consistency significantly affect purchase decision-making. Thus, the authors focused on customers who had written helpful reviews and consistent reviews as influential and representative neighbors.

3. Methodology

This study investigates the impact of selecting influential and representative customers on recommendation performance when building recommendation algorithms. shows the framework of the proposed methodology for achieving the purpose of this study. First, the authors preprocessed Amazon review text data and produced customer profiles from the preprocessed review data. Then, they extracted influential and representative customers based on review consistency and helpfulness. The authors classified customer profiles into the overall group (from all reviews) and partial groups (from helpful and/or consistent reviews) in this phase. With the CF recommendation techniques, the authors used the similarity between customers to select the neighbors of the target customer. After selecting the neighbors, the authors made the recommendation list based on these similarity values. Finally, they compared the recommendation performance between the overall and partial groups when selecting the neighbors.

3.1 Data preprocessing module

The authors defined R = {r1, r2, …, rk} as an original dataset for evaluating proposed methodology framework. Then, each review includes five attributions [I, U, R, T, H], where I indicates item attributions, U indicates reviewer attributions, R indicates metadata attributions (e.g. stat rating) and T indicates the review textual attributions. H indicates the helpfulness score, measured as the ratio of helpful votes to the total number of votes, where H ∈ [0, 1]. Let M be a vector of helpfulness classification result for each review, where Mi indicates whether a review is helpful or not. Many studies have proposed standard optimized threshold value θ for the reliable and effective classification of review helpfulness (; ). The authors labeled a review as helpful if threshold value θ was greater than 0.6; otherwise, it was labeled as unhelpful. Thus, Mi is measured as follows:

Subsequently, the authors preprocessed the review textual and converted it to a structured format to measure review consistency. Thus, theyfiltered the original review textual. The original review textual is divided into token units that the computer can process to analyze text. However, such tokens include noisy data that can distort the analysis results. Thus, noisy data must be removed through text preprocessing. First, punctuation, numbers and symbols were removed. Second, all review texts were converted to lowercase text to avoid duplicate words. Third, the stopwords were removed, which are often used in the review text but do not carry meaning. Finally, a lemmatization was applied that converted words into standard forms for analysis efficiency. Review consistency is calculated based on the review textual and the corresponding numerical star rating. Let N be a vector of review textual predicted value for each review, where Ni indicates a review textual sentiment score. A sentiment analysis technique is used to calculate the sentiment score in the preprocessed review text. Sentiment analysis automatically measures opinions in sentences or full text (). Most existing studies have utilized several sentiment analysis techniques to measure sentiment scores reflected in reviews (). For example, calculated a text sentiment score using TextBlob, a Python-based text processing library. The authors applied linguistic inquiry and word count (LIWC) to measure the review sentiment scores (). LIWC is an excellent text analysis tool based on lexicometry that is widely used in various domain studies. Based on the common strategy of , the authors measured the review text sentiment score using the following formula:
where PWi and NWi represent the count of positive and negative words in review i, respectively, and TWi represents the total count of words in review text i. When it is calculated according to the above formula, the review text sentiment score represents a value between −1 and 1. The authors then rescale the sentiment score of each review text to a value between 1 and 5 according to the following formula: (max′ − min′) × [(x − min)/(max − min)] + min′. Here, x represents the original emotional score of the review text; min and max represent the minimum and maximum values of the original sentiment score, respectively; max′ and min′ represent the minimum and maximum values of the rescaled sentiment scores as 1 and 5, respectively. An example of the preprocessed data set is shown in . Each row indicates the customer's preference for a particular item.

3.2 Profile producing module

The preprocessed customer profile is produced as follows. The final customer profile contains five attributes [I, U, R, M, N], where I indicates Item ID, U indicates customer ID, R indicates star rating, M indicates the helpfulness information and N indicates the sentiment. This study aims to investigate the impact of selecting influential and representative customers on recommendation performance when building recommendation algorithms. The authors classify customer profiles into overall and partial groups based on review consistency and helpfulness to investigate the proposed methodology effectively.

The overall group means a group where the target customer can select all customers as neighbors. In other words, when a neighbor customer that is similar to the target customer is selected, all customers can be selected as neighbor customers without considering their influence or representativeness. The authors then produce a customer–item matrix based on the customers and items that are included in the overall review. The partial group is further divided into two groups. The first type of partial group means which includes only helpful reviews. Some studies argue that helpful reviews have an important influence on purchase decision-making (). Thus, it is vital to consider customers who have written helpful reviews when influential and representative neighbors are selected for target customers. The authors labeled it as helpful if the review helpfulness score H was higher than 0.6 and labeled it as unhelpful otherwise, according to previous studies (; ). The authors then produced a customer–item matrix based on the customers and items included in the helpful review. The second type of partial group includes only consistent review between a review text and a star rating. Review consistency between a review text and a star rating affects information decision-making (). Thus, it is essential to consider customers whose written reviews are consistent when influential and representative neighbors are selected for target customers. The authors labeled it as positive if the review star rating R and review sentiment score S were higher than 3 and as negative otherwise (). They then produced a customer–item matrix based on the customers and items included in the review consistency. Let M and N denote the number of customers and items, respectively. Then, the customer–item matrix is defined as follows:

Here, a value of 1 for y indicates that customer u purchased item i. Similarly, a value of 0 indicates that it was not purchased.

3.3 CF recommendation module

The CF algorithm utilizes the preference information of neighboring customers to generate a recommendation list based on items that the target customer is likely to purchase. The algorithms are divided into two phases: neighbor customer selection and recommendation list generation.

Most CF algorithms are based on a similarity measure between target customers and other customers, where sim(a, b) denotes the similarity of customer a and customer b. The Pearson correlation coefficient measure and cosine measure are usually used as the similarity measures in the CF algorithm, and their performance is known to be almost the same (; ; ; , ). In this study, the authors measured similarity based on Pearson correlation coefficient similarity. The similarity between customer a and customer b was calculated as follows:

where a and b are customers, Pai is the current preference of customer a for item i and Pbi is the current preference of customer b for item i. The preference similarity values of the two customers range from −1 to 1. The CF algorithm selects a similar customer group, i.e. a neighbor group with a high similarity value. Here, according to the strategy of the previous study, the CF algorithm is calculated with a neighborhood size of 40 (; ).

3.4 Preference prediction module

The second phase in the CF algorithm generates a recommendation list based on the preferences of neighbor customers recorded in the customer profile. The probability of target customer c purchasing item j is measured using the purchase likelihood score (PLS) (; ; ). The PLS is calculated as follows:

where Puj indicates customer u's preference for item j. Puj is set to 1 if the customer previously purchased item j, otherwise, it is set to 0. Sim(c,i) indicates the similarity between the target customer c and another customer i. The CF algorithm generates a recommendation list consisting of k items with high PLS scores that the target customer has not previously purchased. In most recommender system studies, sensitivity analysis is used to determine the optimal k value. Usually, the k value starts at 1, and the larger values are substituted one after another to determine the k value at which the performance of the CF algorithm is assumed to be high. However, because the purpose of this study was to compare the performance difference between the overall group and the partial group, 10 was used as the k value, as this value has been widely used in previous studies (; ; , ).

4. Experiments

4.1 Data set and evaluation protocols

To measure the performance of the proposed methodology, the authors used publicly accessible Amazon data sets collected between May 1996 and July 2014 (; ). Amazon item reviews have been used and analyzed in many previous studies. Therefore, by adopting Amazon reviews, one can make fair comparisons with previous studies. In addition, the results of this study may provide practical insights into online e-commerce. The authors utilized the six most significant domains to evaluate the proposed methodology, including Android apps, video games, electronics, CDs and vinyl, movies and TV and books. presents the descriptive statistics of the six domain data sets. As shown in , the customer profile contains (1) the ID of a reviewed item; (2) the helpfulness information, namely customer-provided helpful and unhelpful votes; (3) a star rating; (4) the published date, week and time; (5) the ID and name of the reviewer and (6) a text composed of a summary headline and detailed comments on the item. The review helpfulness voting distribution presented in shows a similar pattern, in which helpful reviews represent receive more votes than unhelpful reviews. To alleviate biases caused by the “words of few mouths” phenomenon, the authors filtered the reviews that received more than 10 helpfulness votes (; ). shows the distribution of the review ratings. Customers tended to provide positive feedback, which accounted for more than 70 per cent of all reviews. Many previous studies have defined this phenomenon as positive bias. To overcome the data sparsity issue, the authors filtered the data set to contain only customers with at least 20 interactions (; ). To effectively compare the recommendation performance, the authors divided the raw data set into training sets and test sets. The training set was used to train the CF algorithms, and the test set was used to evaluate the recommendation performance. The authors set 80 per cent of each data set as the training data set and measured the performance using the remaining data set.

To evaluate the recommendation performance of the proposed methodology, the authors used precision, recall and F1 score to measure the recommendation accuracy (; ; ). The F1 score is a balanced weighted average between precision and recall. A high F1 score means a high prediction ability for the recommendation system. The precision, recall and F1 score for the Top-K recommendation list are defined in .

where TP is the true positive (item relevant and recommended), FP is the false positive (item irrelevant and recommended) and FN is the false negative (item relevant and not recommended).

Most recent studies have suggested measuring the diversity of the recommended items to avoid a situation where many customers are referring to the same items (; ; ). Several metrics can be used to measure the diversity of recommendations. In this study, the authors measured diversity using Shannon entropy (SE), which has been widely used in several studies (; ). SE is defined as follows:

where pi is the percentage of recommendation items containing the ith item and n is the total number of items.

4.3 Experimental result

In this section, the authors described and discussed the experimental results of the study. presents the impact of review helpfulness on recommendation performance. To achieve this purpose, the authors classified the customer profiles into the overall review and helpful review groups and compared their recommendation performance. presents the impact of review consistency on recommendation performance. In this section, the authors also classified customer profiles into two groups, the overall review group and the consistent review group, and compared their recommendation performance. Additionally, they investigated the effects of review sentiment valance for helpful and consistent review groups. They used a real-world online review collected from to evaluate the proposed methodology. They also used the F1 score and SE metrics to evaluate the recommendation performance of the proposed methodology. The authors programmed their application in Python. All experiments were conducted in a computer environment with an Intel Core i9-9900KF CPU with 64 G of memory and GeForce RTX 2080 Ti GPU.

4.3.1 Impact of review helpfulness

In this section, the authors present the impact of review helpfulness on the performance of a recommender system using a real-world review data set. They classified customer profiles into overall review and helpful review groups to achieve this purpose. The overall review group includes all customers selected as neighbor customers when neighbor customers who are similar to the target customer are selected. The helpful review group includes customers who write helpful reviews and can be selected as neighbor customers. shows the results of the experiments for the impact of review helpfulness on recommendation performance. “Overall Reviews” represents a traditional methodology that produces profiles that include all customers, and “Helpful Reviews” represents customer profiles that include only helpful reviews. The results show that the CF algorithm achieves better recommendation performance when it uses customer profiles, including helpful reviews, regardless of the data set. The recommendation accuracy improved by 2.848 (D1), 2.733 (D2), 0.020 (D3), 0.100 (D4), 0.139 (D5) and 1.846 (D6) compared with a traditional methodology that includes overall customer reviews. Such results show that accuracy is better when customers who have written helpful reviews are selected as neighbor customers to a target customer. However, review helpfulness did not affect the diversity of the recommendations. The diversity decreased by 0.067 (D1), 0.169 (D2), 0.124 (D3), 0.105 (D4), 0.079 (D5) and 0.170 (D6) compared with a traditional methodology that includes all customer reviews. These results are consistent with the results of previous studies that showed that the accuracy of a recommendation system becomes slightly lower with an increase in the variety of recommended items (; ).

Furthermore, to confirm the effectiveness of the experiment, the authors conducted paired t-tests to investigate whether there was a statistical difference in the recommendation performance between the two groups for each data set. As shown in , the results show that the mean of the two groups was statistically significant at p < 0.001. Thus, helpfulness can be interpreted as an essential factor in enhancing recommendation performance.

The effect of sentiment valance on review helpfulness has been investigated by many researchers (; ), but few studies have investigated the effect of sentiment valance on recommendation performance. Thus, the authors investigated the effect of recommendation sentiment valance in helpful reviews. shows the results of the experiments for the impact of sentiment valance on recommendation performance. The authors classified customer profiles into three types of groups to achieve this objective. The “Helpful Reviews” mark indicates customer profiles that include only helpful reviews. “Helpful & Positive Reviews” and “Helpful & Negative Reviews” marks indicate customer profiles written with positive and negative reviews in helpful reviews, respectively. The experimental results showed that the review sentiment valance of review helpfulness does not significantly affect the recommendation performance. Customers perceive that review helpfulness vote information prepared by third parties is necessary for purchasing decisions, and customers do not make the additional effort to explore for information. In other words, customers are affected by whether a review is helpful or not in making a purchase decision, but it does not matter whether a helpful review is positive or negative. Additionally, to confirm the effectiveness of the experiment, the authors used one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) to investigate whether there was a statistical difference in the recommendation performance among the three groups of each data set. The results show that the means of the three groups of each data set are statistically significant for p < 0.1 (see ).

4.3.2 Impact of review consistency

Subsequently, the authors present the impact of review consistency on the performance of the recommender system. To achieve this objective, customer profiles were classified into two groups: the overall review group and the consistent review group. The consistent review group includes customers who wrote consistent reviews and who can be selected as neighboring customers, and review consistency indicates the consistency between a review text and the corresponding numerical rating. shows the results of the experiments for the impact of review consistency on recommendation performance. “Overall Reviews” includes all customers, and “Consistent Reviews” includes customers who have written only consistent reviews. The results show that the CF algorithm achieves excellent recommendation performance when it uses customer profiles with consistent reviews, regardless of the data set category. The recommendation accuracy improved by 0.329 (D1), 0.696 (D2), 0.171 (D3), 0.048 (D4), 0.068 (D5) and 0.368 (D6) compared with a traditional methodology that includes overall customer reviews. However, review consistency does not affect the diversity of recommendations as does review helpfulness. The diversity of the consistent review group decreased by 0.019 (D1), 0.019 (D2), 0.017 (D3), 0.017 (D4), 0.018 (D5) and 0.022 (D6) compared to that of the overall review group. These results show that accuracy is better when customers who have written consistent reviews are selected as neighbor customers to target customers.

Furthermore, to confirm the effectiveness of the experiment, the authors conducted paired t-tests to investigate whether there was a statistical difference in the recommendation performance between the two groups of each data set. As shown in , the results show that the difference in the mean of the two groups was statistically significant at p < 0.01. Thus, the authors concluded that consistent reviews are essential for enhancing the recommendation performance.

As in the helpfulness review experiments, the authors investigated the effect of recommendation sentiment valence on performance with consistent reviews. shows the results of the experiments with the impact of sentiment valence on recommendation performance. To achieve this purpose, customer profiles were classified into three groups. The “Consistent Reviews” includes customer profiles that include only consistent reviews and the “Consistent & Positive Reviews” and “Consistent & Negative Reviews” include customer profiles having positive and negative reviews in the helpful reviews, respectively. According to a previous study, customers process the consistency of review texts and star ratings when they read online review information (). Unlike the review helpfulness vote, a third party cannot vote for review consistency. Therefore, customers must explore the review content, such as review sentiment valence, in consistent reviews. Most studies argue that positive reviews significantly impact purchasing decisions, and this study also confirms that positive reviews impact recommendation performance. Additionally, to confirm the effectiveness of the experiment, the authors used one-way ANOVA to investigate whether there was a statistical difference in the recommendation performance among the three groups of each data set. The results show that the mean of the three groups was statistically significant (p < 0.1 (see ).

5. Conclusions

A recommender system is a critical tool that e-commerce companies can use to pursue sustainable growth. Therefore, global companies, such as Amazon (), Netflix () and Google () offer recommendation services to their customers to gain a competitive advantage. However, traditional recommendation algorithms select insufficiently influential and representative customers as neighbors for the target customer. This means that the recommendation performance is not sufficiently accurate. Therefore, the authors investigated the impact of selecting influential and representative customers on recommendation performance. To investigate the impact on recommendation performance, they selected neighbor customers who wrote consistent and helpful reviews and compared them with all neighbor customers. Then, they compared the recommendation performance of the proposed methodology using several real-world Amazon review data sets for effective and reliable experiments. The results showed that the recommendation performance was better when neighbors who wrote consistent and helpful reviews were selected than when neighbors were selected from among all customers.

The summary and theoretical implications of this study are as follows. First, to improve the performance of the recommendation algorithm, filtering only influential and meaningful data is required along with research to develop a new recommendation algorithm. However, there have been few studies on how changes in input data affect recommendation performance in the recommender system research so far. Previous studies focus on enhancing recommendation performance by developing new algorithms, but this study focused on applications based on customer behavior data. This study proposes a novel recommendation methodology by filtering the review data, which is essential for customers' purchasing decisions. These studies can expand the scope of recommender system research. Second, the authors measured review helpfulness and consistency to produce influential and representative customer profiles. Some studies have argued that review helpfulness and consistency significantly affect purchase decision-making. Thus, the authors have enhanced recommendation performance by filtering customers who wrote helpful reviews and consistent reviews and were selected as neighbors. The experimental results demonstrate that review helpfulness and consistency are essential for improving recommendation performance. The authors also found that positive sentiment in consistent reviews affects recommendation performance. Third, the authors further investigated the impact of review helpfulness and consistency on recommended accuracy and diversity. The experimental results showed excellent recommendation accuracy when customers who had helpful or consistent reviews were filtered out and selected as neighbors, regardless of the data set. However, it was found that recommendation diversity was slightly better when all customers were selected as neighbors rather than when only the filtered customers were selected. These results are consistent with the results of previous studies that found the accuracy of a recommender system is slightly lower to increase the diversity of recommended items ().

These results provide e-commerce companies with the following practical implications. First, existing e-commerce companies use all customer transaction data to develop recommender systems. This is because they believe that many customer transactions can increase recommendation performance. However, the experiments show that too much customer transaction data may decrease recommendation performance. This study investigated whether both review helpfulness and consistency affect recommendation performance. Thus, e-commerce companies should consider more options when developing recommender systems. E-commerce companies should know that more customer data does not necessarily improve recommendation accuracy. Therefore, customer data should be regularly managed after it accumulates to some extent. Furthermore, knowing which factors of input data affect the performance of the recommender system can give guidelines when designing customer interfaces in the future. Second, global e-commerce websites apply deep learning and artificial intelligence technologies for personalized recommendation services. However, most small e-commerce websites are challenging to apply such technologies due to development costs and the lack of technical human resources. This study focused on making optimal recommendation methodology using online review sources and traditional CF recommendation algorithms to address these concerns. CF algorithms are still applied in many e-commerce websites due to their excellent performance. The authors have demonstrated that their experiments outperform CF recommendation algorithms when providing recommendations using customer data filtered based on review consistency and helpfulness. Therefore, e-commerce practitioners must develop effective recommender systems appropriate to the size of e-commerce websites. In other words, a small online e-commerce website can build an excellent recommender system based on the effective integration of the company resources.

This study has several limitations. First, this study was conducted using only Amazon review data sets, and generalization of the research results requires further study using data sets from various domains. Second, the algorithm used in the experiment is a traditional CF algorithm commonly used in the study of recommender systems. The authors are uncertain whether other algorithms, such as the recurrent neural network (RNN) or convolutional neural network (CNN), would result in the same findings. Therefore, further research is needed to determine whether the results of this study will hold when various algorithms, such as the CNN and RNN, are used. Finally, this study concludes only that review helpfulness and consistency affect recommendation performance. Future studies could identify various factors that affect recommendation performance using a series of real-world data sets.


Examples of user-based CF algorithms

Figure 1.

Examples of user-based CF algorithms

Proposed methodology framework

Figure 2.

Proposed methodology framework

Distributions of (a) review helpfulness and (b) review rating

Figure 3.

Distributions of (a) review helpfulness and (b) review rating

Comparison of (a) accuracy and (b) diversity according to review helpfulness

Figure 4.

Comparison of (a) accuracy and (b) diversity according to review helpfulness

Comparison of (a) accuracy and (b) diversity according to the impact of sentiment valance in helpful reviews

Figure 5.

Comparison of (a) accuracy and (b) diversity according to the impact of sentiment valance in helpful reviews

Comparison of (a) accuracy and (b) diversity according to the impact of review consistency

Figure 6.

Comparison of (a) accuracy and (b) diversity according to the impact of review consistency

Comparison of (a) accuracy and (b) diversity according to the impact of sentiment valance in consistent review

Figure 7.

Comparison of (a) accuracy and (b) diversity according to the impact of sentiment valance in consistent review

Summary of previous studies using CF techniques

Association rule, KNN
Clustering, KNN,
Clustering, regression
Clustering, neural network
Association rule, clustering

An example of customer–item feature vector matrices


Notes: I = Item ID; U = customer ID; R = star rating; M = helpfulness score; N = sentiment score

Descriptive statistics of six domain data sets

Data setsCustomersItemsReview and ratingSparsity ratio (%)
D1: Video games24,30310,672231,78099.91
D2: Baby19,4457,050170,79299.87
D3: Beauty22,36312,101198,50299.92
D4: Health and personal care38,60918,534346,35599.95
D5: Cell phones and accessories27,87910,429194,43999.93
D6: Sports and outdoors35,59818,357296,33799.95

Amazon review composition example

AttributeAttribute typeDescriptionExample
Item IDStringUnique identifier ID for the itemB002I096AA
Total number of votesIntegerNumber of helpful votes in total17
Number of helpful votesIntegerNumber of helpful votes10
Star ratingIntegerA star rating value on a review3
Review timeStringAn upload time on a review messageThursday, January 19, 2012, 12 a.m.
Reviewer IDStringUnique identifier ID for the customerA1F9Z42CFF9IAY
Reviewer nameStringA reviewer name who wrote a reviewT. Tom
Summary headlineStringTitle of a review messageThere is no sense of urgency in buying a Nintendo 3DS quite yet
Detailed commentsStringContents of a review messageWith no real interesting launch titles in the USA and a short battery life, as well as a few other negatives, there is no sense of urgency in buying a Nintendo 3DS yet for any but the most dedicated gamers.

t-Test for accuracy and diversity of overall and helpful reviews

Data setMetric typeMSDt
D1 (N = 1,457)Accuracy0.0030.0100.0200.038−7.170*
D2 (N = 647)Accuracy0.0020.0060.0150.027−3.706*
D3 (N = 1,136)Accuracy0.0170.0170.0540.052−4.181*
D4 (N = 1,969)Accuracy0.0090.0100.0360.039−3.734*
D5 (N = 322)Accuracy0.0170.0200.0480.056−3.825*
D6 (N = 1,277)Accuracy0.0020.0070.0190.032−5.121*

Notes: *p < 0.001; SD = standard deviation, M = mean

t-Test of accuracy and diversity for overall and consistent reviews

Data setMetric typeMSDt
D1 (N = 1,457)Accuracy0.0060.0080.0310.036−3.196**
D2 (N = 647)Accuracy0.0030.0050.0200.027−3.020*
D3 (N = 1,136)Accuracy0.0190.0220.0550.061−4.771**
D4 (N = 1,969)Accuracy0.0080.0080.0360.036−4.565**
D5 (N = 322)Accuracy0.0260.0280.0700.072−3.683*
D6 (N = 1,277)Accuracy0.0070.0100.0370.040−4.603**

Notes: *p < 0.05, **p < 0.001; SD = standard deviation, M = mean

ANOVA and the Scheffé multiple comparison test for helpful reviews

Data setMetric typeGroup typeMSDFScheffé
D1 (N = 1,457)AccuracyHelpful (a)0.0100.03812.040***a > c; c < b
Positive (b)0.0110.038
Negative (c)0.0050.025
DiversityHelpful (a)0.9230.091374.821***a > b > c
Positive (b)0.9020.112
Negative (c)0.7440.301
D2 (N = 647)AccuracyHelpful (a)0.0060.0271.421
Positive (b)0.0050.025
Negative (c)0.0040.021
DiversityHelpful (a)0.8190.1741.069
Positive (b)0.8110.182
Negative (c)0.8310.337
D3 (N = 1,136)AccuracyHelpful (a)0.0170.05224.059***a > c; b > c
Positive (b)0.0160.050
Negative (c)0.0060.026
DiversityHelpful (a)0.8600.13225.000***a > c; b > c
Positive (b)0.8520.138
Negative (c)0.7960.359
D4 (N = 1,969)AccuracyHelpful (a)0.0100.03932.879***a > c; b > c
Positive (b)0.0100.039
Negative (c)0.0030.017
DiversityHelpful (a)0.8770.110182.362***a > c; b > c
Positive (b)0.8670.121
Negative (c)0.7510.366
D5 (N = 322)AccuracyHelpful (a)0.0200.05610.110***a > c; b > c
Positive (b)0.0190.054
Negative (c)0.0050.024
DiversityHelpful (a)0.8660.18021.160***a > c; b > c
Positive (b)0.8660.181
Negative (c)0.9470.185
D6 (N = 1,277)AccuracyHelpful (a)0.0070.03218.764***a > c; b > c
Positive (b)0.0060.032
Negative (c)0.0010.012
DiversityHelpful (a)0.8110.1622.315
Positive (b)0.8050.173
Negative (c)0.8250.351

Notes: *p < 0.1, **p < 0.05, ***p < 0.001; ANOVA = analysis of variance, SD = standard deviation, M = mean

ANOVA and the Scheffé multiple comparison test for consistent reviews

Data setMetric typeGroup typeMSDFScheffé
D1 (N = 1,457)AccuracyConsistent (a)0.0080.03612.889***a > c; b > c
Positive (b)0.0110.041
Negative (c)0.0050.024
DiversityConsistent (a)0.9640.040308.391***a > c; b > c
Positive (b)0.9560.045
Negative (c)0.8330.264
D2 (N = 647)AccuracyConsistent (a)0.0050.0270.116
Positive (b)0.0050.026
Negative (c)0.0060.029
DiversityConsistent (a)0.9610.04356.596***a > c; b > c
Positive (b)0.9600.043
Negative (c)0.8720.290
D3 (N = 1,136)AccuracyConsistent (a)0.0220.06140.171***a > c; b > c
Positive (b)0.0220.061
Negative (c)0.0050.023
DiversityConsistent (a)0.9570.054139.807***a > c; b > c
Positive (b)0.9550.056
Negative (c)0.8420.309
D4 (N = 1,969)AccuracyConsistent (a)0.0080.0364.243**
Positive (b)0.0090.037
Negative (c)0.0060.027
DiversityConsistent (a)0.9580.049296.135***a > c; b > c
Positive (b)0.9570.051
Negative (c)0.8300.318
D5 (N = 322)AccuracyConsistent (a)0.0280.07211.363***a > c; b > c
Positive (b)0.0280.071
Negative (c)0.0070.031
DiversityConsistent (a)0.9260.0701.584
Positive (b)0.9250.073
Negative (c)0.9410.189
D6 (N = 1,277)AccuracyConsistent (a)0.0100.04023.600***a > c; b > c
Positive (b)0.0100.041
Negative (c)0.0020.016
DiversityConsistent (a)0.9410.0512.779*
Positive (b)0.9390.052
Negative (c)0.9290.230

Notes: *p < 0.1, **p < 0.05, ***p < 0.001; ANOVA = analysis of variance, SD = standard deviation, M = mean



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Funding: This research was supported by the Industrial Technology Innovation Program (20009050) and the Ministry of Trade, Industry & Energy (MOTIE, Korea).

Corresponding author

Qinglong Li can be contacted at:

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