(2015), "Retraction notice", Disaster Prevention and Management, Vol. 24 No. 5.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Retraction notice
Article Type: Retraction notice From: Disaster Prevention and Management, Volume 24, Issue 5.
The publishers of the journal Disaster Prevention Management wish to retract the article "Four major disaster occurrences and the Spanish language media: a lack of risk communication" by Abraham Benavides which was published in Volume 22, Issue 1, 2013. It has come to our attention that a large proportion of this article is copied and previous case studies are drawn upon without attribution, from an earlier article authored by Abraham Benavides and Sudha Arlikatti entitled "The Role of the Spanish-Language Media in Disaster Warning", which was published in the Journal of Spanish Language Media, Volume 3, 2010. The submission guidelines for Disaster Prevention Management make it clear that articles must be original. The publishers of the journal and Abraham David Benavides sincerely apologise to both the readers and the original authors.