Serious gaming to explore and investigate disaster recovery gaps
The purpose of this study is to understand the potential of serious gaming as an imaginative and creative method to collect data in disaster studies that address key concerns such as extractive research, power inequalities, and bridging the theory-practice gap in exploring post-disaster recovery.
Novel serious gaming approach deployed to connect theory-practice by identifying and co-analysing post-disaster recovery gaps in a workshop setting.
The serious game has value in bridging theory-practice divides, identifying and exploring gaps/solutions in post-flood recovery, and serving as a novel social science research approach for disaster studies.
Practical implications
Outlining a dialogic approach to knowledge construction between academics, practitioners, policymakers and community voices on post-disaster recovery.
Social implications
Fostering collaboration and knowledge construction on post-disaster recovery gaps across stakeholders is valuable in improving disaster resilience strategies that benefit communities affected by disasters.
The paper proposes a creative and co-developed serious game method of data collection for disaster studies.
We would like to thank those who have been part of the project and supported through facilitation and advice over its duration including Pip Betts, Vicky Saunders, Amy Richardson, Nick Mallinder, Edward Brookes, Sam Ramsden, Hiatt Jackson, David Ovuakporie, Ross Langthorp, Bella Yerikho, Diane Mangan, Liz Kennett, Mary Debenham, our Advisory Board members, and of course everyone who has played the game during piloting and in the workshop itself.
Forrest, S.A., De Ita, C., Smith, K., Davidson, G. and Amen-Thompson, P.E. (2024), "Serious gaming to explore and investigate disaster recovery gaps", Disaster Prevention and Management, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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