Goodair, C. (2013), "Round up", Drugs and Alcohol Today, Vol. 13 No. 4.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Round up
Article Type: Round up From: Drugs and Alcohol Today, Volume 13, Issue 4
E-Shot Bulletin – highlights the latest alcohol research evidence, reports, media articles and resources on a monthly basis (
Alcohol-related mortality in deprived UK cities: worrying trends in young women challenge recent national downward trends research has shown a marked increase in alcohol-related mortality among women in their 30s and 40s, contrary to the recent overall picture of falling numbers of deaths in England and Scotland.
Published in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health the study found that a disproportionate rise in alcohol-related deaths occurred among the generation of women born in the 1970s, compared with all other age/sex birth cohorts (health,
The impact of London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games on alcohol-related illness and injury.
Final report: a report published by the Centre for Public Health says the 2012 London Olympics had no significant impact on alcohol related harms. The authors state that “the findings can be used in the future to support the use of interventions such as restricted advertising and controlled pricing strategies in event planning” (
Status report on alcohol and health in 35 European countries 2013 – a three part report from WHO looking at consumption and harm; policy responses; and actions to reduce alcohol-related harm by country and year from 2006 to 2012 (
Drug misuse: findings from the 2012 to 2013 crime survey for England and Wales – annual publication from the Home Office which looks at the extent and trends in illicit drug use among 16-59-year-old residents in households in England and Wales (
Coffee shops and compromise: separated illicit drug markets in the Netherlands – recounts the story of Holland's drug policy and the impact it has had upon drug use and health (
Lack of effectiveness of testing programmes – a critical report into global sport drug testing highlights failures in all aspects of the anti-doping system and recommends wide-scale reform (;
Talking to your Children about… Legal Highs and Club Drugs: A Parent's Handbook – contains detailed information about new psychoactive substances and advises parents how to talk with their children about legal highs and how to keep them safe (
World Drug Report 2013 The World Drug Report presents a comprehensive overview of the latest developments in drug markets. It covers production, trafficking, consumption and the related health consequences (
Psychoactive Substances – A Guide to Ethnobotanical Plants & Herbs, Synthetic Chemicals, Compounds and Products (
Action on smoking and health – new and updated fact sheets on smoking and cancer; smoking and mental health; use of e-cigarettes in Great Britain (www://
Smoking cessation in pregnancy – a report by a coalition of baby charities, campaigners, leading academics and health experts, that sets out recommendations for commissioners, providers, royal colleges, government bodies, training organisations and third sector organisations to reduce the prevalence of smoking during pregnancy (www://
The Smokefree Action Coalition is a group of organisations committed to promoting public health and are committed to reducing the harm caused by tobacco more generally (
Videos, web sites and other media
New Directions 2013: FEAD videos on “alcohol and the family” and more (
Alcohol Health Network resources and advice on alcohol aimed at those in companies and public health teams working to reduce alcohol harm – in workplaces and in local communities (
Why I changed my mind on weed explores issues relating to medical marijuana from a US perspective (
We need to talk about London's club drug problem – a conversation with Dr Owen Bowden-Jones, the founder of the Club Drug Clinic, an NHS service at the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital in London, about his work with users of ketamine, cocaine, ecstasy and legal highs (
Christine Goodair
Compiled by Christine Goodair, who is Past Chair of SALIS, The International Organisation for Substance Abuse Librarians and Information Specialists.