Small highly saturated interior permanent magnet- synchronous machines (IPMSMs) show a very nonlinear behaviour. Such machines are mostly controlled with a closed-loop cascade control, which is based on a d-q two-axis dynamic model with constant concentrated parameters to calculate the control parameters. This paper aims to present the identification of a complete current- and rotor position-dependent d-q dynamic model, which is derived by using a finite element method (FEM) simulation. The machine’s constant parameters are determined for an operation on the maximum torque per ampere (MTPA) curve. The obtained MTPA control performance was evaluated on the complete FEM-based nonlinear d-q model.
A FEM model was used to determine the nonlinear properties of the complete d-q dynamic model of the IPMSM. Furthermore, a fitting procedure based on the nonlinear MTPA curve is proposed to determine adequate constant parameters for MTPA operation of the IPMSM.
The current-dependent d-q dynamic model of the machine models the relevant dynamic behaviour of the complete current- and rotor position-dependent FEM-based d-q dynamic model. The most adequate control response was achieved while using the constant parameters fitted to the nonlinear MTPA curve by using the proposed method.
The effect on the motor’s steady-state and dynamic behaviour of differently complex d-q dynamic models was evaluated. A workflow to obtain constant set of parameters for the decoupled operation in the MTPA region was developed and their effect on the control response was analysed.
Garmut, M., Steentjes, S. and Petrun, M. (2023), "Parameter identification for MTPA control based on a nonlinear d-q dynamic IPMSM model", COMPEL - The international journal for computation and mathematics in electrical and electronic engineering, Vol. 42 No. 4, pp. 846-860. https://doi.org/10.1108/COMPEL-09-2022-0331
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2022, Mitja Garmut, Simon Steentjes and Martin Petrun.
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1. Introduction
Small interior permanent magnet- synchronous machines (IPMSMs) with high power-to-weight ratios behave very nonlinear, due to the slotting effect, permanent magnets, cross coupling, cross saturation and very saturated magnetically nonlinear iron core (Hadžiselimović et al., 2007; Liu et al., 2016). As such machines are generally controlled by using linear closed-loop cascade control, which is based on the constant concentrated parameter d-q dynamic model, adequate control parameters have to be identified (Rafaq and Jung, 2020; Zhu et al., 2021; Lu et al., 2022). Different complexity levels with different dependencies of the d-q models were evaluated by Pouramin et al. (2015), Stumberger et al. (2003), Michalski et al. (2019) and Weidenholzer et al. (2013).
The discussed effects can be simulated by using a finite element method (FEM) model, which was the basis for developing a complete current- and position-dependent nonlinear d-q dynamic model (Fontana and Bianchi, 2020; Müller et al., 2022). This model was composed of various terms and dependencies, which model different nonlinear effects. By evaluating each of those effects, we analysed which of the terms and dependencies have a significant influence on the machine’s behaviour in respect to speed control. The simplest model that models the essential dynamic behaviour of the complete d-q dynamic model was chosen for the parametrization of the maximum torque per ampere (MTPA) cascade control (Li and Wang, 2019; Dianov et al., 2022; Fontana and Bianchi, 2020).
In the presented analysis, the IPMSM was operated on the MTPA curve below base speed, where the MTPA curve obtained from the full nonlinear model was chosen to be the reference for control parameter identification. The proposed control parameter set was extracted based on the inductance maps by using the constant parameter MTPA equation, where curve fitting to the reference MTPA curve was performed. This set of parameters was tested using a MTPA control implementation and compared with two different sets of constant parameters that were chosen arbitrarily. Also, an array set of inductances that were extracted from the nonlinear MTPA line and were dependent on the current was used for the control. The dynamic performance of the four parameter sets was compared and analysed.
The aim of this paper was a systematic analysis of discussed influences through step-by-step reduction of the complexity of the dynamic model. This gives a deeper understanding of the behaviour of the machine and highlights the effects that are important to consider for speed control of the IPMSM. The paper presents how to determine adequate constant concentrated parameters of the d-q dynamic model for control in the MTPA operation and highlights the effect of different constant parameter sets on the dynamic behaviour of the control.
2. Theoretical background
2.1 IPMSM d-q dynamic model
The complete current-and position-dependent d-q dynamic model is presented in this section. The motion is described by:
2.2 Reduced model’s parameter identification
Three different parameter dependencies were constructed. Firstly, the dependencies of
In the second step, the average values of Ψd*, Ψq and Te with respect to θ were considered to calculate current-dependent incremental inductances Li (id, iq) and apparent inductances La (id, iq). The torque was defined as Te (id, iq). With this data, 2D and 3D LUTs were generated. In the third approach, Li and La were considered current and position independent, whereas Te was calculated according to:
All other parameter values, such as R, J, kf, kC, p and Ψmd, were assumed constant. A simulation was constructed in Simulink, by using equations (1) and (2) in combination with adequate LUTs. The model’s inputs were ud, uq and T1, whereas the outputs were id, iq, Te and θ and the phase currents ia, ib and ic. In the third approach, equation (3) was used to determine the torque instead of the LUTs.
2.3 Overview of reduced models
By using the three presented approaches, five models were developed, equipped with specific features, terms and dependencies. Table 1 presents all five models, where M1 was the complete current- and rotor position-dependent d-q FEM-based reduced-order dynamic model. The complexity of reduced models was decreasing, where M5 was the simplest dynamic model with the constant parameters.
To evaluate the steady-state performance of the models, the motion equation (1) was neglected and the electrical angular velocity
The higher harmonic content of M1, M2 and M3 was similar to the FEM model, which is presented in Figure 2 and Figure 3 when comparing the THD (ia) and the torque ripple waveform of the three models versus the reference FEM results. By those metrics, M1 models the nonlinearities of the FEM model the most accurate. Furthermore, M4 and M5 had almost identical result of the current ia and torque Te in discussed comparison, as the steady-state id and iq of M4 were used for obtaining the constant inductances of M5. The higher harmonics in M4 and M5 were very low, and there was no torque ripple, as the output was the mean torque. The difference between the rms(ia) of FEM and M4 or M5 was 0.04%, where the difference between the avg(Te) between FEM and M4 or M5 was 0.3%, which was in both cases negligibly small.
2.4 Operation of reduced models
The dynamic behaviour and steady-state values at different OPs was compared between M1, M4 and M5. In this analysis, the motion equation (1) was included, where OP1 was simulated by applying a load torque T1 = 1 p. u. and voltage ud = −0.6 p. u., uq = −0.9 p. u. The operation was then changed to OP2 at 0.5 s with a load torque T1 = 0.75 p. u. and to OP3 at 1.5 s with T1 = 1.25 p. u. In Figure 4, the angular velocity ω and current id, iq response to the change of the OPs are presented.
The stationary and dynamic behaviours of M1 and M4 in all three OPs were very similar for the current id, iq and angular velocity ω response as presented in Figure 4. Steady-state values between the two models differ by less than 1%, as presented in Table 2. Only M5 displays very different current id, iq and angular velocity ω values and response for OP2 and OP3 compared with M1 (Table 2). The current id was 145% higher in the case of M5 compared with M1 in OP3, which accounted for the biggest difference.
M4 includes the current dependency of the apparent La (id, iq) and incremental inductances Li (id, iq); consequently, those dependencies play a major role when modelling essential dynamic behaviour of the machine, for synthesis of the discussed cascade control. In Figure 5, the incremental inductance maps dependent on the current id and iq of M4 are presented. On the maps, the discussed OPs are marked, and the values of the inductances are presented in Table 3.
The nonlinear and significant change of the inductances in different OPs has a major impact on the machine’s behaviour and cannot be neglected and assumed constant. For example, the incremental inductances change in the q-axis from OP2 to OP3 for 26.6%. This also explains why M5 with constant parameter performed so different in OP2 and OP3 compared with the M4 and M1, as the parameters were identified based on the OP1. Therefore, the current dependency of the inductance was critical for the further development of control algorithms and must be considered. We can conclude that the position dependency, the terms
2.5 Control parameter identification for MTPA control
A closed-loop cascade speed control was implemented for controlling the machine, which is based on constant parameters in the control algorithm (Dianov et al., 2022). Proportional integral (PI) controllers were used for the speed and current control, and decoupling was added between the d- and q-axis voltage-balance equations. Feedforward MTPA control was implemented (Morimoto et al., 1994; Rahman and Dwivedi, 2019). By using the presented implementation, the machine was operated only on the MTPA curve and below base speed.
For determining the constant inductance parameters, the M1 and M4 MTPA curves were extracted; however, they resulted in identical curves, as presented in Figure 6. To obtain the parameters for M5, curve fitting was performed on the reference M4 MTPA curve data, by using the MTPA equation:
The next step was to find the adequate inductance difference
Besides the parameter set (Lq,a and Ld,a), referred to as set 3 (S3) and identified with the discussed method, two additional sets were determined for comparison reasons. The first set S1 was determined from the OP2, and the second set S2 was randomly chosen on the reference M4 MTPA curve (not with respect to the adequate
S1: apparent inductances from the OP2: Lq,a = 77.47 µH and Ld,a = 46.70 µH;
S2: random apparent inductances from the M4 MTPA curve: Lq,a = 82.90 µH and Ld,a = 38.25 µH; and
S3: apparent inductance fitted to the M4 MTPA curve: Lq,a = 78.95 µH and Ld,a = 38.70 µH.
Finally, a vector parameter set (S4) of the apparent inductances was evaluated. The apparent inductances according to the reference M4 MTPA curve as a function of the total current
S4: Lq,a (i) and Ld,a (i).
All four parameter sets are presented on the apparent inductance map in Figure 8, where the change of the Lq,a and Ld,a can be observed according to the current change.
3. Results
The evaluation of the control parameters was performed based on M1 and an implementation of the cascade feedforward MTPA speed control algorithm. The apparent inductances were included in the following control parameters:
time constant of current d- and q-axis PI regulator;
time constant of speed PI regulator;
decoupling; and
MTPA control algorithm under base speed.
All other control parameters were assumed constant. The analysis of implemented control was performed using the following profile: first, the machine was started up to the reference angular velocity ωref and load torque T1. When a steady-state operation was achieved, the load torque T1 was increased. The control operation was described by:
The responses of currents id, iq and the angular velocity ω were analysed. Figure 9 shows the current id, iq responses, and Figure 10 shows the angular velocity ω responses of the controlled machine for all four parameter sets.
The responses were stable in all four cases, and the reference angular velocity ωref was achieved. When evaluating the current responses in Figure 9, different dynamic responses between the models were observed. For the further analysis, the following performance indicators were calculated:
Ms – steady-state value;
ts – settle time;
e% – relative overshoot;
integral square error or
, where e (t) is the difference to the steady-state value; andintegral absolute error or
For all four parameter sets and for two load torques T1 applied, the performance indicators were calculated, as presented in Table 4. The least adequate control performance was achieved with S1, where the performance indicators were the highest almost in all cases. When comparing just the constant parameter sets, S3 that was calculated by fitting the reference M4 MTPA curve outperformed S1 and S2. The settling time ts of S2 and S3 had similar values, whereas S1 in the case of id and T1 = 1.25 p. u. did not reach the steady-state value. When comparing the S4 response with the S3 response, it performed better in the case of the current response in the d-axis id, where the angular velocity
When analysing the steady-state currents id and iq shown in Table 4 of the S4 current-dependent parameters, they produce at all load torques T1, the optimal nonlinear MTPA point, as expected, as the M4 and M1 MTPA curves align perfectly, as shown in Figure 6. The biggest difference of id and iq to the M4 MTPA values was observed for the parameters of S1, where in the case of id and T1 = 0.75 p. u., the difference was 38%. The lowest difference at T1 = 0.75 p. u. of id and iq to the M4 MTPA values was observed for the parameters of S2. The lowest difference at T1 = 1.25 p. u. of id and iq to the M4 MTPA values was observed for the parameters of S3. This was because both parameter sets of S2 and S3 give different MTPA approximations and were closer to the nonlinear MTPA curve of model M1 in different OPs, defined by the load torque T1. Constant parameters for control purposes must be chosen according to a criterion, as the results showed that the two arbitrarily chosen parameter sets S1 and S2 performed worse compared with S3. The criterion chosen in these analyses was to fit the nonlinear M4 MTPA curve with constant inductances. Adequate results can be also achieved with a vector set of the inductances changing with respect to the current along the MTPA curve.
4. Conclusion
The nonlinear FEM model was used to extract the inductance matrices Li, La and position derivatives of the flux linkages
Model complexity reduction from Model 1 to Model 5
Model | Model features |
M1 | Defined by equations (1) and (2), parameters were dependent on θ, id and iq. Torque LUT - Te (id, iq, θ) |
M2 | M1 neglecting cross-saturation terms, i.e. Ldq,i (id, iq, θ) and Lqd,i (id, iq, θ) |
M3 | M2 neglecting term
M4 | M3 neglecting
M5 | M4 with constant parameters that were operation point specific. Torque was defined by equation (3) |
Steady-state values and the relative difference to M1 of M4 and M5 for all three OPs
Quantity | OP1 | OP2 | OP3 | ||||||
M1 | M4 | M5 | M1 | M4 | M5 | M1 | M4 | M5 | |
ω (p. u.) | 1.3567 | 1.3510 | 1.3535 | 1.8475 | 1.8487 | 1.8368 | 1.058 | 1.0605 | 0.9235 |
Rel. diff. to M1 | / | 0.42% | 0.24% | / | −0.07% | 0.58% | / | −0.24% | 12.7% |
id (p. u.) | −0.692 | −0.689 | −0.687 | −1.099 | −1.095 | −1.164 | −0.240 | −0.247 | 0.110 |
Rel. diff. to M1 | / | 0.47% | 0.83% | / | 0.39% | −5.94% | / | −2.81% | 145.6% |
id (p. u.) | 0.639 | 0.643 | 0.642 | 0.484 | 0.484 | 0.452 | 0.890 | 0.890 | 0.997 |
Rel. diff. to M1 | / | −0.59% | −0.39% | / | 0.10% | 6.66% | / | −0.03% | −12.1% |
Inductance values at OP1, OP2 and OP3 for M4
Operation points | M4 | |||||
id (p. u.) | iq (p. u.) | Ld,a (µH) | Lq,a (µH) | Ld,i (µH) | Lq,i (µH) | |
OP1 | −0.689 | 0.643 | 44.16 | 81.91 | 47.24 | 68.72 |
OP2 | −1.095 | 0.484 | 46.70 | 77.47 | 46.64 | 71.85 |
OP3 | −0.247 | 0.890 | 38.57 | 78.04 | 39.50 | 52.71 |
Dynamic response performance indicators of S1, S2, S3 and S4
Quantity | S1 | S2 | S3 | S4 | ||||
T1 = 0.75 p. u. | T1 = 1.25 p. u. | T1 = 0.75 p. u. | T1 = 1.25 p. u. | T1 = 0.75 p. u. | T1 = 1.25 p. u. | T1 = 0.75 p. u. | T1 = 1.25 p. u. | |
id [p. u.] − Ms | −0.86 | /(−0.209) | −0.118 | −0.276 | −0.109 | −0.257 | −0.139 | −0.254 |
iq [p. u.] − Ms | 0.563 | 0.892 | 0.555 | 0.873 | 0.557 | 0.879 | 0.551 | 0.880 |
ω [p. u.] − Ms | 0.943 | 0.943 | 0.943 | 0.943 | 0.943 | 0.943 | 0.943 | 0.943 |
id [p. u.] − ts | 0.22 | / | 0.13 | 0.067 | 0.12 | 0.062 | 0.11 | 0.054 |
iq [p. u.] − ts | 0.18 | 0.20 | 0.11 | 0.48 | 0.11 | 0.045 | 0.11 | 0.052 |
ω [p. u.] − ts | 1.56 | 0.16 | 0.1 | 0.037 | 0.1 | 0.034 | 0.10 | 0.045 |
id − e% | 452.07 | 159.65 | 407.69 | 121.67 | 404.12 | 108.26 | 212.72 | 43.42 |
iq − e% | 112.49 | 18.87 | 118.17 | 15.43 | 117.63 | 12.54 | 122.39 | 18.02 |
ω − e% | 1.95 | 1.72 | 0.74 | 0.14 | 0.76 | 0.10 | 1.20 | 0.47 |
id – ISE | 10.36 | 2.77 | 13.09 | 1.01 | 10.99 | 0.71 | 4.92 | 0.19 |
iq −ISE | 32.68 | 1.85 | 29.56 | 0.84 | 30.63 | 0.83 | 33.54 | 1.13 |
ω −ISE | 3.56 105 | 642.64 | 3.49 105 | 397.8 | 3.47 105 | 359.16 | 3.53 105 | 497.90 |
id – IAE | 1.03 | 0.57 | 0.93 | 0.16 | 0.86 | 0.14 | 0.58 | 0.08 |
iq −IAE | 1.68 | 0.42 | 1.42 | 0.14 | 1.44 | 0.13 | 1.50 | 0.18 |
ω −IAE | 132.26 | 6.67 | 126.53 | 3.39 | 126.29 | 3.09 | 128.43 | 3.52 |
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This work was supported by the Slovenian Research Agency (ARRS) under Project P2-0115 and Project J7-3152.
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About the authors
Mitja Garmut received his MSc degree in electrical engineering from the University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia, in 2020. He is currently working as a researcher at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Maribor. His current research interests include optimization, modelling and control of electrical machines in the electromagnetic, thermal and mechanical fields.
Simon Steentjes received the Diploma and Dr Ing. degrees in electrical engineering from RWTH Aachen University, Germany, in 2011 and 2017, respectively. He has been a research associate and the group leader of the Institute of Electrical Machines (IEM), RWTH Aachen University, from 2011 to 2018. He is currently leading the Electric-Motor-Development Group with Hilti Entwicklungsgesellschaft GmbH, Kaufering. His research interests include hard- and soft-magnetic material modelling, iron-loss calculation, effects of material processing and thermal effects in electrical machines.
Martin Petrun received his BSc and PhD degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Maribor, Maribor, Slovenia, in 2010 and 2014, respectively. He is currently working as a researcher and an associate professor at the University of Maribor. His current research interests include modelling of dynamic phenomena inside soft magnetic materials as well as modelling and control of electrical and electromechanical converters and power electronics.