Aspects of project learning in construction: a socio-technical model
The purpose of this paper is to determine the measurement constructs of learning within construction projects' milieu. The literature indicated some mechanisms of learning in projects under four aspects, namely knowledge sharing, knowledge creation, team action to learn, and learning support. The empirical study attempts to verify whether intra-project learning can be measured through these aspects.
The study used a survey method to collect the data from 36 mega-sized building projects in Malaysia. In total, 203 questionnaires were collected from professionals working in the sites of these projects. The data were analysed using principal component analysis (PCA) to determine the constructs of intra-project learning. Partial least squares-path modeling was used then to confirm the results of PCA and determine the contribution of each construct to intra-project learning.
The results affirmed two constructs of intra-project learning, named, social and technical and each consisted of four indicators of learning.
The paper emphasized the socio-technical perspective of learning and contributed to developing a hierarchical measurement model of learning in construction project. A project manager can propose new initiatives in response to the new perspective of learning for team building and continuous development. Lastly, the paper provides a comprehensive presentation of how to estimate the hierarchical measurement models of project learning as a latent variable.
This research was supported by the Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS), Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia (Project Number FP022-2011A).
Mohammed Alashwal, A. and Abdul-Rahman, H. (2014), "Aspects of project learning in construction: a socio-technical model", Construction Innovation, Vol. 14 No. 2, pp. 229-244.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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