A hybrid of state regulation and self-regulation for remuneration governance in Australia
This paper aims to explore an alternative approach to regulation for addressing governance problems relating to director and executive remuneration in publicly listed firms. The author investigates the development of hybrid regulatory framework, composed of state regulation and self-regulation, for remuneration governance in Australia.
The synthesis of constructs borrowed from agency and institutional theories and its contextual analysis examines the effectiveness of formal (state regulation) and informal (self-regulation) institutions for the development of a hybrid of regulation. Thereafter, the author examines the impact of hybrid regulation on remuneration disclosure behavior in Australia.
The author finds that improvement in disclosure is primarily driven by the establishment of remuneration committees and separate role of chief executive officer (CEO) and chairperson but weakened by the presence of CEO at remuneration committee and presence of remuneration consultant.
Global crises have called for greater transparency and protection of investors through state regulation alone. However, corporate governance, being a social practice that is shaped by diverse interests, calls for a holistic approach. A useful contribution of this study is that through an in-depth examination into the stages and actors of the government interventions involving the balancing of tension between conflicting forces, it provides insights for developing an effective regulatory hybrid which has greater acceptance for corporate governance. In conclusion, it implies the significance of priming the social arena through active engagement of diverse market forces prior to introducing state regulation.
Riaz, Z. (2016), "A hybrid of state regulation and self-regulation for remuneration governance in Australia", Corporate Governance, Vol. 16 No. 3, pp. 539-563. https://doi.org/10.1108/CG-10-2015-0133
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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