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The influence of board policy setting on firm performance in Malaysia: the interacting effect of capital structure

Saleh F.A. Khatib (Faculty of Management, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia and Faculty of Business, Sohar University, Sohar, Oman)
Dewi Fariha Abdullah (Faculty of Management, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor, Malaysia)
Hamzeh Al Amosh (College of Accounting Sciences, University of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa)

Corporate Governance

ISSN: 1472-0701

Article publication date: 25 March 2024

Issue publication date: 27 August 2024




The literature has dealt with the relationship between board characteristics (BC) and firm performance (FP) on a large scale. However, it yielded inconsistent results. Thus, this paper aims to examine the indirect relationship between BC and FP through the mediating role of the capital structure (CS).


This study used a sample of 528 non-financial companies listed on Bursa Malaysia from 2015 to 2019. Also, a two-step system generalised method of moments estimation technique was applied.


The results show that board diversity and the frequency of board meetings positively affect financial performance, and it is negatively influenced by board turnover, size and independence. Also, the results indicate a positive relationship between the independence of the board and all CS variables. Importantly, the findings support the policy-setting role of the board of directors where CS (measured by total debt and short-term debt) suppresses some governance mechanisms’ detrimental effect on FP. Hence, the board of directors, apart from the monitoring function, introduce various policies (financial and non-financial) that enhance the overall performance of companies.


These results are consistent with the agency’s perspective that management practices in selecting the optimal capital reduce agency costs and improve performance. The findings contribute to developing a broader theoretical framework that accounts for the policy-setting role of the board of directors. The current study model of corporate governance offers insight for policymakers into the role of corporate governance other than monitoring functions in organisations and how CS should be taken into consideration with corporate governance and FP association.



Khatib, S.F.A., Abdullah, D.F. and Al Amosh, H. (2024), "The influence of board policy setting on firm performance in Malaysia: the interacting effect of capital structure", Corporate Governance, Vol. 24 No. 6, pp. 1360-1383.



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