Historical high prices and seasoned equity offerings: evidence from China
We are the first to investigate the relationship between seasoned equity offerings (SEOs) and anchoring on historical high prices in China.
We use the ratio of the recent closing price to its historical high in the previous 12–60 months (anchoring-high-price ratio) to study its impact on the market timing of SEOs.
Empirical results show that the anchoring-high-price ratio significantly and positively affects the probability of additional stock issuances. Contrary to the USA market, the Chinese stock market reacts negatively to the SEOs at historical highs. Moreover, the anchoring-high-price ratio exacerbates the negative effect of announcements and leads to long-term underperformance. Finally, we investigate the impact of the anchoring-high-price ratio on a company’s capital structure, showing that the additional issuance anchoring on historical highs reduces the company’s leverage ratio in the long run. Overall, our findings support the anchoring theory and can help understand better the anchoring behavior of managers and the company’s decision on additional stock issuances.
We are the first to use the anchoring-high-price ratio to study the timing of SEOs. We find that the anchoring-high-price ratio positively affects the probability of SEOs. Unlike the USA, the Chinese stock market reacts negatively to SEOs at high prices. SEOs anchoring on historical highs reduce a firm’s leverage ratio in the long run. Finally, our results support the anchoring theory.
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to three anonymous reviewers and Editor Wu for their valuable comments and suggestions, which greatly improved the clarity and academic quality of our paper. This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 72371208, 72073109 and 72071162] and by the Liberal Arts and Social Sciences Foundation of the Chinese Ministry of Education (No. 21XJC790003).
Xia, Y. and Guo, S. (2024), "Historical high prices and seasoned equity offerings: evidence from China", China Finance Review International, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/CFRI-10-2023-0259
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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