Do investors care about carbon emissions? Evidence based on stock return co-movement with machine learning-augmented data
This paper represents the first attempt to examine investor behavior for green stocks through the lens of return co-movement, and provides evidence indicating that green investment practices have gained traction after 2012.
We empirically test the hypotheses that the stock returns of firms with similar carbon dioxide emissions levels move together and, if so, whether this co-movement has increased over time as people become more “carbon-conscious.” Our baseline sample, based on carbon emissions data from public company disclosures, suffers from limited coverage, particularly before 2016, leading to low statistical power and sample selection bias. To address this, we employ machine learning methodologies to forecast the carbon emissions of firms that do not disclose such information, nearly quadrupling the sample size. Our findings indicate that stocks with similar carbon emissions exhibit higher co-movement in stock returns in both the baseline and augmented data samples. Furthermore, this co-movement has increased during the 2012–2020 period compared to the 2004–2011 period, suggesting that green investment has gained traction over time.
We find that stocks with similar carbon emissions exhibit higher co-movement in stock returns in both the baseline sample and the augmented data sample, and the co-movement has increased in the 2012–2020 period compared to the 2004–2011 years, suggesting that green investment has gained traction over time.
(1) We use machine learning methodology to augment carbon emissions sample which goes back to 2004. Our approach almost quadruples the original data, enabling large-sample testing. (2) We are the first paper to examine how green companies' stock returns co-move and thus provide complementary results on the research on expected returns and carbon emissions.
Li, L.S. and Zhao, Y. (2024), "Do investors care about carbon emissions? Evidence based on stock return co-movement with machine learning-augmented data", China Finance Review International, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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