Guest editorial: Circular economy in the agri-food, tourism and hospitality industries in the post-pandemic era

Vera Amicarelli, Christian Bux, Mariantonietta Fiore

British Food Journal

ISSN: 0007-070X

Article publication date: 2 January 2024

Issue publication date: 2 January 2024



Amicarelli, V., Bux, C. and Fiore, M. (2024), "Guest editorial: Circular economy in the agri-food, tourism and hospitality industries in the post-pandemic era", British Food Journal, Vol. 126 No. 1, pp. 1-12.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2023, Emerald Publishing Limited

1. Introduction

The agri-food, hospitality and tourism sectors are under pressure due to trade tensions, increased weather risks and high production costs (). On the production side, it should be remarked that the ra population growth has forced food industries to produce foods at a high pace () and foodservices to dispense high quantities of food to meet the human needs, also unhealthy ones (; ). On the consumption side, consumers are unaware of the unsustainability of their diets, and the tourism has been forced to adapt globalized food and dietary trends for travelers all around the world (; ), with critical impacts under the environmental perspective.

It results that crops production for human consumption generates about 21% of the entire greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, estimated at 2.8 GtCO2eq (). In terms of food waste, it results that about 931 Mt of food are thrown away from agricultural production to consumption, including industrial transformation and distribution (; ). The approximate carbon footprint is estimated at 3.3 GtCO2eq, and households and foodservices are responsible for about 50% of such an amount (). Considering the tourism sector, it is estimated that a hotel guest generates each day more than 1 kg of solid waste, which is doubled on checkout days (; ), and over one-third is represented by still edible food.

In 2015, the United Nations have introduced the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) either to preserve and safeguard environment (e.g. “climate action”), local realities (e.g. “industry, innovation and infrastructure”) or social communities (e.g. “sustainable cities and communities”), still guaranteeing industrial development and economic growth. The SDGs aim at ending hunger, achieving food security, improving nutrition and promoting sustainable agriculture (Goal 2), as well as at ensuring sustainable consumption and production patterns (Goals 12) (). In addition, considering the high impacts that food production and consumption has on the environment, the SGDs ask for an urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts (Goal 13). To this extent, national and international realities have implemented plans and strategies to tackle global warming and pursue sustainable development. Among others, the European Green Deal and the Farm to Fork Strategy (), which aim at making food systems fair, healthy and environmentally friendly, but also the New Circular Economy Action Plan (), which promotes circular economy processes, encourages sustainable consumption and aims at ensuring that waste is prevented, and the resources are kept in the economy for as long as possible.

Soon after the COVID-19 pandemic, which has imposed several variations in the agri-food industry in terms of food manufacturing, storage and distribution, changing at the same time food access, food consumption and food waste behavior (; ), several strategies (e.g. eco-design, extended producer responsibility, consumer education, renewable energy sources) to reduce resource consumption and waste generation have been implemented. Recent studies have demonstrated that circularity and sustainability play a role in resiliency during crises (), since these strategies reduce the dependency on virgin materials and help shift from a carbon-based energy system to a renewable one (). Specifically, the Next Generation EU, also known as Recovery Fund or Recovery Plan, has been approved to sustain the European member states soon after the pandemic. It is a 750-billion-euro package, which aims at allowing a green, ecological and inclusive transition by promoting the circular economy, the development of renewable energy sources and a more sustainable agriculture, as well as an organic waste valorization (i.e. waste-to-energy, waste-to-bioproducts). In the field of the circular economy and the waste management (i.e. Mission 2, so-called “Green revolution and ecological transition), the plan includes interventions to enhance the separate collection networks, the material treatment and the recycling plants by developing infrastructures and facilities of organic waste. However, the current global market faces several challenges and barriers under financial, managerial and labor perspective ().

The Special Issue “Circular economy in the agri-food, tourism and hospitality industries in the post pandemic era” was conceived to collect scientific contributions on circularity and sustainability strategies in the agri-food, hospitality and tourism sectors. The guest editors have selected transversal and multidisciplinary researches dealing with circular economy strategies in the achievement of SDGs, either in the agri-food (i.e., farms, food manufacturing companies, food retailers) hospitality (i.e., restaurants, hotels) or tourism as a service (i.e., wine tourism, industrial tourism, mountain tourism, food tourism). Such contributions addressed relevant managerial strategies in the field of waste management, plastic minimization, food waste reduction, energy savings, water consumption efficiency, biodiversity protection, transportation efficiency and compliance with standards and certifications, focusing on sustainable consumers' and travelers' behavior, attitude and perception. The Special Issue has included review papers and case studies, applying qualitative or quantitative methodologies, and proposing novel strategies and proposals to enhance industrial symbiosis, circular experiences and reduce (or re-use) waste. illustrates the key findings from the papers included in the Special Issue, whereas identifies the conclusions and the future research directions.

2. Overview of the papers included in the Special Issue

The Special Issue has collected cross-cutting contributions from June 01, 2022 to December 31, 2022 for an amount of 26 contributions. summarizes the published articles according to the authors, the article type, the investigated sector (i.e. agri-food, hospitality, tourism) and the keywords. Specifically, the agri-food sector encompasses different stages of the supply chain, from agricultural production to industrial processing, distribution and household consumption, whereas hospitality includes hotels, restaurants, canteens and hospitals processing and consumption. On the other hand, tourism includes sector-specific areas, such as wine-tourism, industrial tourism, mountain tourism, food tourism.

In terms of bibliometric data, the Special Issue accounts for 100 contributing authors, whose affiliation is in Italy (63%), United Kingdom (7%), Spain (6%), Brazil (6%), India (4%), Sweden (3%), Poland (3%), Bulgaria (3%), Romania (1%), Serbia (1%), Norway (1%), South Africa (1%) and Switzerland (1%). As regards the article type, 23 are research papers and 3 are general reviews, and the research papers adopt both qualitative and quantitative methods, such as questionnaire surveys to collect data or statistical models to analyze them (e.g. multivariate statistical methodologies).

In addition, the guest editors have synthesized the contributions according to a co-word analysis (), which investigates the co-occurrences of keywords and identified the relationships and interactions among different subject areas, by using the VOSviewer software. Considering that the unit of analysis has been the variable “keyword”, the minimum number of keywords occurrence has been two times. illustrates the network visualization, in which the size of the label and the circle of an item is determined by the weight of the item, namely the higher the weight of the item, the larger the label and its circle. Furthermore, the color of the different items represents the clusters to which the item belongs. In the light of the VOSviewer clusters and soon after an in-depth analysis of the 26 contributions to the Special Issue, several research trends have been depicted. On the one hand, the Special Issue includes qualitative and quantitative studies related to digitalization, social media, consumers' behavior, industrial, wine and mountain tourism and systematic and critical reviews on the food sector or the aquaculture. On the other hand, it includes quantitative studies related to the assessment of circular and sustainable indicators and the environmental impact assessment (i.e. carbon footprint).

According to their aims and scope, the articles have been classified into three research areas, as follows: (a) circular economy and sustainable strategies in the agri-food sector (17 contributions); (b) circular economy and sustainable strategies in the hospitality industry (five contributions); and (c) circular economy and sustainable strategies in tourism (four contributions).

2.1 Circular economy and sustainable strategies in the agri-food sector

have provided a systematic literature review on the themes of blue economy and aquaculture, defining them as challenging issues to achieve sustainable growth and circular economy. The authors have investigated the growing interest payed by public authorities and researchers on the blue economy and the aquaculture over 20 years. The research argues the need to adopt business model innovation, collaborative approaches and technological exploration. In addition, it suggests policymakers to pursue the renewal of strategic guidelines towards new regulations and highlight the role of blue economy and aquaculture as promising fields in scientific research.

The purpose of the article proposed by is to investigate factors motivating upcycled food choices and to assess the association between these factors and the hesitancy toward upcycled food consumption in Sweden. The results, coming from a survey among 682 respondents, which distinguish between “inclined” and “hesitant” consumers, highlight that the most important upcycled food choice factor are ethical concerns, natural content, sensory appeal, price, healthiness, familiarity and impression. As a main finding, the authors suggest food developers and researchers to identify choice factors that encourage or discourage upcycle food consumption to improve their acceptability among consumers.

In the field of eco-efficiency and communication to stakeholders of the environmental value, have investigated the circular economy communications and the stakeholder dialogic engagement with circular economy posts published by European agri-food companies on Twitter during the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose of the research is to explore the use of social media as a dialogic tool to activate circular economy engagement and involve all supply-chain actors toward the circular transition. Although quite limited to generic concepts such as “recycling” and “general circular economy”, agri-food companies show a high level of engagement through social media, but social posts should be less informative and more interactive, as to attract more consumers, arise the debate and drive for the rethinking process of the agri-food business community.

Considering the importance of the Next Generation EU, also known as Recovery Fund or Recovery Plan, analyze the relationship between the domains of the SDGs and the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) in Italy, focusing on the Mission 2 on “Green revolution and ecological transition” and on the statistical indicators related to the M2C1 component on “Circular economy and sustainable agriculture”. Through the use of multivariate statistical methodologies, the authors define the NRRP as an essential opportunity for boosting circular economy solutions and sustainable waste management, as well as to strengthening the infrastructures for separate collection and waste treatment in Italy.

Under a holistic perspective on the entire agri-food supply chain, have identified the most manageable groups of risks in the agri-food sector, as to ensure the smooth operation toward circular supply chains. Through the use of a multi-criteria decision-making model, which integrates the best-worst method and the comprehensive distance-based ranking method, the authors identify three main risks, namely products features, logistics and managerial risks.

The role of consumers is essential to pursue sustainable and healthy purchasing behavior. In this context, have profiled consumers with regard to the palm oil consumption, with the purpose to better understand if the presence of this ingredient in biscuits can truly influence consumers' food purchase intention and if consumers care more about the nutritional or the environmental aspects. Through a questionnaire administered among 243 participants in Italy, the research has highlighted the presence of three kinds of consumers, namely: (1) consumers sensitive to cost savings but trying to privilege palm-oil free foods; (2) brand-loyal consumers, which purchase branded foods even if they contain palm oil and (3) health sensitives consumers, for which the presence of palm oil profoundly affects the purchasing choice.

has analyzed and measured the best practices toward a “green” food retail sector in Romania, also considering the purpose of the European Union to become a zero-net greenhouse gas emission country. The study is based on a desk research on the green-related information outlined on the food retailers' websites and in their published sustainability reports. It highlights that food retailers are concerned about becoming carbon neutral through waste reduction, energy and water savings, biodiversity protection and transportation efficiency. Furthermore, food retailers are concerned about their proper and continuous monitoring.

In the post-pandemic scenario, which is characterized by changes in food consumption and food delivery, have investigated, through a quantitative research, the impact of the pandemic on online food delivery in Italy and Poland. The purpose of the research is to understand whether, under a consumer perspective, consumers consider online food delivery as affecting on the environment and on food waste. Specifically, the research highlights that online food delivery may impact negatively on the environment and on food waste generation, but consumers do not have a full knowledge on the issue.

Among the different strategies developed by the European Commission to pursue sustainable development, the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) has been analyzed by . Specifically, the CAP is defined as a “partnership between agriculture and society, and between Europe and its farmers” and its goals regard the maintenance of rural areas and the landscapes across Europe, as well as the maintenance of the rural economy alive by promoting jobs in farming, agri-food industries and associated sectors. In addition, the CAP aims to mitigate and adapt climate change, including the reduction of greenhouse gases emission, the improvement of carbon sequestration, the promotion of sustainable energy and the reduction of chemicals dependency. In the article, the authors assess whether the current European target to increase the areas under organic farming to 25% by 2030 is attainable and whether the simple increase in areas under organic farming may be sufficient to improve the sustainability of agriculture in Europe.

On the side of consumers' behavior, have investigated how consumers' food purchasing habits changed during the COVID-19 pandemic in Italy, with the aim to understand if traditional aspects, health consciousness and environmental concerns can influence and change food products' purchase after the pandemic. By analyzing data collected among 622 consumers, the research reveals that health consciousness and traditional aspects, such as culinary traditions, local ingredients usage and products' origin attention, can optimize consumers' purchasing intention after the pandemic.

In the context of the circular economy monitoring, have identified the barriers that hinder the circular economy in the wine industry in Bulgaria by proposing a preliminary circular economy index for raking, in order of importance, the barriers for providing a suitable and replicable model at the local level. By adopting a Fuzzy AHP methodology based on six main barriers and 19 sub-barriers, the article highlights that training and education, as well as environmental barriers, are the most important, whereas economic barriers have a low impact toward circularity. Among the sub-barriers, the most significant are the lack of consumer awareness, the unclear taxation and the lack of digital trends.

On the more general concept of climate change and its direct impact on companies, has applied a scenario analysis to provide companies and stakeholders in the agri-food sector with forward-looking measurers and narratives on the current economy. The purpose of the articles is to develop an independent, wide and rigorous literature review on the topics of scenario analysis and climate change. The results highlight the prevalent use of quantitative instruments to measure circularity and their limitations, whereas it appears that qualitative instrument for climate change assessment are residual.

The definition of circular economy emphasizes the concept of end-of-life and the importance of intervening in waste management either at micro, meso or macro-level. have evaluated the potential of a bio-district as a model for applying the circular economy concerning the waste scope, with the purpose to understand the capability of organic farms to manage waste with a circular perspective. Moreover, the researchers have applied indicators that directly or indirectly measure the waste scope, testing a tentative new indicator, namely the “Potential Energy Biomass Recovery”, which measures the farm’s potential to produce energy from waste.

On a laboratory scale, have investigated unripe carob pod as a source of antioxidant molecules useful in the eco-friendly synthesis of a gelatin conjugate. Through the use of eco-friendly strategies, such as ultrasound-assisted extraction, low temperatures and eco-friendly solvents, the authors have evaluated that the green approach allows for the achievement of extracts with remarkable antioxidant properties due to the presence of phenolic moieties. Moreover, gelatin conjugate represents a useful material to prepare gummies with rheological and antioxidant performances over time.

have investigated the role of digitalization in facilitating the integration of circular economy principles within small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) operating in the agri-food sector, with the purpose of exploring the evidence and the effects emerging from the adoption of digital technologies in a SME, which carries out an entirely digitized closed-loop hydroponic cultivation. The research highlights the role of digitalization toward the optimization of the use and consumption of natural resources and the minimization of waste during the production stage. Moreover, digitalization triggers a complex mechanism of interaction between various firm factors, market dynamics and forms of institutionalization.

Based on the assumption that an adequate vegetable consumption is fundamental to a healthy balanced diet and to tackle climate change, have identified factors predicting acceptance of vegetable dishes by young adults, with the purpose to present a roadmap to be used for dish development and healthful marketing.

Last, have investigated the views of Italian aquaculture production among students, with specific regards to their perspectives as future operators of the sector and on the application of circular economy strategies. In terms of results, the authors contribute to the scientific and institutional debate on how to accelerate the aquaculture’s circular transition, highlighting the need to develop appropriate knowledge and information systems, as well as training programs to enable students to be prepared for future challenges.

2.2 Circular economy and sustainable strategies in the hospitality industry

In the light of the international outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, which has fostered the Italian government to impose the FFP2 protective facial masks in food industries and foodservices (e.g., restaurants, bars, etc.), have evaluated the carbon footprint of the FFP2 protective masks toward the identification of sustainable manufacturing and circular reuse strategies. The research highlights that the production of the masks, as well as their disposal, are the main impacting steps, followed by packaging and transportation, and possible strategies to reduce the environmental impacts associated with FFP2 masks are the reuse with sanitization and the search for new materials.

have evaluated specific circular economy issues in relation to the hospitality sector, with regards to the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic and considering its impact on the hospitality SMEs in the United Kingdom and on their circular economy activities. The research highlights that hospitality SMEs consider circular economy activities as a mean for achieving financial efficiency, even if such strategies require considerable costs. Moreover, it develops the resource bricolage theory to identify potential advantages for SMEs to engage with local communities and pursue mutual benefits, both for companies and for the municipalities.

On the side of consumer choice in the post-pandemic scenario, have explored the Generation Z’s behavior, considering it as one of the most important segments in the hospitality and tourism sector. Specifically, the authors deepen the factors that may influence future accommodation choices among 221 tourists, emphasizing that young travelers are positively influences by the information provided by institutional and verifiable sources, by more flexible purchase terms, by digital payments and structure features, such as cleanliness, sanitization, digitalization and sustainability.

In considering that the hotel industry is one of the leading producers of waste worldwide and that over one-third is composed of food, have investigated hotel managers' awareness of sustainable and circular practices, focusing on their attitude and perception of food waste in Southern Italy. The research has estimated that the greater the number of starts, the higher the sustainability of hotels, by the greater the number of rooms, the lower the attitude towards sustainable food waste management strategies.

Last, have investigated the relationship between sustainability practices and the degree of innovation in the service provided by restaurants in Ecuador. The purpose of the research is to identify restaurant segments in relation to sustainable practice-based service innovation, with the aim to raise awareness and train managers and staff. The study has carried out a segmentation analysis by applying the CHAID algorithm from 300 questionnaires completed by restaurants owners.

2.3 Circular economy and sustainable strategies in tourism

The wide concept of tourism includes articles published on sector-specific areas, such as wine-tourism, industrial tourism, mountain tourism, food tourism. Specifically, have analyzed the positive effect of wine tourism on the green performance of Spanish wineries, as well as the mediating role of green intellectual capital and the moderating effect of circular economy practices developed by wineries. Moreover, the research considers other variables, such as age, size and protected designation of origin membership.

In the field of mountain tourism, have assessed the role of authenticity of local food in contributing to tourism as an ecosystem service the Alagna Valsesia destination, namely a small mountain destination in North-West of Italy. Through a mix method approach based on the computer assisted web interview (CAWI) and the paper and per interview (PAPI) methodologies among managers and tourists, the research highlights that authenticity, tradition and local food can contribute to support cultural tourism.

The industrial tourism has been defined as “visits to sites that enable residents and tourists to learn about a region’s operational activities through visits to, and tours of, active business and corporate museums founded by companies with a long history strongly rooted and/or typical in the area, as well as producers of cultural foods, and sometimes bearers of status symbols such as typical products”. In this context, have analyzed the opportunities and potential of industrial tourism for the agri-food companies in the post-pandemic scenario. On the basis of the results of a case study, the research highlights that industrial tourism in agri-business allows for a nexus between companies and local areas and can strengthen sustainable strategies and choices for organizations and customers, such as sustainable business tours as a mean of attractiveness for travelers.

have reviewed and categorized the body of existing research to better understand the state of food tourism, with the objective to identify emerging themes in the areas of food tourism and to highlight the relationships among them. Moreover, the research provides insights in the field of sustainability, food waste management, environment and technological innovation in food tourism.

3. Conclusions and future research directions

The Special Issue “Circular economy in the agri-food, tourism and hospitality industries in the post pandemic era” has collected 26 articles on circularity and sustainability strategies in the agri-food, hospitality and tourism sectors, distinguishing between: (1) 17 contributions investigating the agri-food sector as a whole, from the agricultural production to the industrial processing and the distribution and retail stage; (b) five contributions related to the hospitality industry, both in hotels and restaurants; and (c) four contributions addressing to the tourism sector, with regards to wine industrial, mountain and food tourism. Although the research in the field of circularity and sustainability in the agri-food has increased in recent years, both in terms of natural resource consumption and waste minimization, it results that still some efforts to enhance research in the hospitality and in tourism industry are required. Specifically, additional studies related to the measurement and quantification of the circularity should be implemented, also in the light of the novel technical standards on the measurement of circularity (e.g. UNI/TS 11820:2022) and the increasing contributions related to the application of indicators.

The concepts of circular economy and sustainability appear still fragmented and complex to be interpreted by practitioners in the agri-food, hospitality and tourism sector. Future research directions should be addressed at bridging circularity measurement gaps identified in literature and at identifying a harmonized system of indicators and tools to enhance circular economy. The current Special Issue, although limited to the results achieved, should be interpreted as a framework related to the economic, environmental and social issues, which gravitate around the agri-food, hospitality and tourism sector.


Network visualization through the VOSviewer software

Figure 1

Network visualization through the VOSviewer software

Published articles according to authors, article type, investigated sector and keywords

No.ReferenceArticle typeAFHOTOKeywords
1General reviewX Aquaculture, systematic literature review, blue economy
2Research paper X Materials, carbon footprint, food sector, SARS-COV-2, FFP2 facial mask, sanitization
3Research paperX Upcycled food, waste to value food, value-added surplus food, food choice motives, upcycled food acceptability
4Research paperX Circular economy, agri-food industry, stakeholder dialogic engagement, social media, pandemic and post-pandemic era
5Research paper X Hospitality, circular economy, COVID-19, sustainability
6Research paperX Strategic marketing, circular economy, totally fuzzy and relative
7Research paperX Agri-food, supply chain, circular economy, MCDM, grey BWM, grey COBRA
8Research paper XWine tourism, green performance, circular economy, green intellectual capital, Spain, wine industry
9Research paperX Palm oil, food, food marketing, sustainable consumption, consumers
10Research paperX Food retail, green practices, best practices, circular economy, Romania
11Research paperX Online food delivery, sustainability, food waste, purchasing attitudes, COVID-19 pandemic, quantitative method
12Research paper X Generation Z, COVID-19 pandemic, travel, hospitality, tourism, behavior
13Research paperX Agriculture, sustainability, organic farming, common agriculture policy
14Research paperX Agri-food products, purchase intention, COVID-19, traditional aspects, health consciousness, environmental concerns
15Research paperX Circular economy, wine sector, barriers, sub-barriers, fuzzy AHP, Bulgaria
16General reviewX Scenario analysis, climate change, data mining, multivariate analysis, quantitative and qualitative research, mixed approach
17Research paperX Waste management, food loss and waste, circular economy, indicator, bio-district, agri-food
18Research paper XAlagna Valsesia, local heritage, authenticity, mountain tourism, local food, water
19Research paper XLiving tourism industry, entrepreneurial tourism, business tours, post-pandemic, destination management, attractivity
20Research paperX Unripe carob pod, eco-friendly processes, antioxidant, circular economy, functional gummy
21General review XFood tourism, systematic literature review, tourism and hospitality industry, research agenda
22Research paperX Circular economy, agrifood sector, digital technologies, digitalization, case study
23Research paper X Circular economy, sustainable development, food waste management, hotel industry, managerial behavior
24Research paperX Vegetable consumption, young adults, health belief model, sustainability, hospitality circular economy
25Research paper X Service innovation, sustainability practices, restaurants, segmentation, Latin America, Ecuador
26 X Circular economy, aquaculture, future operators, perspectives, methodology

Note(s): AF. = agri-food; HO. = hospitality; TO. = tourism


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