Unveiling the missing innovation – an actor–network theory analysis of regulatory efforts towards universal design
The purpose of this paper is to study and analyse challenges in a regulatory innovation process in the field of accessibility and universal design (UD) practice. The study takes its starting point in a Danish regulatory initiative concerning innovation in building regulations. The aim of the initiative was to facilitate a new approach, which acknowledges human diversity to a greater degree than is the case with the traditional accessibility approach that relies on prescriptive requirements.
The actor–network theory perspective of translation is employed to analyse the process and the complexity of the network of elements involved in the efforts to develop a new approach. The analysis is grounded in a qualitative survey, including semi-structured interviews, with respondents from architectural firms and respondents from local building authorities (municipalities) of their experiences with the building regulations and their way of working with accessibility or UD. The analysis concerned the following questions: 1) Which actors were intended to be enrolled in the network of an initiative about UD innovation? and 2) What factors contributed to the failure of the efforts of the building sector to develop innovative UD solutions?
The findings show that none of the actors involved succeeded with an innovation solution. Lack of knowledge about UD, accessibility, and the low status of the subject together with tight economy and the anticipation of expensive solutions, prevented the architectural firms and building surveyors from embracing innovative solutions. Based on the findings, the discussions reflect on the implications for the future adoption of UD in future policymaking.
Looking into the complexity of an innovative initiative, this paper contributes to the field of regulation concerning universal design.
The initial study was supported/commissioned by the Danish Authority of Social Services and Housing. We extend our gratitude to Stefan Christoffer Gottlieb for discussing the conceptualization, to Annette Bredmose, for conducting interviews with ten municipalities, and to Neel Gøbel Andersen, for providing the templates for the figures.
Grangaard, S. and Lygum, V.L. (2024), "Unveiling the missing innovation – an actor–network theory analysis of regulatory efforts towards universal design", Archnet-IJAR, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print. https://doi.org/10.1108/ARCH-04-2024-0163
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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