(2014), "Special Issue on Audit Quality", Asian Review of Accounting, Vol. 22 No. 1.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Special Issue on Audit Quality
Article Type: Call for papers From: Asian Review of Accounting, Volume 22, Issue 1.
Guest Editors:
Dr Jian Zhou, University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA
Dr Nen-Chen Richard Hwang, California State University San Marcos, USA
Audit quality is one of the most commonly studied and discussed issues in accounting and auditing literature. With the changes in regulations and operational environment, high profile frauds as well as audit failures in the past decade, audit quality remains a critical issue that needs to be further explored. The aim of this special issue is to enhance our understanding of audit quality by publishing theoretical, empirical, behavioral, and literature review papers. Studies that can highlight the effect of the regulatory differences or uniqueness of
operational environment on audit quality are encouraged.
Possible topics include, but are not limited to the following issues:
Audit independence and audit quality
Audit fees and audit quality
Audit firm/auditor expertise and audit quality
Audit committee connectedness and audit quality
Auditor choice and auditor switches
Audit judgment and objectivity
Corporate governance and audit quality
Fraud risk assessment and fraud detection
Legal regimes, auditor sanctions and audit quality
Peer reviews and audit quality.
The submission deadline is January 15, 2015 and the accepted papers are expected to be published at the end of 2015. Submitted papers should not have been published or in the review process of another journal. The format of the paper needs to follow the guidelines of the Asian Review of Accounting. All the papers need to be submitted through the submission system and specify that the paper is for the special issue in the cover letter.
If you have any questions, please contact the Guest Editors:
Dr Jian Zhou at mailto:jianzhou@hawaii.eduand Dr Richard Hwang at