Three-dimensional trans-Sasakian manifolds and solitons

Sudhakar Kumar Chaubey, Uday Chand De

Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences

ISSN: 1319-5166

Open Access. Article publication date: 5 April 2021

Issue publication date: 11 January 2022




The authors set the goal to find the solution of the Eisenhart problem within the framework of three-dimensional trans-Sasakian manifolds. Also, they prove some results of the Ricci solitons, η-Ricci solitons and three-dimensional weakly symmetric trans-Sasakian manifolds. Finally, they give a nontrivial example of three-dimensional proper trans-Sasakian manifold.


The authors have used the tensorial approach to achieve the goal.


A second-order parallel symmetric tensor on a three-dimensional trans-Sasakian manifold is a constant multiple of the associated Riemannian metric g.


The authors declare that the manuscript is original and it has not been submitted to any other journal for possible publication.



Chaubey, S.K. and De, U.C. (2022), "Three-dimensional trans-Sasakian manifolds and solitons", Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 28 No. 1, pp. 112-125.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2021, Sudhakar Kumar Chaubey and Uday Chand De


Published in the Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) licence. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this licence may be seen at

1. Introduction

Let the product manifold M~=M×, known as an almost Hermitian manifold, possesses an almost complex structure J and the product metric G, where M is a (2n+1)-dimensional almost contact metric manifold [] and , a real line. In 1980, Gray and Hervella [] characterized the 16 classes of almost Hermitian manifolds and hence listed many classes of M, such as Sasakian structure, quasi-Sasakian structure, Kenmotsu structure and many structures. During the classification of M~ there appeared a class 4, which is close to the locally conformal Kaehler manifold. In view of the structure in the class 4 on M~, there exists a class of almost contact metric structure, known as trans-Sasakian structure, which generalizes the Sasakian and Kenmotsu structures. The trans-Sasakian structure of type (α,β) coincides with the class C6C5, where α and β are some smooth functions on M. A trans-Sasakian structure of type (0,0), (α,0) and (0,β) is said to be a cosymplectic structure, α-Sasakian structure and β-Kenmotsu structure, respectively. Since then, many geometers characterized the geometrical properties of (2n+1)-dimensional trans-Sasakian manifolds. A trans-Sasakian manifold is said to be proper if α and β are nonzero. There was a natural question “Up to which dimension, the proper trans-Sasakian manifold exists”? Marrero [], in 1992, gave an affirmative answer of this question. He proved that a trans-Sasakian manifold of dimension 5 is either a cosymplectic manifold, or an α-Sasakian manifold or a β-Kenmotsu manifold. Since then, the study of three-dimensional trans-Sasakian manifolds attract the researchers. For more details, we refer [] and the references therein.

The Eisenhart problem of finding the parallel tensors (symmetric and skew-symmetric) is an important subject in the differential geometry and its allied areas. In 1923, Eisenhart showed that if a positive definite Riemannian manifold admits a second-order parallel symmetric covariant tensor other than a constant multiple of the metric tensor, then it is reducible []. In Ref. [], Levy presented that a second-order parallel symmetric nondegenerate tensor in a space form is proportional to the metric tensor. The Eisenhart problems of finding the properties of second-order parallel tensors have been locally studied by Eisenhart and Levy, whereas Sharma [] has solved the same problem globally on complex space form. Since then, many geometers studied the Eisenhart problems on different geometrical structures. For some deep results on this topic, we recommend [] and the references therein.

A Ricci flow:


introduced by Hamilton [] on a Riemannian manifold M, is used to solve the celebrated Poincaré conjecture [] and differentiable structure theorem (extension of Hamilton’s sphere theorem) []. It has applications in the string theory, thermodynamics, general relativity, cosmology, quantum field theory, etc. Also, the uniformization theorem and geometrization conjecture can be solved with the help of Ricci flow. Here g and S are the Riemannian metric and the Ricci tensor of M, respectively. Let the Ricci flow be governed by a one parameter family of diffeomorphisms and scalings, then its solution is known as a Ricci soliton. A Ricci soliton (g,V,λ) on an n-dimensional Riemannian manifold M is an extension of Einstein soliton, and is defined by

where LV denotes the Lie derivative along the vector field V, called the soliton vector of the Ricci soliton and λ is a real constant. The soliton (g,V,λ) with λ>0,<0,or=0 is said to be expanding, shrinking or steady, respectively.

A Riemannian metric g of a Riemannian manifold of dimension n is said to be an η-Ricci soliton [] if it satisfies the equation

for some λ,μ, where is used for set of real numbers. If we choose λ and μ as smooth functions in the above equations, then the Ricci and η-Ricci solitons are called as almost Ricci and almost η-Ricci solitons, respectively. Many researchers have been studied the geometrical and physical properties of Ricci solitons and η-Ricci solitons. For readers, we suggest to cite [] and the references therein.

The above deep studies motivate us to characterize the three-dimensional trans-Sasakian manifolds whose metrics are almost Ricci solitons and η-Ricci solitons. We also find the solutions of the Eisenhart problems and properties of three-dimensional weakly symmetric trans-Sasakian manifolds. We bind up our work with a nontrivial example of three-dimensional trans-Sasakian manifold.

2. Basic results of trans-Sasakian manifolds and some definitions

A triplet (φ,ξ,η) on a (2n+1)-dimensional differentiable manifold M is said to an almost contact structure on M if it satisfies

for the identity transformation I. Here φξ,η and denote a vector field of type (1,1), a vector field of type (1,0), a 1-form and tensor product, respectively. The manifold M equipped with the structure (φ,ξ,η) is known as an almost contact manifold []. From , we deduce
If M admits a Riemannian metric g such that
for all X1,X2X(M), where X(M) represents the collection of all smooth vector fields of M, then it is known as an almost contact metric manifold. Additionally, if M holds the following relation for the smooth functions α and β,
which gives
for all X1,X2X(M), then M is said to be a trans-Sasakian manifold of type (α,β) [].

The curvature tensor R of a three-dimensional trans-Sasakian manifold satisfies [

for all X1,X2,X3X(M), where X1(α)=g(X1,gradα) and grad stands for gradient. Contracting the above equation along the vector field X1, we find

Setting X3=ξ in Eqn and making use of and , we lead

which takes the form

Also, from we have


Next, it can be easily verified that M satisfies

which assumes the form
Here r, Q, S and R represents the scalar curvature, Ricci operator, Ricci tensor and the curvature tensor of the manifold, respectively.

The notion of quasi-conformal curvature tensor on a Riemannian manifold was introduced by Yano and Sewaki The quasi conformal curvature tensor C~ on a (2n+1)-dimensional trans-Sasakian manifold is defined by

for all X1,X2,X3X(M), where a and b are constants. In particular, if we take a=1 and b=12n1 then the quasi-conformal curvature tensor reduces to the Weyl-conformal curvature tensor C [], defined by
for all X1,X2,X3X(M). A trans-Sasakian manifold is said to be quasi-conformally (conformally) flat if C~=0 (C=0).

In 2011, Mantica and Molinari [] introduced the notion of generalized tensor on a semi-Riemannian manifold, and is defined by

where ϕ is some smooth function. The choice of ϕ=rn shows that the generalized tensor reduces to the classical tensor. The deep results of tensor have been noticed in [].

A three-dimension trans-Sasakian manifold M is said to be weakly symmetric [] if the nonvanishing tensor satisfies

for all X1,X2,X3X(M), where A,BandD are 1-forms. The weakly symmetric manifold with ϕ=0 becomes a weakly Ricci symmetric manifold, introduced by Tamássy and Binh [] within the context of Riemannian manifold. A weakly Ricci symmetric manifold with A=B=D=0 is said to be a Ricci symmetric trans-Sasakian manifold.

A trans-Sasakian manifold M is said to be an η-Einstein manifold if its nonzero Ricci tensor S satisfies

where a and b are some smooth functions on M. Particularly, if we choose b=0 and a is constant in the above equation, then we get the Einstein manifold.

3. Second-order parallel symmetric tensor on three-dimensional trans-Sasakian manifolds

Let δ be a symmetric tensor of type (0,2), then it is said to be parallel with respect to if δ=0. This equation together with Ricci identity X1,X22δ(X3,X4)X1,X22δ(X4,X3)=0 give


Setting X1=X4=ξ in Eqn and making use of and , we obtain


Again changing X3 with ξ in the above equation and using and , we have

provided α2β2ξ(β)0. Differentiating Eqn covariantly along the vector field X1, we infer

Replacing X2 with X1ξ in Eqn and then using the foregoing equation in , we find


In consequence of Eqns and , the above equation assumes the form


Changing X1 with φX1 in Eqn and then using and , we conclude that


We suppose that α and β are nonzero and α±β on M, then from and we lead to


This fact together with reflect that X3δ(ξ,ξ)=2δ(ξ,ξ)g(X3ξ,ξ)=0. Since X3 is an arbitrary vector field of M and therefore δ(ξ,ξ) is constant on M. Hence we are in position to state the following:

Theorem 3.1.

A second-order parallel symmetric tensor on a three-dimensional trans-Sasakian manifold is a constant multiple of the associated Riemannian metric g. In other words, the almost contact metric on a regular three-dimensional trans-Sasakian manifold is irreducible.

Next, we consider that the regular three-dimensional trans-Sasakian manifold is Ricci symmetric, that is, S=0, and therefore from we obtain S=S(ξ,ξ)g. In view of , and , we conclude that S(ξ,ξ)=2{α2β2ξ(β)}. Thus, we have


This shows that the three-dimensional Ricci symmetric trans-Sasakian manifold is an Einstein manifold, provided α2β2ξ(β) is nonzero. Thus we state:

Corollary 3.2.

Every three-dimensional regular Ricci symmetric trans-Sasakian manifold M is an Einstein manifold, provided the ξ-sectional curvature tensor of M is non-zero.

Particularly, if α=1, β=0 and α=0, β=1 then the trans-Sasakian manifolds reduce to the Sasakian and the Kenmotsu manifolds, respectively. Hence, we can state:

Corollary 3.3.

Every three-dimensional Ricci symmetric Sasakian (or Kenmotsu) manifold is Einstein.

For a three-dimensional Kenmotsu manifold, has been proved by De and Pathak [].

If possible, we suppose that the three-dimensional trans-Sasakian manifold (M,g) is Ricci symmetric and therefore it satisfies . Hence we have


This equation together with reflect that

which is equivalent to
(3.8) X1(β)+φX1(α)=ξ(β)η(X1)
for all vector field X1 on M. This tell us the following lemma.

Lemma 3.4.

Every three-dimensional Ricci symmetric trans-Sasakian manifold satisfies ξ(β)ξ=gradβφ(gradα).

If we take α=0 and β0 (or α0 and β=0), then the trans-Sasakian manifold reduces to β-Kenmotsu (or α-Sasakian) manifold. Thus from , we have the following corollary.

Corollary 3.5.

A three-dimensional Ricci symmetric β-Kenmotsu (or α-Sasakian) manifold holds the relation grad(β)=ξ(β)ξ (or φ(gradα)=0).

Let the three-dimensional trans-Sasakian manifold be Ricci symmetric, then it satisfies . In consequence of and , we have

for all vector fields X1, X2 and X3 on M. If {ei}i=13 denotes a set of orthonormal vector fields of M, then for X1=X2=ei, 1i3, assumes the form

In consequence of and , we find that


This shows that the trans-Sasakian manifold M of dimension three possesses a space of constant scalar curvature α2β2ξ(β).

Next, we suppose that M has a space of constant scalar curvature α2β2ξ(β) and therefore holds on M. The contraction of along the vector field X1 gives and we have


The covariant derivative of gives S=0, provided α2β2ξ(β)=constant. Thus we can state:

Theorem 3.6.

A three-dimensional trans-Sasakian manifold M is Ricci symmetric if and only if it is a space of constant scalar curvature α2β2ξ(β).

Again from , we can state the following:

Corollary 3.7.

A three-dimensional Ricci symmetric Kenmotsu manifold is locally isometric to the hyperbolic space 3(1).

Corollary 3.8.

A Ricci symmetric Sasakian manifold of dimension three is locally isometric to the sphere S3(1).

In the light of , and , we conclude that C~=0. This shows that M is quasi-conformally flat. Thus, we can say that every three-dimensional Ricci symmetric trans-Sasakian manifold is quasi-conformally flat. From the straight forward calculations, we can easily show that a three-dimensional quasi-conformally flat trans-Sasakian manifold M is not Ricci symmetric. Hence, we have

Corollary 3.9.

A three-dimensional Ricci symmetric trans-Sasakian manifold M is quasi-conformally flat, but the converse is not true.

We suppose that a three-dimensional trans-Sasakian manifold is quasi-conformally flat, that is, C~=0. Hence, from , for a three-dimensional trans-Sasakian manifold, we have

which is equivalent to
provided a0. Changing X1 and X3 with the characteristic vector field ξ in the above equation and then using Eqns , and , we obtain
(3.13) bS(X2,X4)=(r6(a+4b)(a+2b)(α2β2ξ(β)))g(X2,X4)+((a+4b)(α2β2)(a+2b)ξ(β)r6(a+4b))η(X2)η(X4)b{(X2(β)+φX2(α))η(X4)+(X4(β)+φX4(α))η(X2)}.

With the help of and , we find


Since g(φX2,φX4)0 on an almost contact metric manifold, therefore the above equation reflects that either b=a(0) or r=6(α2β2ξ(β)). If b=a and r6(α2β2ξ(β)), then from and , we have C~=aC. This shows that the quasi-conformal and Weyl conformal curvature tensors on a three-dimensional trans-Sasakian manifold are linearly dependent. Next, we assume that a+b0 and r=6(α2β2ξ(β)), then takes the form

(3.14) S(X2,X4)=2(α2β2ξ(β))g(X2,X4)+2(ξ(β))η(X4)η(X2)[{X2(β)+φX2(α)}η(X4)+{X4(β)+φX4(α)}η(X2)].

By considering , , g(φX1,X2)+g(X1,φX2)=0 and the definition of Lie derivative, we conclude that

(3.15) (Lξg)(X1,X2)=g(X1ξ,X2)+g(X1,X2ξ)=2β{g(X1,X2)η(X1)η(X2)}.
From and , we notice that
(3.16) 12(Lξg)(X1,X2)+S(X1,X2)+λg(X1,X2)+μη(X1)η(X2)=2ξ(β)η(X1)η(X2)[(X2(β)+φX2(α))η(X1)+(X1(β)+φX1(α))η(X2)],
where λ=2(β2+ξ(β)α2)β and μ=β. Hence, with help of , and , we can state the following results.

Theorem 3.10.

Let M be a three-dimensional quasi-conformally flat trans-Sasakian manifold, then either M

  1. is conformally flat or

  2. possesses an almost η-Ricci soliton (g,ξ,λ,μ) if and only if ξ(β)ξ=gradβφ(gradα).

In consequence of , we can state the following corollary.

Corollary 3.11.

A three-dimensional quasi-conformally flat trans-Sasakian manifold M with a+b0 possesses the constant scalar curvature.

Again, in view of and , we can state the following:

Corollary 3.12.

The metric of a three-dimensional quasi-conformally flat β-Kenmotsu manifold with a+b0 is an almost η-Ricci soliton (g,ξ,λ,μ) if and only if ξ(β)ξ=gradβ.

Corollary 3.13.

A three-dimensional quasi-conformally flat α-Sasakian manifold with a+b0 admits an almost η-Ricci soliton (g,ξ,λ,μ) if and only if φgradα=0.

Corollary 3.14.

A three-dimensional quasi-conformally flat Sasakian manifold satisfying a+b0 is a shrinking Ricci soliton with λ=2.

Corollary 3.15.

Every quasi-conformally flat Kenmotsu manifold of dimension three with a+b0 possesses an expanding type η-Ricci soliton.

In view of , we can state:

Corollary 3.16.

Suppose a three-dimensional quasi-conformally flat trans-Sasakian manifold M satisfies a+b0. Then M is an η-Einstein manifold if and only if gradβ=φ(gradα).

From , we have λ=2(β2+ξ(β)α2)β. This shows that the almost η-Ricci soliton under consideration is expanding, shrinking or steady if β2+ξ(β)>,<,or=α2+β2, respectively. Thus, we can state:

Theorem 3.17.

Let a three-dimensional quasi-conformally flat trans-Sasakian manifold M satisfies a+b0 and gradβφ(gradα)=ξ(β)ξ. Then the almost η-Ricci soliton (g,ξ,λ,μ) on M is shrinking, expanding or steady if β2+ξ(β)<,>,or=α2+β2, respectively.

With the help of , we can state the following:

Corollary 3.18.

If a three-dimensional quasi-conformally flat β-Kenmotsu manifold M satisfies a+b0 and gradβ=ξ(β)ξ, then the η-Ricci soliton (g,ξ,λ,μ) on M is shrinking, expanding or steady if β2+ξ(β)<,>,or=β2, respectively.

Corollary 3.19.

Suppose a three-dimensional quasi-conformally flat α-Sasakian manifold M satisfies a+b0 and gradα+ξ(α)ξ=0. Then the almost η-Ricci soliton (g,ξ,λ,μ) on M is always shrinking.

Let us suppose that δ1=Lξg+2S, Lξg is parallel and the regular three-dimensional trans-Sasakian manifold is Ricci symmetric. Then in view of Eqns , and , we find

(3.17) δ1(X1,X2)=δ1(ξ,ξ)g(X1,X2),
where δ1(ξ,ξ)=(Lξg)(ξ,ξ)+2S(ξ,ξ)=2(α2β2ξ(β)). In consequence of and , we observe that λ=12δ1(ξ,ξ)=(α2β2ξ(β)). Thus, we discuss our results in the following corollary:

Theorem 3.20.

Let Lξg is parallel on a three-dimensional Ricci symmetric trans-Sasakian manifold M. Then the almost Ricci soliton (ξ,g,λ) on M is shrinking, expanding, or steady if the ξ-sectional curvature of M is positive, negative or zero, respectively.

It is well-known that a three-dimensional trans-Sasakian manifold of type (α,β) reduces to a Sasakian; Kenmotsu or cosymplectic manifolds if α=1,β=0; α=0,β=1 and α=0,β=0, respectively. Thus, we can state the following corollaries.

Corollary 3.21.

If Lξg is parallel on a three-dimensional Ricci symmetric Sasakian manifold M, then the Ricci soliton (ξ,g,λ) on M is always shrinking.

Corollary 3.22.

A Ricci soliton (ξ,g,λ) on a three-dimensional Ricci symmetric Kenmotsu manifold with a parallel vector field Lξg is expanding.

Corollary 3.23.

Suppose Lξg is parallel on a three-dimensional Ricci symmetric cosymplectic manifold M, then (ξ,g,λ) on M is steady.

Now, we define the following definitions as:

Definition 3.24.

A vector field X1X(M) on a Riemannian manifold is said to be an affine Killing vector field if LX1g=0.

Definition 3.25.

A vector field X1X(M) on a Riemannian manifold is said to be a Killing vector field if LX1g=0.

From the and , it is clear that if a vector field is Killing then it is affine Killing, but converse is not, in general, true. Here we prove that the converse is true in a three-dimensional trans-Sasakian manifold, provided α2β2 is nonzero constant.

Let us suppose that X1 is an affine Killing vector field on a three-dimensional trans-Sasakian manifold M, then and reflect that

where c=(LX1g)(ξ,ξ). The covariant derivative of Qξ=[2(α2β2)ξ(β)]ξ along the vector field X1 gives (LX1Q)(ξ)=0 and hence (LX1S)(ξ,ξ)=0, provided α2β2=constant. Also, we have (LX1S)(ξ,ξ)=2S(LX1ξ,ξ)=2[2(α2β2)ξ(β)]g(LX1ξ,ξ). Since (LX1S)(ξ,ξ)=0 and therefore g(LX1ξ,ξ)=0 on M. By considering this fact, we have c=(LX1g)(ξ,ξ)=2g(LX1ξ,ξ)=0. Thus, with the help of , we can say that the vector field X1 is Killing on a three-dimensional trans-Sasakian manifold, provided α2β2 is a nonzero constant. Thus, we can state the following:
Corollary 3.26.

An affine Killing vector field on a three-dimensional Kenmotsu (or Sasakian) manifold is Killing.

It is obvious that the metric tensor g is covariantly constant, that is, g=0, which implies that 2λg=0, where λ is a real constant. This fact together with give (LVg+2S)=0 and therefore reflects that LVg+2S=ag, where a=(LVg)(ξ,ξ)+2S(ξ,ξ)=2λ is constant. Thus we can state:

Corollary 3.27.

A Ricci soliton (g,V,λ) on a three-dimensional trans-Sasakian manifold is expanding, shrinking or steady if a<0,>0 or =0, respectively.

4. Three-dimensional weakly symmetric trans-Sasakian manifolds and Ricci flow

This section is dedicated to study the properties of three-dimensional weakly symmetric trans-Sasakian manifold M. Since the Ricci tensor S and the Riemannian metric g of M are parallel with respect to the Levi-Civita connection, therefore is also symmetric. From , we conclude that

where E=BD0. In view of and , we observe that

Substituting X3=ξ in the above equation, we find


Again, replacing X1 with ξ in and making use of , and , we lead to

provided ϕ+2(α2β2ξ(β))0. Substituting the value of E from Eqn in , we observe that

By considering the above discussions, we can state the following:

Theorem 4.1.

The Ricci tensor of a three-dimensional weakly symmetric trans-Sasakian manifold with BD0 is given by (4).

If possible, we suppose that X1(β)+φX1(α)=0gradβ=φgradα, then equation (4) assumes the form

(4.5) S(X1,X2)=bη(X2)η(X1)+ag(X1,X2),
where b=(2(α2β2)ξ(β)+ϕ)2ϕ+2(α2β2ξ(β))0 and a=ϕ. The above equation shows that the three-dimensional weakly symmetric manifold is an η-Einstein manifold, provided BD and gradβ=φgradα. Thus, we can state the following:

Corollary 4.2.

A three-dimensional weakly symmetric manifold with BD and gradβ=φgradα is η-Einstein.

We know that a weakly symmetric trans-Sasakian manifold with ϕ=0 is a weakly Ricci symmetric trans-Sasakian manifold. Now, we suppose that the weakly Ricci symmetric trans-Sasakian manifold of dimension three satisfies gradβ=φgradα, then turns into the equation

(4.6) S(X1,X2)=rη(X2)η(X1),
where r=b=(2(α2β2)ξ(β))22(α2β2ξ(β))0. It is well-known that a semi-Riemannian manifold is said to be Ricci simple if its nonvanishing Ricci tensor satisfies the relation S=rηη. Thus, we have the following:

Corollary 4.3.

Every weakly Ricci symmetric trans-Sasakian manifold of dimension three with BD and gradβ=φgradα is Ricci simple.

In view of and , we obtain

which shows that the three-dimensional weakly symmetric manifold under consideration is an almost η-Ricci soliton (g,ξ,λ,μ) with λ=ϕβ and μ=βb0. It is obvious that the soliton (g,ξ,λ,μ) is expanding, shrinking or steady if ϕ>,<,or=β, respectively. Thus, we conclude our result as:
Corollary 4.4.

The metric of a three-dimensional weakly symmetric manifold with BD and gradβ=φgradα is an almost η-Ricci soliton. Also, the soliton (g,ξ,λ,μ) is shrinking, expanding or steady if ϕ<,>,or=β, respectively.

Again from and , we have


This reflects that a three-dimension weakly Ricci symmetric trans-Sasakian manifold with BD and gradβ=φgradα is an η-Ricci soliton and λ=β. Thus, we can write the following:

Corollary 4.5.

A three-dimensional weakly Ricci symmetric trans-Sasakian manifold with BD and gradβ=φgradα is an almost η-Ricci soliton.

5. Example of proper three-dimensional trans-Sasakian manifold

Example 5.1.

Let M3={(x,y,z)3:|z|>0} be a differentiable manifold of dimension three with the standard coordinate system (x,y,z) of 3. Define a (1,1)-tensor ϕ on M3 as: φ(ϱ1)=ϱ2,φ(ϱ2)=ϱ1,φ(ϱ3)=0, where ϱ1=z(x+yz),ϱ2=zy,ϱ3=z=ξ are the linear independent vector fields at each point of M3 and therefore it forms a basis of tangent space at each point of M3. Now, if the Riemannian metric g of M3 is defined by g(ϱi,ϱj)=δij, i,j=1,2,3, then we can easily verify that the relations

hold for i=1,2,3 and η(ϱi)=g(ϱi,ϱ3), where η is the 1-form. By the definition of Lie bracket ([X1,X2]f=X1X2(f)X2X1(f) for some smooth function f), we get the following nonzero components of Lie bracket as:

The Koszul's formula along with above results give


By the straightforward calculations, we can write

where α=z22 and β=1z. This shows that the structure (φ,ϱ3,η,g) is a trans-Sasakian structure on M3 and the manifold M3 equipped with (φ,ϱ3,η,g) is a trans-Sasakian manifold with α=z22 and β=1z.


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The authors express their sincere thanks to the referee for his valuable comments in the improvement of the paper. The first author acknowledges authority of University of Technology and Applied Sciences-Shinas for their continuous support and encouragement to carry out this research work.

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Sudhakar Kumar Chaubey can be contacted at:

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