Exact solutions of (1+2)-dimensional non-linear time-space fractional PDEs

Manoj Kumar

Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences

ISSN: 1319-5166

Open Access. Article publication date: 7 June 2022

Issue publication date: 23 January 2024




In this paper, the author presents a hybrid method along with its error analysis to solve (1+2)-dimensional non-linear time-space fractional partial differential equations (FPDEs).


The proposed method is a combination of Sumudu transform and a semi-analytc technique Daftardar-Gejji and Jafari method (DGJM).


The author solves various non-trivial examples using the proposed method. Moreover, the author obtained the solutions either in exact form or in a series that converges to a closed-form solution. The proposed method is a very good tool to solve this type of equations.


The present work is original. To the best of the author's knowledge, this work is not done by anyone in the literature.



Kumar, M. (2024), "Exact solutions of (1+2)-dimensional non-linear time-space fractional PDEs", Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 30 No. 1, pp. 30-42. https://doi.org/10.1108/AJMS-11-2021-0282



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2022, Manoj Kumar


Published in the Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) license. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this license may be seen at http://creativecommons.org/licences/by/4.0/legalcode

1. Introduction

In the past few decades, Fractional Calculus has drawn the attention of many researchers due to its wide applicability in all disciplines. In contrast to ordinary derivatives, fractional derivatives are non-local in nature and carry the past information []. Differential equations of fractional orders have become an essential tool to understand real-life problems. It has been established that fractional order partial differential equations (FPDEs) provide an appropriate framework for the description of anomalous and non-Brownian diffusion. They are more effective while developing processes having memory effects []. Recently, various models such as fractal foam drainage model [], Klein-Gordon model [], a fractal model for the soliton motion [] and so on in micro-gravity space have been discussed. The fractal Schrödinger system using the fractal derivatives has been studied in references [].

Several analytic approximate and numerical methods have been developed to solve fractional differential equations and FPDEs in the literature. For solving linear-differential equations transform methods such as Laplace transform [], Fourier transform [], Mellin transform [], fractional Fourier transform [], natural transform [], Sumudu transform [], Elzaki transform [], Differential transform [], Jafari transform [] and so on are useful. Further, several decomposition/iterative methods such as Adomian decomposition [], homotopy perturbation [], Daftardar-Gejji and Jafari [], variational iteration [] and so on are developed to solve linear/non-linear FPDEs that give solutions in terms of convergent series. Moreover, these methods have become popular as they do not involve discretization and are free from rounding off errors. Furthermore, various hybrid methods i.e. combinations of integral transform and decomposition/iterative methods such as iterative Laplace transform [], fractional Laplace homotopy perturbation transform [], homotopy perturbation Sumudu transform [], Sumudu decomposition [], Laplace decomposition [], Laplace homotopy analysis [], homotopy perturbation transform [], etc. have proven to be quite effective. In 2016, Wang and Liu [] introduced a hybrid method known as Sumudu transform iterative method (STIM). STIM is a combination of Sumudu transform and the Daftardar-Gejji and Jafari method (DGJM). Besides, it is observed that DGJM with Sumudu transform requires less computational time to solve non-linear fractional models as compared to the traditional methods, and gives more accuracy. In this paper, we extend STIM along with its error analysis for solving general (1+2)-dimensional time-space FPDEs. Moreover, the utility and efficiency of STIM is demonstrated by solving various non-trivial examples.

The organization of this paper is as follows: In , the author gives some basic definitions, properties of fractional calculus and Sumudu transform. In , the author develops STIM for (1+2)-dimensional time-space FPDEs, whereas its error-analysis is presented in . In , the author solves various non-linear (1+2)-dimensional time-space FPDEs. Finally the author draws conclusions in .

2. Preliminaries

Useful definitions and properties of fractional calculus and Sumudu transform are presented here.

Definition 2.1.

Mittag-Leffler function with one parameter μ is defined as

(1) Eμ(z)=k=0zkΓ(μk+1),Re(μ)>0,zC.
Whereas the Mittag-Leffler function with two parameters μ and ν is defined as
(2) Eμ,ν(z)=k=0zkΓ(μk+ν),Re(μ)>0,z,νC.

Definition 2.2.

Caputo partial fractional derivative of order μ > 0 with respect to the variable t, of w(t, x, y) is defined as



  1. If μ = m, where m is a positive integer then

  1. The Caputo derivative of one parameter Mittag-Leffler function is


Note that we consider the fractional partial derivatives mνw(t,x,y)xmν and pγw(t,x,y)ypγ, where m,pN as the sequential fractional derivatives [] i.e.

Definition 2.3.

The Sumudu transform (ST) over the set of functions D={ϕ(t)|L,θk>0,k=1,2 such that|ϕ(t)|<Le|t|/θk if t(1)k×[0,)} is defined as


The Sumudu transform of the power function tμ is

Definition 2.4.

The inverse Sumudu transform (IST) of F(ρ) is denoted by ϕ(t), and is defined by the following integral:


Inverse Sumudu transform of ρμ is

Definition 2.5.

Sumudu transform of a time-fractional Caputo derivative of order μ > 0 of a real valued function w(t, x, y), where m1<μm,mN is defined as

(5) Sμw(t,x,y)tμ=ρμS[w(t,x,y)]k=0m1ρμ+kkw(0,x,y)tk.

3. Sumudu transform iterative method (STIM) for (1+2)-dimensional time and space FPDEs

In this section, the author extends STIM [] to solve (1+2)-dimensional time-space FPDEs.

Consider the following general non-linear time-space FPDE in (1+2)-dimensional (l,m,n,p,qN):

where μ ∈ (l − 1, l], ν ∈ (n − 1, n], γ ∈ (q − 1, q] and w is a function of three variables t, x, y and Fx,y,w,νwxν,,mνwxmν,γwyγ,,pγwypγ a known non-linear operator. Taking ST on both sides of and simplifying, we get

Taking IST of , we get


is of the following form

in which g(x, y) is a known function and N a known non-linear operator. The author applies DGJM to solve , in which the solution is expressed in terms of the following infinite series
where wi are calculated recursively. According to DGJM the non-linear operator N is decomposed as

Using in , we get


Thus, the author defines the recursive relation to calculate wis,i{0}N as follows:

Note that the k − term STIM approximate solution of is: w(t, x, y) ≈ w0 + w1 + ⋯ + wk−1.

4. Error analysis

The author presents the error analysis of the proposed method by proving the following theorem.

Theorem 4.1.

Let N be a non-linear operator form a Hilbert space HH and w(t, x, y) be the solution of . Then the series i=0wi converges to w(t, x, y) ifwm(t, x, y)‖ ≤ μwm−1 (t, x, y)‖, mN and 0 < μ < 1. Further, let sm=h=0m1wh(t,x,y) be the m − term approximate solution of . Then we have


Proof. It is clear that

which is the required result. □

5. Illustrative examples

5.1 Time-space fractional non-linear Boussinesq equation

Consider the following non-linear time-space fractional (1+2)-dimensional Boussinesq equation []:

along with the initial condition
where k1, k2, a, b are arbitrary constants.

Taking ST on both sides of and using the property , we get


Taking the IST on both sides of , we obtain


Using the recurrence relation , we get


Hence, we obtain the following exact solution of


Note that for a=95,b=e2 the STIM solution is same as obtained by invariant subspace method in reference [].

5.2 Time-space fractional non-linear diffusion equation

Consider the following non-linear time-space fractional (1+2)-dimensional diffusion like FPDE:

along with the initial condition

Taking ST and then IST on both sides of , we obtain


In view of the recurrence relation , we obtain


Hence, the series solution of is

which converges to
where λ1=Γ(2γ+1)2, λ2=Γ(2ν+1)2 and λ = λ1λ2.

5.3 Time-space fractional equation: population model-I

Consider the following time-space fractional generalized biological population model equation []:

along with the initial condition

Taking ST and IST of , we get


Using the recurrence relation , we obtain


Hence, the series solution of is

which converges to the following closed form solution:

Note that for μ = ν = γ = 1, we have w(t,x,y)=er8(x+y+ht), which is the standard solution of the biological model given in reference [].

5.4 Time-space fractional equation: population model-II

Consider the following non-linear time-space fractional order biological population model equation [, ]:

along with the initial condition

Taking ST and IST of , we get


In view of the recurrence relation , we get


Hence, the series solution of is

which converges to the following closed form

6. Conclusions

The author presented a hybrid method along with its error-analysis for solving non-linear (1+2)-dimensional time-space FPDEs, where the derivatives are considered in Caputo sense. Moreover, the author solved various non-trivial examples of (1+2)-dimensional FPDEs to demonstrate the utility and efficiency of the proposed method. It has been observed that the proposed method is accurate and provides the solutions either in a convergent series or in exact form. Thus, the proposed method is a useful tool to solve non-linear (1+2)-dimensional time-space FPDEs.

Data Availability: The data that supports the findings of this study are available within the article.


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Corresponding author

Manoj Kumar can be contacted at: mkmath14@gmail.com

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