Degenerate exponential integral function and its properties

Kwara Nantomah

Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences

ISSN: 1319-5166

Open Access. Article publication date: 14 June 2022

Issue publication date: 23 January 2024




In this paper, the author introduces a degenerate exponential integral function and further studies some of its analytical properties. The new function is a generalization of the classical exponential integral function and the properties established are analogous to those satisfied by the classical function.


The methods adopted in establishing the results are theoretical in nature.


A degenerate exponential integral function which is a generalization of the classical exponential integral function has been introduced and its properties investigated. Upon taking some limits, the established results reduce to results involving the classical exponential integral function.


The results obtained in this paper are new and have the potential of inspiring further research on the subject.



Nantomah, K. (2024), "Degenerate exponential integral function and its properties", Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 30 No. 1, pp. 57-66.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2022, Kwara Nantomah


Published in the Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) license. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this license may be seen at

1. Introduction

The gamma function, also known as the Euler’s integral of second kind, is one of the most studied special functions. This is partly because of its numerous applications and its connection with other special functions. It is usually defined as

for z > 0. The upper incomplete gamma function is defined as
for s > 0 and z  (−, ) whilst the lower incomplete gamma function is defined as
for z > 0.

The classical exponential integral function is defined by any of the following equivalent definitions [, p. 228]

for z > 0 where the function Ei(z) is defined as
for z ≠ 0. For z > 0, Ei(z) is interpreted as the Cauchy’s principal value of the integral (7) due to the singularity at zero. In some texts, Ei(z) is what is referred to as the exponential integral function. A generalized form of the function is defined as [].
for z > 0 and k  (−, ). In some texts, the function E1(z) is referred to as the Theis' well function []. The exponential integral function has many applications in areas such as transient groundwater flow, hydrological problems, mathematical physics, engineering, quantum mechanics and applied mathematics. Due to its practical importance, it has been studied in diverse ways and some generalizations given. For example see Refs. [].

Among other things, Kim et al. [] defined the modified degenerate gamma function as

where λ > 0 and R(z)>0. Motivated by this definition, the goal of this paper is to introduce a degenerate exponetial integral function and further study some of its analytical properties. This new function, which is a generalization of the classical exponential integral function may also be called, λ-analogue of the exponential integral function.

2. Generalized degenerate exponential integral function

In this section, the author defines the degenerate exponential function and further studies some of its properties. The author begins with the following auxiliary definition.

Definition 2.1.

For λ > 0, the author defines the upper incomplete degenerate gamma function as

(12) Γλ(z,s)=stz1(1+λ)tλdt
where s > 0 and z  (−, ) and the lower incomplete degenerate gamma function as
where z > 0. Clearly,
(14) γλ(z,s)+Γλ(z,s)=Γλ(z)
for z > 0 and as λ → 0, respectively return to .

Definition 2.2.

The generalized degenerate exponential integral function is defined as

(15) Eλ,k(z)=1(λ+1)ztλtkdt,
(16) =01(λ+1)zλtt2kdt,
(17) =zk1Γλ1k,z,
(18) =zln(λ+1)λk1Γ1k,zln(λ+1)λ,
for z > 0, λ > 0 and k  (−, ), and satisfies the commutative diagram

By this definition, the following identities are easily deduced.


It follows from that


Also, differentiating for r number of times gives

and in particular,

Additionally, it is deduced from that

and for k = 0, we obtain

Moreover, it follows from that Eλ,k(z) is completely monotonic [] and hence log-convex and decreasing.

Theorem 2.3.

The following identities are satisfied for z > 0, λ > 0 and k > 0.

(27) kEλ,k+1(z)=(λ+1)zλzln(λ+1)λEλ,k(z),
(28) =(λ+1)zλ+zEλ,k+1(z)


The author employs the integration by parts technique. Let u=(λ+1)ztλ such that du=zln(λ+1)λ(λ+1)ztλdt and dv = tk−1 such that v=tkk. Then

which gives . The identity follows directly from by applying .

Theorem 2.4.

The double inequality

(29) k+zln(λ+1)λ1(λ+1)zλ<Eλ,k(z)<k1+zln(λ+1)λ1(λ+1)zλ
holds for z > 0, λ > 0 and k ≥ 1.


By using , the author obtains

which simplifies to give the left-hand side of . Likewise, , respectively imply that
(30) Eλ,k1(z)<Eλ,k(z)
(31) k1Eλ,kz=λ+1zλzlnλ+1λEλ,k1z.

Now imply that

which simplifies to give the right-hand side of .

Theorem 2.5.

The inequality

(32) kEλ,k+1(z)>(k1)Eλ,k(z)
holds for z > 0, λ > 0 and k ≥ 1.


By using , the author obtains

which yields the desired result.□

Theorem 2.6.

Let r > 0, s > 0, a1 > 1 and 1a1+1a2=1. Then the inequality

(33) Eλ,ra1+sa2xa1+za2[Eλ,r(x)]1a1[Eλ,s(z)]1a2
holds for x > 0, z > 0 and λ > 0.


By using Holder’s integral inequality, the author obtains

which completes the proof.□

Remark 2.7.

Let a1 = a2 = 2, x = z, r = k + 1 and s = k − 1. Then inequality reduces to the Turan-type inequality

(34) Eλ,k2zEλ,k+1zEλ,k-1(z).

If a1 = a2 = 2 and x = z, then reduces to

(35) Eλ,r+s22zEλ,rzEλ,s(z).

Theorem 2.8.

For k > 0 and λ > 0, the function

(36) B(z)=Eλ,k+1(z)Eλ,k(z)
is increasing on (0, ).


Let z  (0, ). Then by using the , the author obtains

which completes the proof.□

The following is a generalization of Lemma 2.1 of [].

Lemma 2.9.

For k ≥ 1 and λ > 0, the function P(z)=zEλ,k(z)Eλ,k2(z) is strictly decreasing on (0, ).


By using along with the decreasing property of Eλ,k(z), we have

which shows that
(37) (k1)Eλ,k(z)<(λ+1)zλ.


and by differentiating and making use of , we obtain

Thus, P(z)<0 which completes the proof.□

Theorem 2.10.

For z > 0, k ≥ 1 and λ > 0, the inequality

(38) 2Eλ,k(z)Eλ,k(1/z)Eλ,k(z)+Eλ,k(1/z)ln(λ+1)λk1Γ1k,ln(λ+1)λ
holds, and with equality if z = 1.


The case for z = 1 is easy to see. So let Q(z)=2Eλ,k(z)Eλ,k(1/z)Eλ,k(z)+Eλ,k(1/z) for z  (0, 1) ∪ (1, ). Then direct computations results to

which implies that
and this further implies that

Taking into account of , the author concludes that K(z)>0 if z  (0, 1) and K(z)<0 if z  (1, ). Accordingly, Q(z) is increasing on (0, 1) and decreasing on (1, ). Therefore, for each of the cases, we have

yielding the desired result.□
Remark 2.11.

provides a far-reaching generalization of the results of the papers [].

In what follows, the author provides some results for the particular case where k = 1.

Remark 2.12.

The following identities hold.

(39) Eλ(z)=(λ+1)zλz,
(40) Eλ(z)=1z+ln(λ+1)λ(λ+1)zλz,
(41) =1z+ln(λ+1)λEλ(z),
(42) Eλ(z)=zln(λ+1)λ2+2zln(λ+1)λ+2(λ+1)zλz3,
(43) =ln(λ+1)λ2+2ln(λ+1)λz+2z2Eλ(z)

and below, respectively generalizes Lemma 1 and Lemma 2 of [].

Theorem 2.13.

For z > 0 and λ > 0, the inequality

(44) Eλ(z)+Eλ(1/z)2Γ0,ln(λ+1)λ
holds, with equality when z = 1.


The case for z = 1 is easy to see. So let U(s)=Eλ(z)+Eλ(1/z) for z  (0, 1) ∪ (1, ). Then by differentiating and applying , the author obtains


If z  (0, 1) then f(z) < 0 and if z  (1, ) then f(z) > 0. It follows that U(z) is decreasing on (0, 1) and increasing on (1, ). For each of the cases, the author has

which completes the proof.□
Theorem 2.14.

For z > 0 and λ > 0, the inequality

(45) Eλ(z)Eλ(1/z)Γ20,ln(λ+1)λ
holds, with equality when z = 1.


The case for z = 1 is easy to see. Hence let W(s)=Eλ(z)Eλ(1/z) for z  (0, 1) ∪ (1, ). Then

which implies that

Let g(z)=(λ+1)zλEλ(z). Then by using , the authors arrives at

which implies that g(z) is decreasing on (0, ). If z  (0, 1) then β(z) > 0 and if z  (1, ) then β(z) < 0. It then follows that, W(z) is increasing on (0, 1) and decreasing on (1, ). For each of the cases, the author has
which completes the proof.□
Theorem 2.15.

Let λ > 0, u > 0, v > 0 such that uv. Then

(46) vuv(λ+1)vλ<Eλ(u)Eλ(v)<vuu(λ+1)uλ


With no loss of generality, let u < v. Then by the classical mean value theorem, there exist μ  (u, v) such that


Since Eλ(y) is increasing for y > 0, it follows that

and by using , the author obtains the inequality .
Remark 2.16.

Upon letting u = z and v = z + 1 in , the author obtains

(47) (λ+1)z+1λz+1<Eλ(z)Eλ(z+1)<(λ+1)zλz.


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The author wishes to thank the anonymous reviewers for carefully reading the paper and for their comments and suggestions, which helped to improve the quality of this paper.

Corresponding author

Kwara Nantomah can be contacted at:

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