Further study on the Brück conjecture and some non-linear complex differential equations

Dilip Chandra Pramanik, Kapil Roy

Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences

ISSN: 1319-5166

Open Access. Article publication date: 12 November 2020

Issue publication date: 15 July 2021




The purpose of this current paper is to deal with the study of non-constant entire solutions of some non-linear complex differential equations in connection to Brück conjecture, by using the theory of complex differential equation. The results generalize the results due to Pramanik et al.


39B32, 30D35.


In the current paper, we mainly study the Brück conjecture and the various works that confirm this conjecture. In our study we find that the conjecture can be generalized for differential monomials under some additional conditions and it generalizes some works related to the conjecture. Also we can take the complex number a in the conjecture to be a small function. More precisely, we obtain a result which can be restate in the following way: Let f be a non-constant entire function such that σ2(f)<, σ2(f) is not a positive integer and δ(0,f)>0. Let M[f] be a differential monomial of f of degree γM and α(z),β(z)S(f) be such that max{σ(α),σ(β)}<σ(f). If M[f]+β and fγMα share the value 0 CM, then

where c0 is a constant.


This is an original work of the authors.



Pramanik, D.C. and Roy, K. (2021), "Further study on the Brück conjecture and some non-linear complex differential equations", Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 27 No. 2, pp. 130-138. https://doi.org/10.1108/AJMS-08-2020-0047



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2020, Dilip Chandra Pramanik and Kapil Roy


Published in Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) licence. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this licence may be seen at http://creativecommons.org/licences/by/4.0/legalcode

1. Introduction and main results

In this paper, by meromorphic function we shall always mean a meromorphic function in the complex plane. We adopt the standard notations in the Nevanlinna theory of meromorphic functions as explained in []. It will be convenient to let E denote any set of positive real numbers of finite linear measure, not necessarily the same at each occurrence.

For any non-constant meromorphic function f(z), we denote by S(r,f) any quantity satisfying S(r,f)=o(T(r,f)) as r,rE, where T(r,f) is the Nevanlinna characteristic function of f. A meromorphic function α is said to be small with respect to f(z) if T(r,α)=S(r,f). We denote by S(f) the collection of all small functions with respect to f. Clearly {}S(f) and S(f) is a field over the set of complex numbers.

For any two non-constant meromorphic functions f and g, and αS(f)S(g), we say that f and g share α IM(CM) provided that fα and gα have the same zeros ignoring(counting) multiplicities.

For any complex number a, the quantity defined by

δ(a,f)=lim infrm(r,1fa)T(r,f)=1limsuprN(r,1fa)T(r,f)

is called the deficiency of a with respect to the function f(z).

We also need the following definitions:

Definition 1.1.

Let f(z) be a non-constant entire function, then the order σ(f) of f(z) is defined by


and the lower order μ(f) of f(z) is defined by

The type τ(f) of an entire function f(z) with 0<σ(f)=σ<+ is defined by

where and in the sequel
Definition 1.2.

Let f be a non-constant meromorphic function. Then the hyper-order σ2(f) of f(z) is defined as follows:


Definition 1.3.

Let f be a non-constant meromorphic function. A differential monomial of f is an expression of the form


where n0,n1,n2,,nk are non-negative integers and a0(z)S(f). The degree of the differential monomial is given by γM=n0+n1+n2++nk.

Rubel and Yang [] proved that if a non-constant entire function f and its derivative f share two distinct finite complex numbers CM, then ff. What will be the relation between f and f, if an entire function f and its derivative f share one finite complex number CM? Brück [] made a conjecture that if f is a non-constant entire function satisfying σ2(f) <, where σ2(f) is not a positive integer and if f and f share one finite complex number a CM, then fa=c(fa) for some finite complex number c0. Brück [] himself proved the conjecture for a=0. Brück also proved that the conjecture is true for a0 provided that f satisfies the additional assumption N(r,1f)=S(r,f) and in this case the order restriction on f can be omitted. After that many researchers [] have proved the conjecture under different conditions.

In 2017, Pramanik et al. [] investigated on the non-constant entire solution of some non-linear complex differential equations related to Brück conjecture and proved the following theorems:

Theorem 1.1.

Let f(z) and α(z) be two non-constant entire functions and satisfy 0<σ(α)=σ(f)<+ and τ(f)>τ(α). Also, let P(z) be a polynomial. If f is a non-constant entire solution of the following differential equation


then P(z) is a constant.
Theorem 1.2.

Let f(z) and α(z) be two non-constant entire functions and satisfy 0<σ(α)=σ(f)<+ and τ(f)>τ(α). Also, let P(z) be a polynomial. If f is a non-constant entire solution of the following differential equation


where β(z) is an entire function satisfying 0<σ(β)=σ(f)<+ and τ(f)>τ(β), then P(z) is a constant.
Theorem 1.3.

Let f(z) and α(z) be two non-constant entire functions satisfying σ(α)<μ(f) and P(z) be a polynomial. If f is a non-constant entire solution of the following differential equation


where β(z) is an entire function satisfying σ(β)<μ(f). Then σ2(f)=degP.

Regarding Theorems , one can ask the the following

  1. What will happen if P(z) is an entire function?

In this paper we answer the question by proving the following theorems:

Theorem 1.4.

Let f(z) be a non-constant entire function such that σ2(f)<, σ2(f) is not a positive integer and δ(0,f)>0. Let M[f] be a differential monomial of f of degree γM as defined in , φ(z) be an entire function and α(z)S(f) be such that σ(α)<σ(f). If f is a solution of the following differential equation


then M[f]α(z)fγMα(z)=c, where c0 is a constant.
Theorem 1.5.

Let f be a non-constant entire function such that σ2(f)<, σ2(f) is not a positive integer and δ(0,f)>0. Let M[f] be a differential monomial of f of degree γM as defined in , φ(z) be an entire function and α(z),β(z)S(f) be such that σ(α)<σ(f) and σ(β)<σ(f). If f is a solution of the following differential equation

(3) M[f]+β(z)=(fγMα(z))eφ(z),

then M[f]+β(z)fγMα(z)=c, where c0 is a constant.

2. Preparatory lemmas

In this section we state some lemmas needed to prove the theorems.

Lemma 2.1.

[] Let f(z) be a transcendental entire function, ν(r,f) be the central index of f(z). Then there exists a set E(1,+) with finite logarithmic measure such that r[0,1]E, consider z with |z|=r and |f(z)|=M(r,f), we get


Lemma 2.2.

[] Let f(z) be an entire function of finite order σ(f)=σ<+, and let ν(r,f) be the central index of f. Then

And if f is a transcendental entire function of hyper order σ2(f), then

Lemma 2.3.

[] Let f(z) be a transcendental entire function and let E[1,+) be a set having finite logarithmic measure. Then there exists {zn=rneiθn} such that |f(zn)|=M(rn,f),θn[0,2π),limn+θn=θ0[0,2π],rnE and if 0<σ(f)<+, then for any given ε>0 and sufficiently large rn,


If σ(f)=+, then for any given large K>0 and sufficiently large rn,


Lemma 2.4.

[] Let P(z)=bnzn+bn1zn1++b0 with bn0 be a polynomial. Then for every ε>0, there exists r0>0 such that for all r=|z|>r0 the inequalities


Lemma 2.5.

[] Let f(z) and A(z) be two entire functions with 0<σ(f)=σ(A)=σ<+,0<τ(A)=τ(f)<+, then there exists a set E[1,+) that has infinite logarithmic measure such that for all rE and a positive number κ>0, we have


Lemma 2.6.

[] Let g:(0,),h:(0,) be monotone increasing functions such that g(r)h(r) outside an exceptional set E with finite linear measure, or g(r)h(r), rH(0,1], where H(1,) is a set of finite logarithmic measure. Then for any α>1, there exists r0 such that g(r)h(αr) for all rr0.

3. Proof of main theorems

In this section we present the proofs of the main results of the paper.

3.1 Proof of

We will consider the following two cases:

Case I: Let α(z)0. Then




From and , it follows that

outside an exceptional set E0 of finite linear measure.

Thus there exists a constant K such that


By there exists r0>0 such that for rr0, we have


From , we can deduce that σ(eφ)σ2(f)< and hence φ(z) is a polynomial.

Proceeding similarly as in [], Theorem 3, we obtain that σ2(f)=degφ, which is a contradiction to our assumption that σ2(f) is not a positive integer. Hence φ(z) is only a constant.

Case II: Let α(z)0 and d=γM. Taking the logarithmic derivative of , we get


Subcase I: Let φ(z)0. Then φ(z)=c1,c1 is a constant.

Subcase II: Let φ(z)0. Then it follows from that


We can rewrite in the following form:


We set


Then we have


Therefore it follows from and that


Since φ is an entire function, then we have


It follows from that

δ(0,f)=lim infrm(r,1f)T(r,f)=0,
which contradicts our hypothesis.

Thus the proof is completed.

3.2 Proof of

We will consider the following two cases:

Case I: Let α(z)0. Then from it follows that


Proceeding similarly as in Case I of , we can prove that φ(z) is a constant.

Case II: Let α(z)0 and d=γM. Eliminating eφ from and its derivative, we get


Subcase I: Let φ(z)0. Then φ(z)=c2,c2 is a constant.

Subcase II: Let φ(z)0. Then it follows from that




Therefore from , and we have




Then we have m(r,ψ1)=S(r,f) and m(r,ψ2)=S(r,f).

Thus it follows from that


Since φ is an entire function, from we have


It follows from that

which is a contradiction.

Hence the proof is completed.

Corollary 3.1.

Let f(z) be a non-constant entire function such that σ2(f)<, σ2(f) is not a positive integer and δ(0,f)>0. Let M[f] be a differential monomial of f of degree γM as defined in , φ(z) be an entire function and α(z)S(f) be such that σ(α)<μ(f). If f is a solution of the following differential equation

then M[f]α(z)fγMα(z)=c, where c0 is a constant.
Corollary 3.2.

Let f be a non-constant entire function such that σ2(f)<, σ2(f) is not a positive integer and δ(0,f)>0. Let M[f] be a differential monomial of f of degree γM as defined in , φ(z) be an entire function and α(z),β(z)S(f) be such that σ(α)<μ(f) and σ(β)<μ(f). If f is a solution of the following differential equation

then M[f]+β(z)fγMα(z)=c, where c0 is a constant.


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This research work is supported by the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, ExtraMural Research Division, CSIR Complex, Library Avenue, Pusa, New Delhi-110012, India, Under the sanctioned file no. 09/285(0069)/2016-EMR-I.Authors would like to thank referees for their valuable comments and suggestions.

Corresponding author

Dilip Chandra Pramanik can be contacted at: dcpramanik.nbu2012@gmail.com

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