This paper aims to study Irreversible conversion processes, which examine the spread of a one way change of state (from state 0 to state 1) through a specified society (the spread of disease through populations, the spread of opinion through social networks, etc.) where the conversion rule is determined at the beginning of the study. These processes can be modeled into graph theoretical models where the vertex set V(G) represents the set of individuals on which the conversion is spreading.
The irreversible k-threshold conversion process on a graph G=(V,E) is an iterative process which starts by choosing a set S_0?V, and for each step t (t = 1, 2,…,), S_t is obtained from S_(t−1) by adjoining all vertices that have at least k neighbors in S_(t−1). S_0 is called the seed set of the k-threshold conversion process and is called an irreversible k-threshold conversion set (IkCS) of G if S_t = V(G) for some t = 0. The minimum cardinality of all the IkCSs of G is referred to as the irreversible k-threshold conversion number of G and is denoted by C_k (G).
In this paper the authors determine C_k (G) for generalized Jahangir graph J_(s,m) for 1 < k = m and s, m are arbitraries. The authors also determine C_k (G) for strong grids P_2? P_n when k = 4, 5. Finally, the authors determine C_2 (G) for P_n? P_n when n is arbitrary.
This work is 100% original and has important use in real life problems like Anti-Bioterrorism.
Shaheen, R., Mahfud, S. and Kassem, A. (2024), "Irreversible
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2022, Ramy Shaheen, Suhail Mahfud and Ali Kassem
Published in the Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) license. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this license may be seen at http://creativecommons.org/licences/by/4.0/legalcode
1. Introduction
As usual
[3] For
[13] For
Note 1: As an immediate consequence of the definition,
for any graph .Note 2: As an immediate consequence of the definition, when studying an irreversible k-threshold conversion process on a graph
all vertices must be included in the seed set , otherwise the process will fail because none of these vertices can satisfy the conversion rule.Note 3: For Jahangir graph
we denote the set of vertices of degree 3 which consists of by So,Note 4: In every figure of this article, we assign the black color to the converted vertices and the white color to unconverted ones
2. Main results
In this section we determine
In this sub-section we find
By Proposition 1.1, we have
We consider the following subcases:
Case 1.
In this case, each path
We define a family of sets
The process goes as follows:
: We convert the vertices of : The conversion spreads to:The vertices of
.The vertices of
.The vertices of degree 3 (vertices of
The conversion spreads to .
By the end of step
Which means:
Figure 2 shows that
We imply that the sets
Case 1.a.
Convert 2 vertices of
(e.g. ). However, that leaves vertices in which means we end up with at least two versions of and the process fails as shown in Figure 3(a). Without loss of generality, any choice of the two vertices of leads to the same result.Convert 1 vertex of
(e.g. ), and 2 vertices that are adjacent to a vertex of (for example ), by converting the remaining vertices in in a similar way to , we end up with two versions of and the process fails as shown in Figure 3(b). Without loss of generality, any choice of the one vertex of and the two vertices that are adjacent to a vertex of leads to the same result.Convert 2 pairs of vertices each of which is adjacent to one vertex of
by converting the remaining vertices in in a similar way to , we end up with two versions of and the process also fails as shown in Figure 3(c). Without loss of generality, the same result is obtained for whatever 4 vertices that each of which is adjacent to a vertex of we choose to initially convert.
All strategies end up with two versions of
Case 1.b.
From Case 1.a and Case 1.b we conclude that:
Case 2.
In this case, each path
: We convert the vertices of . The conversion spreads to the vertices of . The conversion spreads to
By the end of step
It is obvious that
Figure 4 illustrates a 2-conversion process on
From Case 1 and Case 2 we conclude that
By definition all vertices with degree lower than 3 need to be added to the seed set
We convert the vertices of , we implied that this set is unique. The conversion spreads to the vertices of .
The process succeeds and
By definition all vertices with degree lower than 4 need to be included in
: We convert the vertices of . The conversion spreads to .
The process succeeds and
In this sub-section we determine
Which means each vertex
We consider the following cases:
Case 1.
This means
Figure 6 illustrates that
Now let us assume that
From (3) and (4) we conclude that
Case 2.
In a similar way to Case 1, the vertices of
This means
Figure 7 shows that
From (5) and (6) we conclude that
In a similar way to Theorem 2.4, the vertices of
Case 1.
Case 2.
From Case 1 and case 2 we conclude the requested.
It is known by definition that
We notice that at
Case 2.
In a similar way to Case 1, we need to prove that
We notice that at
When we reach step
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Further reading
14.Klobučar A. Independent sets and independent dominating sets in the strong product of paths and cycles. Math Commun. 2005; 10(1): 23-30. Available from: https://hrcak.srce.hr/file/1331.
This work was supported by Faculty of Science, Tishreen University, Syria.