Clairaut anti-invariant submersions from Lorentzian trans-Sasakian manifolds

Mohd Danish Siddiqi, Sudhakar Kumar Chaubey, Aliya Naaz Siddiqui

Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences

ISSN: 1319-5166

Open Access. Article publication date: 7 October 2021

Issue publication date: 2 July 2024




The central idea of this research article is to examine the characteristics of Clairaut submersions from Lorentzian trans-Sasakian manifolds of type (α, β) and also, to enhance this geometrical analysis with some specific cases, namely Clairaut submersion from Lorentzian α-Sasakian manifold, Lorentzian β-Kenmotsu manifold and Lorentzian cosymplectic manifold. Furthermore, the authors discuss some results about Clairaut Lagrangian submersions whose total space is a Lorentzian trans-Sasakian manifolds of type (α, β). Finally, the authors furnished some examples based on this study.


This research discourse based on classifications of submersion, mainly Clairaut submersions, whose total manifolds is Lorentzian trans-Sasakian manifolds and its all classes like Lorentzian Sasakian, Lorenztian Kenmotsu and Lorentzian cosymplectic manifolds. In addition, the authors have explored some axioms of Clairaut Lorentzian submersions and illustrates our findings with some non-trivial examples.


The major finding of this study is to exhibit a necessary and sufficient condition for a submersions to be a Clairaut submersions and also find a condition for Clairaut Lagrangian submersions from Lorentzian trans-Sasakian manifolds.


The results and examples of the present manuscript are original. In addition, more general results with fair value and supportive examples are provided.



Siddiqi, M.D., Chaubey, S.K. and Siddiqui, A.N. (2024), "Clairaut anti-invariant submersions from Lorentzian trans-Sasakian manifolds", Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 30 No. 2, pp. 134-149.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2021, Mohd Danish Siddiqi, Sudhakar Kumar Chaubey and Aliya Naaz Siddiqui


Published in the Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) licence. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this licence may be seen at

1. Introduction

The conception of Riemannian immersion is studied extensively together with starting the study of Riemannian geometry. In fact, Riemannian manifolds are studied first as surfaces imbedded in R3. In 1956, Nash [] proved that a revolution for Riemannian manifold that all Riemannian manifolds are isometrically embedded at any small part of Euclidean space. Consequently, the differential geometry of the Riemannian immersion is commonly noted, and it can be found in different text books such as ([]).

Contrastingly, “dual” concept of Riemannian immersions is one of the famous research fields in differential geometry and is the theory of Riemannian submersions, which was first investigated by O’Neill [] and Gray []. Watson [] popularized the knowledge of Riemannian submersions considering almost Hermitian manifolds in terms of almost Hermitian submersions. Afterward, almost Hermitian submersions are discussed with in various subcategories of almost Hermitian manifolds. Also, Riemannian submersions are enhanced considering many subcategories of almost contact metric manifolds in terms of contact Riemannian submersions. Several materials about Riemannian, almost Hermitian or contact Riemannian submersions are available in reference [].

Most of the research linked to the theory of anti-invariant Riemannian, Lagrangian submersions and Clairaut anti-invariant submersions is available in Şahin’s book []. Afterward, several kinds of Riemannian submersions appeared, for example: semi-invariant, slant, pointwise-slant, semi-slant, hemi-slant and generic submersions. Most of the studies related to these can also be found in Şahin’s book [].

In 1972, Bishop [] proposed the concept and conditions of a Clairaut submersion in terms of a natural generalization of a surface of revolution. Under these circumstances, for every geodesic σ at the surface S, function γSinΘ is constant through σ, here γ is a metric between the point at surface and rotation axis, also Θ defines angle within σ and meridian through σ.

The concept of anti-invariant Riemannian and Clairaut anti-invariant submersion has been fitting a very progressive geometric analysis field since Şahin [] essentially described such submersions of almost Hermitian manifolds on Riemannian manifolds. Indeed, anti-invariant Riemannian and Clairaut anti-invariant submersion have been examined in various types of geometrical manifolds, namely Kähler [], almost product [], Sasakian [], Kenmotsu [], cosymplectic [], paracosymplectic [] and trans-Sasakian manifolds []. Note that this concept of anti-invariant Riemannian submersion is generalized to conformal anti-invariant submersions [].

In [], Allison proposed Clairaut submersions in case the total manifold is Lorentzian. In addition, it is discovered that Clairaut submersions are used for static spacetime applications. Basically, a static spacetime can be considered as a Lorentzian manifold.

On the other hand, in 2013, De et al. [] presented the concept of Lorentzian trans-Sasakian manifolds. Trans-Sasakian structure together with Lorentzian metric can be applied naturally at the odd dimensional manifold. Motivated by above research studies mentioned in this paper, we have examined the Clairaut anti-invariant submersions from Lorentzian trans-Sasakian manifolds.

The work is ordered as follows. presents basic notion and definition for Lorentzian trans-Sasakian manifolds. includes particular background of Riemannian submersions. presents definition of anti-invariant and Lagrangian submersions. In , we study anti-invariant submersions and Clairaut anti-invariant submersion from trans-Sasakian manifolds onto Riemannian manifolds admitting horizontal Reeb vector field. In , we deal with some axioms of Clairaut Lagrangian submersion and provide some examples and some of their characteristic properties.

2. Lorentzian trans-Sasakian manifolds

A (2n + 1)-dimensional differentiable manifold M is named the Lorentzian Trans-Sasakian manifold [] in case it allows (1, 1) tensor field ϕ, the global vector field ζ named Reeb vector field or contra-variant vector field, that is, in case η is a dual 1-form of ζ, and the Lorentzian metric g that satisfies [].

where both U and V refer to any vector fields at M. Also, using previous axioms gives
Here, (ϕ, ζ, η, g) [] is named Lorentzian structure of M. A Lorentzian trans-Sasakian manifold M also satisfies [].
for functions α and β and D is Levi-Civita connection with respect to the Lorentzian metric g at M. Moreover, (M, ϕ, ζ, η, g) is named the Lorentzian trans-Sasakian manifold from type (α, β); for more details, see ([]). It can be deduced from that
Remark 1.

  1. If α = 0 and β ≠ 0(or β = 1), therefore the manifold turns into the Lorentzian β-Kenmotsu manifold (or Lorentzian Kenmotsu manifold) [].

  2. If α ≠ 0(or α = 1) and β = 0, therefore this manifold turns into the Lorentzian α-Sasakian manifold (or Lorentzian Sasakian manifold) [].

  3. In case α = 0 and β, therefore, the manifold turns into the Lorentzian cosymplectic manifold [].

3. Riemannian submersions

An essential background of Riemannian submersions is given at this part.

Suppose (M, g) and (N, gN) are Riemannian manifolds, such that dim(M) > dim(N). The subjective mapping ψ: (M, g) → (N, gN) is named the Riemannian submersion [] if:

  • (S1) The rank(ψ) = dim(N).

Therefore, for all q ∈ N, ψ1(q)=ψq1 is the k-dimensional submanifold of M and is named the fiber, with


The vector field at M is named vertical (resp. horizontal) in case it is still as a tangent (orthogonal) relating to the fibers. The vector field X at M is named basic in case X is horizontal and ψ-connecting to the vector field X* at N, which means ψ*(Xp) = Xψ(p) for any p ∈ M, where ψ* is derivative or differential map of ψ. V and H define the projections at vertical distribution kerψ* and horizontal distribution kerψ*, in the same order. Usually, a manifold (M, g) is named the total manifold and (N, gN) is named base manifold of the submersion ψ: (M, g) → (N, gN).

  • (S2) ψ* preserves the lengths of horizontal vectors.

This condition is equivalent to say that the derivative map ψ* of ψ, restricted to kerψ*, is the linear isometry. The geometrical description of Riemannian submersions is represented by O’Neill’s tensors T and A, determined as:

for any vector fields E1 and F1 at M, with D is Levi-Civita connection of g. Clearly, TE1 in addition to AE1 are skew-symmetric operators at tangent bundle of M reversing vertical and the horizontal distributions. To sum up, tensor fields properties T as well as A, Suppose V1, W1 are vertical and X1, Y1 are horizontal vector fields at M, therefore

On the other hand, from and , we obtain

where D^V1W1=VDV1W1. Moreover, if X1 is basic, then we have HDV1X1=AX1V1. It appears that T is acting at fibers as second fundamental form, whereas A is acting at horizontal distribution and measuring obstruction to integrability of the distribution. Further details are given in the paper of O’Neill [] in addition to this book [].

At the end, the concept of second fundamental form of the map within Riemannian manifolds is recalled. Suppose (M, g) and (N, gN) are Riemannian manifolds and f: (M, g) → (N, gN) is the smooth map. Therefore, second fundamental form of f is written as

for U, V ∈ Γ(TM), with ∇f defining the pull-back connection, and D defines the Riemannian connections of the metrics g and gN. Symmetry is widely known property of second fundamental form, and further, f is named totally geodesic [] in case (Df*)(E,F)=0 for any U, V ∈ Γ(TM) (as in , p. 119]), and f is named the harmonic map [] in case trace(Df*)=0 (as in , p. 73]).

4. Anti-invariant Riemannian submersions

We first recall idea of an anti-invariant Riemannian submersion where its total manifold is the almost contact metric manifold.

Definition 4.1.

([]) Let M be (2n + 1)-dimensional almost contact metric manifold among almost contact metric constructor (ϕ, ζ, η, g) and N is the Riemannian manifold among Riemannian metric gN. Considering there is Riemannian submersion ψ: MN where vertical distribution kerψ* defines anti-invariant with respect to ϕ, which means, ϕkerψ*kerψ*. Therefore, Riemannian submersion π is named the anti-invariant Riemannian submersion. Similar submersions are called the anti-invariant submersions.

Here, horizontal distribution kerψ* is given as.

with μ refers to orthogonal complementary distribution of ϕkerψ* at kerψ*, and it is invariant with respect to ϕ.

It is said that the anti-invariant ψ: MN allows vertical Reeb vector field in case Reeb vector field ξ is tangent to kerψ* and allows horizontal Reeb vector field in case Reeb vector field ξ is normal to kerψ*. Clearly, μ includes Reeb vector field ξ if ψ: MN allows horizontal Reeb vector field ξ.

Now, we begin to study anti-invariant submersions admitting vertical Reeb vector field from Lorentzian trans-Sasakian manifolds (M, ϕ, ζ, η, g) of type (α, β) using (nontrivial) example.

Example 4.2.

Suppose M is three-dimensional Euclidean space written as

We consider the Lorentzian trans-Sasakian structure (ϕ, ζ, η, g) at M with α=12z20 and β=1z0 [] given by the following:

and ϕ is (1, 1) tensor field denoted as ϕ(E1) = − E2, ϕ(E2) = − E1, ϕ(E3) = 0.

An orthonormal ϕ-basis of this structure is written as


Here, the map ψ:(M,ϕ,ξ,η,g)(R,g1) is introduced as:

where g1 is Lorentzian metric on R. Therefore, Jacobian matrix of ψ is given as:

Since the rank of this matrix equals 1, the map π is the submersion. Using some calculation leads to


Immediate calculations show that ψ ensures the condition (S2). Thus, ψ is the Riemannian submersion. Moreover, we got ϕ(U) = W. Therefore, ψ is the anti-invariant submersion admitting vertical Reeb vector field.


Throughout this research, as a total manifold of an anti-invariant submersion, let us consider a Lorentzian trans-Sasakian manifold (M, ϕ, ζ, η, g) of type (α, β) such that both α ≠ 0 and β ≠ 0.

Notion of Lagrangian submersion is considered the specific case from notion of anti-invariant submersion. We next recall the definition of the Lagrangian submersion from Lorentzian trans-Sasakian manifold onto a Riemannian manifold.

Definition 4.3.

([]) Let ψ be the anti-invariant Riemannian submersion from the almost contact metric manifold (M, ϕ, ξ, η, g) on the Riemannian manifold (N, gN). In case μ = {0} or μ = span{ξ}, i.e. kerψ*=ϕ(kerψ*) or kerψ*=ϕ(kerψ*)<ξ>, in the same order, therefore ψ is called the Lagrangian submersion.

Let ψ is the anti-invariant submersion from the Lorentzian trans-Sasakian manifold (M, ϕ, ζ, η, g) on the Riemannian manifold (N, gN). For any X1kerψ*, we write

with BXΓ(kerπ*) and CXΓ(kerπ*).
Definition 4.4.

([]) Suppose S is the revolution surface at R3 with rotation axis L. For all qS, where γ(q) represents the distance between q and L. Choosing the geodesic σ:URS on S, Suppose Θ(l) is an angle between σ(l) and the meridian curve through σ(l), l ∈ U. By the famous Clairaut’s theorem, we know that for all geodesics σ on S, the product γSinΘ is constant along σ, which means the independence of l.

Using geometrical analysis of Riemannian submersions, Bishop [] described the idea of Clairaut submersion as follows.

Definition 4.5.

([]) The Riemannian submersion ψ: MN is known as the Clairaut submersion in case there is positive function γ at M, that is, for all geodesics σ at M, the function (γ˚σ)SinΘ is constant, where, for all l, Θ(l) is an angle within σ^(l) and horizontal space σ(l).

Bishop also provided the necessary and sufficient condition for the Riemannian submersion turns into the Clairaut submersion as follows.

Theorem 4.6.

([]) Let ψ: MN be the Riemannian submersion with connected fibers. Therefore ψ is the Clairaut submersion with γ = exp(ω) if and only if all fibers are totally umbilical and have the mean curvature vector field H=Dω, where Dω is gradient of the function ω with respect to g.

5. Anti-invariant submersions admitting horizontal Reeb vector field from Lorentzian trans-Sasakian manifolds

The anti-invariant submersions are studied in this part from trans-Sasakian manifolds conceding horizontal Reeb vector field. First, the modern necessary and sufficient condition for similar submersions turns into a Clairaut submersion, and then a few distinctive outcomes for this sort of submersions are shown.

We observe from , the source of the knowledge of a Clairaut submersion comes from geodesic on its total space. As a result, the necessary and sufficient condition of the curve on total space explored remains geodesic.

Now, the following results are given:

Theorem 5.1.

Let ψ: (M, ϕ, ζ, η, g) → (N, gN) is the anti-invaraint Riemannian submersion from Lorentzian trans-Sasakian manifold of type (α, β) onto the Riemannian manifold allowing horizontal Reeb vector field. In case σ:URM is regular curve and V1(l) in addition to Z1(l) defines vertical and horizontal components of the tangent vector field σ^(l)=G of σ(l), in the same order, therefore σ is geodesic if and only if through σ the following equation

hold, where s is constant speed of σ.

Proof.In view of , we find

Since σ^=V1+Z1, g(σ^,σ^)=s, and η(V1) = 0, we can note

Now, from a straight forward calculation, we find


In fact η (V1) = 0. By using , we find


Now capturing the vertical and horizontal components from , we find the following equations:


From equations and , it is simply observed that σ is geodesic if and only if and hold. □

Using in addition to , the following corollaries are obtained.

Corollary 5.2.

Suppose ψ: (M, ϕ, ζ, η, g) → (N, gN) is the anti-invaraint Riemannian submersion from Lorentzian α-Sasakian manifold of type (α, 0) onto the Riemannian manifold allowing horizontal Reeb vector field. In case σ:URM is regular curve and V1(l) in addition to Z1(l) defines vertical and horizontal components of tangent vector field σ^(l)=G of σ(l), in the same order, therefore σ is geodesic if and only if through σ the following equations

(5.9) VDσ^BZ1+AZ1ϕV1+TV1ϕV1+(TV1+AZ1)CZ1+αη(Z1)V1=0
(5.10) HDσ^CZ1+HDσ^ϕV1+(TV1+AZ1)BZ1+α[η(Z1)Z1+vζ]=0.
maintain, where s is constant speed of σ.

Corollary 5.3.

Suppose ψ: (M, ϕ, ζ, η, g) → (N, gN) is the anti-invariant Riemannian submersion from Lorentzian β-Kenmotsu manifold of type (0, β) onto the Riemannian manifold admitting horizontal Reeb vector field. In case σ:URM is the regular curve and V1(l) in addition to Z1(l) defines vertical and horizontal components of tangent vector field σ^(l)=G of σ(l), in the same order, therefore σ is geodesic if and only if through σ the following equation

(5.11) VDσ^BZ1+AZ1ϕV1+TV1ϕV1+(TV1+AZ1)CZ1+βη(Z1)BZ1=0
(5.12) HDσ^CZ1+HDσ^ϕV1+(TV1+AZ1)BZ1+β[η(Z1)ϕ(V1)+η(Z1)CZ1]=0.
hold, where s is constant speed of σ.

Corollary 5.4.

Suppose ψ: (M, ϕ, ζ, η, g) → (N, gN) is an anti-invaraint Riemannian submersion from Lorentzian cosymplectic manifold of type (0, 0) onto the Riemannian manifold allowing horizontal Reeb vector field. If σ:URM is the regular curve and V1(l) in addition to Z1(l) defines vertical and horizontal components of the tangent vector field σ^(l)=G of σ(l), in the same order, therefore σ is geodesic if and only if through σ the following equation

(5.13) VDσ^BZ1+AZ1ϕV1+TV1ϕV1+(TV1+AZ1)CZ1=0
(5.14) HDσ^CZ1+HDσ^ϕV1+(TV1+AZ1)BZ1=0.
hold, where s is constant speed of σ.

Theorem 5.5.

Suppose ψ: (M, ϕ, ζ, η, g) → (N, gN) is the anti-invariant Riemannian submersion from Lorentzian trans-Sasakian manifold of type (α, β) onto the Riemannian manifold allowing horizontal Reeb vector field. Therefore ψ is Clairaut submersion with γ = exp(ω) if and only if through σ

(5.15) [g(Dω,Z1)βη(Z1)]V12=g(αη(Z1)Z1+HDσ^CZ1+(TV1+AZ1)BZ1,ϕV1)
holds, where V1(l) and Z1(l) are vertical and horizontal components of the tangent vector field σ^(l) of the geodesic σ(l) at M, in the same order.

Proof. Consider σ(l) as the geodesic having the speed s at M, therefore,


Now, from , we achieve that

where Θ(l) is the angle within σ^(l) and horizontal space at σ(l). Now, by the derivative of first part of , we find

Using the Lorentzian trans-Sasakian structure, we find


Once again, from , we have

since η(V) = 0, g(ϕV1, ζ) = 0 and using the fact that ϕV1 is horizontal.

Thus, from , we obtain


From , we find along σ,

since g(ϕV1, ζ) = 0.

On contrary, ψ is Clairaut submersion with γ = exp(ω) if and only if


Now, taking the product of with nonzero factor vSinΘ, we find


Using equations and , we obtain


In fact dωdl[σ(l)]=σ^[ω]=g(Dω,σ^)=g(Dω,Z1), the expression follows from .

Now, the following corollaries are given:

Corollary 5.6.

Suppose ψ: (M, ϕ, ζ, η, g) → (N, gN) is the anti-invariant Riemannian submersion from Lorentzian α-Sasakian manifold of type (α, 0) onto the Riemannian manifold allowing horizontal Reeb vector field. Therefore ψ is Clairaut submersion with γ = exp(ω) if and only if through σ

(5.27) [g(Dω,Z1)]V12=g(αη(Z1)Z1+HDσ^CZ1+(TV1+AZ1)BZ1,ϕV1)
holds, where V1(l) and Z1(l) are vertical and horizontal components of the tangent vector field σ^(l) of the geodesic σ(l) at M, in the same order.

Corollary 5.7.

Suppose ψ: (M, ϕ, ζ, η, g) → (N, gN) is the anti-invariant Riemannian submersion from Lorentzian β-Kenmotsu manifold of type (0, β) onto the Riemannian manifold allowing horizontal Reeb vector field. Therefore ψ is Clairaut submersion with γ = exp(ω) if and only if through σ

(5.28) [g(Dω,Z1)βη(Z1)]V12=g(HDσ^CZ1+(TV1+AZ1)BZ1,ϕV1)
holds, where V1(l) and Z1(l) are vertical and horizontal components of tangent vector field σ^(l) of the geodesic σ(l) at M, in the same order.

Corollary 5.8.

Suppose ψ: (M, ϕ, ζ, η, g) → (N, gN) is the anti-invariant Riemannian submersion from Lorentzian cosymplectic manifold of type (α, β) onto the Riemannian manifold admitting horizontal Reeb vector field. Therefore ψ is Clairaut submersion with γ = exp(ω) if and only if along σ

(5.29) g(Dω,Z1)V12=g(HDσ^CZ1+(TV1+AZ1)BZ1,ϕV1)
holds, where V1(l) and Z1(l) are vertical and horizontal components of the tangent vector field σ^(l) of the geodesic σ(l) at M, in the same order.

Now, from , we also obtain the following conclusion.

Corollary 5.9.

Suppose ψ is the Clairaut anti-invariant submersion from Lorentzian trans-Sasakian manifold (M, ϕ, ζ, η, g) of type (α, β) on the Riemannian manifold (N, gN). Therefore,


Proof. Since ζ is a horizontal Reeb vector field. Setting Z1 = ζ and using the fact dωdl[σ(l)]=σ^[ω]=g(Dω,σ^)=g(Dω,Z1), the expression (5.26) gives (5.30). □

Corollary 5.10.

Suppose ψ is the Clairaut anti-invariant submersion from Lorentzian α-Sasakian (or Lorentzian Sasakian) manifold (M, ϕ, ζ, η, g) of type (α, 0) onto the Riemannian manifold (N, gN). Therefore,

(5.31) g(Dω,ζ)=0.

Proof. Since for Lorentzian α-Sasakian (or Lorentzian Sasakian) β = 0, and using similar fact as we have used in proof of together, we find the desired result. □

Theorem 5.11.

Suppose ψ: (M, ϕ, ζ, η, g) → (N, gN) is a Clairaut anti-invariant submersion from Lorentzian trans-Sasakian manifold of type (α, β) onto a Riemannian manifold admitting horizontal Reeb vector field with γ = exp(ω). Then we have

(5.32) AϕV1ϕG1=G1(ω)V1
for G1 ∈ Γ(μ) and V1 ∈ (kerψ*) such that ϕV1 is basic vector.

Proof. Suppose ψ is the Clairaut anti-invariant submersion allowing horizontal Reeb vector field from a Lorentzian trans-Sasakian manifold onto a Riemannian manifold with γ = exp(ω). Now, by consequences of , we find

(5.33) TU1G1=g(U1,G1)Dω
for U1, G1 ∈ (kerψ*). If we spread with ϕV1, V1 ∈ (kerψ*) such that ϕV1 is basic and using , we find

In fact g(G1, ϕV1) = 0. Through , we infer

Adopting the Lorentzian trans-Sasakian structure, we notice


Once again, adopting , we turn up


Henceforth, through , we attain

Putting U1 = V1 and shifting U1 with by G1 in , we acquire
Adopting with setting V1 = U1, we have

On the contrary, involving , we turn up

for W1 ∈ Γ(μ) and W1ζ. Using , we get

Adopting equations and , we get

After all ϕV1 is basic vector and using the case that HDG1ϕV1=AϕV1G1, we turn up

Involving again, and the skew-symmetric nature of A, we turn up

By reason of AϕV1ϕW1, G1 and V1 are vertical and ω is horizontal, we turn up expression (5.32).

Particularly if Dωϕ(kerψ*), then from in proof of and the equality case of Schwarz inequality, we have have that□

Corollary 5.12.

Suppose ψ: (M, ϕ, ζ, η, g) → (N, gN) is the Clairaut Lagrangian submersion allowing horizontal Reeb vector field from Lorentzian trans-Sasakian manifold of type (α, β) onto a Riemannian manifold with γ = exp(ω). If Dωϕ(kerψ*), then either ω is constant on ϕ(kerψ*) or fiber of ψ is one-dimensional.

6. Clairaut Lagrangian submersions

This section deals with some results of Clairaut Lagrangian submersions conceding with horizontal Reeb vector field. Moreover, when the function ω is constant, Dω=0. Thus by and , we have the following results.

Corollary 6.1.

Suppose ψ: (M, ϕ, ζ, η, g) → (N, gN) is a Clairaut anti-invariant submersion allowing horizontal Reeb vector field from Lorentzian trans-Sasakian manifold of type (α, β) on the Riemannian manifold with γ = exp(ω) and dim(kerψ*) > 1, then fibers of ψ are totally geodesic if and only if

for V1 ∈ (kerψ*), ϕV1 is basic and Z1 ∈ μ.

Moreover, in case the submersion ψ at is Lagrangian submersion, therefore AϕV1ϕZ1 is always vanish, because μ=0 or μ=spanζ. Also from Corollaries 5.9 and 5.10, we have Dωϕ(kerψ*). Hence, the following consequences of and are given.

Theorem 6.2.

Suppose ψ: (M, ϕ, ζ, η, g) → (N, gN) is the Clairaut Lagrangian submersion allowing horizontal Reeb vector field from Lorentzian trans-Sasakian manifold of type (α, β) onto a Riemannian manifold with γ = exp(ω). Therefore, fibers of ψ can be one-dimensional or totally geodesic.

Corollary 6.3.

Suppose ψ: (M, ϕ, ζ, η, g) → (N, gN) is the Clairaut Lagrangian submersion admitting horizontal Reeb vector field from Lorentzian α-Sasakian manifold of type (α, 0) onto a Riemannian manifold with γ = exp(ω). Therefore fibers of ψ can be one-dimensional or totally geodesic.

Corollary 6.4.

Suppose ψ: (M, ϕ, ζ, η, g) → (N, gN) is the Clairaut Lagrangian submersion allowing horizontal Reeb vector field from Lorentzian β-Kenmotsu manifold of type (0, β) onto a Riemannian manifold with γ = exp(ω). Therefore fibers of ψ can be one-dimensional or totally geodesic.

Corollary 6.5.

Suppose ψ: (M, ϕ, ζ, η, g) → (N, gN) is the Clairaut Lagrangian submersion allowing horizontal Reeb vector field from Lorentzian cosymplectic manifold of type (α, β) onto a Riemannian manifold with γ = exp(ω). Therefore either fibers of ψ can be one-dimensional or totally geodesic.

7. Applications

The following result is Theorem 2 stated by Gauchman in [].

Theorem 7.1.

Suppose ψ; (M, g) → (N, gN) is the Clairaut submersion with γ, where M is complete, connected and simply connected, and N is simply connected. Assume that any vertical leaf of ψ has no nontrivial Killing vector field. Suppose p is the point of M. Therefore M is isometric to the warped product N ×fB, where B is the vertical leaf through p and f:NR is determined using this equation γ = f˚ψ.

In [] De and Srakar prove that trans-Sasakian structures are complete and connected. Indeed, Riemannian manifold also preserved the characteristic of simple connectedness. Therefore, the following results are obtained.

Theorem 7.2.

ψ: (M, ϕ, ζ, η, g, α, β) → (N, gN) is a Clairaut Lagrangian submersion with γ, where (M, ϕ, ζ, η, g) is complete, connected, and simply connected Lorentzian trans-Sasakian manifold, and Riemannian manifold (N, gN) is simply connected. Assume that any vertical leaf of ψ has no nontrivial Killing vector field. Let p be a point of (M, ϕ, ζ, η, g). Then Lorentzian trans-Sasakian manifold of (α, β) type is isometric to a warped product N ×fB, where B is the vertical leaf through p and f:NR is defined by the equation γ = f˚ψ.


For particular values of α and β easily we can turn up the similar results like for α-Lorentzian Sasakian manifold (Lorentzian Sasakian manifold), β-Lorentzian Kenmotsu manifold (Lorentzian Kenmotsu manifold), and Lorentzian cosymplectic manifold.

Now, we describe some examples of Clairaut submersion from Lorentzian trans-Sasakian manifolds (M, ϕ, ξ, η, g) of type (α, β).

Example 7.3.

Suppose M is three-dimensional Euclidean space written as


We consider the Lorentzian trans-Sasakian structure (ϕ, ξ, η, g, α, β) at M with α = 0 and β = 1 [] given by the following:

and ϕ is the (1, 1) tensor field determined as
  • ϕ(E1) = − E2, ϕ(E2) = − E1, ϕ(E3) = 0. An orthonormal ϕ-basis of this constructor is written


Here, the map ψ:(M,ϕ,ξ,η,g,α,β)(R,g1) is written as:


where g1 is the usual metric at R. Now, by a straightforward computation, we turn up

Easily, we observe that ψ is the Riemannian submersion. Moreover, we have ϕ(U) = V. Therefore, ψ is the anti-invariant submersion allowing horizontal Reeb vector field. Particularly, ψ is Lagrangian submersion. Furthermore, after all the fibers of ψ are one-dimensional, then they are simply totally umbilical. At this point, it is proved that fibers are not considered totally geodesic, and it is found that the function of R3 obeying TU1U1=Dω. Therefore, after some sort of calculation, we turn up

Adopting the Lorentzian trans-Sasakian structure results in


Using , we turn up


For any function ω of (R3,ϕ,ζ,η,g), the gradient of ω with respect to the metric g is

Here, at this point, it is clear to observe that ω=z22 for the function of z and TU1U1=Dω=ζ. Also for any U2 ∈ (kerψ*), we have

Henceforth, using Theorem (5.26), the submersion ψ is Clairaut submersion.

Example 7.4.

Suppose M is three-dimensional Euclidean space written as


We consider the Lorentzian trans-Sasakian structure (ϕ, ξ, η, g, α, β) at M with α = − 1 and β = 0 given by the following:

and ϕ is (1, 1) tensor field determined as
  • ϕ(E1) = − E1, ϕ(E2) = − E2, ϕ(E3) = 0. An orthonormal ϕ-basis is written as


Moreover, we have


Here, the map ψ:(M,ϕ,ζ,η,g,α,β)(R,g1) is defined by the following:

where g1 is usual metric at R. Now, by a straightforward computation, we turn up

Easily, we observe that ψ is the Riemannian submersion. Moreover, we have ϕ(U) = V. Therefore, ψ is the anti-invariant submersion admitting horizontal Reeb vector field. Particularly, ψ is Lagrangian submersion. Furthermore, after all the fibers of ψ are one-dimensional, then they are simply totally umbilical. At this point, it is proved that fibers are not totally geodesic, and it is found that the function of R3 obeying TU1U1=Dω. Therefore, after some sort of calculation, we turn up

(7.2) DU1U1=12(DE1E1DE1E2DE2E1DE2E2).

Adopting the Lorentzian trans-Sasakian structure, we observe that


Using , we turn up

For all functions ω at (R3,ϕ,ξ,η,g), the gradient of ω with respect to the metric g is
Now, at this point, it is clear to observe that ω = − 2z for the function of z and TU1U1=Dω=2ξ. Also for any U2 ∈ (kerψ*), we have

Henceforth, by Theorem (5.26), the submersion ψ is Clairaut submersion.


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The authors are grateful to the referee for the valuable suggestions and comments toward the improvement of the paper.

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Mohd Danish Siddiqi can be contacted at:

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