The gradient discretisation method for the chemical reactions of biochemical systems

Yahya Alnashri, Hasan Alzubaidi

Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences

ISSN: 1319-5166

Open Access. Article publication date: 28 June 2022

Issue publication date: 23 January 2024




The main purpose of this paper is to introduce the gradient discretisation method (GDM) to a system of reaction diffusion equations subject to non-homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions. Then, the authors show that the GDM provides a comprehensive convergence analysis of several numerical methods for the considered model. The convergence is established without non-physical regularity assumptions on the solutions.


In this paper, the authors use the GDM to discretise a system of reaction diffusion equations with non-homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions.


The authors provide a generic convergence analysis of a system of reaction diffusion equations. The authors introduce a specific example of numerical scheme that fits in the gradient discretisation method. The authors conduct a numerical test to measure the efficiency of the proposed method.


This work provides a unified convergence analysis of several numerical methods for a system of reaction diffusion equations. The generic convergence is proved under the classical assumptions on the solutions.



Alnashri, Y. and Alzubaidi, H. (2024), "The gradient discretisation method for the chemical reactions of biochemical systems", Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 30 No. 1, pp. 67-80.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2022, Yahya Alnashri and Hasan Alzubaidi


Published in the Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) license. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this license may be seen at

1. Introduction

In this paper, we study a system of reaction diffusion equations:

where μ1 and μ2 are the diffusion coefficients corresponding to the chemical concentrations u¯ and v¯, respectively. The functions F and G describe the governing kinetics of the chemical reactions. A preprint has been posted on arXive []. Some biochemical phenomena have been expressed in the literature based on the choice of these reaction terms. For an example, in 2014, Yung–Rong Lee and Sy-Sang Lia [] proposed a reaction–diffusion model that stimulated the relationship between concentrations of oxygen and lactic acid to simulate oxidative phosphorylation and glycolysis reactions in tissues. They concluded that a reaction–diffusion model can generate and maintain the ideal micro-environment for stem cells.

Another example is the Gray-Scott model, a very well-known reaction–diffusion system. The model describes the chemical reaction between two substances, an activator v¯ and substrate u¯, where both of which diffuse over time and so represents what is called cubic autocatalysis [].

The Brusselator model is also an example of such chemical reaction systems, which is used to describe mechanism of chemical reaction–diffusion with non-linear oscillations []. The model occurs in a large number of physical problems such as the formation of ozone by atomic oxygen, in enzymatic reactions, and arises in laser and plasma physics from multiple coupling between modes [].

The gradient discretisation method (GDM) is a generic framework to design numerical schemes together with their convergence analysis for different models, which are based on partial differential equations. It covers a variety of numerical schemes, such as finite volumes, finite elements, discontinuous Galerkin, etc. We refer the reader to Refs. [] and the monograph [] for a complete presentation. The main purpose of this paper is to introduce the GDM to a system of reaction–diffusion equations subject to non-homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions. Then, we show that the GDM provides a comprehensive convergence analysis of several numerical methods for the considered model. The convergence is established without non-physical regularity assumptions on the solutions since it is based on discrete compactness techniques detailed in Ref. [].

The paper is organised as follows. introduces the continuous model and its weak formulation. describes the GDM for the model and states four required properties. states the theorem corresponding to the convergence results. In , we include numerical test by employing a finite volume scheme, namely the hybrid mimetic mixed (HMM) method, to study and analyse the behaviour of the solutions of the Brusselator model as an example of the biochemical systems. The resultant relative errors with respect to the mesh size are also studied.

2. Continuous model

We consider the following biochemical system of partial differential equations:


Our analysis focuses on the weak formulation of the above reaction diffusion model. Let us assume the following properties on the data of the model.

Assumptions 2.1.

The assumptions on the data in Problem are the following:

  1. Ω is an open bounded connected subset of Rd(d>1), T > 0, μ1,μ2R+,

  2. (uini, vini) are in L(Ω) × L(Ω),

  3. g and h are traces of functions in L2(0, T; H1(Ω)) whose time derivatives are in L2(0, T; H−1(Ω)) and

  4. the functions F,G:R2R are Lipschitz continuous with Lipschitz constants LF and LG, respectively.

Under , the weak solution of is seeking


3. Discrete problem

The analysis of numerical schemes for the approximation of solutions to our model is performed using the GDM. The first step to reach this analysis is the reconstruction of a set of discrete spaces and operators, which is called gradient discretisation.

Definition 3.1.

(Gradient discretisation for time-dependent problems with non-homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions). Let Ω be an open subset of Rd (with d > 1) and T > 0. A gradient discretisation for time-dependent problems with non-homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions is D=(XD,ID,,ΠD,D,JD,(t(n))n=0,,N)), where

  1. the set of discrete unknowns XD=XD,0XD,Ω is the direct sum of two finite dimensional spaces on R, corresponding, respectively, to the interior unknowns and to the boundary unknowns,

  2. the linear mapping ID,:H12(Ω)XD,Ω is an interpolation operator for the trace,

  3. the function reconstruction ΠD:XDL2(Ω) is a linear operator,

  4. the gradient reconstruction D:XDL2(Ω)d is a linear operator and must be defined so that DDL2(Ω)d defines a norm on XD,0,

  5. JD:L(Ω)XD is a linear and continuous interpolation operator for the initial conditions and

  6. t(0) = 0 < t(1) < …. < t(N) = T are discrete times.

Let us introduce some notations to define the space–time reconstructions ΠDφ:Ω×[0,T]R and Dφ:Ω×[0,T]Rd and the discrete time derivative δDφ:(0,T)L2(Ω) for φ=(φ(n))n=0,,NXDN.

For a.e x ∈ Ω, for all n ∈ {0, …, N − 1} and for all t ∈ (t(n), t(n+1)], let


Set δt(n+12)=t(n+1)t(n) and δtD=maxn=0,,N1δt(n+12) to define


Setting the gradient discretisation defined previously in the place of the continuous space and operators in the weak formulation of the model leads to a numerical scheme, called a gradient scheme.

Definition 3.2.

(Gradient scheme). The gradient scheme for the continuous problem is to find families of pair (u(n),v(n))n=0,,N(ID,g+XD,0N+1)×(ID,h+XD,0N+1) such that (u(0),v(0))=(JDuini,JDvini), and for all n = 0, …, N − 1, u(n+1) and v(n+1) satisfy the following equalities:

(3.1a) mtdmtd
(3.1b) mtdmtd

In order to establish the stability and convergence of the above gradient scheme, sequences of gradient discretisations (Dm)mN described in are required to satisfy four properties: coercivity, consistency, limit–conformity and compactness.

Definition 3.3.

(Coercivity). Let D be a gradient discretisation and let CD be defined by

(3.2) CD=maxφXD,0{0}ΠDφL2(Ω)DφL2(Ω)d.

A sequence (Dm)mN of a gradient discretisation is coercive if CD is bounded.

Definition 3.4.

(Consistency). If D is a gradient discretisation, define the function SD:H1(Ω)[0,+) by, for φ ∈ H1(Ω),

(3.3) SD(φ)=minΠDwφL2(Ω)+DwφL2(Ω)d:wXD, such that wID,γφXD,0,

A sequence (Dm)mN of gradient discretisations is consistent if, as m

  1. for all φ ∈ H1(Ω), SDm(φ)0,

  2. for all w ∈ L2(Ω), ΠDmJDmww in L2(Ω) and

  3. δtDm0.

Definition 3.5.

(Limit-conformity). If D is a gradient discretisation and the space Hdiv = {ψ ∈ L2(Ω)d: divψ ∈ L2(Ω)}, define the function WD:Hdiv[0,+) by, for all ψ ∈ Hdiv,

(3.4) WD(ψ)=supwXD,0\{0}Ω(Dwψ+ΠDwdiv(ψ))dxDwL2(Ω)d.

A sequence (Dm)mN of gradient discretisations is limit-conforming if for all ψ ∈ Hdiv, WDm(ψ)0, as m.

Definition 3.6.

(Compactness). A sequence of gradient discretisation (Dm)mN in the sense of is compact if for any sequence (φm)mNXDm,0, such that (DmφmL2(Ω)d)mN is bounded, the sequence (ΠDmφm)mN is relatively compact in L2(Ω).

Definition 3.7.

(Dual norm on ΠD(XD)). If D be a gradient discretisation, the dual norm ,D on ΠD(XD,0) is defined by, for all wΠD(XD,0),

(3.5) w,D=supΩw(x)ΠDφ(x)dx:φXD,0,DφL2(Ω)d=1.

4. Convergence results

Our convergence results are stated in the following theorem.

Theorem 4.1.

(Convergence of the gradient scheme). Assume and let (Dm)mN be a sequence of gradient discretisations, that is coercive, consistent, limit-conforming and compact. For mN, let (um,vm)(IDm,g+XDm,0N+1)×(IDm,h+XDm,0N+1) be a solution to the gradient scheme (3.1) with D=Dm. Then there exists a weak solution (u¯,v¯) of and a subsequence of gradient discretisations, still denoted by (Dm)mN, such that, as m,

  1. ΠDmum converges strongly to u¯ in L(0, T; L2(Ω)),

  2. ΠDmvm converges strongly to v¯ in L(0, T; L2(Ω)),

  3. Dmum converges strongly to u¯ in L2(Ω × (0,T))d and

  4. Dmvm converges strongly to v¯ in L2(Ω × (0,T))d.


The proof relies on the compactness arguments as in Ref. [] and is divided into four stages.

  • Step 1: Take liftings g¯L2(0,T;H1(Ω)) of g and h¯L2(0,T;H1(Ω)) of h such that γg¯=g and γh¯=h. Thanks to the density of space–time tensorial functions in the space L2(0, T; H1(Ω)) established in [[], Corollary 1.3.1], we can express the liftings g¯ and h¯ in the following way: let N, (ϕ)i = 1,…,, (ξ)i = 1,…,C([0, T]) and (pi)i=1,,,(qi)i=1,,H1(Ω) such that

g¯(x,t)=i=1ϕi(t)pi(x) and a.e. xΩ and for all t(0,T),
h¯(x,t)=i=1ξi(t)qi(x) and a.e. xΩ and for all t(0,T).

Let gD,hDXDNm+1 be defined by gD(n)=ϕ(t(n))IDp and hD(n)=ξ(t(n))IDq for 0, …, Nm, where

IDp=arg minφID,g+XD,0ΠDφpL2(Ω)+DφpL2(Ω)d,
IDq=arg minφID,h+XD,0ΠDφqL2(Ω)+DφqL2(Ω)d.

From the consistency property, as m, we have.

  1. ΠDmgDmg¯ strongly in L2(Ω × (0, T)) and ΠDmhDmh¯ strongly in L2(Ω × (0, T)),

  2. DmgDmg¯ strongly in L2(Ω × (0,T))d and DmhDmh¯ strongly in L2(Ω × (0,T))d and

  3. δDm(n+12)gDmtg¯ strongly in L2(Ω × (0, T)) and δDm(n+12)hDmth¯ strongly in L2(Ω × (0, T)).

For any solution (u, v) to the gradient scheme , writing w1=ugDXD,0 and w2=vhDXD,0, we have for all φ,ψXD,0,


  • Step 2: We need to have estimates on the quantities ΠDw1(t)L(0,T;L2(Ω)), ΠDw2(t)L(0,T;L2(Ω)), Dw1L2(Ω×(0,T))d, and Dw2L2(Ω×(0,T))d.

Let n ∈ {0, …, N − 1} and put φδt(n+12)w1(n+1) in and ψδt(n+12)w2(n+1) in . We have


Apply the inequality, a,bR, (ab)a12(|a|2|b|2), to the first terms in the above equalities, sum on n = 0, …, m − 1, for some m = 0, …, N and apply the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality to obtain


From the Lipschitz continuous assumptions on F and G, one has, with letting L = max(LF, LG) and C0 = max(|F(0)|, |G(0)|),


Then, using the Young's inequality in the right-hand side of the inequalities (with ɛi > 0, i = 1, …, 9), we conclude

where M1L+i=15εi2, M2L+i=610εi2, and C1 depends on CD, DgDL2(Ω)d and DhDL2(Ω)d, which are bounded.

Thanks to the Gronwall inequality [[], Lemma 5.1] and to the coercivity property, the above inequalities can be written as


Since the terms on the right hand side can be simplified with terms on the left hand side in the both relations, we can combine the above inequalities together and take the supremum on m = 0, …, N to obtain the desired estimates.

  • Step 3: We need to established estimates on w1,D and w2,D. Take generic test functions φ and ψ in . Use the Cauchy–Schwarz inequality to get, thanks to and to the coercivity properties,


The desired estimates is then obtained by taking the supremum over φ,ψXD,0 with DφL2(Ω)d=DψL2(Ω)d=1, multiplying by δt(n+1), summing over n = 0, …, N − 1, thanks to the estimates obtained in the previous step.

  • Step 4: Owing to these estimates and the strong convergence of ΠDmgDm, ΠDmhDm, DmgDm and DmhDm, the remaining of the proof is then similar to that of [[], Theorem 3.2 ]. □

5. Numerical results

To measure the efficiency of the gradient scheme for the continuous problem , we consider a particular choice of the gradient discrtisation method known as the HMM method, which is a kind of finite volume scheme and can be written in three different formats; the hybrid finite volume method [], the (mixed-hybrid) mimetic finite differences methods [] and the mixed finite volume methods []. For the sake of completeness we briefly recall the definition of this gradient discretisation. Let T=(M,F,P,V) be the polytopal mesh of the spatial domain Ω used in the previous section and described in [[], Definition 7.2]. The elements of the gradient discretisation are as follows:

  1. The discrete spaces are

  1. The non-conforming piecewise affine reconstruction ΠD is defined by

  1. The reconstructed gradients is a piecewise constant on the cells (broken gradient), defined by

where a cell-wise constant gradient ∇Kφ and a stabilisation term RK(φ) are, respectively, defined by
Kφ=1|K|σFK|σ|φσnK,σ and RK(φ)=(φσφKKφ(xσxK))σFK,
in which xσ is centre of mass of σ, xK is the gravity centre of cell K, dK,σ is the orthogonal distance between xK and σFK, nK,σ is the unit vector normal to σ outward to K and DK,σ is the convex hull of σ ∪ {xK}.
  1. The interpolant JD:L(Ω)XD is defined by

  1. the interpolant ID,:H12(Ω)XD,Ω is defined by


The HMM scheme for is the gradient scheme written with the gradient discretisation constructed above.

As a test, we consider the Brusselator reaction–diffusion model with non-homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions over the domain Ω = [0,1]2. The reaction functions in the Brusselator system are defined as follows:

where a is positive constant, and b is a parameter that can be varied to result in a range of different patterns. With x = (x, y) ∈ Ω, the exact solution in such a case is given as [].
with parameters chosen as a = 0, b = 1, μ1 = μ2 = 0.25.

The initial and the Dirichlet boundary conditions are extracted from the analytical solutions . The simulation is performed on a sequence of triangular meshes and is done up to T = 1. The chosen meshes are of size h = 0.125, h = 0.0625, h = 0.03125 and h = 0.015625, respectively, with time step is fixed as 0.0001. shows the relative errors on u¯ and v¯ and the corresponding rates of convergence with respect to the mesh size h. The resultant errors on the solutions u¯ and v¯ are proportional to the mesh size h, indicating that the HMM scheme behaves very well.

Moreover, the L2 relative errors on the gradients of the solutions with respect to the mesh size h are shown in log-log scale for u¯ and in for v¯. A line of slope one is added in both figures as a reference. We observe that the relative errors on u¯ and v¯ scale linearly with h, giving a rate of convergence of one, which are compatible with behaviour expectations associated with the low-order methods such as the HMM method.

6. Conclusion

We developed the GDM for a system of reaction–diffusion equations, including non-homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions. Without non-physical assumptions on the model data, we proved the existence of the weak solution for the continuous model and established the strong convergence for the discrete solution. We showed through a numerical test the efficiency of mixed finite volume methods.


The relative errors on (a) ∇u¯ and (b) ∇v¯ w.r.t. the mesh size h at time t = 1 for the Brusselator model with parameters chosen as in Table 1

Figure 1

The relative errors on (a) u¯ and (b) v¯ w.r.t. the mesh size h at time t = 1 for the Brusselator model with parameters chosen as in

The relative errors and convergence rates w.r.t. the mesh size h at time t = 1 for the Brusselator model with parameters chosen as a = 0, b = 1, μ1 = μ2 = 0.25



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The authors would like to thank the Deanship of Scientific Research at Umm Al-Qura University for supporting this work [Grant Code: 19-SCI-1-01-0027].

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Yahya Alnashri can be contacted at:

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