Classification of harmonic homomorphisms between Riemannian three-dimensional unimodular Lie groups

Zagane Abdelkader, Osamnia Nada, Kaddour Zegga

Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences

ISSN: 1319-5166

Open Access. Article publication date: 3 November 2022

Issue publication date: 23 January 2024




The purpose of this study is to classify harmonic homomorphisms ϕ : (G, g) → (H, h), where G, H are connected and simply connected three-dimensional unimodular Lie groups and g, h are left-invariant Riemannian metrics.


This study aims the classification up to conjugation by automorphism of Lie groups of harmonic homomorphism, between twodifferent non-abelian connected and simply connected three-dimensional unimodular Lie groups (G, g) and (H, h), where g and h are two left-invariant Riemannian metrics on G and H, respectively.


This study managed to classify some homomorphisms between two different non-abelian connected and simply connected three-dimensional uni-modular Lie groups.


The theory of harmonic maps into Lie groups has been extensively studied related homomorphism in compact Lie groups by many mathematicians, harmonic maps into Lie group and harmonics inner automorphisms of compact connected semi-simple Lie groups and intensively study harmonic and biharmonic homomorphisms between Riemannian Lie groups equipped with a left-invariant Riemannian metric.



Abdelkader, Z., Nada, O. and Zegga, K. (2024), "Classification of harmonic homomorphisms between Riemannian three-dimensional unimodular Lie groups", Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 30 No. 1, pp. 95-111.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2022, Zagane Abdelkader, Osamnia Nada and Kaddour Zegga


Published in the Arab Journal of Mathematical Sciences. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) license. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this license may be seen at

1. Introduction

The theory of harmonic maps is old and rich and has gained a growing interest in the past decade (see Ref. [] and others). The theory of harmonic maps into Lie groups has been extensively studied related homomorphism in compact Lie groups by many mathematicians (see for examples []), in particular, harmonic maps into Lie groups [] and harmonic inner automorphisms of compact connected semi-simple Lie groups in Ref. [] and intensively study harmonic and biharmonic homomorphisms between Riemannian Lie groups equipped with a left-invariant Riemannian metric in Ref. [].

The investigations described here are motivated by the paper [], the author studied the classification, up to conjugation by an automorphism of Lie groups, of harmonic and biharmonic maps f : (G, g1) → (G, g2), where G is non-abelian connected and simply connected three-dimensional unimodular Lie group, f is a homomorphism of Lie group and g1, g2 are two left-invariant Riemannian metrics. The Lie group is unimodular if every left Haar measure is a right Haar measure and vice versa. It is known that G is unimodular if and only if | det Adx| = 1 for all x ∈ G if and only if the tracead(X) = 0 for all X in its Lie algebra g if and only if g is unimodular.

There are five non-abelian connected and simply connected three-dimensional unimodular Lie groups, the nilpotent Lie group (or the Heisenberg group), the special unitary group SU(2), the universal covering group PSL̃(2,R) of the special linear group, the solvable Lie groups Sol and the universal covering group Ẽ0(2) of the connected component of the Euclidean group, for more detail, see .

In this paper, we aim the classification up to conjugation by an automorphism of Lie groups of harmonic homomorphism, between two different non-abelian connected, and simply connected three-dimensional unimodular Lie groups ϕ : (G, g) → (H, h), where g and h are two left-invariant Riemannian metrics on G and H, respectively.

2. Preliminaries

Let φ : (M, g) → (N, h) be a smooth map between two Riemannian manifolds with m = dim M and n = dim N. We denote by ∇M and ∇N the Levi-Civita connexions associated, respectively, to g and h and by TφN the vector bundle over M pull-back of TN by φ. It is a Euclidean vector bundle and the tangent map of φ is a bundle homomorphism : TMTφN. Moreover, TφN carries a connexion ∇φ pull-back of ∇N by φ and there is a connexion on the vector bundle End(TM, TφN) given by


The map φ is called harmonic if it is a critical point of the energy


The corresponding Euler-Lagrange equation for the energy is given by the vanishing of the tension field


where (ei)i=1m is a local frame of orthonormal vector fields.Let (G, g) be a Riemannian Lie group, i.e., a Lie group endowed with a left-invariant Riemannian metric. If g=TeG is its Lie algebra and <,>g=g(e), then there exists a unique bilinear map A:g×gg called the Levi-Civita product associated with (g,<,>g) given by the formula:


A is entirely determined by the following properties

  1. for any u,vg,AuvAvu=[u,v]g,

  2. for any u,v,wg,<Auv,w>g+<v,Auw>g=0.

If we denote by u the left-invariant vector field on G associated with ug then the Levi-Civita connection associated with (G, g) satisfies uv=(Auv), the couple (g,<,>g) defines a vector denoted Ug by


One can deduce easily that, for any orthonormal basis (ei)i=1m of g,


Note that g is unimodular if and only if Ug=0.

Let φ : (G, g) → (H, h) be a Lie group homomorphism between two Riemannian Lie groups. The differential ξ:gh of φ at e is a Lie algebra homomorphism. There is a left action of G on Γ(TφH) given by


A section X of TφH is called left-invariant if, for any aG, a.X = X. For any left-invariant section X of TφH, we have for any aG, X(a) = (X(e))(φ(a)). Thus the space of left-invariant sections is isomorphic to the Lie algebra h. Since φ is a homomorphism of Lie groups, g and h are leftinvariant, one can see easily that τ(φ) is left invariant and hence φ is harmonic if and only if τ(φ)(e) = 0. Now, one can see easily that

where B is the Levi-Civita product associated with (h,<,>h) and (ei)i=1m is an orthonormal basis of g. So we get the following proposition.
Proposition 2.1.

Let ϕ : GH be a homomorphism between two Riemannian Lie groups. Then ϕ is harmonic if only if τ(ξ) = 0, where ξ:gh is the differential of ϕ at e. The classification of harmonic homomorphisms will be done up to conjugation.

Two homomorphisms between Euclidean Lie algebras:

are conjugate if there exists two isometric automorphisms φ1:(g,<,>g)(g,<,>g) and φ2:(h,<,>h)(h,<,>h) such that
Proposition 2.2.

Let ξ:(g,<,>g)(h,<,>h) be a homomorphism between unimodular Euclidean Lie algebras, the following formula was established in [

(1.2). <τ(ξ),X>h=trg(ξ*°adX°ξ)Xh
where ξ*:hg is given by
(1.3). <ξ*U,V>g=<U,ξV>h,forVgandUh.

3. Riemanian three-dimensional unimodular Lie groups G

Definition 3.1.

The Heisenberg group Nil

The nilpotent Lie group Nil known as Heisenberg group, whose Lie algebra will be denoted by n. We have


The Lie algebra n has a basis {X, Y, Z}, where X=010000000, Y=000001000 and Z=001000000, where the non-vanishing Lie bracket is [X, Y] = Z.

Proposition 3.1.


Any left-invariant metric on Nil is equivalent up to automorphism to a metric whose associated matrix is of the form

Definition 3.2.

The solvable Lie group Sol

The solvable Lie group Sol whose Lie algebra will be denoted by sol. We have sol=R2ιR where ι(t)=t00t. We can choose a basis {X, Y, Z} of sol, where X=10,0, Y=01,0 and Z=00,1.

and the non-vanishing Lie brackets are [Z, X] = X and [Y, Z] = Y. The Lie group of the solvable Lie algebra sol=R2ιR is the solvable Lie group Sol, which is the semi-direct product R2ΘR, where tR acts on R2 by Θ(t)=et00et.

Proposition 3.2.


Any left-invariant metric on Sol=R2ΘR is equivalent up to automorphism to a metric whose associated matrix is of the form



Definition 3.3.

The solvable Lie group Ẽ0(2)

The solvable Lie group Ẽ0 whose Lie algebra will be denoted by e0(2), where e0(2)=R2so(2). We can choose a basis {X, Y, Z} of e0(2) where X=10,0000, Y=01,0000, Z=00,0110 and the non-vanishing Lie brackets are [Z, X] = Y, [Y, Z] = X.

The Lie algebra e0(2)=R2so(2) is Lie algebra of the Lie group E0(2)=R2SO(2).

The group E0(2) is not simply connected. The unique simply connected Lie group corresponding to the Lie algebra e0=R2so(2) is universal covering group Ẽ0(2) of E0(2).

The group Ẽ0(2) is the semi-direct product CR, where (z, t).(z′, t′) = (z + ze2iπt, t + t′) has a faithful matrix representation in GL(3,C) by

where zC and tR.
Proposition 3.3.


Any left-invariant metric on Ẽ0(2) is equivalent up to automorphism to a metric whose associated matrix is of the form


4. Harmonic homomorphisms between Sol and Nil

The following result gives a complete classification of harmonic homomorphisms between sol equipped with the left-invariant metric defined in or and n equipped with the left-invariant metric defined in .

Theorem 4.1.

A homomorphism from sol to n is conjugate to ξ:soln, where


The basis of sol is {X, Y, Z} where [Z, X] = X, and [Y, Z] = Y.

The basis of n is {E, F, H} with [E, F] = H. we put


Thus, we obtain

Theorem 4.2.

Let ξ:soln a homomorphism, where

the Lie algebra sol equipped with the left-invariant metric defined in or and n equipped with the left-invariant metric defined in . Then

We have


Using where Un and Vsol, we obtain


Using , a simple calculation gives us



Corollary 4.1.

ξ:(sol,<,>sol),(n<,>sol) is harmonic if and only if (a = b = 0 or c = 0).

Theorem 4.3.

A homomorphism from n to sol is conjugate to ξi=1,2:nsol, where




The basis of sol is {X, Y, Z}, where [Z, X] = X and [Y, Z] = Y, the basis of n is {E, F, H} with [E, F] = H, then we can suppose


Thus we obtain

Theorem 4.4.

Let ξ1,ξ2:nsol be homomorphisms, where ξ1 and ξ2 are defined in , the Lie algebra sol is equipped with the left-invariant metric defined in . Then


We have


For the homomorphism ξ1, using , where Vn and Usol, we obtain


Using , a simple calculation gives us




For the homomorphism ξ2, we have


By using , we obtain



Corollary 4.2.

ξ1:(n,<,>n)(sol,<,>sol) is harmonic if and only if a = ±b.

ξ2:(n,<,>n)(sol,<,>sol) is harmonic if and only if a12+a22=b22+b12.

Theorem 4.5.

Let ξ1,ξ2:nsol be homomorphisms, where ξ1 and ξ2 are defined in and the Lie algebra sol is equipped with the left-invariant metric defined in . Then


By using , where Vn and Usol, we obtain:

For ξ1


Using , we get


For ξ2, we have

Corollary 4.3.

ξ1:(n<,>n)(sol,<,>sol) is harmonic if and only if a=±μb.

ξ2:(n<,>n)(sol,<,>sol) is harmonic if and only if a12+a22=μ(b22+b12).

5. Harmonic homomorphisms between Sol and Ẽ0(2)

The following result gives a complete classification of harmonic homomorphisms between sol equipped with the left-invariant metric defined in , and e0(2) equipped with the left-invariant metric defined in .

Theorem 5.1.

Any homomorphism from sol to e0(2) is conjugate to ξ:sole0(2), where


The basis of sol is {X, Y, Z} where [Z, X] = X, [Y, Z] = Y and the basis of e0(2) is {A, B, C} with [A, B] = 0, [C, A] = B and [B, C] = A, we suppose


Thus we obtain

Theorem 5.2.

Let ξ:sole0(2) be a homomorphism, where

and sol equipped with the left-invariant metric defined in or in , then

We have


By using , where Ue0(2) and Vsol, we obtain


Use , we get



Corollary 5.1.

ξ:(sol,<,>sol),(e0(2)<,>e0(2)) is harmonic if and only if (ϱ = 1 and c = 0) or (a = b = 0).

Theorem 5.3.

A homomorphism from e0(2) to sol is conjugate to ξ:e0(2)sol, where


ξ:e0(2)sol, we have

Thus we obtain

Theorem 5.4.

Let ξ:e0(2)sol be a homomorphism, where

and sol equipped with the left-invariant metric defined in . Then

By using where Ve0(2) and Usol, we obtain


By direct calculation and we use , we obtain

Corollary 5.2.

ξ:(e0(2)<,>e0(2))(sol,<,>sol) is harmonic if and only if (c = 0 and a = ±b or a = b = 0).

Theorem 5.5.

Let ξ:e0(2)sol be a homomorphism, where


Where sol equipped with left-invariant metric define in .



by a similar calculation, we get ξ*=000000a+bμbνc.Using , a direct calculation gives us

Corollary 5.3.

ξ:(e0(2)<,>e0(2))(sol,<,>sol) is harmonic if and only if (a = b = 0) or (b = c = 0).

6. Harmonic homomorphisms between Nil and Ẽ0(2)

The following result gives a complete classification of harmonic homomorphisms between n equipped with the left-invariant metric defined in and e0(2) equipped with the left-invariant metric defined in .

Theorem 6.1.

A homomorphism from e0(2) to n is conjugate to ξ:e0(2)n, where


The basis of e0(2) is {A, B, C} with [A, B] = 0, [C, A] = B, [B, C] = A and the basis of n is {E, F, H} with [E, F] = H. Suppose that


Thus, we obtain

Theorem 6.2.

Let ξ:e0(2)n a homomorphism, where




We have adE=000000010,adF=000000100, and adH=000000000.

using , where Un and Ve0(2), we get


Using , a simple calculation gives us

Corollary 6.1.

ξ:(e0(2),<,>e0(2))(n<,>n) is harmonic if and only if (a = b = 0 or c = 0).

Theorem 6.3.

A homomorphism from n to e0(2) is conjugate to ξi:ne0(2), with i = 1, 2, 3 where


The basis of e0(2) is {A, B, C} such that [A, B] = 0, [C, A] = B, [B, C] = A and the basis of n is {E, F, H} with [E, F] = H. We put


Thus, we obtain

Theorem 6.4.

Let ξi:ne0(2) be homomorphisms, where (ξi)i=1,2,3 are defined in (.), then


We have adA=000001000,adB=001000000, and adC=010100000.

By using , where Ue0(2) and Vn, we obtain


We use , we obtain


For ξ = ξ2, we have ξ2*=000aϱbσc000.

We use , we obtain


For ξ = ξ3, we have


We use , we obtain



Corollary 6.2.

ξ1:(n<,>n)(e0(2),<,>e0(2)), is harmonic if and only if (ϱ = 1 or ac + bd = 0).

ξ2:(n<,>n)(e0(2),<,>e0(2)), is harmonic if and only if (b = c = 0 or ϱ = 1, and c = 0).

ξ3:(n<,>n)(e0(2),<,>e0(2)), is harmonic if and only if (b = c = 0 or c = d = 0 and ϱ = 1).


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The authors thank the referee for many useful suggestions and corrections which improved the first version.

Osamnia Nada and Zegga Kaddour are contributed equally to this work.

Corresponding author

Zagane Abdelkader can be contacted at:

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