Inferences on location parameters based on independent multivariate skew normal distributions

Ziwei Ma, Tonghui Wang, Zheng Wei, Xiaonan Zhu

Asian Journal of Economics and Banking

ISSN: 2615-9821

Open Access. Article publication date: 18 May 2022

Issue publication date: 4 August 2022




The purpose of this study is to extend the classical noncentral F-distribution under normal settings to noncentral closed skew F-distribution for dealing with independent samples from multivariate skew normal (SN) distributions.


Based on generalized Hotelling's T2 statistics, confidence regions are constructed for the difference between location parameters in two independent multivariate SN distributions. Simulation studies show that the confidence regions based on the closed SN model outperform the classical multivariate normal model if the vectors of skewness parameters are not zero. A real data analysis is given for illustrating the effectiveness of our proposed methods.


This study’s approach is the first one in literature for the inferences in difference of location parameters under multivariate SN settings. Real data analysis shows the preference of this new approach than the classical method.

Research limitations/implications

For the real data applications, the authors need to remove outliers first before applying this approach.

Practical implications

This study’s approach may apply many multivariate skewed data using SN fittings instead of classical normal fittings.


This paper is the research paper and the authors’ new approach has many applications for analyzing the multivariate skewed data.



Ma, Z., Wang, T., Wei, Z. and Zhu, X. (2022), "Inferences on location parameters based on independent multivariate skew normal distributions", Asian Journal of Economics and Banking, Vol. 6 No. 2, pp. 270-281.



Emerald Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2022, Ziwei Ma, Tonghui Wang, Zheng Wei and Xiaonan Zhu


Published in Asian Journal of Economics and Banking. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited. This article is published under the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY 4.0) licence. Anyone may reproduce, distribute, translate and create derivative works of this article (for both commercial and non-commercial purposes), subject to full attribution to the original publication and authors. The full terms of this licence may be seen at

1. Introduction

Although the normal distribution is a standard assumption for modeling observations in general, practitioners and researchers prefer more flexible models that account for the non-normality when the data collected in finance and econometric fields. The family of skew normal (SN) distributions, introduced by for the univariate case, for the multivariate case and for the matrix variate case, becomes a popular parametric family in statistical analysis of real data which account for asymmetry. There are several successful applications using SN, like modeling skewness premium of a financial asset by , addressing “wrong skewness” problems in stochastic frontier models by . Here just list a few, an updated review was given by .

Based on the definition given in , a p-dimensional random vector Y is said to be SN distributed with the location parameter vector μRp, the scale parameter matrix Σ (a p × p positive definite matrix), and the shape parameter vector λRp, denoted as YSNpμ,Σ,λ, if its probability density function (pdf) is given by

where ϕp(∙; μ, Σ) is the pdf of the p-dimensional normal distribution with the mean vector μ and the covariance matrix Σ, and Φ(∙) is the cumulative distribution function (cdf) of the univariate standard normal distribution. Extensions of are investigated by many researchers (see ; ; ; ).

For the univariate SN family, constructing plausibility regions for skewness parameter was discussed by using inferential models (IMs). The joint plausibility regions for location parameter and skewness parameter were studied by when scale parameter is known using IMs, and the joint plausibility regions for location parameter and scale parameter were constructed by when skewness parameter is given. For multivariate SN model, the confidence regions for location parameter are obtained by . In this work, we study the difference of location parameters based on independent multivariate SN distributions so that the generalized Hotelling's T2, and noncentral closed skew F-distributions are used. Under the assumption of equal but unknown scale parameters, the confidence regions for differences of location parameters of the multivariate SN model are proposed. Simulation studies show that the proposed confidence regions have higher relative coverage frequency rates than those in classical normal model for skewed data.

The organization of this paper is listed below. In , the definition of matrix variate SN distribution is introduced and some useful properties of sampling distribution on difference of sample means are derived. In , the confidence regions on the difference of location parameters by pivotal method are proposed when scale parameters from two populations are assumed to be equal but unknown. A group of simulation studies, which illustrate the effectiveness of our proposed methods, are given in , followed by a real data example in . The conclusion is given in .

2. Matrix variate SN distributions and sampling distributions

Let Mn×k be the set of all n × k matrices over the real field R and Rn=Mn×1. The transpose of a matrix A is denoted as A′. The n × n identity matrix is denoted as In, the constant vector (1,,1)Rn is denoted as 1n, and J¯n=1n1n1n. For B=(b1,b2,,bn)Mn×k with biRk, let Vec(B)=(b1,b2,,bn)Rnk. For positive definite matrix T ∈ Mn×n, we use T−1, T1/2 and T−1/2 to denote, respectively, the inverse, symmetric square root of T, and symmetric square root of T−1. For B ∈ Mm×n, C ∈ Mn×p, we use BC to denote the Kronecker product of B and C. Through this paper, N(0, 1) represents the standard normal distribution and bold phase letters represent vectors.

Definition 2.1.

The n × p random matrix Y is said to have a SN matrix distribution with location matrix M, scale matrix V ⊗Σ and skewness parameter matrix γλ, denoted by YSNn×pM,VΣ,γλ, if yVecYSNnpμ,VΣ,γλ, where M ∈ Mn×p, V ∈ Mn×n, μ=VecM, γRn and λRp

Suppose that X1Mn1×p and X2Mn2×p are two independent sample matrices such that

for i = 1, 2. We are interested in analyzing the difference vector μd = μ1 − μ2. The sampling distributions of the sample mean and sample covariance matrix are given by in following Lemma.
Lemma 2.1.

Let YSNn×p1nμ,InΣ,1nλ. Then,

are independently distributed, where Wpn1,Σ represents the p-dimensional Wishart distribution with n − 1 degrees of freedom and the mean Σ.

By , we have

for i = 1, 2. It is natural to use the statistic X¯d=X¯1X¯2 to inference on μd.

The difference between two independent SN distributed random vectors follows a closed SN distribution, which is reviewed below.

Definition 2.2.

(González-Farías et al. () A random vector YRp is said to have closed SN distribution (CSN), denoted as CSNp,qμ,Σ,D,v,Δ, if its pdf is

where C1=Φq0;v,Δ+DΣD, p ≥ 1, q ≥ 1, μRp, ΣMp×p+, D ∈ Mq×p, vRq, ΔMq×q+ and ϕk;η,Ω, Φk;η,Ω are the pdf and cdf of a k-dimensional normal distribution.

For simplicity, we assume that ν = 0 so that YCSNp,q(μ, Σ, D, Δ). The following two properties of CSN can lead to the distribution of X¯d.
Lemma 2.2.

(González-Farías et al. () Let YCSNp,q(μ, Σ, D, Δ)

  1. For an arbitrary constant bRp,

(5) Y+bCSNp,q(μ+b,Σ,D,Δ)
  1. For nonzero real number cR,

(6) cYCSNp,q(cμ,c2Σ,c1D,Δ);
  1. Let YiCSNp,qi(μi,Σi,Di,Δi), for i = 1, 2, be independently distributed. Then,

(7) Y1+Y2CSNp,q1+q2(μ1+μ2,Σ1+Σ2,D*,Δ*)

In term of CSN, X¯iCSNp,1μi,Σini,niλiΣi1/2,1 for i = 1, 2. Thus, we obtain the distribution of X¯d.

Theorem 2.1.

Let X¯d=X¯1X¯2 with X¯iCSNp,1μi,Σini,niλiΣi1/2,1 for i = 1, 2. Then,

(8) X¯dCSNp,2μd,Σd,Dd,Δd
(9) μd=μ1μ2,Σd=Σ1n1+Σ2n2Dd=λ1Σ11/2Σd1λ2Σ21/2Σd1,Δd=A11A12A21A22


By part (2) and (3) of , the desired result follows immediately. □


If λ2 = 0, i.e. X2 following multivariate normal distribution with mean μ2 and covariance Σ2n2, the distribution of difference X¯d has the form XdCSNp,1(μd,Σd,λ1Σ11/2Σd1/2,A11) which can be further expressed as XdSNp(μd,Σd,Σ11/2λ1/A111/2).

presents the contour of bivariate closed SN for various combinations of shape parameter parameters D with different scale parameter Σ=1ρρ1. Specifically, the gray contours show D = 0 with ρ = 0, 0.5 and −0.5; the green contours show D=0030 with ρ = 0, 0.5 and −0.5; the blue contours show D=1500 with ρ = 0, 0.5 and −0.5 the red contours show D=1530 with ρ = 0, 0.5 and −0.5. From another point of view, these contour plots present bivariate normal distribution (gray), SN distribution (green and blue) and closed SN distribution (red).

3. Inference on difference of location parameters

In this section, the inference on the difference of location parameter is proposed when the scale parameter Σ1 and Σ2 are unknown but assumed to be equal, say Σ1 = Σ2 = Σ. The main result is based on the generalized Hotelling's T2 under multivariate SN setting.

3.1 Some related distributions

At first, we consider the distribution of S=X¯dμdΣd1X¯dμd. The following definition and lemma by are useful to derive the distribution of S.

Definition 3.1.

Let XCSNp,q(μ, Ip, D, Δq). The distribution of XX, denoted by XXCSχp2(λ,δ1,δ2,Δq), is called a noncentral closed skew chi-square distribution with degrees of freedom p, noncentrality parameter λ = μμ, skewness parameters δ1 = Dμ, δ2 = DD and parameter Δq

Lemma 3.1.

Let XCSNp,q(μ, Σ, D, Δ) and Q = XWX with a nonnegative definite W ∈ Mp×p. If Σ1/2WΣ1/2 is idempotent of rank k, then QCSχk2(λ,δ1,δ2,Ωq), where λ = μWμ, δ1 = DΣWμ, δ2 = DΣWΣDand Ωq = Δ + D(Σ −ΣWΣ)−1D

Based on and , we obtain the following result.

Proposition 3.1.

Let S=X¯dμdΣd1X¯dμd. Then, SCSχp2(0,0,δ2,Ω) with

δ2=n1n2n1+n2λ1λ1λ2λ1λ2λ1λ2λ2 and Ω=1+n12λ1λ1n1+n2n1n2λ2λ1n1+n2n1n2λ2λ1n1+n21+n22λ2λ2n1+n2.


From part (i) of , we have X¯dμdCSNp,2(0,Σd,Dd,Δd). Since Σd1/2Σd1Σd1/2=Ip is an idempotent of rank p, the desired result follows immediately. □


Comparing with one sample case, the distribution of quantity n(X¯μ)Σ1(X¯μ)χp2 for X¯SNpμ,Σn,nλ is free of the skewness parameter λ. Here, the distribution of S follows noncentral closed SN distribution given above which depends on the parameters δ2 and Ω. Readers are referred to check out Figures 5 and 6 in for the density curves of CSχ2(0, 0, δ2, Ω).

3.2 Confidence region of μd

In this subsection, we will extend the Hotelling's T2 statistic from multivariate normal setting to the multivariate SN setting, called the generalized Hotelling's T2=n1n2n1+n2(X¯dμd)Sp1(X¯dμd), to construct the confidence regions for the difference of location vector where (n1+n22)Sp=n11S1+n21S2. First we need to derive the distribution of Sp, then extend the F-distribution to closed skew F-distribution which can describe the distribution of T2 under the multivariate SN setting.

Proposition 3.2.

Let (n1+n22)Sp=n11S1+n21S2 with S1 and S2 defined by Then, (n1 + n2 − 2)SpWp(n1 + n2 − 2, Σ)


By , (ni − 1)SiWp(ni − 1, Σ) for i = 1, 2 are independently distributed. Thus, the well-known properties of Wishart distribution for sums and scale transformation lead to the desired result. □

To obtain the distribution of T2, we need the following well-known result (, , Theorem 3.4.7) and extended version of the F-distribution, called closed skew F-distribution, , which was introduced by .

Lemma 3.2.

If HWpm,Σ, m > p, then the ratio aΣ1a/aH1aχmp+12 for any fixed p-vector a

Definition 3.2.

Let U1CSχn12(λ,δ1,δ2,Δm), U2χn22, and U1 and U2 are independent. The distribution of F=U1/n1U2/n2 is called the noncentral closed skew F-distribution with degrees of freedom n1 and n2, and parameters λ, δ1, δ2 and Δm, denoted by FCSFn1,n2(λ,δ1,δ2,Δm)

Based on above definition, the pdf of noncentral closed skew F-distribution can be obtained below.

Proposition 3.3.

Let FCSFn1,n2(λ,δ1,δ2,Δm). The pdf of F is given by

(10) fF(x;λ,δ1,δ2,Δm)=0n1vn2f1n1xvn2;λ,δ1,δ2,Δmf2(v)dv
where f1(∙; λ, δ1, δ2, Δm) and f2(∙) are pdf of CSχn12(λ,δ1,δ2,Δm) and χn22, respectively.


Let F=U1/n1U2/n2 with U1CSχn12(λ,δ1,δ2,Δm), U2χn22 independently distributed. The joint density of (U1, U2) is f(U1,U2)(u,v)=f1(u)f2(v) where f1(∙) and f2(∙) are pdf of U1 and U2, respectively. Then change of variables x=n2un1v, h = v, for x > 0, h > 0. The Jacobian of this transformation is n1v/n2. So integrating with respect to v over 0 < v <  leads to desired results.

By and , we obtain the distribution of T2 as follows.

Theorem 3.1.

For two independently distributed random matrices

where λi's are known. Let X¯i, Si be given by and , X¯d=X¯1X¯2, and Sp=n11S1+n21S2. Then, the distribution of T2=n1n2n1+n2(X¯dμd)Sp1(X¯dμd) is given by
(11) n1+n2p1p(n1+n22)T2CSFp,n1+n2p1(0,0,δ2,Ω),
where δ2=n1n2n1+n2λ1λ1λ2λ1λ2λ1λ2λ2 and Ω=1+n12λ1λ1n1+n2n1n2λ2λ1n1+n2n1n2λ2λ1n1+n21+n22λ2λ2n1+n2.


Rewrite T2 as


Since Sp and X¯dμd are independent by , the conditional distribution of

given X¯dμd by and . It is clear that wχn1+n2p12 since the conditional distribution does not depend on X¯dμd. On the other hand, since Σd1=n1n2n1+n2Σ1, then n1n2n1+n2X¯dμdΣ1X¯dμd=X¯dμdΣd1X¯dμd which follows closed skew chi-square distribution CSχp2(0,0,δ2,Ω) from . Therefore, the desired result follows by .

Based on above results, we construct confidence regions for the difference of location parameter μd by using generalized Hotelling's T2 as a pivotal statistics.

Theorem 3.2.

Assume two samples satisfying (2) with unknown Σ1 and Σ2 but Σ1 = Σ2 and known λ1 and λ2. Then, the 1001α% confidence regions for μd is given by

where CSFp,n1+n2p121α represents the 1 − α quantile of CSFp,n1+n2p12(0,0,δ2,Ω)

The following plots present the pdf of noncentral closed skew F-distribution (see ).

4. Simulation study

Simulations are conducted for evaluating the performance of the proposed confidence regions for μd under independent multivariate SN settings using the coverage relative frequency rates. Comparisons of proposed confidence regions with those in classical independent multivariate normal distributions are given.

4.1 Coverage frequencies

To evaluate the proposed confidence regions for difference of location parameters under multivariate SN setting, Monte Carlo simulation studies (each with a number of simulation runs M = 10,000) are conducted for combinations of various values of sample sizes (n1, n2) = (20,25), (40, 50) and (80,100), (ρ1, ρ2) = ({0.1, 0.5, 0.8}, {0.1, 0.5, 0.8}), D1=1325 and D2=2230.

shows that our method provides reliable inference about the difference of location parameters with nominal confidence level (95%). To further illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method, we confidence intervals of the coverage probability presented in the following plot.

From , we can see clearly that the pivotal quantity-based closed skew F-distribution produce more robust confidence region than that based on F-distribution. The coverage relative frequencies, based on the SN model, are close to the nominal confidence level 95% consistently for the combination of different sample sizes, scale parameter and skewness parameters. But the coverage relative frequencies, based on the normal model, are lower than the nominal confidence level.

5. Real data example

In this section, we illustrate the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed methods by applying them to Australian Institute of Sport (AIS) data (). We explore the difference of body mass index (BMI) and lean body mass (LMB) between males and females athletes in AIS data.

The point estimates of the parameters for AIS data are reported in .

In , the scatter plots and contour plots of fitted bivariate SN distributions are presented. Based on our previous work (), this data set prefers multivariate SN model. So we adopt multivariate SN model as well to explore the difference of location parameters. Using point estimates listed in and applying , the differences of sample mean has closed SN distribution, X¯dCSN2,2(μ,Σ,D,Δ) with estimated parameters


Then, we apply to construct the confidence region of difference of location parameters μd. In , the confidence regions for the difference of location parameters are given below at 95% confidence level.

6. Conclusion

In this work, the difference for location parameters between two independent samples under multivariate SN setting is studied. The construction of confidence region procedure is developed. From the results of simulation studies, the confidence region based on SN model has better performance than normal model in term of relative coverage frequencies to capture the true value when the data are generated from skewed distribution.


Contour plot of bivariate normal, SN and close SN distributions with various values of parameters

Figure 1

Contour plot of bivariate normal, SN and close SN distributions with various values of parameters

The pdfs of noncentral closed skew F2,n(5,(5,11)T,5111125,10.50.51) distributions with n = 5, 10, 20 and 50 (black, green, red and blue)

Figure 2

The pdfs of noncentral closed skew F2,n(5,(5,11)T,5111125,10.50.51) distributions with n = 5, 10, 20 and 50 (black, green, red and blue)

The confidence intervals of coverage relative frequencies at confidence level α = 0.95, red ones based on SN model and blue ones based on normal model with sample size (n1, n2) = (20, 25), (40, 50), (80, 100) and (200, 250) (from left to right in each figure), ρ = 0.2, 0.5 and 0.8 (in each row), and D1 and D2 (from left to right), respectively

Figure 3

The confidence intervals of coverage relative frequencies at confidence level α = 0.95, red ones based on SN model and blue ones based on normal model with sample size (n1, n2) = (20, 25), (40, 50), (80, 100) and (200, 250) (from left to right in each figure), ρ = 0.2, 0.5 and 0.8 (in each row), and D1 and D2 (from left to right), respectively

The scatter plots and contour plots for the AIS data of males and females

Figure 4

The scatter plots and contour plots for the AIS data of males and females

The confidence region of difference of location parameter μd at confidence level 95% for AIS data between males and females, where the black triangle represents the μˆd , and the blue dot represents the μd0

Figure 5

The confidence region of difference of location parameter μd at confidence level 95% for AIS data between males and females, where the black triangle represents the μˆd , and the blue dot represents the μd0

Coverage relative frequencies of confidence regions at confidence level α = 95% for difference of location parameters μd with various combinations of sample sizes, ρ1, ρ2 and D1, D2 using Hotelling's T2 as the pivotal quantity when Σ1 and Σ2 are equal but unknown

20,25ρ = 0.20.92680.94950.92240.9524
ρ = 0.50.92740.95110.91350.9502
ρ = 0.80.92060.95040.92270.9520
40,45ρ = 0.20.90250.94790.90080.9534
ρ = 0.50.91180.94510.90950.9509
ρ = 0.80.90360.95210.90160.9524
80,100ρ = 0.20.89320.95270.90800.9479
ρ = 0.50.89170.94630.87020.9470
ρ = 0.80.90350.94830.89330.9448
200,250ρ = 0.20.88240.95030.88830.9461
ρ = 0.50.889200.95330.89560.9559
ρ = 0.80.89980.94920.88520.9546

Point estimates of SN parameters for the males and females AIS data, respectively



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The authors would like to thank reviewers for their valuable suggestions and comments, which improved the manuscript.

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Tonghui Wang can be contacted at:

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