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A short-term “behavioural support” service for autistic adults without an intellectual disability: a pilot evaluation

Adam Clifford, Deena Camps

Advances in Autism

ISSN: 2056-3868

Article publication date: 16 April 2024

Issue publication date: 14 May 2024




A region’s transforming care partnership identified that autistic adults without an intellectual disability (ID) may be falling through gaps in services when presenting with a significant emotional and/or behavioural need in the absence of a mental health diagnosis. The region’s intensive support teams (ISTs) for adults with ID therefore piloted a short-term “behavioural support service” for this population. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate this pilot.


This study represents a mixed-methods service evaluation over a four year pilot period. The quantitative component examined referral rates and demographic data of accepted and declined referrals; and length of referral episodes and Health of The Nation Outcomes Scores (HoNOS) for accepted referrals. The qualitative component used thematic analysis to identify key themes relating to reasons for referral, clinical/therapeutic needs, and the models of support that most informed assessments and interventions at individual and systems levels.


The ISTs accepted 30 referrals and declined 53. Most accepted referrals were male (83%), and under 24 years old (57%). Average HoNOS scores were above the thresholds generally associated with hospital admission. Key qualitative themes were: transitional support; sexual risks/vulnerabilities; physical aggression; domestic violence; and attachment, trauma and personality difficulties. Support mostly followed psychotherapeutic modalities couched in trauma, attachment and second- and third-wave cognitive behavioural therapies. Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) did not emerge as a model of preference for service users or professionals.


This project represents one of the first of this type for autistic adults without an ID in the UK. It provides recommendations for future service development and research, with implications for Transforming Care policy and guidance.



The authors would like to thank all their IST colleagues for their support in generating the data for this service-evaluation, and those who shared feedback on previous drafts of this paper.

Erratum: It has come to the attention of the publisher that the article, Clifford, A. and Camps, D. (2024), “A short-term “behavioural support” service for autistic adults without an intellectual disability: a pilot evaluation”, Advances in Autism, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print., replaced the wording “challenging behaviour” with “behavioural support services” in error. This error took place during the typesetting process and has been corrected in the online version of the article. The publisher sincerely apologises for this error and any inconvenience caused.

Corrigendum: It has come to the attention of the publisher that the article, Clifford, A. and Camps, D. (2024), “A short-term “behavioural support” service for autistic adults without an intellectual disability: a pilot evaluation”, Advances in Autism, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print., incorrectly formatted the text in Table 3. Emerald’s guidelines state that tables are to be reviewed at proof stage. The table formatting has been corrected in the online version of the manuscript.


Clifford, A. and Camps, D. (2024), "A short-term “behavioural support” service for autistic adults without an intellectual disability: a pilot evaluation", Advances in Autism, Vol. 10 No. 2, pp. 82-97.



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