Isikveren, A.T. (2015), "Editorial", Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, Vol. 87 No. 1.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Article Type: Editorial From: Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology: An International Journal, Volume 87, Issue 1
Greetings colleagues. I do hope that 2014 has been a hitherto productive and stimulating year for you all. As we near 2015, the time has come to launch Vol. 87 of the Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology (AEAT) Journal. As the AEAT Journal continues to grow from strength to strength, I am very pleased to announce that this issue heralds the sixth year of my duty as Editor. I would like to take the opportunity of thanking Prof Fabrizio L. Scarpa, Professor of Smart Materials and Structures, Faculty of Engineering at the University of Bristol whose contributions to the AEAT Editorial Advisory Board has been most valued over the years. Prof Scarpa has recently been replaced by Prof Dr- Ing. Dieter Scholz, Head of Aircraft Design and Systems Group of HAW Hamburg. On behalf of the AEAT Editorial Advisory Board, I would like to welcome Prof Scholz and very much look forward to working together on future tasks.
Now, upon review of all six issues that constitute Vol. 86, one immediately observes a proliferation of special issues. A total of three special issues went to print, which is the most number apportioned to any AEAT Journal Volume to date. As a result of this circumstance, over 60 per cent of the total number of published manuscripts attributable to Vol. 86 originated from these special issues.
Vol. 86, No. 3 was the first out of the batch of three to go to print. With Prof Thrassos Panidis of the University of Patras serving in an excellent fashion as Guest Editor, this special issue was devoted to the 2nd European Aeronautics Science Network (EASN) Workshop on Flight Physics and Propulsion. The Workshop was organised by the EASN Association in collaboration with the Czech Aerospace Research and Test Establishment, VZLU, and took place from 31 October to 2 November 2012 in Prague. Adhering to EASN policy of disseminating knowledge and promoting innovation, the Workshop hosted individual technical and fundamental research presentations as well as advancements of ongoing research projects, thus providing a forum for the development of new ideas for future research. I am very pleased to report that the success of Vol. 86, No. 3 has prompted the EASN Board of Directors to approve another special issue for Vol. 87. The fourth in the series of specialised EASN Workshops, this time targeting Flight Physics and Aircraft Design was held 27-29 October 2014 in Aachen, Germany, at RWTH Aachen University.
In keeping with the successful outcome of special issue Vol. 85 No. 6, where a select number of articles were published from contributions made at the 7th International Conference, "Supply on the Wings", which was part of the International Aerospace Supply Fair (AIRTEC) held in Frankfurt, Germany, on 6-8 November 2012, Vol. 86, No. 4 continued with what will hopefully become a tradition. This special issue reflected some very interesting technical articles associated with the 8th International Conference, "Supply on the Wings", which took place together with 2013 AIRTEC, 5-7 November 2013 in Frankfurt, Germany. Gratitude is again forwarded to Prof Richard Degenhardt of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and Private University of Applied Sciences (PFH), and to Dr Leslie J. Cohen, Senior Vice President of Hitco Carbon Composites Inc., for their diligent and quality work as Guest Editors.
The third and final special issue, Vol. 86, No. 6, was devoted to distributed propulsion and hybrid-energy topics. Both Prof Riti Singh, Professor Emeritus of Gas Turbine Engineering at Cranfield University, as well as being one of the esteemed members on the AEAT Editorial Advisory Board, and I collaborated to bring together an international array of high-calibre technical article contributions from authors representing Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Russia, the United Kingdom and the USA. The nature of each manuscript was to offer a synopsis of research activities, thereby instilling an idea of not only what is work-in-progress, but also to provide highly relevant outcomes/conclusions and to give a notion of future prospects when it concerns topics related to distributed propulsion and hybrid-energy propulsion and power systems. In addition, a select number of the technical articles presented in Vol. 86, No. 6 served as primers for specially invited presentations made at the "Conference on Disruptive Green Propulsion Technologies: Beyond the Competitive Horizon" organised by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, which took place in London, United Kingdom, 17-18 November 2014. An honorable mention goes to Dr Devaiah Nalianda, Research Fellow, Energy and Power Division, Cranfield University for his diligent supporting effort as this special issue was being developed.
When summing up what was offered in Vol. 86, I can report the readership was privy to an interesting array of technical topics that again covered a diversity of specialisations. Indeed, Of a total number of 65 published manuscripts, 5 addressed manufacturing topics, 7 were devoted to passive and active structures, 6 covered stand-alone aircraft systems, 13 articles were related to integrated aerospace vehicle systems, 11 presented research dealing with advanced aerodynamics, flight control and allocation protocols, 12 provided investigative work about conventional as well as advanced propulsion, 8 addressed topics involving aerospace vehicle operations, performance and reduced emissions and 3 offered technical work associated with space flight, supporting systems and control of space vehicles. I hope you would agree that this breakdown bodes relatively well with the notion of offering a diverse and rather appropriately distributed array of core topics for Vol. 86.
In closing, allow me take a moment to reiterate what the vision is for the AEAT Journal. I continue to urge all readers and authors to regard AEAT as a platform for disseminating innovative scientific methods, research and technology ideas. Having stated this, the mission statement is extended such that some thought and discussion is given as to how said ideas benefit the design, and/or, development, and/or, project management, and/or, the manufacture, and/or, operation, of current or future aerospace vehicle systems. Furthermore, to ensure perpetuity of high standards with the coming generations of aerospace engineering academics and professionals, I also call on those working with aerospace vehicle design and analysis pedagogy to consider submitting articles that cover topics related to novel educational initiatives.
On behalf of the Editorial Advisory Board and Editorial Team, it is our express wish you find Vol. 87, No. 1 interesting reading. We look forward to receiving your contributions in future.
About the author

Askin T. Isikveren works at Visionary Aircraft Concepts, Bauhaus Luftfahrt e.V., Munich, Germany