Choice Modelling: The State-of-the-art and The State-of-practice
ISBN: 978-1-84950-772-1, eISBN: 978-1-84950-773-8
Publication date: 15 January 2010
(2010), "Prelims", Hess, S. and Daly, A. (Ed.) Choice Modelling: The State-of-the-art and The State-of-practice, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, p. i.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2010 Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Half Title Page
Guest Speakers and Organisers
From left to right: Moshe Ben-Akiva, Stephane Hess, Andrew Daly, Daniel McFadden, Riccardo Scarpa, David Hensher, Chandra Bhat, Michel Bierlaire
Title Page
Proceedings from the Inaugural International Choice Modelling Conference
Institute for Transport Studies, Leeds, UK
Institute for Transport Studies, Leeds, UK
United Kingdom • North America • Japan
India • Malaysia • China
Copyright Page
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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ISBN: 978-1-84950-773-8
Stephane Hessis a principal research fellow in the Institute for Transport Studies (ITS) at the University of Leeds and holds a Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship. He is also research group leader for Economics and Behavioural Modelling at ITS, and is a visiting research scholar in the Institute for Transport and Logistics Studies at the University of Sydney. Hess holds a Ph.D. in transport demand modelling from Imperial College London, and a M.Phil. in statistical science from Cambridge University. His main research interests lie in the use of advanced discrete choice models for the analysis of travel behaviour. His contributions have been recognised by the 2005 Eric Pas award for the best Ph.D. thesis in the area of travel behaviour modelling. He is also the founding editor-in-chief of the Journal of Choice Modelling,and is the chair of the Innovative Methods in Transport Analysis, Planning and Appraisal committee at the European Transport Conference, as well as being a member of the council of the Association for European Transport.
Andrew Dalyis a research professor at the Institute for Transport Studies in Leeds, a senior adviser to RAND Europe and the author of the widely used ALOGIT software. His work has attempted to bridge the gap between research and practice in choice modelling: pioneering the introduction of random utility models, making advanced models operational for large areas so they can be used in practical planning, and improving the credibility of stated preference methods. He has published and presented well over 100 papers on these subjects, was chair of the recent International Choice Modelling Conference, has contributed to a number of books and regularly reviews papers for the leading transport journals. He has directed large-scale transport modelling projects in The Netherlands, France, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Australia and the UK and contributed to projects in several other countries. He frequently advises local, national and international government agencies on transport modelling issues.
Guest Speakers
Daniel McFaddenpassed through the public school system of North Carolina, then graduated in Physics but soon developed an interest in human behaviour and turned to economics. Following the completion of his Ph.D. at the University of Minnesota in 1962, he has spent his career largely at Berkeley, CA and from 1977 to 1991 at the economics faculty at MIT, where he became Director of the Statistics Research Center. He then returned to Berkeley to establish the Econometrics Laboratory, a facility devoted to improving statistical computation for economics applications, where he is now the holder of the E. Morris Cox chair.
From 1964 onwards, seeking methods to analyse institutional decision-making behaviour, he developed an econometric model based on an axiomatic theory of choice behaviour, showing how this model linked to the economic theory of choice behaviour. These developments are now called the multinomial logit model and the random utility model, which have turned out to be widely useful in economics and other social sciences. Over the years he has written papers on a variety of topics in economics and choice theory, almost all having origins in applied problems, often with an emphasis on binding economic theory, and on developing theoretical and statistical tools. In recent years, his research has concentrated on the deviations from the economic theory of choice and their implications for economic analysis.
In 2000, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences ‘for his development of theory and methods for analyzing discrete choice’. Characteristically, his lecture gave credit to a long list of inspirations and collaborators with whom he has worked. His own contribution to choice modelling is, however, unparalleled.
Moshe Ben-Akivais the Edmund K. Turner professor of civil and environmental engineering and director of the Intelligent Transportation Systems Program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He holds a Ph.D. degree in transportation systems from MIT and has received honorary degrees from the University of the Aegean, the Université Lumière Lyon and the Stockholm Royal Institute of Technology (KTH). His awards include a Transportation Science Dissertation Prize from the Operations Research Society of America (now INFORMS), the MIT Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering Effective Teaching Award, the MIT Samuel M. Seegal Prize awarded to professors who inspire students to pursue and achieve excellence, the Lifetime Achievement Award of the International Association for Travel Behavior Research and the Jules Dupuit Prize from the World Conference on Transport Research Society. He has co-authored two books, including the textbook Discrete Choice Analysis, published by MIT Press, and over 200 papers in refereed journals and conference proceedings. He recently coedited the book Recent Developments in Transport Modelling: Lessons for the Freight Sector published by Emerald. Two traffic simulators have been developed under his supervision: MITSIMLab, a microscopic simulator; and DynaMIT, a mesoscopic simulator — which includes algorithms for dynamic traffic assignment, traffic predictions and route guidance. He has worked as a consultant in industries such as transportation, energy, telecommunications, financial services and marketing for a number of private and public organisations, including Hague Consulting Group, RAND Europe, ChoiceStream and Cambridge Systematics, where he is a senior principal and a member of the board of directors.
David A. Hensheris professor of management, and founding director of the Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies (ITLS): The Australian Key Centre of Teaching and Research in Transport Management at The University of Sydney. David is a fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences in Australia (FASSA), Recipient of the 2006 Engineers Australia Transport Medal for lifelong contribution to transportation, recipient of the 2009 Bus NSW (Bus and Coach Association) Outstanding Contribution to Industry Award, member of Singapore Land Transport Authority International Advisory Panel (chaired by Minister of Transport) and past president of the International Association of Travel Behaviour Research. David is the cofounder of The International Conference in Competition and Ownership of Land Passenger Transport (the Thredbo Series), now in its 20th year. David is on the editorial boards of 10 of the leading transport journals and area editor of Transport Reviews. He is also series and volume editor of a handbook series Handbooks in Transport. He has published extensively (over 425 papers) in the leading international transport journals and key journals in economics as well as 11 books.
Chandra R. Bhatis the Adnan Abou-Ayyash Centennial Professor at The University of Texas at Austin, where he teaches courses in transportation systems analysis and transportation planning methods. Bhat received the 2004 Walter L. Huber Award and the 2005 James Laurie Prize from the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) in recognition of his contributions to ‘innovative methods in transportation systems analysis and modeling.’ He also received the 2006 Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company Award for Excellence in Engineering Teaching from the Cockrell School of Engineering at UT Austin, and the 2006-2007 Outstanding Graduate Teaching Award from the UT Graduate School. Bhat was also named as the recipient of the 2008 Wilbur S. Smith Distinguished Transportation Educator Award, and was selected as a 2008-2009 Jefferson Science Fellow by the United States Department of State and the National Academies. More details about Prof. Bhat are available at his website:
Michel Bierlaire, Belgian, and born in 1967, holds a M.Sc. and a Ph.D. in mathematical sciences from the Facultés Universitaires Notre-Dame de la Paix, Namur, Belgium (University of Namur). Between 1995 and 1998, he was research associate and project manager at the Intelligent Transportation Systems Program of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Cambridge, MA). Between 1998 and 2006, he was a junior faculty in the Operations Research group ROSO within the Institute of Mathematics at EPFL. In 2006, he was appointed associate professor in the School of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering at EPFL, where he became the director of the Transport and Mobility Laboratory. Since 2009, he is the director of TraCE, the Transportation Center at EPFL. His main expertise is in the design, development and applications of models and algorithms for the design, analysis and management of transportation systems. Namely, he has been active in demand modelling (discrete choice models, estimation of origin-destination matrices) and Dynamic Traffic Management Systems. As of October 2009, he has published 44 papers in international journals (including Transportation Research Part B, the transportation journal with the highest impact factor), 1 book, 20 book chapters, 74 articles in conference proceedings, 84 technical reports and has given 134 scientific seminars. His article ‘An efficient algorithm for real-time estimation and prediction of dynamic OD table’, co-authored with Frank Crittin, has received the Best Paper Award of the Transportation Science & Logistics Society of INFORMS in 2006.
Other Authors
Maya Abou-Zeidis an assistant professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the American University of Beirut (AUB) and a research affiliate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Maya received doctoral and master's degrees in transportation from MIT and a bachelor's degree in civil and environmental engineering from AUB.
Thomas J. Adleris president of Resource Systems Group, Inc., a US-based transportation, market research and environmental consulting firm. Prior to cofounding the firm, he was a professor at Dartmouth College for 10 years, where he taught graduate-level courses in discrete choice modelling, operations research, statistics and transportation modelling methods.
Ricardo Alvarez-Dazianois doing a Ph.D. at Laval University since 2005 and member of the GREEN and CDAT Research groups of the Department of Economics. His thesis concerns the study of hybrid choice models (HCM) and aims to improve the representation of behavioural decision making.
Gianluca Antoniniis a senior research scientist at the IBM Zurich Research Laboratory (ZRL), working with the Information Analytics group in the Mathematical & Computational Sciences Department. He holds a master degree in telecommunication engineering from the University of Siena, and a Ph.D. from the Signal Processing Institute, Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL).
Ian J. Batemanis professor of environmental economics at the University of East Anglia, UK and associate professor at both the University of Western Australia and the University of Waikato, New Zealand.
Michiel C. J. Bliemeris an associate professor transport modelling at Delft University of Technology, an adjunct professor at the Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies at The University of Sydney, and a senior consultant transport innovation and modelling at Goudappel Coffeng BV. He holds an M.Sc. degree in econometrics (honours) and a Ph.D. in traffic engineering.
Denis Bolducis full-time professor at Laval University. His major fields of expertise include: discrete choice analysis, applied econometrics and demand modelling. He has performed applied and theoretical research mostly in the transportation field. He has been chair of the department during the 2002-2008 period. He is currently chair of the CDAT.
Danny Campbellis a lecturer in environmental economics at the Institute for a Sustainable World, Queen's University Belfast. He has obtained a Ph.D. in environmental economics, a M.Sc. in rural development and a B.Sc. in agricultural economics. Danny's research interests include environmental valuation and methodological issues associated with discrete choice modelling.
Phani Kumar Chintakayalais Accent research fellow at Institute for Transport Studies in the University of Leeds, UK. He also works as stated preference analyst for Accent Marketing & Research Ltd., UK. His research interests are stated preference designs, behavioural efficiency analysis and application of SP to transport and non-transport sectors.
Jon Crockettis a transport planner and researcher at MVA Consultancy. He is their technical group leader for behavioural research, modelling and analysis, and has specialised in understanding reactions to changes in the transport network(s) through the application of econometric theories.
Javier Cruzreceived the M.S. degree in mathematics and the M.S. degree in telecommunications engineering from the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC), in 2005 and 2006, respectively. In January 2007, he joined the Transport and Mobility Laboratory (Transp-OR) of EPFL, where he is now working towards his Ph.D. on image and signal processing under the supervision of Prof. M. Bierlaire and Prof. J.-P. Thiran.
Matthieu de Lapparentis researcher at the French National Institute of Research on Transport and Safety (INRETS). He holds a Ph.D. in economics from the Université de Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. He specialises in discrete choice modelling accounting for bounded rationality of decision makers and/or for risky choice situations.
Jeffrey Dumontis an associate at Resource Systems Group with professional interests in market research and discrete choice modelling. He is a graduate of the mathematics program at Lafayette College in Easton, PA.
Naveen Eluruis currently a Ph.D. candidate in transportation engineering at The University of Texas at Austin. He received his M.S. degree in civil engineering at The University of Texas at Austin and bachelors in technology from Indian Institute of Technology, Chennai. Naveen grew up in Andhra Pradesh, India.
Mogens Fosgerauis a senior researcher at DTU Transport. His main research interests are transport economics, microeconometrics and valuation of non-market goods. His most recent publications relate to the value of travel time reliability and the use of non-parametric methods in transport modelling.
Emma Frejingerholds a Ph.D. in mathematical sciences from EPFL. She won the TSL INFORMS dissertation prize 2008 for her thesis on route choice modelling (Michel Bierlaire, advisor). Since 2008, she is researcher at the Centre for Transport Studies (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm).
Isobel Claire Gormleyis a lecturer in statistics in University College Dublin, Ireland. The statistical modelling of rank data is among her research interests.
Cristian Angelo Guevarais author of several scientific papers in transportation demand and economics. He is a research professor at Universidad de los Andes, Chile. He holds an M.Sc. from Universidad de Chile and another from MIT, where he now pursues his Ph.D. He had been awarded the Fulbright and the Martin-Family fellowships.
Hugh Gilliesis the development management/strategic roads safety manager for Transport Scotland. During the time of this study he led Transport Scotland's research programme on Land use And Transport Integration in Scotland (LATIS), which provided support for the appraisal of policies in areas such as transport, planning and the environment.
Yaron Hollanderworks for Steer Davies Gleave in London, and is very active in applied research on public transport reliability. In his Ph.D. thesis (at the Institute for Transport Studies, Leeds) and subsequent projects for various clients he investigated travellers’ attitudes to unreliability, techniques for forecasting the level of unreliability and the introduction of reliability benefits to scheme appraisal.
Eleni Kitrinouis lecturer of statistics, computers and methodology of social research at the Department of Sociology, University of the Aegean, Greece.
Paul Kosterreceived his master of science in spatial, transport and environmental economics at the Department of Spatial Economics, VU University Amsterdam in 2007, where he is currently working as a Ph.D. candidate. His research focuses on the estimation and valuation of travel time variability in private and public transport.
James Lairdis a senior research fellow at the Institute for Transport Studies in the University of Leeds, UK. His main research area is the economic appraisal of transport projects. He has worked in both the private and the academic environments and has recently completed a Ph.D. in transport economics.
Bruno Lanzis a Ph.D. candidate in economics at ETH Zürich, a visiting scholar at Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Joint Program on the Science & Policy of Global Change and an associate consultant with Economics for the Environment Consultancy (eftec) in London.
Stefan L. Mabit, assistant professor at DTU Transport. He finished his Ph.D. study at DTU Transport in 2008 on discrete choice issues within transport modelling. His main research interests are travel demand modelling and discrete choice modelling, especially related to willingness-to-pay measures and car demand.
Mark Morrisonis Associate-Director of the Institute for Land, Water and Society and professor in the School of Business at Charles Sturt University in Bathurst, Australia. He received his Ph.D. from the University of New South Wales. His research interests are in choice modelling, non-market valuation, market segmentation, marketing education and environmental marketing. He published in several major journals in environmental economics and marketing education.
Thomas Brendan Murphyis an associate professor of statistics, in University College Dublin, Ireland. The statistical modelling of rank data is among his research interests.
Jeffrey P. Newmanserved as a researcher in the Transport and Mobility Lab at EPFL, holds a Ph.D. in civil engineering from Northwestern University, and a masters of public administration and a B.S. in policy analysis from Cornell University. He has been awarded fellowships from the US Departments of Transportation and Homeland Security.
Harmen Oppewalis professor in the Department of Marketing at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. He received his Ph.D. from the Technical University of Eindhoven. His research focuses on choice modelling and consumer analysis in retail, services, transport and tourism. He published in several of the main journals in marketing, transport and planning.
Juan de Dios Ortúzaris professor of transport engineering at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. He has published widely in the areas of discrete choice modelling and advanced survey methods, with particular interest in the willingness-to- pay for reducing transport externalities. His book Modelling Transport (with L. G. Willumsen) is reaching its fourth edition and also being translated to Chinese.
Ece Ozdemiroglu, the founding director of Economics for the Environment Consultancy (eftec), is an environmental economist specialising in economic valuation and using this evidence for environmental decision-making. She has coedited or co-authored 11 books and contributed to several articles. Ece studied economics at Istanbul University and environmental and resource economics at University College London.
Eric J. Pentecostis professor of economics and head of the Department of Economics, at Loughborough University, UK. Eric worked as an economics analyst in the Bank of England before joining the staff of Loughborough University in 1987. Eric's research interests are in macroeconomics and international finance in which fields he has published over 50 academic papers and authored three books.
Amalia Polydoropoulouis associate professor of analysis of transport systems at the Department of Shipping, Trade and Transport, University of the Aegean, Greece.
Allan Provinsis an environmental economist working for economics for the Environment Consultancy (eftec) in London, UK. His main areas of work are economic valuation of non-market goods and services and the application of cost-benefit analysis for public and private sector decision making.
Sean M. Puckettis postgraduate coordinator in transport management and a lecturer in transport and supply chain management at the Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies at The University of Sydney. He previously worked at the US Department of Commerce.
Simona Rasciuteis a research associate in the Department of Economics at Loughborough University, UK where she also gained Ph.D. (2008). Simona did her undergraduate studies in Kaunas, Lithuania, after which she also finished two masters degrees in Kaunas and in Antwerp, Belgium. Simona's research interests are in international and financial economics and discrete choice modelling.
Thomas Robinobtained in 2006 an engineer degree from the ‘Ecole des mines d’Alès’ in France. Since October 2006, he is Ph.D. student in the Transp-or Laboratory at EPFL, under the supervision of Prof. Michel Bierlaire. He works on the behavioural modelling of human experts for scene analysis, particularly on facial expression recognition in videos.
John M. Roseis a senior lecturer in transport and logistics management and program director at the Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies at The University of Sydney. He holds a bachelor of economics (honours) and a Ph.D. in transport economics.
Caroline Louise Sinclairis a transport modeller at MVA Consultancy. She has developed and applied highway, public transport and multi-modal models for a wide range of studies. Recently, she has managed the development of an aviation demand and economics forecasting model for the US Federal Aviation Administration.
Riccardo Scarparesearches choice modelling for non-market valuation methods. Since 2005 he has held a chair in environmental economics at the University of Waikato, at Waikato Management School Economics Department where he teaches econometrics and resource and environmental economics. He previously worked at York, Newcastle upon Tyne, Madison and Viterbo.
Colin Smithis a senior project consultant at Resource Systems Group, with professional interests in travel demand forecasting and discrete choice modelling. He is a graduate of the civil engineering program at the University of Nottingham and the intercollegiate transport program at Imperial College and University College, London.
Matteo Sorcireceived his B.S. and M.S. degrees from the Faculty of Telecommunication Engineering, University of Siena, Italy in 2001, and the doctoral degree in 2009 from EPFL (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology), in the Signal Processing Laboratory under the supervision of Prof. Jean-Philippe Thiran.
Jean-Philippe Thiranreceived the Elect. Eng. and Ph.D. degrees from the Universite catholique de Louvain (UCL), Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, in 1993 and 1997, respectively. Since January 2004, he has been an assistant professor, responsible for the Image Analysis Group at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland. His current scientific interests include image segmentation, prior knowledge integration in image analysis, partial differential equations, and variational methods in image analysis, multimodal signal processing, medical image analysis, including multimodal image registration, segmentation, computer-assisted surgery, and diffusion MRI. Dr. Thiran was co-editor-in-chief of Signal Processing Journal (published by Elsevier Science) from 2001 to 2005. He is currently an associate editor of the International Journal of Image and Video Processing (published by Hindawi), and member of the editorial board of Signal, Image and Video Processing (published by Springer). He was the general chairman of the 2008 European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO 2008). He is a senior member of the IEEE, and a member of the MLSP and IVMSP technical committees of the IEEE Signal Processing Society
Yin-Yen Tsengreceived her Ph.D. in economics at VU University Amsterdam in 2008. Her research focuses on the reliability of travel time in passenger transportation, valuation methods and discrete choice analyses. She is now working as a post doc at the Department of Spatial Economics, VU University Amsterdam.
David Walleris a senior lecturer in the School of Marketing at the University of Technology, Sydney. He obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Newcastle. His research focuses on advertising strategy and media planning. He has several publications in the main advertising journals.
Paul Wangis a senior lecturer in the School of Marketing at the University of Technology, Sydney. He obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Arkansas. His interests are in choice modelling, segmentation and market research. He published in several of the main marketing journals.
Mark Wardmanis professor of transport demand analysis at the Institute for Transport Studies (ITS) at the University of Leeds, and is the director of ITS. His main research interests are econometric analysis of travel demand, particularly rail and stated preference, with an emphasis on public transport and environmental factors.
Gerard Andrew Whelanis an economist and transport planner by profession. His work covers road, rail and air sectors with a focus on competition and consumer choice. Gerard leads MVA Consultancy's transport planning and social market research activities in London.
Ken Willisis professor of environmental economics at Newcastle University. He has conducted numerous valuation projects using stated preference choice models, as well as contingent valuation, travel-cost and hedonic price models. Issues covered include biodiversity, cultural heritage, energy, forests, landscape, quarries, recreation, transport, waste disposal, and water quality and supply.
Maria Francisca Yáñezreceived her B.Sc. degree in civil engineering from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC). She is currently Ph.D. candidate at PUC, and is enjoying a 1-year stay at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW- Berlin) financed by the Chilean Council for Scientific and Technological Research and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). She has presented part of her thesis work at the most important conferences in Latin America and Europe.
The inaugural International Choice Modelling Conference was organised by the Institute for Transport Studies at the University of Leeds and was held at Harrogate in Yorkshire in the North of England from 30 March to 1 April 2009.
The conference brought together leading researchers and practitioners from across the many different areas in which choice modelling is a key technique for understanding behaviour and evaluating policy. The conference also came 29 years after another University of Leeds-organised conference on Research and Application of Disaggregate Travel Demand Models. Several of the delegates from the 1980 event were once again present at our conference, showing the longevity of the field. The presence of numerous new young delegates illustrates the growing international popularity of choice modelling as a topic of research.
The highlight of the conference was a presentation by Professor Daniel McFadden from the University of California at Berkeley, Nobel Prize laureate in Economics and chief architect of random utility modelling. We were similarly delighted to be able to secure the involvement of five other leading choice modellers as keynote speakers, namely Professor Moshe Ben-Akiva, Professor Chandra Bhat, Professor Michel Bierlaire, Professor David Hensher and Professor Riccardo Scarpa.
The diversity of the field was reflected in presentations by both academics and practitioners, coming from six continents and various different fields, with a similar mix in non-speaking delegates. This book brings together a selection of the best theoretical and applied papers from the conference, as well as five of the guest speaker contributions.
We specifically chose not to use this editorial for the purpose of summarising the various papers contained in this volume; we leave it to the readers to form their own opinions. We have, however, grouped the papers into a number of subsets. The first of these contains the five guest speaker papers referred to above and which indicate the achievements and current frontiers of the research area in a number of directions. This is followed by a set of four papers looking at data collection, primarily concerned with issues of experimental design and another set of four papers dealing with behavioural concepts and methodology which introduce a number of new ideas. Next are four papers looking in different ways and contexts at issues to do with endogeneity and heterogeneity, illustrating the rich variety of types of behaviour that can be addressed. The field of transport has always been one of the most fertile breeding grounds in choice modelling, and this is reflected in the four papers contained in the next section. However, highlighting the multi-disciplinary nature of the field and the conference, the final subset contains six papers with applications from beyond transport.
It remains to us to once again thank our five conference sponsors, MVA Consultancy, Peter Davidson Consultancy, RAND Europe, Resource Systems Group Inc. and Significance, and our additional supporters, Accent and PTV. Further thanks need to go to the members of the academic committee, as well as Julie Hipkin, who worked tirelessly behind the scenes. Finally, all delegates will remember the wonderful musical performance by Supertram, joined on stage by the Red Hot Chilean Professors and John Bates Piano Services, with Mark Wardman on additional vocals and air guitar.
In closing, we hope to see many of the authors and readers of this volume at the second International Choice Modelling Conference, planned for 2011.
Stephane Hess
Andrew Daly
University of Leeds, UK
- Prelims
- Chapter 1 Sociality, Rationality, and the Ecology of Choice
- Chapter 2 Planning and Action in a Model of Choice
- Chapter 3 Attribute Processing, Heuristics and Preference Construction in Choice Analysis
- Chapter 4 The Multiple Discrete-Continuous Extreme Value (MDCEV) Model: Formulation and Applications
- Chapter 5 Capturing Human Perception of Facial Expressions by Discrete Choice Modelling
- Chapter 6 Serial Choice Conjoint Analysis for Estimating Discrete Choice Models
- Chapter 7 Observed Efficiency of a D-Optimal Design in an Interactive Agency Choice Experiment
- Chapter 8 Effects of Stated Choice Design Dimensions on Model Estimates
- Chapter 9 Stated Choice Experimental Designs for Scheduling Models
- Chapter 10 Systematically Heterogeneous Covariance in Network GEV Models
- Chapter 11 On Estimation of Hybrid Choice Models
- Chapter 12 A Model of Travel Happiness and Mode Switching
- Chapter 13 On Path Generation Algorithms for Route Choice Models
- Chapter 14 Mode Choice Endogeneity in Value of Travel Time Estimation
- Chapter 15 Accommodating Coefficient Outliers in Discrete Choice Modelling: A Comparison of Discrete and Continuous Mixing Approaches
- Chapter 16 Addressing Endogeneity in Discrete Choice Models: Assessing Control-Function and Latent-Variable Methods
- Chapter 17 Latent Class and Mixed Logit Models with Endogenous Choice Set Formation Based on Compensatory Screening Rules
- Chapter 18 Transport Welfare Benefits in the Presence of an Income Effect
- Chapter 19 Which Commuters Will Car Share? An Examination of Alternative Approaches to Identifying Market Segments
- Chapter 20 Modelling Choice in a Changing Environment: Assessing the Shock Effects of a New Transport System
- Chapter 21 What Do We Really Know About Travellers' Response to Unreliability?
- Chapter 22 Optimizing Product Portfolios Using Discrete Choice Modeling and TURF
- Chapter 23 Preference Stability: Modeling how Consumer Preferences Shift after Receiving New Product Information
- Chapter 24 Investigating Willingness to Pay–Willingness to Accept Asymmetry in Choice Experiments
- Chapter 25 Clustering Ranked Preference Data Using Sociodemographic Covariates
- Chapter 26 Continuous versus Discrete Representation of Investing Firm Heterogeneity in Modelling FDI Location Decisions
- Chapter 27 Development of Integrated Choice and Latent Variable (ICLV) Models for the Residential Relocation Decision in Island Areas