Identifying and Reconciling the Data Needs of Public Transit Planning, Marketing and Performance Measurement
ISBN: 978-1-84-855844-1, eISBN: 978-1-84-855845-8
Publication date: 2 November 2009
More than ever before, public transit must compete in the transport market. This competition is, on the one hand, against steadily increasing car traffic; and on the other hand, between public transit operators. This, in turn, leads to new demands regarding the type, content and quality of data needed for planning and management. Frequently, traditional travel behaviour surveys do not provide sufficiently accurate and detailed information about public transit demand. To plan public transit, frequently a precise description of all trip stages, including the first and the last mile, is necessary. To achieve this, an adaptation of the traditional survey methods is necessary. In many countries, public transit associations have been established to integrate services offered by individual public transit operators with the help of through-ticketing and a coordination of lines and timetables into what looks, to the user, like a single system. To distribute revenue among the operators involved, detailed surveys of passengers are needed. Measuring the quality of public transit service and surveying customer satisfaction are new tasks. Such data are the basis for quality assurance and are essential for gaining and keeping customers of the public transit system. New technologies such as the Global Positioning System, automated passenger counts and Smart Card Payment Systems offer new possibilities to collect data more efficiently and cost-effectively. This article covers essential aspects of surveys and the collection of data that are crucial for the planning and management of public transit; it points to state-of-the-art methods and offers potential solutions.
Sammer, G. (2009), "Identifying and Reconciling the Data Needs of Public Transit Planning, Marketing and Performance Measurement", Bonnel, P., Lee-Gosselin, M., Zmud, J. and Madre, J.-L. (Ed.) Transport Survey Methods, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 321-348.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
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