ISBN: 978-1-78-190287-5, eISBN: 978-1-78-190288-2
Publication date: 29 January 2013
(2013), "Prelims", Zmud, J., Lee-Gosselin, M., Munizaga, M. and Carrasco, J.A. (Ed.) Transport Survey Methods, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, p. i.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2013 Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Half Title Page
Title Page
RAND Corporation, VA, USA
Laval University, Quebec, Canada
University of Chile, Santiago, Chile
University of Concepcion, Concepcion, Chile
United Kingdom – North America – Japan
India – Malaysia – China
Copyright Page
Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Howard House, Wagon Lane, Bingley BD16 1WA, UK
First edition 2013
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ISBN: 978-1-78190-288-2
List of Contributors
Louis Alexandre | Hydro-Quebec, Québec, Canada |
Elizabeth Ampt | Sinclair Knight Merz (SKM), Adelaide, Australia |
Julián Arellana | Departamento de Ingeniería Civil y Ambiental, Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla, Colombia |
Jimmy Armoogum | Department of Transport, Economics and Sociology (DEST), IFSTTAR, Noisy le Grand, France |
Kay W. Axhausen | Institute for Transport Planning and Systems (IVT), ETH Zurich, Switzerland |
Pablo Beltrán | Cityplanning, Santiago, Chile |
Chandra R. Bhat | Department of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA |
Peter Bonsall | Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK |
Pierre-Léo Bourbonnais | Department of Civil, Geological and Mining Engineering, Polytechnique Montréal, Montréal, Québec |
Mark Bradley | Resource Systems Group, Santa Barbara, CA, USA |
Cristián Bustos | Solutiva Consultores, Concepción, Chile |
Juan Antonio Carrasco | Department of Civil Engineering, Universidad de Concepción, Chile |
Jesse Casas | Westat, Rockville, Montgomery County, MD, USA |
Rinaldo A. Cavalcante | Department of Civil Engineering, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada |
Robert Chapleau | École Polytechnique de Montréal, Montréal, Québec, Canada |
Makoto Chikaraishi | Department of Urban Engineering, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan |
Bastian Chlond | Institute for Transport Studies, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany |
Linda Christensen | DTU Transport, Danish Technical University, Lyngby, Denmark |
Ka Kee Alfred Chu | Agence métropolitaine de transport, Montréal, Québec, Canada |
Beatriz Cid-Aguayo | Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Universidad de Concepción, Chile |
Kelly J. Clifton | Portland State University, Portland, OR, USA |
Caitlin Cottrill | Smart-FM, Singapore |
Thomas Couronné | Sociology and Economics of Networks and Services Department, Orange Labs R&D, Paris, France |
Flavio Devillaine | Coordinación Transantiago, Santiago, Chile |
Marco Diana | Department of Environmental, Land and Infrastructures Engineering (DIATI), Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy |
Louis Dieumegarde | Université Laval, CRAD, Québec, Canada |
Christoph Dobler | Institute for Transport Planning and Systems (IVT), ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland |
Pedro Donoso | Laboratorio de Transporte y Uso de Suelo, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile |
Richard Ellison | Institute of Transport & Logistics Studies, University of Sydney, NSW, Australia |
Mark Freedman | Westat, Rockville, Montgomery County, MD, USA |
Akimasa Fujiwara | Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan |
Jane Gould | UCLA Transportation, LA, CA, USA |
Konstadinos G. Goulias | Geography Department, University of California Santa Barbara, Santa Barbara, CA, USA |
Stephen Greaves | Institute of Transport & Logistics Studies, University of Sydney, NSW, Australia |
Antonio Gschwender | Coordinación Transantiago, Santiago, Chile |
Ravindra Gudishala | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA |
Martin Kagerbauer | Institute for Transport Studies, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany |
Birgit Kohla | Institute for Transport Studies, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria |
T. Keith Lawton | Keith Lawton Consulting Inc., Newberg, OR, USA |
Scott Le Vine | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Centre for Transport Studies, Imperial College London, South Kensington, UK |
Martin Lee-Gosselin | ESAD-CRAD, Université Laval, Québec City, Canada |
Karen Lucas | Transport Studies Unit, Oxford University, Oxford, UK |
Bill Lythgoe (deceased) | Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK |
Wilko Manz | INOVAPLAN GmbH, Ettlingen, Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany |
Michael Meschik | Institute for Transport Studies, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria |
Eric J. Miller | Department of Civil Engineering, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada |
Jason Minser | Abt SRBI, Savannah, GA, USA |
Catherine Morency | Department of Civil, Geological and Mining Engineering, Polytechnique Montreal, Montréal, Québec, Canada |
Marcela Munizaga | Departamento de Ingeniería Civil, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile |
Khandker M. Nurul Habib | Civil Engineering Department, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada |
Ana-Maria Olteanu-Raimond | Sociology and Economics of Networks and Services Department, Orange Labs R&D, Paris, France |
Meisy Ortega | MIT, Boston, MA, USA |
Juan de Dios Ortúzar | Departamento de Ingeniería de Transporte y Logística, Pontifica Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile |
Ahmed Osman Idris | Civil Engineering Department, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada |
Carolina Palma | Cityplanning, Santiago, Chile |
Francis Papon | IFSTTAR, Noisy-le-Grand, France |
Ram M. Pendyala | Department of Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA |
John Polak | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Centre for Transport Studies, Imperial College London, UK |
Christine Prasad | Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies, The University of Sydney, NSW, Australia |
Anthony J. Richardson | The Urban Transport Institute (TUTI), Alexandra, Victoria, Australia |
Jorge Rivera | Facultad de Economía y Negocios, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile |
Luis Ignacio Rizzi | Departamento de Ingeniería de Transporte y Logística, Pontifica Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile |
Lars Roessger | Department of Traffic and Transportation Psychology, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Germany |
Matthew Roorda | Department of Civil Engineering, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada |
Gerd Sammer | Institute for Transport Studies, University of Natural Resources and Life Science Vienna, Vienna, Austria |
Jens Schade | Department of Traffic and Transportation Psychology, Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden Germany |
Sudeshna Sen | Merkle, Oak Brook, IL, USA |
Marcelo G. Simas Oliveira | GeoStats LP, Atlanta, GA USA |
Aruna Sivakumar | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Centre for Transport Studies, Imperial College London, UK |
Zbigniew Smoreda | Sociology and Economics of Networks and Services Department, Orange Labs R&D, Paris, France |
Abby Sneade | Department for Transport, London, UK |
Peter R. Stopher | Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies, The University of Sydney, NSW Australia |
François Théberge | Faculty of Planning, Architecture and Visual Arts, Université Laval, Québec, Canada |
Marius Thériault | ESAD-CRAD, Université Laval, Québec, Canada |
Alejandro Tudela | Civil Engineering Department, Universidad de Concepción, Chile |
Laurie Wargelin | SRBI, New York, NY, USA |
Claude Weis | Institute for Transport Planning and Systems (IVT), ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland |
Jeremy Wilhelm | GeoStats LP, Atlanta, GA, USA |
Chester Wilmot | Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA |
Matthias Wirtz | Institute for Transport Studies, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany |
Jean Wolf | GeoStats LP, Atlanta, GA, USA |
Junyi Zhang | Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan |
Johanna Zmud | Transportation, Space and Technology Program, RAND Corporation, St Arlington, VA, USA |
Dirk Zumkeller | Institute for Transport Studies, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany |
Mauricio Zúñiga | Departamento de Ingeniería Civil, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile |
The objective of this book is to communicate the state of “good” practice in transport survey methods from around the world. It identifies the progress made toward methodological solutions and the challenges that remain ahead. Most importantly, it consolidates an international perspective on improving data and information to support transportation decision-making. One of the central conclusions to be drawn from its contents is that innovation to improve our international data and information infrastructure, and the thorough testing of innovations, should be a primary preoccupation for the immediate future.
This book brings together a selection of peer-reviewed papers and workshop syntheses from the 9th international conference held in Puyehue, Chile in November 2011. It is not a proceedings volume, as this role was fulfilled by the provision, to all participants, of unpublished electronic pre-prints of papers and posters that were accepted by a review board for presentation at the Conference.
Each ISCTSC conference is organized around key themes. The Chile Conference focused on “Scoping the Future While Staying on Track.” It sought a strategic balance between, on one hand, the anticipation of changing data needs that result from important ongoing shifts in major transport policy issues and, on the other, the imperative to ensure that benchmark data are stable and consistent enough for comparisons to be made across time. This is the contemporary context for identifying and researching developments in survey methods, in concert with other data sources, which can meet the resultant challenges. Of course, data collection methods are also subject to challenge and change, most notably in the current era from technological developments. Our overarching goal is thus to review, critique, and update the body of knowledge about survey methodologies, in order to enhance the quality, value, and utility of the data that surveys provide for shaping transport practice, policy, and programs.
This publication should be of substantial interest to analysts, planners, and researchers who provide information and knowledge to transportation policy makers and decision-makers. It should also be of interest to students and their teachers, because it considers the current condition of transport data and information to support good decision-making, and identifies where future improvements are needed. Finally, it has relevance for transportation policy makers and decision-makers who rely on good information and intelligence for the soundness of the work that they do.
The book's international perspective would not be possible without the institutional infrastructure of the International Steering Committee for Travel Survey Conferences (ISCTSC). This sentiment, which is usually placed in the acknowledgments, resides here because of the significance of this organization for good practice in transport survey methods. The mission of the organization is to organize periodic international conferences on research into the conduct of transport surveys that support planning, policy, modeling, monitoring, and related issues for urban, rural, regional, intercity, and international person, vehicle, and commodity movements. The ISCTSC vision is the continuous improvement of transport survey methods, and of the information they provide to decision-makers, in both developed and developing countries. With respect to developing countries, it supports its mission through a scholarship fund that subsidizes conference attendance, and through the donation of conference publications, such as this, to developing-country libraries.
A professional volunteer organization, the ISCTSC, has a rich legacy of past conferences and publications that began in the late 1970s with a small invitational conference in Eibsee, Germany, organized by Werner Brög and colleagues. Subsequent conferences were held in Hungerford Hill, Australia in 1983 (Ampt, Richardson, & Brög, 1985), Washington, DC in 1990 (Ampt, Richardson, & Meyburg, 1992), Steeple Aston, England in 1996 (Bonsall & Ampt, 1996), Eibsee, Germany in 1997 (TRB, 2000), Kruger Park, South Africa in 2001 (Stopher & Jones, 2003), Playa Herradura, Costa Rica in 2004 (Stopher & Stecher, 2006), and Annecy, France in 2008 (Bonnel, Lee-Gosselin, Zmud, & Madre, 2009).
With the publication of this book, and under a recent constitutional change that provides for overlapping cochair terms, we pass the ISCTSC baton to the recently elected cochairs. They are: Marcela Munizaga, who so ably coled the Local Organizing Committee for the Chile Conference (for a two-conference term); and the return of Tony Richardson, who provided much inspiration for the series as one of its “founding mothers and fathers” (for one conference). We sign off knowing that they will benefit, as have we, from the extraordinary goodwill that sustains the ISCTSC around the world, and confident that the future of the series is in excellent hands.
Johanna Zmud
Martin Lee-Gosselin
October 2012
The conference in Chile was conceived and directed by the International Steering Committee on Transport Survey Conferences (ISCTSC), under the co-chairmanship of Martin Lee-Gosselin and Johanna Zmud. The conference was held in collaboration with the Institute for Complex Engineering Systems (ISCI) in Santiago, Chile. A Local Organizing Committee (LOC) in Chile deserves much credit for the success of the Chile Conference — both in terms of their active role in the technical program and for their coordination of logistical arrangements.
For the period leading up to the conference through to the completion of the book the ISCTSC members were:
Carlos Arce, ArceZmud, LLC, USA
Tom Adler, Resource Systems Group, USA
Jimmy Armoogum, IFSTTAR, France
Patrick Bonnel, ENTPE, France
Chandra Bhat, The University of Texas at Austin, USA
Werner Brög, Socialdata, Germany
Kelly Clifton, Portland State University, USA
Martin Lee-Gosselin, Laval University, Canada (co-chair)
Jeff Guo, Beijing Transportation Research Center, China
Stephan Krygsman, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa
Peter Jones, University College London, United Kingdom
Jean-Loup Madre, IFSTTAR, France
Arnim Meyburg, Cornell University, USA
Catherine Morency, Polytechnique Montreal, Canada
Juan de Dios Ortúzar, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile (also on LOC)
Alan Pisarski, Consultant, USA
Tony Richardson, The Urban Transport Institute, Australia
Gerd Sammer, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria
Peter Stopher, University of Sydney, Australia
Orlando Strambi, Escola Politécnica de USP, Brazil
Harry Timmermans, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Chester Wilmot, Louisiana State University, USA
Toshiyuki Yamamoto, Nagoya University, Japan
Johanna Zmud, RAND Corporation, USA (co-chair)
Dirk Zumkeller, Karlsruhe University, USA
These two LOC co-chairs also served as members of the ISCTSC:
Juan Antonio Carrasco, Universidad de Concepción, Chile
Marcela Munizaga, Universidad de Chile, Chile
Other LOC members were:
Esteban Godoy, SECTRA, Chile
Luis Rizzi, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile
Alan Thomas, SECTRA, Chile
Alejandro Tudela, Universidad de Concepción, Chile
We would also like to acknowledge the workshop chairs and rapporteurs, who contributed substantially to the success of the conference, and Karla Jaramillo and Natalia Rivas who assisted the LOC and also staffed the conference registration desk throughout the conference.
We are grateful to the following organizations that provided sponsorships for the conference:
PTV NuStats, USA
The Complex Engineering Systems Institute (ISCI), Chile
The sponsorship of these organizations enabled a number of scholarships to be awarded to delegates from countries throughout Latin America and elsewhere, none of whom would have been able to attend without this assistance.
The conference also was organized under the auspices of:
Sociedad Chilena de Ingeniería de Transporte (SOCHITRAN)
Subscretaría de Transportes, Gobierno de Chile
The preparation of this book was greatly aided by the guidance of Cristina Irving and Claire Swift of Emerald Group Publishing Limited, and the work of ISCTSC's publication coordinator Ana Arce Casas. We thank them for their attention to detail.
Ampt, E. S., Richardson, A. J., & Brög, W. (Eds). (1985)Ampt, E. S., Richardson, A. J., & Brög, W. (Eds). (1985). New survey methods in transport. Utrecht, The Netherlands: VNU Science Press.
Ampt, E. S., Richardson, A. J., & Meyburg, A. H. (Eds). (1992)Ampt, E. S., Richardson, A. J., & Meyburg, A. H. (Eds). (1992). Selected readings in transport survey methodology. Melbourne, Australia: Eucalyptus Press.
Bonnel, P., Lee-Gosselin, M. E. H., Zmud, J., & Madre, J. L. (Eds). (2009)Bonnel, P., Lee-Gosselin, M. E. H., Zmud, J., & Madre, J. L. (Eds). (2009). Transport survey methods: Keeping up with a changing world. Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Bonsall, P., & Ampt, E. S. (Eds.) (1996)Bonsall, P., & Ampt, E. S. (Eds.) (1996). Conference proceedings, 4th international conference on Survey Methods in Transport, Steeple Ashton, Oxford, UK.
Stopher, P. R., & Jones, P. M. (Eds). (2003)Stopher, P. R., & Jones, P. M. (Eds). (2003). Transport survey quality and innovation. Oxford, UK: Pergamon.
Stopher, P. R., & Stecher, C. (Eds). (2006)Stopher, P. R., & Stecher, C. (Eds). (2006). Travel survey methods: Quality and future directions. Oxford, UK: Elsevier.
Transportation Research Board. (2000)Transportation Research Board. (2000). Transport surveys: Raising the standard. Transportation Research Circular E-C008, National Research Council, Washington, DC.
- Prelims
- 1. Transport Surveys: Considerations for Decision Makers and Decision Making
- 2. Keynote — Total Design Data Needs for the New Generation Large-Scale Activity Microsimulation Models
- 3. Cell Phone Enabled Travel Surveys: The Medium Moves the Message
- 4. A Case Study: Multiple Data Collection Methods and the NY/NJ/CT Regional Travel Survey
- 5. Conducting a GPS-only household travel survey
- 6. The Role of Web Interviews as Part of a National Travel Survey
- 7. Using Accelerometer Equipped GPS Devices in Place of Paper Travel Diaries to Reduce Respondent Burden in a National Travel Survey
- 8. Workshop Synthesis: Validating Shifts in the Total Design of Travel Surveys
- 9. Workshop Synthesis: Multi-Method Data Collection To Support Integrated Regional Models
- 10. Web-Based Travel Survey: A Demo
- 11. Web versus Pencil-and-Paper Surveys of Weekly Mobility: Conviviality, Technical and Privacy Issues
- 12. Workshop Synthesis: Designing New Survey Interfaces
- 13. Shipper/Carrier Interactions Data Collection: Web-Based Respondent Customized Stated Preference (WRCSP) Survey
- 14. Workshop Synthesis: Alternative Approaches to Freight Surveys
- 15. Analysis of PAPI, CATI, and CAWI Methods for a Multiday Household Travel Survey
- 16. Comparing Trip Diaries with GPS Tracking: Results of a Comprehensive Austrian Study
- 17. Correcting Biographic Survey Data Biases to Compare with Cross-Section Travel Surveys
- 18. Workshop Synthesis: Comparative Research into Travel Survey Methods
- 19. Optimal Sampling Designs for Multi-Day and Multi-Period Panel Surveys
- 20. Data Quality and Completeness Issues in Multiday or Panel Surveys
- 21. Workshop Synthesis: Longitudinal Methods: Overcoming Challenges and Exploiting Benefits
- 22. Affective Personal Networks versus Daily Contacts: Analyzing Different Name Generators in a Social Activity-Travel Behavior Context
- 23. Qualitative Methods in Transport Research: The ‘Action Research’ Approach
- 24. Workshop Synthesis: Collecting Qualitative and Quantitative Data on the Social Context of Travel Behaviour
- 25. Empirically Constrained Efficiency in a Strategic-Tactical Stated Choice Survey of the Usage Patterns of Emerging Carsharing Services
- 26. Workshop Synthesis: Methods for Capturing Multi-Horizon Choices
- 27. Survey Data to Model Time-of-Day Choice: Methodology and Findings
- 28. Collection of Time-Dependent Data Using Audio-Visual Stated Choice
- 29. Workshop Synthesis: Survey Methods to Inform Policy Makers on Energy, Environment, Climate and Natural Disasters
- 30. Factors Affecting Respondents' Engagement with Survey Tasks
- 31. A Stated Adaptation Approach to Surveying Activity Scheduling Decisions
- 32. Workshop Synthesis: Cognitive and Decision Processes Underlying Engagement in Stated Response Surveys
- 33. Measuring User Satisfaction in Transport Services: Methodology and Application
- 34. Semantic Approach to Capture Psychological Factors Affecting Mode Choice: Comparative Results from Canada and Chile
- 35. Workshop Synthesis: Measuring the Influence of Attitudes and Perceptions
- 36. Smart Card Validation Data as a Multi-Day Transit Panel Survey to Investigate Individual and Aggregate Variation in Travel Behaviour
- 37. Indirect Measurement of Level of Service Variables for the Public Transport System of Santiago Using Passive Data
- 38. Towards a Reliable Origin-Destination Matrix from Massive Amounts of Smart Card and GPS Data: Application to Santiago
- 39. Workshop Synthesis: Exploiting and Merging Passive Public Transportation Data Streams
- 40. A GPS/Web-Based Solution for Multi-Day Travel Surveys: Processing Requirements and Participant Reaction
- 41. Spatiotemporal Data from Mobile Phones for Personal Mobility Assessment
- 42. Workshop Synthesis: Post-Processing of Spatio-Temporal Data
- Index