The Benefits and Disbenefits to Traffic at Pre-signalled Intersections
Mathematics in Transport Planning and Control
ISBN: 978-0-08-043430-8, eISBN: 978-0-58-547418-2
Publication date: 15 December 1998
The need to provide efficient public transport services in urban areas has led to the implementation of bus priority measures in many congested cities. Much interest has recently centred on priority at signal controlled junctions, including the concept of pre-signals, where traffic signals are installed at or near the end of a with-flow bus lane to provide buses with priority access to the downstream junction. Although a number of pre-signals have now been installed in the UK, particularly in London, there has been very little published research into the analysis of benefits and disbenefits to both buses and non-priority vehicles at pre-signalised intersections. This paper addresses these points through the development of analytical procedures which allow pre-implementation evaluation of specific categories of pre-signals.
Wu, J. and Hounsell, N. (1998), "The Benefits and Disbenefits to Traffic at Pre-signalled Intersections", Griffiths, J.D. (Ed.) Mathematics in Transport Planning and Control, Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 89-98.
:Emerald Group Publishing Limited
Copyright © 1998 Emerald Group Publishing Limited