Malva Daniel Reid
(University of the District of Columbia, USA)
Jyldyz Bekbalaeva
(American University of Central Asia, Kyrgyzstan)
Denise Bedford
(Georgetown University, USA)
Alexeis Garcia-Perez
(Coventry University, UK)
Dwane Jones
(University of the District of Columbia, USA)
ISBN: 978-1-83982-431-9, eISBN: 978-1-83982-430-2
Publication date: 6 September 2021
This content is currently only available as a PDF
Reid, M.D., Bekbalaeva, J., Bedford, D., Garcia-Perez, A. and Jones, D. (2021), "Index", Learning Organizations (Working Methods for Knowledge Management), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 177-180.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2021 Emerald Publishing Limited
Abstract conceptualization (AC)
, 116
Accelerated learning
, 43
Active experimentation (AE)
, 116
Active learning
, 146
Actual values
, 53–54
Adult learning strategies
, 42–43
Affective, tacit knowledge
, 108
Aspirational values
, 54
Assessment-centered environments
, 81
Asynchronous group learning environments
, 105–106
Attitudes and behaviors
as capital
, 14–15
, 75–76
proficiency and progress
, 72–73
Aural learning
, 79
Behavioral theories
, 36, 37
Business-related learning
, 144
Cognitive theories
, 35–36
Collective learning
, 99, 126
Communicating learning strategy
, 151
group learning and internal communications
, 153–154
individual learning and learning socialization
, 154
learning organizations
, 152–153
leveraging communication capabilities
, 152
organizational learning and strategic communications
, 153
public relations communications
, 152–153
Community-centered environments
, 81
Concrete experience (CE)
, 116
, 67
Corporate culture
, 47, 48
Corrective values
, 53–54
Cross-team learning
, 41
Cultural capital
, 22
Cultural knowledge
, 77
proficiency and progress
, 73
, 46
body of knowledge
, 46–48
elements of
, 48–50
Decision-making processes
, 55
Dependent learner
, 120
Designs for learning
, 63
curriculum design strategies
, 64–67
and environments
, 63–64
framework for learning designs
, 67–68
how we learning
, 78–79
learner-centered design
, 67
traditional teacher
, 64–67
what we learning
, 74–78
when we learning
, 83–84
where we learning
, 81–83
who is learning
, 72–74
who is teaching
, 80–81
why we learning
, 68–71
Ecological domain
, 123
, 3–4
Elaboration Theory
, 65–66
Emergent networks
, 126
Emotions and individual learning
, 122
, 92
Explicit knowledge, learning
, 76
Extrinsic factors
, 121
Face-to-face learning methods
, 147
Fashionable values
, 54
, 121–122
, 121–122
and individual learning
, 121–122
First principles of instruction
, 65
Formal networks
, 126
Formal schooling
, 81
4C/ID Model
, 66
Group learning
, 76, 103
, 104
and internal communications
, 153–154
Group level learning strategy
, 143–144
Group networks
, 126
Human capital, 8–10, 39 (see also Knowledge capital)
individual learning building
, 124–125
team or group learning builds
, 106–109
Human resource development (HRD)
, 138
Human resource management (HRM)
, 137
Individual learning, 99, 115 (see also Organizational learning; Team learning)
builds human capital
, 124–125
builds procedural capital
, 126
builds relational capital
, 126–127
, 120–124
, 116
and learning socialization
, 154
, 117
self-directed learning
, 119–120
, 117–119
Individual level learning strategy
, 144
Industrial economy
, 4
Informal networks
, 126
Informal self-directed learning
, 82–83
Instructional system design model (ISD model)
, 146
Intellectual capital
, 8, 9
Intelligent organizations
, 91
Intentional informal learning
, 83
Inter-organizational group learning
, 112–113
Interested learner
, 120
Internal communications
, 153–154
Interpersonal learning (see Social learning)
Intrapersonal learning (see Solitary learning)
Intrinsic factors
, 121
Intuitive, tacit knowledge
, 108
Involved learner
, 120
Joint learning (see Collective learning)
, 3
, 139–141
knowledge-centered environments
, 80
, 37–38
Knowledge capital
, 4, 5, 39
designing new investments in
, 28–29
economic properties and behaviors of
, 7
intellectual capital
, 8
primary factors of production
, 7–8
tacit knowledge
, 11–12
types and attributes of
, 8–9
Knowledge economy
, 138
explicit knowledge and information
, 17–19
learning and
, 3–4
learning attitudes and behaviors in
, 14–15
learning explicit knowledge in
, 17–19
learning organizational culture in
, 22–23
nature of future
, 4–6
relational capital in
, 26
skills and competencies
, 12–14
Language and communication systems
, 55–56
Learner-centered design
, 67
Learner-centered environments
, 80
, 3, 33, 116
, 57
, 55–57
, 33–35
explicit knowledge in knowledge economy
, 17–19
and knowledge economy
, 3–4
, 89, 90
skills and competencies
, 12–14
and tacit knowledge
, 11–12
theories and acquisition of knowledge capital
, 38–41
theories and knowledge capital
, 35–38
types in workplace
, 41–43
, 53–55
Learning cultures
, 45
assumptions and beliefs about
, 50–53
interplay of cultural elements
, 57–58
Lifelong learning
, 83
Lifewide learning
, 82
Linguistic learning
, 79
Logical–mathematical learning
, 79
Market learning
, 41
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs
, 69, 70
Mental models
, 116
Motivation in learning
, 37
Multinational enterprises (MNE)
, 112
Network capital
, 24
Networks and network relationships
, 25–26
Observe-assess-design-implement-cycle model (OADI model)
, 116
Onion model
, 118
Operational resources
, 5
Organization-wide learning strategy
, 133
build learning capacity
, 142–144
learning culture
, 135–136
learning plans and activities
, 141–142
learning strategies
, 134, 136–141
scope and coverage of learning strategies
, 144–148
visions of learning organization
, 134–135
Organizational context
, 123
Organizational culture
, 21–23, 46–47, 123
Organizational entropy
, 91–93
Organizational learning, 89, 98–99 (see also Individual learning; Team learning)
building capacity strategically
, 93–98
building learning capacity
, 90
intelligent organizations
, 91
learning partnership and sponsorship opportunities
, 96–97
organizational entropy
, 91–93
and strategic communications
, 153
Organizational networks
, 126
Organizational socialization
, 111
Organizational syntropy
, 91
Peer-to-peer learning
, 126
Peripheral values
, 54
Personal learning environments (PLEs)
, 123
Personal networks
, 126
Personnel management methods
, 9
Physical environment
, 122
Physical learning
, 79
Pivotal values
, 53–54
Procedural capital
, 19, 109–110
, 20
group learning as driver of
, 110
individual learning builds
, 126
Procedural knowledge
, 19–21
, 76–77
proficiency and progress
, 73
Proficiency, tacit knowledge
, 72
Public relations communications
, 152–153
Rapid instructional design (RID)
, 67
Reflective observation (RO)
, 116
Relational capital
, 8, 24, 40–41, 110–113
individual learning builds
, 126–127
, 24
Relational knowledge
, 77–78
proficiency and progress
, 73
Reputational capital
, 24, 27
Reputational knowledge
as capital
, 27–28
, 78
proficiency and progress
, 74
Return on Investment (ROI)
, 140
Self-directed learner
, 120
Self-directed learning
, 119–120
, 71
Situated learning
, 67
Skills and competencies
, 12–14
, 75
proficiency and progress
, 72
Social belonging
, 70–71
Social learning
, 79
Socialization of learning
, 154
Soft skills
, 71
Solitary learning
, 79
Spatial learning
, 78
Spiritual tacit knowledge
, 108–109
Staged self-directed model (SSDL)
, 120
Strategic communications
, 153
Strategic level learning strategy
, 143
Structural capital
, 8, 15–16, 39–40, 109–110
Synchronous group learning environments
, 105–106
, 91
Tacit knowledge
, 11–12, 107, 108, 125
, 74–75
, 72
Team learning, 103 (see also Individual learning; Organizational learning)
builds human capital
, 106–109
builds procedural capital
, 109–110
builds relational capital
, 110–113
, 104–106
Technology, learning and
, 42
Theory of Component Display
, 65
Theory of deliberate practice
, 34
, 71
Umbrella concept of learning
, 34
Verbal learning
, 79
Visual learning
, 78
Within-team learning
, 41
- Prelims
- Section 1: Learning in the Knowledge Economy
- Chapter 1: Knowledge Capital and the Knowledge Economy
- Chapter 2: Learning
- Chapter 3: Learning Cultures
- Chapter 4: Designs for Learning
- Section 2: Learning Environments
- Chapter 5: Learning at the Organization Level
- Chapter 6: Learning at the Team or Group Level
- Chapter 7: Learning at the Individual Level
- Section 3: Developing Learning Strategies
- Chapter 8: Designing and Developing an Organization-wide Learning Strategy
- Chapter 9: Communicating and Socializing the Learning Strategy
- Chapter 10: Maintaining and Sustaining a Learning Strategy
- Appendix 1: Pulling it All Together
- Appendix 2: Checklist of Intelligent Organization Behaviors
- Index