Expand the Space, Expand the Bravery: A Practicum for Building Safe Brave Spaces within STEM Faculty Professional Development Programs
Re-conceptualizing Safe Spaces
ISBN: 978-1-83982-251-3, eISBN: 978-1-83982-250-6
Publication date: 25 October 2021
The shift in undergraduate student demographic composition, particularly for the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) disciplines, has been coupled with an ever increasing need for faculty to be more culturally aware and responsive. Traditionally, higher education has relied on the professional development programs of disciplinary societies and associations to meet such needs. However, designing professional development for STEM faculty in ways that awaken awarenesses about racial differences and their impact on academic success requires more than the conventional faculty development offerings, which, more often than not, only give cursory nods to difference or limit programming to “cookbook” protocols of do's and don'ts. Indeed, today's STEM faculty professional development must be met with more sophisticated paradigms that foreground personal reflection and development. Safe brave spaces represent an ideal mechanism for supporting not only personal reflection but also the grappling with and letting go of the destructive values and beliefs that negatively impact undergraduate STEM student success. The chapter offers the reader a view into our perspective as conveners of safe brave professional development spaces. In it, we also share the words of a safe brave space occupier, demonstrating how the power of reflection can influence the value of safe brave spaces. As a result, the reader is left with a different lens through which STEM faculty professional development programs can and should be considered – whether it is who is in them, who is missing from them, or what is required to facilitate more productive interactions within them. Admittedly, there is more work yet to be done. Understanding that this work requires safety and bravery is a necessary next step.
The author wishes to acknowledge and thank Dr Jordan Elliott for sharing her story in this chapter. In doing so, she has demonstrated the power of a safe brave space and indirectly issued a direct call to action for us – to seek every opportunity to make all spaces, regardless of their form, safe and brave.
Mack, K. (2021), "Expand the Space, Expand the Bravery: A Practicum for Building Safe Brave Spaces within STEM Faculty Professional Development Programs", Winter, K. and Bramberger, A. (Ed.) Re-conceptualizing Safe Spaces, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 79-90. https://doi.org/10.1108/978-1-83982-250-620211011
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2021 Kelly Mack. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited