ISBN: 978-1-83982-229-2, eISBN: 978-1-83982-226-1
Publication date: 26 April 2021
(2021), "Index", Mahat, M. (Ed.) Women Thriving in Academia (Surviving and Thriving in Academia), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 177-181.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2021 Marian Mahat. Published by Emerald Publishing under an exclusive licence
Academia, 17, 19, 154, 168–170
black women, 42–43, 47–48
gender inequality, 89–90
leadership, 64
portfolio approach, 148, 154–155, 161, 163
shape careers, 113–114
thriving, 168–170
women empowering, 52–57
women thriving, 3–4, 6, 9–10, 12
Academy, 63
collegial relationships, 33, 35–37, 39, 41–44, 46–47
COVID-19, 102–103
gendered, 90–91
identity, 94
legitimacy, 33, 35–37, 39, 41–44, 46–47
modern female, 173–175
narratives, 10–11
stories, 4, 6–10, 12
t-shirt slogans, 170–173
workforce, 109, 111, 113, 123
Asian/American, 76–77, 81–82
Association for Learning Technology (ALT), 160
Athena SWAN model, 53–54, 134–135
Authentic leadership, 62–63
Autoethnography, 35
Blackness, 36–37
Black women in academia, 42–43, 47–48
Brexit, 133, 138
Collaboration, 19, 44–45, 48
Brexit, 133
inter- and intradisciplinary, 100–101
international, 122
leadership, 63
portfolio development, 162
social media, 159
Collegiality, 174
COVID-19, 96, 102–103, 129–130, 173
Differentiation, 109, 111, 113, 123
Education-focused academics, 109–110
giver’s career, 114–116
innovator, 116–117
problem-solver, 117–119
shape women, 113–114
women, higher education, 110, 112–113
worker/server, 119–124
Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA), 103–104
Exclusion, 35, 46, 90–91, 96
Facebook, 96–97
Feedback, 45, 162
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), 137
Festival. See also xCHANGE festival, 129–130, 133–135, 139
Gender, 3, 11, 36–37
academy, 90–91
bias, 9, 81–82, 109–110
discrimination, 78–79
equality, 53
imbalance, 57
inequity, 53–54, 143–144
transformation, 46–47
Glitch, 101
Google Scholar, 154
Higher Education Academy (HEA), 152
Higher education institutions (HEIs), 33–34, 41–42
Black and female, 43
deracialization processes, 34
South Africa, 34–35
Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), 51–52
Hyper performance
belonging, 41–42
thriving, 42–43
Imposter syndrome, 5–6, 151–152
Inequality, 11, 123, 132
gender, 89–91, 103
Innovator, 116–117
International academic and women leaders, 59–61
International Women’s Day (IWD), 129–133, 142–143
Leadership, 157, 168
academia, 64
capacity, 54
committees, 78–79
educational, 109–110, 119–120
and management, 3, 10–11
opportunities, 61, 76
programs, 54–56
qualities, 63
servant, 72
skills, 67
strategies, 62
women, 51–52
Legitimacy, 35
definition, 35
higher education institutions (HEIs), 35
social contract transformation, 39–41
LinkedIn, 96–97
Literacy learning, 17–18
Mentoring, 9
sponsorship, 57–59
women, 116
#MeToo, 133
Microsoft Teams, 18
Modern female academic, 173–175
Multimedia, 148, 163
National Institute of Education (NIE), 22–23, 25
National Library Board, 25
Networks, 17, 38, 92–93, 150
academic, 89–90, 93, 95
informal, 169
mentorship, 59
opportunities, 55–56
sponsorship, 59
New Zealand Universities Women in Leadership Programme (NZUWiL), 54
Office of Education Research (OER), 25
Overseas Graduate Scholarship, 22–23
Performance-Based Research Fund (PBRF), 103–104
Personal branding, 153
Pink collar work, 109–111, 113
Portfolios, 148–149
creation, 155–161
impacts, 153–154
imposter syndrome, 151–152
personal branding, 153
professional identity, 152–153
strategize, 149–151
Power. See also Networks, 36, 78–79
geometry, 129–130, 142, 144
Previously White Institutions (PWIs), 33–34, 38, 40
Problem-solver, 117–119
Publons, 154
Race, 36–37, 81–82
collegial partnerships, 46–47
and gender, 34
higher education institutions (HEIs), 33–34
Reflection, 16, 40–41, 48, 158–159, 168
mentorship, 59
portfolio, 162
social media, 96–101
Research communication, 24–25
Research Evaluation Framework (REF), 92
ResearchGate, 96–97, 154
Science in Australia Gender Equity (SAGE), 53–54
Self-efficacy, 44–46
Singapore Ministry of Education, 25
Social media, 92–93, 96, 101, 154, 169
academic networking, 89–90
practical guidance, 101–102
women academics, 89–90
Speaking up, 74, 84–85
Sponsorship, 47, 57, 59
academics, 58
academia, 168–170
hyper performance, 42–43
self-efficacy, 44–46
strategies, 10, 12, 66–67
Transformation, 12–13
economic and social, 33–34
gendered and racialized system, 46–47
social contract, 39–41
T-shirt slogans, 170–173
Twitter, 96–97, 99
University of Hong Kong (HKU), 71, 81–82
Women, 149–150, 153
in academia, 3–4, 6, 9–10, 12, 52, 57
academics, 51–52
Asia, 74
Black women, 42–43
Deans, 80–81
education-focused roles, 113–114
higher education, 110–113
leaders, 58, 62, 64, 80, 82
programs and initiatives, 56–57
scholars, 89–90
@the cutting edge, 161–163
thriving, 3–4, 6, 9–10, 12
Women ATTaining Leadership (WATTLE) Program, 54–55
Work-life balance, 17, 27, 53
xCHANGE festival, 135–139
2019, 135–139
2020, 139–141
Athena SWAN, 134–135
Brexit, 133, 138
feminist playlist, 138–139
finale, 139
International Women’s Day (IWD), 129–132
launch, 138
power geometry, 142–144
Show the Sash, 137–138
Zoom, 18
Collaboration, 19, 44–45, 48
Brexit, 133
inter- and intradisciplinary, 100–101
international, 122
leadership, 63
portfolio development, 162
social media, 159
Collegiality, 174
COVID-19, 96, 102–103, 129–130, 173
Differentiation, 109, 111, 113, 123
Education-focused academics, 109–110
giver’s career, 114–116
innovator, 116–117
problem-solver, 117–119
shape women, 113–114
women, higher education, 110, 112–113
worker/server, 119–124
Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA), 103–104
Exclusion, 35, 46, 90–91, 96
Facebook, 96–97
Feedback, 45, 162
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), 137
Festival. See also xCHANGE festival, 129–130, 133–135, 139
Gender, 3, 11, 36–37
academy, 90–91
bias, 9, 81–82, 109–110
discrimination, 78–79
equality, 53
imbalance, 57
inequity, 53–54, 143–144
transformation, 46–47
Glitch, 101
Google Scholar, 154
Higher Education Academy (HEA), 152
Higher education institutions (HEIs), 33–34, 41–42
Black and female, 43
deracialization processes, 34
South Africa, 34–35
Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), 51–52
Hyper performance
belonging, 41–42
thriving, 42–43
Imposter syndrome, 5–6, 151–152
Inequality, 11, 123, 132
gender, 89–91, 103
Innovator, 116–117
International academic and women leaders, 59–61
International Women’s Day (IWD), 129–133, 142–143
Leadership, 157, 168
academia, 64
capacity, 54
committees, 78–79
educational, 109–110, 119–120
and management, 3, 10–11
opportunities, 61, 76
programs, 54–56
qualities, 63
servant, 72
skills, 67
strategies, 62
women, 51–52
Legitimacy, 35
definition, 35
higher education institutions (HEIs), 35
social contract transformation, 39–41
LinkedIn, 96–97
Literacy learning, 17–18
Mentoring, 9
sponsorship, 57–59
women, 116
#MeToo, 133
Microsoft Teams, 18
Modern female academic, 173–175
Multimedia, 148, 163
National Institute of Education (NIE), 22–23, 25
National Library Board, 25
Networks, 17, 38, 92–93, 150
academic, 89–90, 93, 95
informal, 169
mentorship, 59
opportunities, 55–56
sponsorship, 59
New Zealand Universities Women in Leadership Programme (NZUWiL), 54
Office of Education Research (OER), 25
Overseas Graduate Scholarship, 22–23
Performance-Based Research Fund (PBRF), 103–104
Personal branding, 153
Pink collar work, 109–111, 113
Portfolios, 148–149
creation, 155–161
impacts, 153–154
imposter syndrome, 151–152
personal branding, 153
professional identity, 152–153
strategize, 149–151
Power. See also Networks, 36, 78–79
geometry, 129–130, 142, 144
Previously White Institutions (PWIs), 33–34, 38, 40
Problem-solver, 117–119
Publons, 154
Race, 36–37, 81–82
collegial partnerships, 46–47
and gender, 34
higher education institutions (HEIs), 33–34
Reflection, 16, 40–41, 48, 158–159, 168
mentorship, 59
portfolio, 162
social media, 96–101
Research communication, 24–25
Research Evaluation Framework (REF), 92
ResearchGate, 96–97, 154
Science in Australia Gender Equity (SAGE), 53–54
Self-efficacy, 44–46
Singapore Ministry of Education, 25
Social media, 92–93, 96, 101, 154, 169
academic networking, 89–90
practical guidance, 101–102
women academics, 89–90
Speaking up, 74, 84–85
Sponsorship, 47, 57, 59
academics, 58
academia, 168–170
hyper performance, 42–43
self-efficacy, 44–46
strategies, 10, 12, 66–67
Transformation, 12–13
economic and social, 33–34
gendered and racialized system, 46–47
social contract, 39–41
T-shirt slogans, 170–173
Twitter, 96–97, 99
University of Hong Kong (HKU), 71, 81–82
Women, 149–150, 153
in academia, 3–4, 6, 9–10, 12, 52, 57
academics, 51–52
Asia, 74
Black women, 42–43
Deans, 80–81
education-focused roles, 113–114
higher education, 110–113
leaders, 58, 62, 64, 80, 82
programs and initiatives, 56–57
scholars, 89–90
@the cutting edge, 161–163
thriving, 3–4, 6, 9–10, 12
Women ATTaining Leadership (WATTLE) Program, 54–55
Work-life balance, 17, 27, 53
xCHANGE festival, 135–139
2019, 135–139
2020, 139–141
Athena SWAN, 134–135
Brexit, 133, 138
feminist playlist, 138–139
finale, 139
International Women’s Day (IWD), 129–132
launch, 138
power geometry, 142–144
Show the Sash, 137–138
Zoom, 18
Education-focused academics, 109–110
giver’s career, 114–116
innovator, 116–117
problem-solver, 117–119
shape women, 113–114
women, higher education, 110, 112–113
worker/server, 119–124
Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA), 103–104
Exclusion, 35, 46, 90–91, 96
Facebook, 96–97
Feedback, 45, 162
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM), 137
Festival. See also xCHANGE festival, 129–130, 133–135, 139
Gender, 3, 11, 36–37
academy, 90–91
bias, 9, 81–82, 109–110
discrimination, 78–79
equality, 53
imbalance, 57
inequity, 53–54, 143–144
transformation, 46–47
Glitch, 101
Google Scholar, 154
Higher Education Academy (HEA), 152
Higher education institutions (HEIs), 33–34, 41–42
Black and female, 43
deracialization processes, 34
South Africa, 34–35
Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), 51–52
Hyper performance
belonging, 41–42
thriving, 42–43
Imposter syndrome, 5–6, 151–152
Inequality, 11, 123, 132
gender, 89–91, 103
Innovator, 116–117
International academic and women leaders, 59–61
International Women’s Day (IWD), 129–133, 142–143
Leadership, 157, 168
academia, 64
capacity, 54
committees, 78–79
educational, 109–110, 119–120
and management, 3, 10–11
opportunities, 61, 76
programs, 54–56
qualities, 63
servant, 72
skills, 67
strategies, 62
women, 51–52
Legitimacy, 35
definition, 35
higher education institutions (HEIs), 35
social contract transformation, 39–41
LinkedIn, 96–97
Literacy learning, 17–18
Mentoring, 9
sponsorship, 57–59
women, 116
#MeToo, 133
Microsoft Teams, 18
Modern female academic, 173–175
Multimedia, 148, 163
National Institute of Education (NIE), 22–23, 25
National Library Board, 25
Networks, 17, 38, 92–93, 150
academic, 89–90, 93, 95
informal, 169
mentorship, 59
opportunities, 55–56
sponsorship, 59
New Zealand Universities Women in Leadership Programme (NZUWiL), 54
Office of Education Research (OER), 25
Overseas Graduate Scholarship, 22–23
Performance-Based Research Fund (PBRF), 103–104
Personal branding, 153
Pink collar work, 109–111, 113
Portfolios, 148–149
creation, 155–161
impacts, 153–154
imposter syndrome, 151–152
personal branding, 153
professional identity, 152–153
strategize, 149–151
Power. See also Networks, 36, 78–79
geometry, 129–130, 142, 144
Previously White Institutions (PWIs), 33–34, 38, 40
Problem-solver, 117–119
Publons, 154
Race, 36–37, 81–82
collegial partnerships, 46–47
and gender, 34
higher education institutions (HEIs), 33–34
Reflection, 16, 40–41, 48, 158–159, 168
mentorship, 59
portfolio, 162
social media, 96–101
Research communication, 24–25
Research Evaluation Framework (REF), 92
ResearchGate, 96–97, 154
Science in Australia Gender Equity (SAGE), 53–54
Self-efficacy, 44–46
Singapore Ministry of Education, 25
Social media, 92–93, 96, 101, 154, 169
academic networking, 89–90
practical guidance, 101–102
women academics, 89–90
Speaking up, 74, 84–85
Sponsorship, 47, 57, 59
academics, 58
academia, 168–170
hyper performance, 42–43
self-efficacy, 44–46
strategies, 10, 12, 66–67
Transformation, 12–13
economic and social, 33–34
gendered and racialized system, 46–47
social contract, 39–41
T-shirt slogans, 170–173
Twitter, 96–97, 99
University of Hong Kong (HKU), 71, 81–82
Women, 149–150, 153
in academia, 3–4, 6, 9–10, 12, 52, 57
academics, 51–52
Asia, 74
Black women, 42–43
Deans, 80–81
education-focused roles, 113–114
higher education, 110–113
leaders, 58, 62, 64, 80, 82
programs and initiatives, 56–57
scholars, 89–90
@the cutting edge, 161–163
thriving, 3–4, 6, 9–10, 12
Women ATTaining Leadership (WATTLE) Program, 54–55
Work-life balance, 17, 27, 53
xCHANGE festival, 135–139
2019, 135–139
2020, 139–141
Athena SWAN, 134–135
Brexit, 133, 138
feminist playlist, 138–139
finale, 139
International Women’s Day (IWD), 129–132
launch, 138
power geometry, 142–144
Show the Sash, 137–138
Zoom, 18
Gender, 3, 11, 36–37
academy, 90–91
bias, 9, 81–82, 109–110
discrimination, 78–79
equality, 53
imbalance, 57
inequity, 53–54, 143–144
transformation, 46–47
Glitch, 101
Google Scholar, 154
Higher Education Academy (HEA), 152
Higher education institutions (HEIs), 33–34, 41–42
Black and female, 43
deracialization processes, 34
South Africa, 34–35
Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA), 51–52
Hyper performance
belonging, 41–42
thriving, 42–43
Imposter syndrome, 5–6, 151–152
Inequality, 11, 123, 132
gender, 89–91, 103
Innovator, 116–117
International academic and women leaders, 59–61
International Women’s Day (IWD), 129–133, 142–143
Leadership, 157, 168
academia, 64
capacity, 54
committees, 78–79
educational, 109–110, 119–120
and management, 3, 10–11
opportunities, 61, 76
programs, 54–56
qualities, 63
servant, 72
skills, 67
strategies, 62
women, 51–52
Legitimacy, 35
definition, 35
higher education institutions (HEIs), 35
social contract transformation, 39–41
LinkedIn, 96–97
Literacy learning, 17–18
Mentoring, 9
sponsorship, 57–59
women, 116
#MeToo, 133
Microsoft Teams, 18
Modern female academic, 173–175
Multimedia, 148, 163
National Institute of Education (NIE), 22–23, 25
National Library Board, 25
Networks, 17, 38, 92–93, 150
academic, 89–90, 93, 95
informal, 169
mentorship, 59
opportunities, 55–56
sponsorship, 59
New Zealand Universities Women in Leadership Programme (NZUWiL), 54
Office of Education Research (OER), 25
Overseas Graduate Scholarship, 22–23
Performance-Based Research Fund (PBRF), 103–104
Personal branding, 153
Pink collar work, 109–111, 113
Portfolios, 148–149
creation, 155–161
impacts, 153–154
imposter syndrome, 151–152
personal branding, 153
professional identity, 152–153
strategize, 149–151
Power. See also Networks, 36, 78–79
geometry, 129–130, 142, 144
Previously White Institutions (PWIs), 33–34, 38, 40
Problem-solver, 117–119
Publons, 154
Race, 36–37, 81–82
collegial partnerships, 46–47
and gender, 34
higher education institutions (HEIs), 33–34
Reflection, 16, 40–41, 48, 158–159, 168
mentorship, 59
portfolio, 162
social media, 96–101
Research communication, 24–25
Research Evaluation Framework (REF), 92
ResearchGate, 96–97, 154
Science in Australia Gender Equity (SAGE), 53–54
Self-efficacy, 44–46
Singapore Ministry of Education, 25
Social media, 92–93, 96, 101, 154, 169
academic networking, 89–90
practical guidance, 101–102
women academics, 89–90
Speaking up, 74, 84–85
Sponsorship, 47, 57, 59
academics, 58
academia, 168–170
hyper performance, 42–43
self-efficacy, 44–46
strategies, 10, 12, 66–67
Transformation, 12–13
economic and social, 33–34
gendered and racialized system, 46–47
social contract, 39–41
T-shirt slogans, 170–173
Twitter, 96–97, 99
University of Hong Kong (HKU), 71, 81–82
Women, 149–150, 153
in academia, 3–4, 6, 9–10, 12, 52, 57
academics, 51–52
Asia, 74
Black women, 42–43
Deans, 80–81
education-focused roles, 113–114
higher education, 110–113
leaders, 58, 62, 64, 80, 82
programs and initiatives, 56–57
scholars, 89–90
@the cutting edge, 161–163
thriving, 3–4, 6, 9–10, 12
Women ATTaining Leadership (WATTLE) Program, 54–55
Work-life balance, 17, 27, 53
xCHANGE festival, 135–139
2019, 135–139
2020, 139–141
Athena SWAN, 134–135
Brexit, 133, 138
feminist playlist, 138–139
finale, 139
International Women’s Day (IWD), 129–132
launch, 138
power geometry, 142–144
Show the Sash, 137–138
Zoom, 18
Imposter syndrome, 5–6, 151–152
Inequality, 11, 123, 132
gender, 89–91, 103
Innovator, 116–117
International academic and women leaders, 59–61
International Women’s Day (IWD), 129–133, 142–143
Leadership, 157, 168
academia, 64
capacity, 54
committees, 78–79
educational, 109–110, 119–120
and management, 3, 10–11
opportunities, 61, 76
programs, 54–56
qualities, 63
servant, 72
skills, 67
strategies, 62
women, 51–52
Legitimacy, 35
definition, 35
higher education institutions (HEIs), 35
social contract transformation, 39–41
LinkedIn, 96–97
Literacy learning, 17–18
Mentoring, 9
sponsorship, 57–59
women, 116
#MeToo, 133
Microsoft Teams, 18
Modern female academic, 173–175
Multimedia, 148, 163
National Institute of Education (NIE), 22–23, 25
National Library Board, 25
Networks, 17, 38, 92–93, 150
academic, 89–90, 93, 95
informal, 169
mentorship, 59
opportunities, 55–56
sponsorship, 59
New Zealand Universities Women in Leadership Programme (NZUWiL), 54
Office of Education Research (OER), 25
Overseas Graduate Scholarship, 22–23
Performance-Based Research Fund (PBRF), 103–104
Personal branding, 153
Pink collar work, 109–111, 113
Portfolios, 148–149
creation, 155–161
impacts, 153–154
imposter syndrome, 151–152
personal branding, 153
professional identity, 152–153
strategize, 149–151
Power. See also Networks, 36, 78–79
geometry, 129–130, 142, 144
Previously White Institutions (PWIs), 33–34, 38, 40
Problem-solver, 117–119
Publons, 154
Race, 36–37, 81–82
collegial partnerships, 46–47
and gender, 34
higher education institutions (HEIs), 33–34
Reflection, 16, 40–41, 48, 158–159, 168
mentorship, 59
portfolio, 162
social media, 96–101
Research communication, 24–25
Research Evaluation Framework (REF), 92
ResearchGate, 96–97, 154
Science in Australia Gender Equity (SAGE), 53–54
Self-efficacy, 44–46
Singapore Ministry of Education, 25
Social media, 92–93, 96, 101, 154, 169
academic networking, 89–90
practical guidance, 101–102
women academics, 89–90
Speaking up, 74, 84–85
Sponsorship, 47, 57, 59
academics, 58
academia, 168–170
hyper performance, 42–43
self-efficacy, 44–46
strategies, 10, 12, 66–67
Transformation, 12–13
economic and social, 33–34
gendered and racialized system, 46–47
social contract, 39–41
T-shirt slogans, 170–173
Twitter, 96–97, 99
University of Hong Kong (HKU), 71, 81–82
Women, 149–150, 153
in academia, 3–4, 6, 9–10, 12, 52, 57
academics, 51–52
Asia, 74
Black women, 42–43
Deans, 80–81
education-focused roles, 113–114
higher education, 110–113
leaders, 58, 62, 64, 80, 82
programs and initiatives, 56–57
scholars, 89–90
@the cutting edge, 161–163
thriving, 3–4, 6, 9–10, 12
Women ATTaining Leadership (WATTLE) Program, 54–55
Work-life balance, 17, 27, 53
xCHANGE festival, 135–139
2019, 135–139
2020, 139–141
Athena SWAN, 134–135
Brexit, 133, 138
feminist playlist, 138–139
finale, 139
International Women’s Day (IWD), 129–132
launch, 138
power geometry, 142–144
Show the Sash, 137–138
Zoom, 18
Mentoring, 9
sponsorship, 57–59
women, 116
#MeToo, 133
Microsoft Teams, 18
Modern female academic, 173–175
Multimedia, 148, 163
National Institute of Education (NIE), 22–23, 25
National Library Board, 25
Networks, 17, 38, 92–93, 150
academic, 89–90, 93, 95
informal, 169
mentorship, 59
opportunities, 55–56
sponsorship, 59
New Zealand Universities Women in Leadership Programme (NZUWiL), 54
Office of Education Research (OER), 25
Overseas Graduate Scholarship, 22–23
Performance-Based Research Fund (PBRF), 103–104
Personal branding, 153
Pink collar work, 109–111, 113
Portfolios, 148–149
creation, 155–161
impacts, 153–154
imposter syndrome, 151–152
personal branding, 153
professional identity, 152–153
strategize, 149–151
Power. See also Networks, 36, 78–79
geometry, 129–130, 142, 144
Previously White Institutions (PWIs), 33–34, 38, 40
Problem-solver, 117–119
Publons, 154
Race, 36–37, 81–82
collegial partnerships, 46–47
and gender, 34
higher education institutions (HEIs), 33–34
Reflection, 16, 40–41, 48, 158–159, 168
mentorship, 59
portfolio, 162
social media, 96–101
Research communication, 24–25
Research Evaluation Framework (REF), 92
ResearchGate, 96–97, 154
Science in Australia Gender Equity (SAGE), 53–54
Self-efficacy, 44–46
Singapore Ministry of Education, 25
Social media, 92–93, 96, 101, 154, 169
academic networking, 89–90
practical guidance, 101–102
women academics, 89–90
Speaking up, 74, 84–85
Sponsorship, 47, 57, 59
academics, 58
academia, 168–170
hyper performance, 42–43
self-efficacy, 44–46
strategies, 10, 12, 66–67
Transformation, 12–13
economic and social, 33–34
gendered and racialized system, 46–47
social contract, 39–41
T-shirt slogans, 170–173
Twitter, 96–97, 99
University of Hong Kong (HKU), 71, 81–82
Women, 149–150, 153
in academia, 3–4, 6, 9–10, 12, 52, 57
academics, 51–52
Asia, 74
Black women, 42–43
Deans, 80–81
education-focused roles, 113–114
higher education, 110–113
leaders, 58, 62, 64, 80, 82
programs and initiatives, 56–57
scholars, 89–90
@the cutting edge, 161–163
thriving, 3–4, 6, 9–10, 12
Women ATTaining Leadership (WATTLE) Program, 54–55
Work-life balance, 17, 27, 53
xCHANGE festival, 135–139
2019, 135–139
2020, 139–141
Athena SWAN, 134–135
Brexit, 133, 138
feminist playlist, 138–139
finale, 139
International Women’s Day (IWD), 129–132
launch, 138
power geometry, 142–144
Show the Sash, 137–138
Zoom, 18
Office of Education Research (OER), 25
Overseas Graduate Scholarship, 22–23
Performance-Based Research Fund (PBRF), 103–104
Personal branding, 153
Pink collar work, 109–111, 113
Portfolios, 148–149
creation, 155–161
impacts, 153–154
imposter syndrome, 151–152
personal branding, 153
professional identity, 152–153
strategize, 149–151
Power. See also Networks, 36, 78–79
geometry, 129–130, 142, 144
Previously White Institutions (PWIs), 33–34, 38, 40
Problem-solver, 117–119
Publons, 154
Race, 36–37, 81–82
collegial partnerships, 46–47
and gender, 34
higher education institutions (HEIs), 33–34
Reflection, 16, 40–41, 48, 158–159, 168
mentorship, 59
portfolio, 162
social media, 96–101
Research communication, 24–25
Research Evaluation Framework (REF), 92
ResearchGate, 96–97, 154
Science in Australia Gender Equity (SAGE), 53–54
Self-efficacy, 44–46
Singapore Ministry of Education, 25
Social media, 92–93, 96, 101, 154, 169
academic networking, 89–90
practical guidance, 101–102
women academics, 89–90
Speaking up, 74, 84–85
Sponsorship, 47, 57, 59
academics, 58
academia, 168–170
hyper performance, 42–43
self-efficacy, 44–46
strategies, 10, 12, 66–67
Transformation, 12–13
economic and social, 33–34
gendered and racialized system, 46–47
social contract, 39–41
T-shirt slogans, 170–173
Twitter, 96–97, 99
University of Hong Kong (HKU), 71, 81–82
Women, 149–150, 153
in academia, 3–4, 6, 9–10, 12, 52, 57
academics, 51–52
Asia, 74
Black women, 42–43
Deans, 80–81
education-focused roles, 113–114
higher education, 110–113
leaders, 58, 62, 64, 80, 82
programs and initiatives, 56–57
scholars, 89–90
@the cutting edge, 161–163
thriving, 3–4, 6, 9–10, 12
Women ATTaining Leadership (WATTLE) Program, 54–55
Work-life balance, 17, 27, 53
xCHANGE festival, 135–139
2019, 135–139
2020, 139–141
Athena SWAN, 134–135
Brexit, 133, 138
feminist playlist, 138–139
finale, 139
International Women’s Day (IWD), 129–132
launch, 138
power geometry, 142–144
Show the Sash, 137–138
Zoom, 18
Race, 36–37, 81–82
collegial partnerships, 46–47
and gender, 34
higher education institutions (HEIs), 33–34
Reflection, 16, 40–41, 48, 158–159, 168
mentorship, 59
portfolio, 162
social media, 96–101
Research communication, 24–25
Research Evaluation Framework (REF), 92
ResearchGate, 96–97, 154
Science in Australia Gender Equity (SAGE), 53–54
Self-efficacy, 44–46
Singapore Ministry of Education, 25
Social media, 92–93, 96, 101, 154, 169
academic networking, 89–90
practical guidance, 101–102
women academics, 89–90
Speaking up, 74, 84–85
Sponsorship, 47, 57, 59
academics, 58
academia, 168–170
hyper performance, 42–43
self-efficacy, 44–46
strategies, 10, 12, 66–67
Transformation, 12–13
economic and social, 33–34
gendered and racialized system, 46–47
social contract, 39–41
T-shirt slogans, 170–173
Twitter, 96–97, 99
University of Hong Kong (HKU), 71, 81–82
Women, 149–150, 153
in academia, 3–4, 6, 9–10, 12, 52, 57
academics, 51–52
Asia, 74
Black women, 42–43
Deans, 80–81
education-focused roles, 113–114
higher education, 110–113
leaders, 58, 62, 64, 80, 82
programs and initiatives, 56–57
scholars, 89–90
@the cutting edge, 161–163
thriving, 3–4, 6, 9–10, 12
Women ATTaining Leadership (WATTLE) Program, 54–55
Work-life balance, 17, 27, 53
xCHANGE festival, 135–139
2019, 135–139
2020, 139–141
Athena SWAN, 134–135
Brexit, 133, 138
feminist playlist, 138–139
finale, 139
International Women’s Day (IWD), 129–132
launch, 138
power geometry, 142–144
Show the Sash, 137–138
Zoom, 18
academia, 168–170
hyper performance, 42–43
self-efficacy, 44–46
strategies, 10, 12, 66–67
Transformation, 12–13
economic and social, 33–34
gendered and racialized system, 46–47
social contract, 39–41
T-shirt slogans, 170–173
Twitter, 96–97, 99
University of Hong Kong (HKU), 71, 81–82
Women, 149–150, 153
in academia, 3–4, 6, 9–10, 12, 52, 57
academics, 51–52
Asia, 74
Black women, 42–43
Deans, 80–81
education-focused roles, 113–114
higher education, 110–113
leaders, 58, 62, 64, 80, 82
programs and initiatives, 56–57
scholars, 89–90
@the cutting edge, 161–163
thriving, 3–4, 6, 9–10, 12
Women ATTaining Leadership (WATTLE) Program, 54–55
Work-life balance, 17, 27, 53
xCHANGE festival, 135–139
2019, 135–139
2020, 139–141
Athena SWAN, 134–135
Brexit, 133, 138
feminist playlist, 138–139
finale, 139
International Women’s Day (IWD), 129–132
launch, 138
power geometry, 142–144
Show the Sash, 137–138
Zoom, 18
Women, 149–150, 153
in academia, 3–4, 6, 9–10, 12, 52, 57
academics, 51–52
Asia, 74
Black women, 42–43
Deans, 80–81
education-focused roles, 113–114
higher education, 110–113
leaders, 58, 62, 64, 80, 82
programs and initiatives, 56–57
scholars, 89–90
@the cutting edge, 161–163
thriving, 3–4, 6, 9–10, 12
Women ATTaining Leadership (WATTLE) Program, 54–55
Work-life balance, 17, 27, 53
xCHANGE festival, 135–139
2019, 135–139
2020, 139–141
Athena SWAN, 134–135
Brexit, 133, 138
feminist playlist, 138–139
finale, 139
International Women’s Day (IWD), 129–132
launch, 138
power geometry, 142–144
Show the Sash, 137–138
Zoom, 18
Zoom, 18
- Prelims
- Part 1 Personal Reflections on Women Thriving in Academia
- 1 Women Thriving in Academia: Exploring the Terrain
- 2 Making Work Count: The Journey Toward Meaning in Academia
- 3 Legitimacy and Collegial Relationships for a Woman of Color in the Academy
- 4 Women Leading in Academia: Voices from within the Ivory Tower
- 5 Learning to Lead by Saying Yes
- Part 2 Support Structures for Women in Academia
- 6 The Power of Networks in the Gendered Academy
- 7 Women's Work: Education-focused Academics in Higher Education
- 8 The xCHANGE Festival: Small x, BIG CHANGE?
- 9 Using a Portfolio Approach to Navigate Academia
- 10 What Now for the Modern Female Academic?
- Index