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Method and Methodological Issues

Bob Gates (The University of West London, England, UK)
Colin Griffiths (School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
Paul Keenan (School of Nursing & Midwifery, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
Sandra Fleming (The University of West London, England, UK)
Carmel Doyle (The University of West London, England, UK)
Helen L. Atherton (The University of Leeds, England, UK)
Su McAnelly (Northumbria University, England, UK)
Michelle Cleary (Muiriosa Foundation, Ireland)
Paul Sutton (The University of West London, England, UK)

Intellectual Disability Nursing: An Oral History Project

ISBN: 978-1-83982-155-4, eISBN: 978-1-83982-152-3

Publication date: 21 September 2020


Gates, B., Griffiths, C., Keenan, P., Fleming, S., Doyle, C., Atherton, H.L., McAnelly, S., Cleary, M. and Sutton, P. (2020), "Method and Methodological Issues", Intellectual Disability Nursing: An Oral History Project, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 41-62.



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