Appendix 2: Participants' Biodata, 1, 2, 3
ISBN: 978-1-83909-587-0, eISBN: 978-1-83909-584-9
Publication date: 12 June 2023
Robinson, P. (2023), "Appendix 2: Participants' Biodata, 1, 2, 3", How Gay Men Prepare for Death, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 137-142.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2023 Peter Robinson. Published by Emerald Publishing Limited
1. Work, relationships, children, family n = 43
Code Name | Age | Location | Occupation | Relationship |
Atticus | 88 | California | Hairdresser R | Single, gay widowed |
Clive | 81 | Australian Capital Territory | Musician R | Single, strgt separated |
Douglas | 80 | Victoria, Australia | Chemist R | strgt marr + gay de facto |
Edward | 77 | Australian Capital Territory | Writer/historian | gay de facto; strgt divc'd |
Andrew | 75 | Ontario, Canada | Historian R | gay common law (de facto) |
Lewis | 74 | Australian Capital Territory | Pub serv R | gay de facto |
Joel | 74 | California | Soc wkr; corp exec R | Single, strgt divc'd |
Harvey | 74 | North Carolina | Academic | Single; strgt separated |
Fabian | 74 | Australian Capital Territory | Teacher R | gay de facto |
Nicholas | 72 | New South Wales | Counsellor R | gay de facto |
Rowan | 71 | England | Academic | gay married |
Preston | 70 | Australian Capital Territory | Sales R | Single, gay widowed |
Gideon | 70 | New South Wales | Pub serv R | Single |
Emmett | 70 | England | Academic | gay civil ptnr'd |
Dorian | 70 | New York State | NFP consultant | gay married |
Seth | 68 | California | Vol HIV org; pub serv R | Single; strgt divc'd |
Kieran | 67 | England | Sec charitable org R | gay civil ptnr'd |
Wade | 66 | England | Counsellor R | gay married |
Davis | 65 | California | IT consultant | Single |
Toby | 64 | British Columbia | Health care mgr R | gay common law (de facto) |
Scott | 62 | Australian Capital Territory | Teacher | gay de facto; strgt divc'd |
Edwin | 61 | Victoria, Australia | Clerk | gay de facto |
Quinn | 60 | Victoria, Australia | Retired (no work details) | Single |
Mason | 60 | California | IT consultant | gay married |
Ethan | 59 | England | Clerk | Single |
Carl | 58 | New Zealand | Mgr glbt NFP | gay de facto |
Randolph | 57 | Germany | Mgr disability support R | Single |
Eric | 57 | Hong Kong | HR R | gay de facto |
Carter | 57 | New Zealand | Academic | gay civil union |
Harrison | 56 | Victoria, Australia | Gen mgr NFP | gay married |
Ellis | 56 | England | Product engineer | Single |
Bruce | 56 | Victoria, Australia | Entrepreneur | gay de facto |
Donovan | 55 | England | Data analyst R | gay civil ptnrshp |
Jonathon | 53 | England | HR consultant | gay married |
Johann | 52 | England | Architect R | gay civil ptnrshp |
Damien | 52 | England | Mktg consultant | gay de facto |
Christopher | 52 | New South Wales | Disability pension | Single |
Warren | 50 | Western Australia | Academic | gay married |
Roland | 50 | Victoria, Australia | IT engineer | gay married |
Anton | 45 | England | Judge | Single |
Declan | 42 | Victoria, Australia | Sales + customer services | gay de facto |
Aiden | 42 | England | Lawyer | gay de facto; gay separated |
Damon | 40 | Australian Capital Territory | Teacher | gay de facto |
Code Name | Age | Location | Occupation | Relationship |
Co = couple
Ch = family of choice
E = estranged from family of origin
O = family of origin
NFP = not for profit
R = retired
^ Family = participants' current family type; see Chapter 1.
2. End-of-life documents, instructions, n = 43
Code Name | Age | Will | Executor | Beneficiaries^ | PoA# |
Atticus | 88 | Y | fr; prp | nce, nph, frs, char; | Prp |
Clive | 81 | Y | pub trustee | sp; ch; stp-ch | No |
Douglas | 80 | Y | sp; ch; prp; fr | sp; ch | sp; ch |
Edward | 77 | Y | fr(m); prp | ptr | No |
Andrew | 75 | Y | ptr | ptr | Ptr |
Lewis | 74 | Y | nph, nce | ptr's nce, nph; char, fr | fr(m + f) |
Joel | 74 | Y | sib | g/ch; nce, nph, frs | Prp |
Fabian | 74 | Y | nph, nce | nphs, nces (n = 4) | nph, nce |
Harvey | 74 | Y | fr(m) | sib(f); nph | fr(m); sib |
Nicholas | 72 | Y | ptr | ptr | Ptr |
Rowan | 71 | Y | sp, nce | sp, nce, char | Sp |
Preston | 70 | Y | fr(m)x2 | sib(m)x2, nce, frs, char | frs(m) |
Gideon | 70 | Y | pub trustee | nce, nph, g-ch(m) | Nph |
Emmett | 70 | Y | ptr, prp; fr | ptr(50), nce/nph(30), frs(20) | Prp |
Dorian | 70 | Y | sp; sib; prp | sp(90), sib(m)(10) | Prp |
Seth | 68 | Y | nce | nce, nph | No |
Kieran | 67 | Y | ptr; prp; fr | ptr, sib(f), char, nce | Prp |
Wade | 66 | Y | sp; fr | sp | Sp |
Davis | 65 | No | No | [nce, ptr's nce] | No |
Toby | 64 | Y | ptr; nph | ptr, nce/nph, frs, char | ptr then nce/nph |
Scott | 62 | No | [sib(m)] | [ch(f)] | [Unsure] |
Edwin | 61 | No | [Would not appnt] | [char] | [ptr] |
Quinn | 60 | Y | sib(f) | gr/ch of dec. ptr | No |
Mason | 60 | Y | sp, sib, sib's ptr | sp, sib, sib's ptr | sp, sib, sib's ptr |
Ethan | 59 | Y | fr(m); prp | charity(66); g-ch(f)(33) | No |
Carl | 58 | Y | sib(m)+prp | sib(m)x2 | No |
Randolph | 57 | Y | fr; prp | frs | No |
Eric | 57 | Y | sib | sp | Sp |
Carter | 57 | Y | ptr | ptr then ch | No |
Harrison | 56 | Y | sp | sp; ch | Sp |
Bruce | 56 | No | [nph/nce] | [nph/nce] | [ptr then fr(m)] |
Ellis | 56 | No | [sib(m), nce] | [nph/nce, char] | [sib(m), nce] |
Donovan | 55 | Y | prp | sp(95), fr(5) | Sp |
Jonathon | 53 | Y | ptr; sib | ptr, sib, char | No |
Christopher | 52 | No | [cou] | [ch of cou x 2] | [cou] |
Johann | 52 | Y | prp | sp, frs, char | sp, f(m) |
Damien | 52 | Y | sp; fr(f) | sp then f(70), char(30) | Sp |
Warren | 50 | Y | ptr then ptr's sib(f) | ptr then sibs + ptr's sibs | ptr then ptr's sib(f) |
Roland | 50 | Y | sp; fr(m) | sp; char | sp; f(m) |
Anton | 45 | Y | fr; prp | sib(80), frs(20), char(default) | No |
Declan | 42 | No | [ptr] | [ptr] | [ptr] |
Aiden | 42 | No | No | [sib(f)bulk; sp] | No |
Damon | 40 | Y | sp; fr(f) | nce(2) | No |
Code Name | Age | Will | Executor | Beneficiaries^ | PoA# |
ch = child(ren)
char = charity/charities
cou = cousin
f = female
fr = friend
g-ch = god-child
gr/ch = grandchild
m = male
nce = niece
nph = nephew
prp = professional person
ptr = partner (for those in de facto or common-law relationships)
sib = sibling
sp = spouse (for those who were married)
stp-ch = stepchild(ren)
ACP = Advanced Care Plan
PoA = Power of Attorney.
^ Figs in brackets represented approximate percentage distribution to beneficiaries; abbreviations in parentheses represented those who could be participants' beneficiaries if they were to write a will; abbreviations in parentheses were used also to signify participants' most likely choice of executor or power of attorney.
∼ = Living will, which is roughly equivalent to an Advanced Care Directive (see Chapter 3).
3. Education, Occupation, Income, Assets, Superannuation/Pension, n = 43
Code Name | Age | Education | Occupation | Income AUD* | Assets AUD* | Super/Pension AUD* |
Atticus | 88 | Trade dip 1952 | Hairdresser R | NP | NP | NP |
Clive | 81 | Pgrad Dip 1963 | Musician R | 25K | 250K | NP |
Douglas | 80 | Dip 1960 | Chemist R | 200K | 6.5M | 4M |
Edward | 77 | BA(Hons) 1965 | Writer/historian | 26K | 500K | Nil |
Andrew | 75 | PhD 1975 | Historian R | 163.6K | 1.36M | 129K |
Lewis | 74 | Year 9 | Pub serv R | 25K | 10K | 450K |
Joel | 74 | MSW 1998, MBA 1970 | Soc wkr; corp exec R | 65K | 653K | Income |
Harvey | 74 | PhD 1988 | Academic | 82K | 273K | Nil |
Fabian | 74 | BA DipEd 1966 | Teacher R | 55.3K | 400K | 483K |
Nicholas | 72 | MCounselling | Counsellor R | 36K | 900K | 350K |
Rowan | 71 | PhD 2002 | Academic R | 54K | 1.75M | Income |
Preston | 70 | BCom 2001 | Sales R | 60K | 2.5M | 60K |
Gideon | 70 | BA 1971 | Publ serv R | 37K | 300K | 300K |
Emmett | 70 | D.Phil | Academic | NP | 2.7M | NP |
Dorian | 70 | BA 1973 | NFP consultant | 139K | 1.6M | NP |
Seth | 68 | BA | Vltr HIV-org; pub serv R | 87.5K | 340K | 235K |
Kieran | 67 | MA 1974 | Secry charitable org R | 45.3K | 1.4M | NP |
Wade | 66 | MSc 2003 | Counsellor R | 57.5 | 1.1M | As for assets |
Davis | 65 | Trade dip | IT consultant R | 28K | 92K | NP |
Toby | 64 | MNurs | Health-care mgr R | 113K | NP | NP |
Scott | 62 | BA 2001 | Teacher | 101K | 400K | 150K |
Edwin | 61 | Year 12 | Clerk | 60K | 800K | 230K |
Quinn | 60 | LLB 2003 | Lawyer | 80K | 3M | Nil |
Mason | 60 | Year 8 | IT consultant | 131K | 1.97M | 394K |
Ethan | 59 | BA 1981 | Clerk | 56K | 698K | NP |
Carl | 58 | BA | Mgr GLBT org | NP | NP | NP |
Randolph | 57 | MA 1988 | Mgr disability support R | 27.5K | 98.5K | Nil |
Eric | 57 | BA 1984 | HR R | 90K | 9M | 115K |
Carter | 57 | JD | Academic | 177K | 3.26K | 3.54K |
Harrison | 56 | MBA 2015 | Gen-mgr NFP | 125K | 650K | 800K |
56Ellis | 56 | BMus 1986 | Product engineer | 104.4K | 550K | 27.K pa |
Bruce | 56 | MBA 1999 | Entrepreneur | 160K | 2M | 300K |
Donovan | 55 | PhD 1997 | Data analyst R | 25K | 1M | 500K |
Jonathon | 53 | MBA 2001 | HR consultant | 537K | 3.6M | 895K |
Johann | 52 | MPlanning 2003 | Architect R | 25K | 700K | 126K |
Damien | 52 | MBA 2008 | Mktg consultant | 203K | 4M | 1.4M |
Christopher | 52 | BA | Disability pension | 23K | 20K | Nil |
Warren | 50 | PhD 2010 | Academic | 140K | 500K | 500K |
Roland | 50 | BAppSci 1991 | IT engineer | 98K | 500K | 280K |
Anton | 45 | LLB 2001 | Judge | 268K | NP | NP |
Declan | 42 | Dip Bus 1997 | Sales + cus services | 65K | 100K | 100K |
Aiden | 42 | LLM | Lawyer | 205K | 53.5K | 321K |
Damon | 40 | BA, BEd 2004 | Teacher | 132K | 600K | 160K |
Code name | Age | Education | Occupation | Income AUD* |
Assets AUD* |
Super/Pension AUD* |
NP = not provided
R = retired
* Approximate value of participants' income, assets, and funds held in superannuation or pension accounts were expressed in Australian dollars, 2019–2020.