Teacher Preparation in Scotland
ISBN: 978-1-83909-481-1, eISBN: 978-1-83909-480-4
Publication date: 25 September 2020
(2020), "Index", Shanks, R. (Ed.) Teacher Preparation in Scotland (Emerald Studies in Teacher Preparation in National and Global Contexts), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 211-216.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2020 Rachel Shanks. Published under exclusive licence
Aberdeen Provincial Committee, 14–15
Absorption into universities, 56
Academic discipline, 1–3
Academic study, 85–87
with practical experience, 84–85
Active learning, 53
Allocation of induction year teachers to schools, 156–158
Alternative Route to Registration (see Flexible Route to Registration)
Association of Directors of Education in Scotland (ADES), 71, 131
Bachelor in Education Degree, 83–84
Bachelor of Arts (BA), 79–80, 84–85
Bachelor of Education (BEd), 22–25, 40
Bachelor of Law (BL), 19
Bachelor of Medicine (MB), 19
Bachelor’s degree in Education in Scotland, 79, 81–82
balancing intellectual rigour and academic study with practical experience, 84–85
context of policy discourse, policy text and policy practice, 80–81
earlier policy influences, 81–83
intellectual rigour and academic study, 85–87
partnership working and practical experience, 87–88
post Donaldson reforms, 88–90
social policy influences, 83–84
Bilingual instruction, 196
Blade runner future, 206–207
British Association of TESOL Qualifying Institutions (BATQI), 192
British Sign Language National Plan (BSL National Plan), 88–89
Career pathways report, 142
Career-Long Professional Learning (CLPL), 70–71
Cascading of guidance, 69–70
Catholic community, 166–167
in Liverpool, 169
Catholic Poor Schools Committee, 168
Catholic schools, 166–167
Catholic teacher preparation
merger between Craiglockhart College and Notre Dame College, 172–173
merger between St Andrew’s College and University of Glasgow, 173–174
Catholic teacher training in Scotland, 166–167
early forms, 167–168
Education (Scotland) Act (1872), 168–169
Education (Scotland) Act (1918), 170
Notre Dame College, Dowanhill, 169–170
St Margaret’s College Craiglockhart, 170
training of Male Catholic Teachers, 170–171
CELTA, 191–193, 195–196
Central Executive Committee (CEC), 17–18
CertTESOL, 192, 195–196
Chairs of education, 34–35
Children and Young People (Scotland) Act, The (2014), 67
Clinical practice, 5–6
Clinical preparation, 5–6
Colleges and universities, 33–35, 40–43, 45–46
Commercialisation of ELT Teacher Education, 191–192
Committee of Principals (CP), 39
Communication and support, 116
Communicative Language Teaching, 191
Community Schools, 202–203
Concurrency, 85–86
Consultative Committee on the Curriculum, 39
Contemporary Scottish culture, 206
Continuous Professional Development (CPD), 51
Continuous professional development and GTCS standards, 57
Council for National Academic Awards (CNAA), 40, 194–195
Craiglockhart College, 172–173
Creativity, 137
Credits in courses, 143–144
Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act, 41–42
Critical understanding, 137
Curriculum for Excellence (CfE), 2–5, 49–50, 52–53
active learning and interdisciplinary learning, 53
and initial teacher education, 52–53
interdisciplinary learning, 54
Senior Phase, 54–55
DELTA, 191–192, 195–196
Distance Learning Initial Teacher Education (DLITE), 128–129
Donaldson Report, 2–3, 5, 64, 68, 69–70, 159
Donaldson Review, 68, 115
Dual economy, 56
Edinburgh Bachelor of Education (BEd), 21
Education (Scotland) Act (1872), 34–35, 165–166, 168–169, 179, 182–183
Education (Scotland) Act (1918), 35, 170, 179, 182–183
Education Scotland, 71
Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS), 10, 18–19
ELT Teacher Education (see also English Language Teaching (ELT))
commercialisation of, 191–192
sources, 195–197
in universities, 193–195
English as a Foreign Language (EFL), 188
English as an Additional Language (EAL), 188
English as Second Language (ESL), 188
English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), 188
English Language Teaching (ELT) (see also ELT Teacher Education), 187–188
foundations, 188–191
terminology, 188
Enhanced professionalism, 69
Episcopal Church, 179, 180, 182–183
Episcopal Schools
decline, 183
development of, 181
Episcopal Teacher Training College in Scotland, 179
Education (Scotland) Acts (1872), 182–183
Education (Scotland) Acts (1918), 182–183
models of Episcopal Schooling, 180–181
Episcopal Training Institution, 181–182
decline, 183
Episcopalians, 180, 182–183
Expansion, 38–39
Extended professionalism, 69
Faculty of Education, 174
Field experience, 5–6
Flexible Route to Registration, 152–153, 156
Full masters, 145–146
Gaelic-medium education (GME), 196, 197
General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS), 3, 5, 50–52, 71, 79–82, 101, 114, 126–127, 153
continuous professional development and GTCS standards, 57
Getting It Right For Every Child (GIRFEC), 89–90
Glasgow School of Education, 173–174
Governance of teacher education, 14–18
Her Majesty’s Inspectors (HMI), 19
Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), 49–50, 57–58, 72
Highland Council, 129
HMIE, 51–52
Initial Teacher Education (ITE), 49–52, 70–71, 79–80, 83, 111–112, 137, 139, 187–188, 201–202, 205
curriculum for excellence and, 52–53
futures, 204–205
two-stage review of, 51–52
Innovation in teacher education, 57–58
Institutional context of teacher education, 42–43
Integrated Masters, 144–145
Intellectual rigour, 85–87
with practical experience, 84–85
Interdisciplinary learning, 54
active learning and, 53
Labour–Liberal Democrat coalition (LibDem coalition), 50
Leadership, 70–71
Master of Arts (MA), 79–80, 84–85
Masters framework review, 143
Masters profession, 137
Masters-level ITE, 137–138
career pathways report, 142
credits in courses, 143–144
debating, 139–141
full masters, 145–146
integrated masters, 144–145
masters framework review, 143
new and innovative ITE routes, 141–142
in Scotland, 141–143
Masters-level Learning, 146–147
McCrone Agreement, 49–51, 57, 153–154
McCrone Report, 153–154
Measuring Quality in Initial Teacher Education project (MQuITE project), 3–5, 64, 73, 152
Mentoring and coaching skills, 69–70
Mergers, 43
between Craiglockhart College and Notre Dame College, 172–173
between St Andrew’s College and University of Glasgow, 173–174
Mission schools, 179–182
National Committee for Training of Teachers (NCTT), 36
National Improvement Framework, 67, 89–90
National Partnership Group, 71, 84–85
Newly qualified teachers (NQTs), 102
Non-certificate, 41
Notre Dame College, 35, 165–170, 172–173
Online and Distance Learning (ODL), 125–126
development, 127–130
geographic and policy context, 126–127
new routes into teaching, 130–131
Scottish model of, 131–132
ONSIDE Mentoring, 159–160
Ordinary degree, 40
Partnership, 64–66, 72–74
Induction Model, 129
working, 87–88
Pedagogies, 53
Performance-based measures of teacher efficacy, 66
PGDE primary
for Scotland, 102
selection and recruitment to, 99–105
PGDE secondary
for Scotland, 103
selection and recruitment to, 99–105
subjects, 104
Policy discourse, 80–81
Policy practice, 80–81
Policy text, 80–81
Post Donaldson reforms, 88–90
Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE), 96, 139
Practical experience, 87–88
balancing intellectual rigour and academic study with, 84–85
Practicum, School experience, school placement and teaching practice, 5–6, 97–98
global perspective, 111–113
interpretation of research data, 118–119
quality of school placement provision in Scotland, 115–117
using research to challenge issues of placement quality, 117
in Scotland, 5–6
Scottish context, 113–115
Professional development opportunities, 116
Professional Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE), 3, 5, 95–96, 105–106, 113–114, 139
advantages and disadvantages, 106–108
future developments, 108
nature, 96–98
university provision, 98–99
Professionalism, 39, 69
Professionalization, 26
Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), 68
Proportional representation (PR), 50
Provincial Committees, 14, 16–18
Quality Assurance Agency, 50–51
Quality in TESOL (QuiTE), 192
Raising standards, 39
Re-shaping teacher preparation in Scotland, 33–34
background, 34–35
in 1920–1945, 36–38
in 1945–1975, 38–41
in 1975–2000, 41–44
Reconceptualised model of professionalism, 69
Redefined professionalism, 69
Reference Group, 70–71
Reinvigoration of professionalism, 69
Religious orders, 166–167, 171–172
Robbins report, 82
Royal College of Science and Technology, 40
Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, 98
School-Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT), 139
Scotland’s Teacher Induction Scheme, 151–152
Scottish (Educational) Policy Positions, 66–67
Scottish context, 113–115
Scottish Council for the Training of Teachers (SCTT), 39
Scottish Council of Deans of Education (SCDE), 71, 130
Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF), 96, 99, 137, 146
Scottish Diplomas of Education, 81–82
Scottish Education Department (SED), 9–10, 14, 16–17, 33–34, 38–39
Scottish Executive Education Department, 153
Scottish Funding Council (SFC), 131
Scottish Government, 71
Scottish Higher Education Funding Council (SHEFC), 43
Scottish model of ODL, 131–132
Scottish National Committee for Teachers, 142
Scottish National Party (SNP), 67
Scottish parliamentary voting system, 50
Scottish Study of Probationers, 153
Scottish Teacher Education Committee (see Scottish Council of Deans of Education (SCDE))
Scottish Teacher Induction Scheme, 151–152, 155
Scottish Tertiary Education Advisory Council (STEAC), 42–43
Scottishness, 66–67
Second Language Acquisition, 190–191
Senior Phase, 54–55
Sex Discrimination Act (1975), 41–42, 83
Short-course teacher education, 188
Site-based learning, 111–112
St Andrew’s College, 173–174
St Margaret’s College Craiglockhart, 170
Staff elementary schools, 11
Staffing, 18
Standard for Provisional Registration, 3, 73
Standards for Leadership, 3
Standards for Registration, 3, 73–74, 158
Strategic Board for Education, 130
Strategic Board for Teacher Education (SBTE), 130
Strathclyde University, 40
Student Placement System (SPS), 114–115
Student teachers, 111–112, 114–117, 119–120
Support and professional learning, 158–159
Teach First programme, 112–113
Teacher Education (TE), 49–50
change and innovation in, 57–58
in universities, 55–57
Teacher Education Reform, 68–72
Teacher induction, 151–152
allocation of induction year teachers to schools, 156–158
components, 153–156
Flexible Route to Registration, 156
standard for full registration, 158
support and professional learning, 158–159
teacher probation prior to 2002, 152–153
tensions in Teacher Induction Scheme, 159–161
Teacher preparation in Scotland, 1–4
founding of chairs in education, 10–14
governance of, 14–18
university curricula and, 18–25, 24
Teacher preparation post-devolution
change and innovation in TE, 57–58
continuous professional development and GTCS Standards, 57
curriculum for excellence, 53–55
curriculum for excellence and initial TE, 52–53
teacher education in universities, 55–57
two-stage review of initial TE, 51–52
Teacher probation prior to 2002, 152–153
Teacher Workforce Planning Advisory Group, 126–127
Teaching English as Foreign Language (TEFL), 188
Teaching Scotland’s Future (see Donaldson Report)
Tensions in Teacher Induction Scheme, 159–161
TESOL/ELT, 194–195
Theory–practice gap, 65
Traditional ‘policy community’, 70–71
Training, 42
of male Catholic teachers, 170–171
Training Centres (TCs), 14–15, 19, 33–34
Two-stage review of initial teacher education, 51–52
Universities, 11–12, 14–15, 17, 114–115
ELT Teacher Education in, 193–195
teacher education in, 55–57
Universities Scotland, 71
Universitisation, 9–10, 112–113
University curricula and teacher education, 18–25
University of Aberdeen, 22–23, 128–129
University of Dundee, 129
University of Glasgow, 22, 146, 173–174
University of Highlands and Islands (UHI), 128
University turn, 112–113
Warnock Report, 83
Wilkinson, Thomas, 181, 182
Women teachers, 37
Career pathways report, 142
Career-Long Professional Learning (CLPL), 70–71
Cascading of guidance, 69–70
Catholic community, 166–167
in Liverpool, 169
Catholic Poor Schools Committee, 168
Catholic schools, 166–167
Catholic teacher preparation
merger between Craiglockhart College and Notre Dame College, 172–173
merger between St Andrew’s College and University of Glasgow, 173–174
Catholic teacher training in Scotland, 166–167
early forms, 167–168
Education (Scotland) Act (1872), 168–169
Education (Scotland) Act (1918), 170
Notre Dame College, Dowanhill, 169–170
St Margaret’s College Craiglockhart, 170
training of Male Catholic Teachers, 170–171
CELTA, 191–193, 195–196
Central Executive Committee (CEC), 17–18
CertTESOL, 192, 195–196
Chairs of education, 34–35
Children and Young People (Scotland) Act, The (2014), 67
Clinical practice, 5–6
Clinical preparation, 5–6
Colleges and universities, 33–35, 40–43, 45–46
Commercialisation of ELT Teacher Education, 191–192
Committee of Principals (CP), 39
Communication and support, 116
Communicative Language Teaching, 191
Community Schools, 202–203
Concurrency, 85–86
Consultative Committee on the Curriculum, 39
Contemporary Scottish culture, 206
Continuous Professional Development (CPD), 51
Continuous professional development and GTCS standards, 57
Council for National Academic Awards (CNAA), 40, 194–195
Craiglockhart College, 172–173
Creativity, 137
Credits in courses, 143–144
Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act, 41–42
Critical understanding, 137
Curriculum for Excellence (CfE), 2–5, 49–50, 52–53
active learning and interdisciplinary learning, 53
and initial teacher education, 52–53
interdisciplinary learning, 54
Senior Phase, 54–55
DELTA, 191–192, 195–196
Distance Learning Initial Teacher Education (DLITE), 128–129
Donaldson Report, 2–3, 5, 64, 68, 69–70, 159
Donaldson Review, 68, 115
Dual economy, 56
Edinburgh Bachelor of Education (BEd), 21
Education (Scotland) Act (1872), 34–35, 165–166, 168–169, 179, 182–183
Education (Scotland) Act (1918), 35, 170, 179, 182–183
Education Scotland, 71
Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS), 10, 18–19
ELT Teacher Education (see also English Language Teaching (ELT))
commercialisation of, 191–192
sources, 195–197
in universities, 193–195
English as a Foreign Language (EFL), 188
English as an Additional Language (EAL), 188
English as Second Language (ESL), 188
English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), 188
English Language Teaching (ELT) (see also ELT Teacher Education), 187–188
foundations, 188–191
terminology, 188
Enhanced professionalism, 69
Episcopal Church, 179, 180, 182–183
Episcopal Schools
decline, 183
development of, 181
Episcopal Teacher Training College in Scotland, 179
Education (Scotland) Acts (1872), 182–183
Education (Scotland) Acts (1918), 182–183
models of Episcopal Schooling, 180–181
Episcopal Training Institution, 181–182
decline, 183
Episcopalians, 180, 182–183
Expansion, 38–39
Extended professionalism, 69
Faculty of Education, 174
Field experience, 5–6
Flexible Route to Registration, 152–153, 156
Full masters, 145–146
Gaelic-medium education (GME), 196, 197
General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS), 3, 5, 50–52, 71, 79–82, 101, 114, 126–127, 153
continuous professional development and GTCS standards, 57
Getting It Right For Every Child (GIRFEC), 89–90
Glasgow School of Education, 173–174
Governance of teacher education, 14–18
Her Majesty’s Inspectors (HMI), 19
Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), 49–50, 57–58, 72
Highland Council, 129
HMIE, 51–52
Initial Teacher Education (ITE), 49–52, 70–71, 79–80, 83, 111–112, 137, 139, 187–188, 201–202, 205
curriculum for excellence and, 52–53
futures, 204–205
two-stage review of, 51–52
Innovation in teacher education, 57–58
Institutional context of teacher education, 42–43
Integrated Masters, 144–145
Intellectual rigour, 85–87
with practical experience, 84–85
Interdisciplinary learning, 54
active learning and, 53
Labour–Liberal Democrat coalition (LibDem coalition), 50
Leadership, 70–71
Master of Arts (MA), 79–80, 84–85
Masters framework review, 143
Masters profession, 137
Masters-level ITE, 137–138
career pathways report, 142
credits in courses, 143–144
debating, 139–141
full masters, 145–146
integrated masters, 144–145
masters framework review, 143
new and innovative ITE routes, 141–142
in Scotland, 141–143
Masters-level Learning, 146–147
McCrone Agreement, 49–51, 57, 153–154
McCrone Report, 153–154
Measuring Quality in Initial Teacher Education project (MQuITE project), 3–5, 64, 73, 152
Mentoring and coaching skills, 69–70
Mergers, 43
between Craiglockhart College and Notre Dame College, 172–173
between St Andrew’s College and University of Glasgow, 173–174
Mission schools, 179–182
National Committee for Training of Teachers (NCTT), 36
National Improvement Framework, 67, 89–90
National Partnership Group, 71, 84–85
Newly qualified teachers (NQTs), 102
Non-certificate, 41
Notre Dame College, 35, 165–170, 172–173
Online and Distance Learning (ODL), 125–126
development, 127–130
geographic and policy context, 126–127
new routes into teaching, 130–131
Scottish model of, 131–132
ONSIDE Mentoring, 159–160
Ordinary degree, 40
Partnership, 64–66, 72–74
Induction Model, 129
working, 87–88
Pedagogies, 53
Performance-based measures of teacher efficacy, 66
PGDE primary
for Scotland, 102
selection and recruitment to, 99–105
PGDE secondary
for Scotland, 103
selection and recruitment to, 99–105
subjects, 104
Policy discourse, 80–81
Policy practice, 80–81
Policy text, 80–81
Post Donaldson reforms, 88–90
Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE), 96, 139
Practical experience, 87–88
balancing intellectual rigour and academic study with, 84–85
Practicum, School experience, school placement and teaching practice, 5–6, 97–98
global perspective, 111–113
interpretation of research data, 118–119
quality of school placement provision in Scotland, 115–117
using research to challenge issues of placement quality, 117
in Scotland, 5–6
Scottish context, 113–115
Professional development opportunities, 116
Professional Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE), 3, 5, 95–96, 105–106, 113–114, 139
advantages and disadvantages, 106–108
future developments, 108
nature, 96–98
university provision, 98–99
Professionalism, 39, 69
Professionalization, 26
Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), 68
Proportional representation (PR), 50
Provincial Committees, 14, 16–18
Quality Assurance Agency, 50–51
Quality in TESOL (QuiTE), 192
Raising standards, 39
Re-shaping teacher preparation in Scotland, 33–34
background, 34–35
in 1920–1945, 36–38
in 1945–1975, 38–41
in 1975–2000, 41–44
Reconceptualised model of professionalism, 69
Redefined professionalism, 69
Reference Group, 70–71
Reinvigoration of professionalism, 69
Religious orders, 166–167, 171–172
Robbins report, 82
Royal College of Science and Technology, 40
Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, 98
School-Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT), 139
Scotland’s Teacher Induction Scheme, 151–152
Scottish (Educational) Policy Positions, 66–67
Scottish context, 113–115
Scottish Council for the Training of Teachers (SCTT), 39
Scottish Council of Deans of Education (SCDE), 71, 130
Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF), 96, 99, 137, 146
Scottish Diplomas of Education, 81–82
Scottish Education Department (SED), 9–10, 14, 16–17, 33–34, 38–39
Scottish Executive Education Department, 153
Scottish Funding Council (SFC), 131
Scottish Government, 71
Scottish Higher Education Funding Council (SHEFC), 43
Scottish model of ODL, 131–132
Scottish National Committee for Teachers, 142
Scottish National Party (SNP), 67
Scottish parliamentary voting system, 50
Scottish Study of Probationers, 153
Scottish Teacher Education Committee (see Scottish Council of Deans of Education (SCDE))
Scottish Teacher Induction Scheme, 151–152, 155
Scottish Tertiary Education Advisory Council (STEAC), 42–43
Scottishness, 66–67
Second Language Acquisition, 190–191
Senior Phase, 54–55
Sex Discrimination Act (1975), 41–42, 83
Short-course teacher education, 188
Site-based learning, 111–112
St Andrew’s College, 173–174
St Margaret’s College Craiglockhart, 170
Staff elementary schools, 11
Staffing, 18
Standard for Provisional Registration, 3, 73
Standards for Leadership, 3
Standards for Registration, 3, 73–74, 158
Strategic Board for Education, 130
Strategic Board for Teacher Education (SBTE), 130
Strathclyde University, 40
Student Placement System (SPS), 114–115
Student teachers, 111–112, 114–117, 119–120
Support and professional learning, 158–159
Teach First programme, 112–113
Teacher Education (TE), 49–50
change and innovation in, 57–58
in universities, 55–57
Teacher Education Reform, 68–72
Teacher induction, 151–152
allocation of induction year teachers to schools, 156–158
components, 153–156
Flexible Route to Registration, 156
standard for full registration, 158
support and professional learning, 158–159
teacher probation prior to 2002, 152–153
tensions in Teacher Induction Scheme, 159–161
Teacher preparation in Scotland, 1–4
founding of chairs in education, 10–14
governance of, 14–18
university curricula and, 18–25, 24
Teacher preparation post-devolution
change and innovation in TE, 57–58
continuous professional development and GTCS Standards, 57
curriculum for excellence, 53–55
curriculum for excellence and initial TE, 52–53
teacher education in universities, 55–57
two-stage review of initial TE, 51–52
Teacher probation prior to 2002, 152–153
Teacher Workforce Planning Advisory Group, 126–127
Teaching English as Foreign Language (TEFL), 188
Teaching Scotland’s Future (see Donaldson Report)
Tensions in Teacher Induction Scheme, 159–161
TESOL/ELT, 194–195
Theory–practice gap, 65
Traditional ‘policy community’, 70–71
Training, 42
of male Catholic teachers, 170–171
Training Centres (TCs), 14–15, 19, 33–34
Two-stage review of initial teacher education, 51–52
Universities, 11–12, 14–15, 17, 114–115
ELT Teacher Education in, 193–195
teacher education in, 55–57
Universities Scotland, 71
Universitisation, 9–10, 112–113
University curricula and teacher education, 18–25
University of Aberdeen, 22–23, 128–129
University of Dundee, 129
University of Glasgow, 22, 146, 173–174
University of Highlands and Islands (UHI), 128
University turn, 112–113
Warnock Report, 83
Wilkinson, Thomas, 181, 182
Women teachers, 37
Edinburgh Bachelor of Education (BEd), 21
Education (Scotland) Act (1872), 34–35, 165–166, 168–169, 179, 182–183
Education (Scotland) Act (1918), 35, 170, 179, 182–183
Education Scotland, 71
Educational Institute of Scotland (EIS), 10, 18–19
ELT Teacher Education (see also English Language Teaching (ELT))
commercialisation of, 191–192
sources, 195–197
in universities, 193–195
English as a Foreign Language (EFL), 188
English as an Additional Language (EAL), 188
English as Second Language (ESL), 188
English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL), 188
English Language Teaching (ELT) (see also ELT Teacher Education), 187–188
foundations, 188–191
terminology, 188
Enhanced professionalism, 69
Episcopal Church, 179, 180, 182–183
Episcopal Schools
decline, 183
development of, 181
Episcopal Teacher Training College in Scotland, 179
Education (Scotland) Acts (1872), 182–183
Education (Scotland) Acts (1918), 182–183
models of Episcopal Schooling, 180–181
Episcopal Training Institution, 181–182
decline, 183
Episcopalians, 180, 182–183
Expansion, 38–39
Extended professionalism, 69
Faculty of Education, 174
Field experience, 5–6
Flexible Route to Registration, 152–153, 156
Full masters, 145–146
Gaelic-medium education (GME), 196, 197
General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS), 3, 5, 50–52, 71, 79–82, 101, 114, 126–127, 153
continuous professional development and GTCS standards, 57
Getting It Right For Every Child (GIRFEC), 89–90
Glasgow School of Education, 173–174
Governance of teacher education, 14–18
Her Majesty’s Inspectors (HMI), 19
Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), 49–50, 57–58, 72
Highland Council, 129
HMIE, 51–52
Initial Teacher Education (ITE), 49–52, 70–71, 79–80, 83, 111–112, 137, 139, 187–188, 201–202, 205
curriculum for excellence and, 52–53
futures, 204–205
two-stage review of, 51–52
Innovation in teacher education, 57–58
Institutional context of teacher education, 42–43
Integrated Masters, 144–145
Intellectual rigour, 85–87
with practical experience, 84–85
Interdisciplinary learning, 54
active learning and, 53
Labour–Liberal Democrat coalition (LibDem coalition), 50
Leadership, 70–71
Master of Arts (MA), 79–80, 84–85
Masters framework review, 143
Masters profession, 137
Masters-level ITE, 137–138
career pathways report, 142
credits in courses, 143–144
debating, 139–141
full masters, 145–146
integrated masters, 144–145
masters framework review, 143
new and innovative ITE routes, 141–142
in Scotland, 141–143
Masters-level Learning, 146–147
McCrone Agreement, 49–51, 57, 153–154
McCrone Report, 153–154
Measuring Quality in Initial Teacher Education project (MQuITE project), 3–5, 64, 73, 152
Mentoring and coaching skills, 69–70
Mergers, 43
between Craiglockhart College and Notre Dame College, 172–173
between St Andrew’s College and University of Glasgow, 173–174
Mission schools, 179–182
National Committee for Training of Teachers (NCTT), 36
National Improvement Framework, 67, 89–90
National Partnership Group, 71, 84–85
Newly qualified teachers (NQTs), 102
Non-certificate, 41
Notre Dame College, 35, 165–170, 172–173
Online and Distance Learning (ODL), 125–126
development, 127–130
geographic and policy context, 126–127
new routes into teaching, 130–131
Scottish model of, 131–132
ONSIDE Mentoring, 159–160
Ordinary degree, 40
Partnership, 64–66, 72–74
Induction Model, 129
working, 87–88
Pedagogies, 53
Performance-based measures of teacher efficacy, 66
PGDE primary
for Scotland, 102
selection and recruitment to, 99–105
PGDE secondary
for Scotland, 103
selection and recruitment to, 99–105
subjects, 104
Policy discourse, 80–81
Policy practice, 80–81
Policy text, 80–81
Post Donaldson reforms, 88–90
Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE), 96, 139
Practical experience, 87–88
balancing intellectual rigour and academic study with, 84–85
Practicum, School experience, school placement and teaching practice, 5–6, 97–98
global perspective, 111–113
interpretation of research data, 118–119
quality of school placement provision in Scotland, 115–117
using research to challenge issues of placement quality, 117
in Scotland, 5–6
Scottish context, 113–115
Professional development opportunities, 116
Professional Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE), 3, 5, 95–96, 105–106, 113–114, 139
advantages and disadvantages, 106–108
future developments, 108
nature, 96–98
university provision, 98–99
Professionalism, 39, 69
Professionalization, 26
Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), 68
Proportional representation (PR), 50
Provincial Committees, 14, 16–18
Quality Assurance Agency, 50–51
Quality in TESOL (QuiTE), 192
Raising standards, 39
Re-shaping teacher preparation in Scotland, 33–34
background, 34–35
in 1920–1945, 36–38
in 1945–1975, 38–41
in 1975–2000, 41–44
Reconceptualised model of professionalism, 69
Redefined professionalism, 69
Reference Group, 70–71
Reinvigoration of professionalism, 69
Religious orders, 166–167, 171–172
Robbins report, 82
Royal College of Science and Technology, 40
Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, 98
School-Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT), 139
Scotland’s Teacher Induction Scheme, 151–152
Scottish (Educational) Policy Positions, 66–67
Scottish context, 113–115
Scottish Council for the Training of Teachers (SCTT), 39
Scottish Council of Deans of Education (SCDE), 71, 130
Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF), 96, 99, 137, 146
Scottish Diplomas of Education, 81–82
Scottish Education Department (SED), 9–10, 14, 16–17, 33–34, 38–39
Scottish Executive Education Department, 153
Scottish Funding Council (SFC), 131
Scottish Government, 71
Scottish Higher Education Funding Council (SHEFC), 43
Scottish model of ODL, 131–132
Scottish National Committee for Teachers, 142
Scottish National Party (SNP), 67
Scottish parliamentary voting system, 50
Scottish Study of Probationers, 153
Scottish Teacher Education Committee (see Scottish Council of Deans of Education (SCDE))
Scottish Teacher Induction Scheme, 151–152, 155
Scottish Tertiary Education Advisory Council (STEAC), 42–43
Scottishness, 66–67
Second Language Acquisition, 190–191
Senior Phase, 54–55
Sex Discrimination Act (1975), 41–42, 83
Short-course teacher education, 188
Site-based learning, 111–112
St Andrew’s College, 173–174
St Margaret’s College Craiglockhart, 170
Staff elementary schools, 11
Staffing, 18
Standard for Provisional Registration, 3, 73
Standards for Leadership, 3
Standards for Registration, 3, 73–74, 158
Strategic Board for Education, 130
Strategic Board for Teacher Education (SBTE), 130
Strathclyde University, 40
Student Placement System (SPS), 114–115
Student teachers, 111–112, 114–117, 119–120
Support and professional learning, 158–159
Teach First programme, 112–113
Teacher Education (TE), 49–50
change and innovation in, 57–58
in universities, 55–57
Teacher Education Reform, 68–72
Teacher induction, 151–152
allocation of induction year teachers to schools, 156–158
components, 153–156
Flexible Route to Registration, 156
standard for full registration, 158
support and professional learning, 158–159
teacher probation prior to 2002, 152–153
tensions in Teacher Induction Scheme, 159–161
Teacher preparation in Scotland, 1–4
founding of chairs in education, 10–14
governance of, 14–18
university curricula and, 18–25, 24
Teacher preparation post-devolution
change and innovation in TE, 57–58
continuous professional development and GTCS Standards, 57
curriculum for excellence, 53–55
curriculum for excellence and initial TE, 52–53
teacher education in universities, 55–57
two-stage review of initial TE, 51–52
Teacher probation prior to 2002, 152–153
Teacher Workforce Planning Advisory Group, 126–127
Teaching English as Foreign Language (TEFL), 188
Teaching Scotland’s Future (see Donaldson Report)
Tensions in Teacher Induction Scheme, 159–161
TESOL/ELT, 194–195
Theory–practice gap, 65
Traditional ‘policy community’, 70–71
Training, 42
of male Catholic teachers, 170–171
Training Centres (TCs), 14–15, 19, 33–34
Two-stage review of initial teacher education, 51–52
Universities, 11–12, 14–15, 17, 114–115
ELT Teacher Education in, 193–195
teacher education in, 55–57
Universities Scotland, 71
Universitisation, 9–10, 112–113
University curricula and teacher education, 18–25
University of Aberdeen, 22–23, 128–129
University of Dundee, 129
University of Glasgow, 22, 146, 173–174
University of Highlands and Islands (UHI), 128
University turn, 112–113
Warnock Report, 83
Wilkinson, Thomas, 181, 182
Women teachers, 37
Gaelic-medium education (GME), 196, 197
General Teaching Council for Scotland (GTCS), 3, 5, 50–52, 71, 79–82, 101, 114, 126–127, 153
continuous professional development and GTCS standards, 57
Getting It Right For Every Child (GIRFEC), 89–90
Glasgow School of Education, 173–174
Governance of teacher education, 14–18
Her Majesty’s Inspectors (HMI), 19
Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), 49–50, 57–58, 72
Highland Council, 129
HMIE, 51–52
Initial Teacher Education (ITE), 49–52, 70–71, 79–80, 83, 111–112, 137, 139, 187–188, 201–202, 205
curriculum for excellence and, 52–53
futures, 204–205
two-stage review of, 51–52
Innovation in teacher education, 57–58
Institutional context of teacher education, 42–43
Integrated Masters, 144–145
Intellectual rigour, 85–87
with practical experience, 84–85
Interdisciplinary learning, 54
active learning and, 53
Labour–Liberal Democrat coalition (LibDem coalition), 50
Leadership, 70–71
Master of Arts (MA), 79–80, 84–85
Masters framework review, 143
Masters profession, 137
Masters-level ITE, 137–138
career pathways report, 142
credits in courses, 143–144
debating, 139–141
full masters, 145–146
integrated masters, 144–145
masters framework review, 143
new and innovative ITE routes, 141–142
in Scotland, 141–143
Masters-level Learning, 146–147
McCrone Agreement, 49–51, 57, 153–154
McCrone Report, 153–154
Measuring Quality in Initial Teacher Education project (MQuITE project), 3–5, 64, 73, 152
Mentoring and coaching skills, 69–70
Mergers, 43
between Craiglockhart College and Notre Dame College, 172–173
between St Andrew’s College and University of Glasgow, 173–174
Mission schools, 179–182
National Committee for Training of Teachers (NCTT), 36
National Improvement Framework, 67, 89–90
National Partnership Group, 71, 84–85
Newly qualified teachers (NQTs), 102
Non-certificate, 41
Notre Dame College, 35, 165–170, 172–173
Online and Distance Learning (ODL), 125–126
development, 127–130
geographic and policy context, 126–127
new routes into teaching, 130–131
Scottish model of, 131–132
ONSIDE Mentoring, 159–160
Ordinary degree, 40
Partnership, 64–66, 72–74
Induction Model, 129
working, 87–88
Pedagogies, 53
Performance-based measures of teacher efficacy, 66
PGDE primary
for Scotland, 102
selection and recruitment to, 99–105
PGDE secondary
for Scotland, 103
selection and recruitment to, 99–105
subjects, 104
Policy discourse, 80–81
Policy practice, 80–81
Policy text, 80–81
Post Donaldson reforms, 88–90
Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE), 96, 139
Practical experience, 87–88
balancing intellectual rigour and academic study with, 84–85
Practicum, School experience, school placement and teaching practice, 5–6, 97–98
global perspective, 111–113
interpretation of research data, 118–119
quality of school placement provision in Scotland, 115–117
using research to challenge issues of placement quality, 117
in Scotland, 5–6
Scottish context, 113–115
Professional development opportunities, 116
Professional Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE), 3, 5, 95–96, 105–106, 113–114, 139
advantages and disadvantages, 106–108
future developments, 108
nature, 96–98
university provision, 98–99
Professionalism, 39, 69
Professionalization, 26
Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), 68
Proportional representation (PR), 50
Provincial Committees, 14, 16–18
Quality Assurance Agency, 50–51
Quality in TESOL (QuiTE), 192
Raising standards, 39
Re-shaping teacher preparation in Scotland, 33–34
background, 34–35
in 1920–1945, 36–38
in 1945–1975, 38–41
in 1975–2000, 41–44
Reconceptualised model of professionalism, 69
Redefined professionalism, 69
Reference Group, 70–71
Reinvigoration of professionalism, 69
Religious orders, 166–167, 171–172
Robbins report, 82
Royal College of Science and Technology, 40
Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, 98
School-Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT), 139
Scotland’s Teacher Induction Scheme, 151–152
Scottish (Educational) Policy Positions, 66–67
Scottish context, 113–115
Scottish Council for the Training of Teachers (SCTT), 39
Scottish Council of Deans of Education (SCDE), 71, 130
Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF), 96, 99, 137, 146
Scottish Diplomas of Education, 81–82
Scottish Education Department (SED), 9–10, 14, 16–17, 33–34, 38–39
Scottish Executive Education Department, 153
Scottish Funding Council (SFC), 131
Scottish Government, 71
Scottish Higher Education Funding Council (SHEFC), 43
Scottish model of ODL, 131–132
Scottish National Committee for Teachers, 142
Scottish National Party (SNP), 67
Scottish parliamentary voting system, 50
Scottish Study of Probationers, 153
Scottish Teacher Education Committee (see Scottish Council of Deans of Education (SCDE))
Scottish Teacher Induction Scheme, 151–152, 155
Scottish Tertiary Education Advisory Council (STEAC), 42–43
Scottishness, 66–67
Second Language Acquisition, 190–191
Senior Phase, 54–55
Sex Discrimination Act (1975), 41–42, 83
Short-course teacher education, 188
Site-based learning, 111–112
St Andrew’s College, 173–174
St Margaret’s College Craiglockhart, 170
Staff elementary schools, 11
Staffing, 18
Standard for Provisional Registration, 3, 73
Standards for Leadership, 3
Standards for Registration, 3, 73–74, 158
Strategic Board for Education, 130
Strategic Board for Teacher Education (SBTE), 130
Strathclyde University, 40
Student Placement System (SPS), 114–115
Student teachers, 111–112, 114–117, 119–120
Support and professional learning, 158–159
Teach First programme, 112–113
Teacher Education (TE), 49–50
change and innovation in, 57–58
in universities, 55–57
Teacher Education Reform, 68–72
Teacher induction, 151–152
allocation of induction year teachers to schools, 156–158
components, 153–156
Flexible Route to Registration, 156
standard for full registration, 158
support and professional learning, 158–159
teacher probation prior to 2002, 152–153
tensions in Teacher Induction Scheme, 159–161
Teacher preparation in Scotland, 1–4
founding of chairs in education, 10–14
governance of, 14–18
university curricula and, 18–25, 24
Teacher preparation post-devolution
change and innovation in TE, 57–58
continuous professional development and GTCS Standards, 57
curriculum for excellence, 53–55
curriculum for excellence and initial TE, 52–53
teacher education in universities, 55–57
two-stage review of initial TE, 51–52
Teacher probation prior to 2002, 152–153
Teacher Workforce Planning Advisory Group, 126–127
Teaching English as Foreign Language (TEFL), 188
Teaching Scotland’s Future (see Donaldson Report)
Tensions in Teacher Induction Scheme, 159–161
TESOL/ELT, 194–195
Theory–practice gap, 65
Traditional ‘policy community’, 70–71
Training, 42
of male Catholic teachers, 170–171
Training Centres (TCs), 14–15, 19, 33–34
Two-stage review of initial teacher education, 51–52
Universities, 11–12, 14–15, 17, 114–115
ELT Teacher Education in, 193–195
teacher education in, 55–57
Universities Scotland, 71
Universitisation, 9–10, 112–113
University curricula and teacher education, 18–25
University of Aberdeen, 22–23, 128–129
University of Dundee, 129
University of Glasgow, 22, 146, 173–174
University of Highlands and Islands (UHI), 128
University turn, 112–113
Warnock Report, 83
Wilkinson, Thomas, 181, 182
Women teachers, 37
Initial Teacher Education (ITE), 49–52, 70–71, 79–80, 83, 111–112, 137, 139, 187–188, 201–202, 205
curriculum for excellence and, 52–53
futures, 204–205
two-stage review of, 51–52
Innovation in teacher education, 57–58
Institutional context of teacher education, 42–43
Integrated Masters, 144–145
Intellectual rigour, 85–87
with practical experience, 84–85
Interdisciplinary learning, 54
active learning and, 53
Labour–Liberal Democrat coalition (LibDem coalition), 50
Leadership, 70–71
Master of Arts (MA), 79–80, 84–85
Masters framework review, 143
Masters profession, 137
Masters-level ITE, 137–138
career pathways report, 142
credits in courses, 143–144
debating, 139–141
full masters, 145–146
integrated masters, 144–145
masters framework review, 143
new and innovative ITE routes, 141–142
in Scotland, 141–143
Masters-level Learning, 146–147
McCrone Agreement, 49–51, 57, 153–154
McCrone Report, 153–154
Measuring Quality in Initial Teacher Education project (MQuITE project), 3–5, 64, 73, 152
Mentoring and coaching skills, 69–70
Mergers, 43
between Craiglockhart College and Notre Dame College, 172–173
between St Andrew’s College and University of Glasgow, 173–174
Mission schools, 179–182
National Committee for Training of Teachers (NCTT), 36
National Improvement Framework, 67, 89–90
National Partnership Group, 71, 84–85
Newly qualified teachers (NQTs), 102
Non-certificate, 41
Notre Dame College, 35, 165–170, 172–173
Online and Distance Learning (ODL), 125–126
development, 127–130
geographic and policy context, 126–127
new routes into teaching, 130–131
Scottish model of, 131–132
ONSIDE Mentoring, 159–160
Ordinary degree, 40
Partnership, 64–66, 72–74
Induction Model, 129
working, 87–88
Pedagogies, 53
Performance-based measures of teacher efficacy, 66
PGDE primary
for Scotland, 102
selection and recruitment to, 99–105
PGDE secondary
for Scotland, 103
selection and recruitment to, 99–105
subjects, 104
Policy discourse, 80–81
Policy practice, 80–81
Policy text, 80–81
Post Donaldson reforms, 88–90
Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE), 96, 139
Practical experience, 87–88
balancing intellectual rigour and academic study with, 84–85
Practicum, School experience, school placement and teaching practice, 5–6, 97–98
global perspective, 111–113
interpretation of research data, 118–119
quality of school placement provision in Scotland, 115–117
using research to challenge issues of placement quality, 117
in Scotland, 5–6
Scottish context, 113–115
Professional development opportunities, 116
Professional Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE), 3, 5, 95–96, 105–106, 113–114, 139
advantages and disadvantages, 106–108
future developments, 108
nature, 96–98
university provision, 98–99
Professionalism, 39, 69
Professionalization, 26
Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), 68
Proportional representation (PR), 50
Provincial Committees, 14, 16–18
Quality Assurance Agency, 50–51
Quality in TESOL (QuiTE), 192
Raising standards, 39
Re-shaping teacher preparation in Scotland, 33–34
background, 34–35
in 1920–1945, 36–38
in 1945–1975, 38–41
in 1975–2000, 41–44
Reconceptualised model of professionalism, 69
Redefined professionalism, 69
Reference Group, 70–71
Reinvigoration of professionalism, 69
Religious orders, 166–167, 171–172
Robbins report, 82
Royal College of Science and Technology, 40
Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, 98
School-Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT), 139
Scotland’s Teacher Induction Scheme, 151–152
Scottish (Educational) Policy Positions, 66–67
Scottish context, 113–115
Scottish Council for the Training of Teachers (SCTT), 39
Scottish Council of Deans of Education (SCDE), 71, 130
Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF), 96, 99, 137, 146
Scottish Diplomas of Education, 81–82
Scottish Education Department (SED), 9–10, 14, 16–17, 33–34, 38–39
Scottish Executive Education Department, 153
Scottish Funding Council (SFC), 131
Scottish Government, 71
Scottish Higher Education Funding Council (SHEFC), 43
Scottish model of ODL, 131–132
Scottish National Committee for Teachers, 142
Scottish National Party (SNP), 67
Scottish parliamentary voting system, 50
Scottish Study of Probationers, 153
Scottish Teacher Education Committee (see Scottish Council of Deans of Education (SCDE))
Scottish Teacher Induction Scheme, 151–152, 155
Scottish Tertiary Education Advisory Council (STEAC), 42–43
Scottishness, 66–67
Second Language Acquisition, 190–191
Senior Phase, 54–55
Sex Discrimination Act (1975), 41–42, 83
Short-course teacher education, 188
Site-based learning, 111–112
St Andrew’s College, 173–174
St Margaret’s College Craiglockhart, 170
Staff elementary schools, 11
Staffing, 18
Standard for Provisional Registration, 3, 73
Standards for Leadership, 3
Standards for Registration, 3, 73–74, 158
Strategic Board for Education, 130
Strategic Board for Teacher Education (SBTE), 130
Strathclyde University, 40
Student Placement System (SPS), 114–115
Student teachers, 111–112, 114–117, 119–120
Support and professional learning, 158–159
Teach First programme, 112–113
Teacher Education (TE), 49–50
change and innovation in, 57–58
in universities, 55–57
Teacher Education Reform, 68–72
Teacher induction, 151–152
allocation of induction year teachers to schools, 156–158
components, 153–156
Flexible Route to Registration, 156
standard for full registration, 158
support and professional learning, 158–159
teacher probation prior to 2002, 152–153
tensions in Teacher Induction Scheme, 159–161
Teacher preparation in Scotland, 1–4
founding of chairs in education, 10–14
governance of, 14–18
university curricula and, 18–25, 24
Teacher preparation post-devolution
change and innovation in TE, 57–58
continuous professional development and GTCS Standards, 57
curriculum for excellence, 53–55
curriculum for excellence and initial TE, 52–53
teacher education in universities, 55–57
two-stage review of initial TE, 51–52
Teacher probation prior to 2002, 152–153
Teacher Workforce Planning Advisory Group, 126–127
Teaching English as Foreign Language (TEFL), 188
Teaching Scotland’s Future (see Donaldson Report)
Tensions in Teacher Induction Scheme, 159–161
TESOL/ELT, 194–195
Theory–practice gap, 65
Traditional ‘policy community’, 70–71
Training, 42
of male Catholic teachers, 170–171
Training Centres (TCs), 14–15, 19, 33–34
Two-stage review of initial teacher education, 51–52
Universities, 11–12, 14–15, 17, 114–115
ELT Teacher Education in, 193–195
teacher education in, 55–57
Universities Scotland, 71
Universitisation, 9–10, 112–113
University curricula and teacher education, 18–25
University of Aberdeen, 22–23, 128–129
University of Dundee, 129
University of Glasgow, 22, 146, 173–174
University of Highlands and Islands (UHI), 128
University turn, 112–113
Warnock Report, 83
Wilkinson, Thomas, 181, 182
Women teachers, 37
Master of Arts (MA), 79–80, 84–85
Masters framework review, 143
Masters profession, 137
Masters-level ITE, 137–138
career pathways report, 142
credits in courses, 143–144
debating, 139–141
full masters, 145–146
integrated masters, 144–145
masters framework review, 143
new and innovative ITE routes, 141–142
in Scotland, 141–143
Masters-level Learning, 146–147
McCrone Agreement, 49–51, 57, 153–154
McCrone Report, 153–154
Measuring Quality in Initial Teacher Education project (MQuITE project), 3–5, 64, 73, 152
Mentoring and coaching skills, 69–70
Mergers, 43
between Craiglockhart College and Notre Dame College, 172–173
between St Andrew’s College and University of Glasgow, 173–174
Mission schools, 179–182
National Committee for Training of Teachers (NCTT), 36
National Improvement Framework, 67, 89–90
National Partnership Group, 71, 84–85
Newly qualified teachers (NQTs), 102
Non-certificate, 41
Notre Dame College, 35, 165–170, 172–173
Online and Distance Learning (ODL), 125–126
development, 127–130
geographic and policy context, 126–127
new routes into teaching, 130–131
Scottish model of, 131–132
ONSIDE Mentoring, 159–160
Ordinary degree, 40
Partnership, 64–66, 72–74
Induction Model, 129
working, 87–88
Pedagogies, 53
Performance-based measures of teacher efficacy, 66
PGDE primary
for Scotland, 102
selection and recruitment to, 99–105
PGDE secondary
for Scotland, 103
selection and recruitment to, 99–105
subjects, 104
Policy discourse, 80–81
Policy practice, 80–81
Policy text, 80–81
Post Donaldson reforms, 88–90
Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE), 96, 139
Practical experience, 87–88
balancing intellectual rigour and academic study with, 84–85
Practicum, School experience, school placement and teaching practice, 5–6, 97–98
global perspective, 111–113
interpretation of research data, 118–119
quality of school placement provision in Scotland, 115–117
using research to challenge issues of placement quality, 117
in Scotland, 5–6
Scottish context, 113–115
Professional development opportunities, 116
Professional Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE), 3, 5, 95–96, 105–106, 113–114, 139
advantages and disadvantages, 106–108
future developments, 108
nature, 96–98
university provision, 98–99
Professionalism, 39, 69
Professionalization, 26
Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), 68
Proportional representation (PR), 50
Provincial Committees, 14, 16–18
Quality Assurance Agency, 50–51
Quality in TESOL (QuiTE), 192
Raising standards, 39
Re-shaping teacher preparation in Scotland, 33–34
background, 34–35
in 1920–1945, 36–38
in 1945–1975, 38–41
in 1975–2000, 41–44
Reconceptualised model of professionalism, 69
Redefined professionalism, 69
Reference Group, 70–71
Reinvigoration of professionalism, 69
Religious orders, 166–167, 171–172
Robbins report, 82
Royal College of Science and Technology, 40
Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, 98
School-Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT), 139
Scotland’s Teacher Induction Scheme, 151–152
Scottish (Educational) Policy Positions, 66–67
Scottish context, 113–115
Scottish Council for the Training of Teachers (SCTT), 39
Scottish Council of Deans of Education (SCDE), 71, 130
Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF), 96, 99, 137, 146
Scottish Diplomas of Education, 81–82
Scottish Education Department (SED), 9–10, 14, 16–17, 33–34, 38–39
Scottish Executive Education Department, 153
Scottish Funding Council (SFC), 131
Scottish Government, 71
Scottish Higher Education Funding Council (SHEFC), 43
Scottish model of ODL, 131–132
Scottish National Committee for Teachers, 142
Scottish National Party (SNP), 67
Scottish parliamentary voting system, 50
Scottish Study of Probationers, 153
Scottish Teacher Education Committee (see Scottish Council of Deans of Education (SCDE))
Scottish Teacher Induction Scheme, 151–152, 155
Scottish Tertiary Education Advisory Council (STEAC), 42–43
Scottishness, 66–67
Second Language Acquisition, 190–191
Senior Phase, 54–55
Sex Discrimination Act (1975), 41–42, 83
Short-course teacher education, 188
Site-based learning, 111–112
St Andrew’s College, 173–174
St Margaret’s College Craiglockhart, 170
Staff elementary schools, 11
Staffing, 18
Standard for Provisional Registration, 3, 73
Standards for Leadership, 3
Standards for Registration, 3, 73–74, 158
Strategic Board for Education, 130
Strategic Board for Teacher Education (SBTE), 130
Strathclyde University, 40
Student Placement System (SPS), 114–115
Student teachers, 111–112, 114–117, 119–120
Support and professional learning, 158–159
Teach First programme, 112–113
Teacher Education (TE), 49–50
change and innovation in, 57–58
in universities, 55–57
Teacher Education Reform, 68–72
Teacher induction, 151–152
allocation of induction year teachers to schools, 156–158
components, 153–156
Flexible Route to Registration, 156
standard for full registration, 158
support and professional learning, 158–159
teacher probation prior to 2002, 152–153
tensions in Teacher Induction Scheme, 159–161
Teacher preparation in Scotland, 1–4
founding of chairs in education, 10–14
governance of, 14–18
university curricula and, 18–25, 24
Teacher preparation post-devolution
change and innovation in TE, 57–58
continuous professional development and GTCS Standards, 57
curriculum for excellence, 53–55
curriculum for excellence and initial TE, 52–53
teacher education in universities, 55–57
two-stage review of initial TE, 51–52
Teacher probation prior to 2002, 152–153
Teacher Workforce Planning Advisory Group, 126–127
Teaching English as Foreign Language (TEFL), 188
Teaching Scotland’s Future (see Donaldson Report)
Tensions in Teacher Induction Scheme, 159–161
TESOL/ELT, 194–195
Theory–practice gap, 65
Traditional ‘policy community’, 70–71
Training, 42
of male Catholic teachers, 170–171
Training Centres (TCs), 14–15, 19, 33–34
Two-stage review of initial teacher education, 51–52
Universities, 11–12, 14–15, 17, 114–115
ELT Teacher Education in, 193–195
teacher education in, 55–57
Universities Scotland, 71
Universitisation, 9–10, 112–113
University curricula and teacher education, 18–25
University of Aberdeen, 22–23, 128–129
University of Dundee, 129
University of Glasgow, 22, 146, 173–174
University of Highlands and Islands (UHI), 128
University turn, 112–113
Warnock Report, 83
Wilkinson, Thomas, 181, 182
Women teachers, 37
Online and Distance Learning (ODL), 125–126
development, 127–130
geographic and policy context, 126–127
new routes into teaching, 130–131
Scottish model of, 131–132
ONSIDE Mentoring, 159–160
Ordinary degree, 40
Partnership, 64–66, 72–74
Induction Model, 129
working, 87–88
Pedagogies, 53
Performance-based measures of teacher efficacy, 66
PGDE primary
for Scotland, 102
selection and recruitment to, 99–105
PGDE secondary
for Scotland, 103
selection and recruitment to, 99–105
subjects, 104
Policy discourse, 80–81
Policy practice, 80–81
Policy text, 80–81
Post Donaldson reforms, 88–90
Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE), 96, 139
Practical experience, 87–88
balancing intellectual rigour and academic study with, 84–85
Practicum, School experience, school placement and teaching practice, 5–6, 97–98
global perspective, 111–113
interpretation of research data, 118–119
quality of school placement provision in Scotland, 115–117
using research to challenge issues of placement quality, 117
in Scotland, 5–6
Scottish context, 113–115
Professional development opportunities, 116
Professional Graduate Diploma in Education (PGDE), 3, 5, 95–96, 105–106, 113–114, 139
advantages and disadvantages, 106–108
future developments, 108
nature, 96–98
university provision, 98–99
Professionalism, 39, 69
Professionalization, 26
Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), 68
Proportional representation (PR), 50
Provincial Committees, 14, 16–18
Quality Assurance Agency, 50–51
Quality in TESOL (QuiTE), 192
Raising standards, 39
Re-shaping teacher preparation in Scotland, 33–34
background, 34–35
in 1920–1945, 36–38
in 1945–1975, 38–41
in 1975–2000, 41–44
Reconceptualised model of professionalism, 69
Redefined professionalism, 69
Reference Group, 70–71
Reinvigoration of professionalism, 69
Religious orders, 166–167, 171–172
Robbins report, 82
Royal College of Science and Technology, 40
Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, 98
School-Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT), 139
Scotland’s Teacher Induction Scheme, 151–152
Scottish (Educational) Policy Positions, 66–67
Scottish context, 113–115
Scottish Council for the Training of Teachers (SCTT), 39
Scottish Council of Deans of Education (SCDE), 71, 130
Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF), 96, 99, 137, 146
Scottish Diplomas of Education, 81–82
Scottish Education Department (SED), 9–10, 14, 16–17, 33–34, 38–39
Scottish Executive Education Department, 153
Scottish Funding Council (SFC), 131
Scottish Government, 71
Scottish Higher Education Funding Council (SHEFC), 43
Scottish model of ODL, 131–132
Scottish National Committee for Teachers, 142
Scottish National Party (SNP), 67
Scottish parliamentary voting system, 50
Scottish Study of Probationers, 153
Scottish Teacher Education Committee (see Scottish Council of Deans of Education (SCDE))
Scottish Teacher Induction Scheme, 151–152, 155
Scottish Tertiary Education Advisory Council (STEAC), 42–43
Scottishness, 66–67
Second Language Acquisition, 190–191
Senior Phase, 54–55
Sex Discrimination Act (1975), 41–42, 83
Short-course teacher education, 188
Site-based learning, 111–112
St Andrew’s College, 173–174
St Margaret’s College Craiglockhart, 170
Staff elementary schools, 11
Staffing, 18
Standard for Provisional Registration, 3, 73
Standards for Leadership, 3
Standards for Registration, 3, 73–74, 158
Strategic Board for Education, 130
Strategic Board for Teacher Education (SBTE), 130
Strathclyde University, 40
Student Placement System (SPS), 114–115
Student teachers, 111–112, 114–117, 119–120
Support and professional learning, 158–159
Teach First programme, 112–113
Teacher Education (TE), 49–50
change and innovation in, 57–58
in universities, 55–57
Teacher Education Reform, 68–72
Teacher induction, 151–152
allocation of induction year teachers to schools, 156–158
components, 153–156
Flexible Route to Registration, 156
standard for full registration, 158
support and professional learning, 158–159
teacher probation prior to 2002, 152–153
tensions in Teacher Induction Scheme, 159–161
Teacher preparation in Scotland, 1–4
founding of chairs in education, 10–14
governance of, 14–18
university curricula and, 18–25, 24
Teacher preparation post-devolution
change and innovation in TE, 57–58
continuous professional development and GTCS Standards, 57
curriculum for excellence, 53–55
curriculum for excellence and initial TE, 52–53
teacher education in universities, 55–57
two-stage review of initial TE, 51–52
Teacher probation prior to 2002, 152–153
Teacher Workforce Planning Advisory Group, 126–127
Teaching English as Foreign Language (TEFL), 188
Teaching Scotland’s Future (see Donaldson Report)
Tensions in Teacher Induction Scheme, 159–161
TESOL/ELT, 194–195
Theory–practice gap, 65
Traditional ‘policy community’, 70–71
Training, 42
of male Catholic teachers, 170–171
Training Centres (TCs), 14–15, 19, 33–34
Two-stage review of initial teacher education, 51–52
Universities, 11–12, 14–15, 17, 114–115
ELT Teacher Education in, 193–195
teacher education in, 55–57
Universities Scotland, 71
Universitisation, 9–10, 112–113
University curricula and teacher education, 18–25
University of Aberdeen, 22–23, 128–129
University of Dundee, 129
University of Glasgow, 22, 146, 173–174
University of Highlands and Islands (UHI), 128
University turn, 112–113
Warnock Report, 83
Wilkinson, Thomas, 181, 182
Women teachers, 37
Quality Assurance Agency, 50–51
Quality in TESOL (QuiTE), 192
Raising standards, 39
Re-shaping teacher preparation in Scotland, 33–34
background, 34–35
in 1920–1945, 36–38
in 1945–1975, 38–41
in 1975–2000, 41–44
Reconceptualised model of professionalism, 69
Redefined professionalism, 69
Reference Group, 70–71
Reinvigoration of professionalism, 69
Religious orders, 166–167, 171–172
Robbins report, 82
Royal College of Science and Technology, 40
Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, 98
School-Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT), 139
Scotland’s Teacher Induction Scheme, 151–152
Scottish (Educational) Policy Positions, 66–67
Scottish context, 113–115
Scottish Council for the Training of Teachers (SCTT), 39
Scottish Council of Deans of Education (SCDE), 71, 130
Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF), 96, 99, 137, 146
Scottish Diplomas of Education, 81–82
Scottish Education Department (SED), 9–10, 14, 16–17, 33–34, 38–39
Scottish Executive Education Department, 153
Scottish Funding Council (SFC), 131
Scottish Government, 71
Scottish Higher Education Funding Council (SHEFC), 43
Scottish model of ODL, 131–132
Scottish National Committee for Teachers, 142
Scottish National Party (SNP), 67
Scottish parliamentary voting system, 50
Scottish Study of Probationers, 153
Scottish Teacher Education Committee (see Scottish Council of Deans of Education (SCDE))
Scottish Teacher Induction Scheme, 151–152, 155
Scottish Tertiary Education Advisory Council (STEAC), 42–43
Scottishness, 66–67
Second Language Acquisition, 190–191
Senior Phase, 54–55
Sex Discrimination Act (1975), 41–42, 83
Short-course teacher education, 188
Site-based learning, 111–112
St Andrew’s College, 173–174
St Margaret’s College Craiglockhart, 170
Staff elementary schools, 11
Staffing, 18
Standard for Provisional Registration, 3, 73
Standards for Leadership, 3
Standards for Registration, 3, 73–74, 158
Strategic Board for Education, 130
Strategic Board for Teacher Education (SBTE), 130
Strathclyde University, 40
Student Placement System (SPS), 114–115
Student teachers, 111–112, 114–117, 119–120
Support and professional learning, 158–159
Teach First programme, 112–113
Teacher Education (TE), 49–50
change and innovation in, 57–58
in universities, 55–57
Teacher Education Reform, 68–72
Teacher induction, 151–152
allocation of induction year teachers to schools, 156–158
components, 153–156
Flexible Route to Registration, 156
standard for full registration, 158
support and professional learning, 158–159
teacher probation prior to 2002, 152–153
tensions in Teacher Induction Scheme, 159–161
Teacher preparation in Scotland, 1–4
founding of chairs in education, 10–14
governance of, 14–18
university curricula and, 18–25, 24
Teacher preparation post-devolution
change and innovation in TE, 57–58
continuous professional development and GTCS Standards, 57
curriculum for excellence, 53–55
curriculum for excellence and initial TE, 52–53
teacher education in universities, 55–57
two-stage review of initial TE, 51–52
Teacher probation prior to 2002, 152–153
Teacher Workforce Planning Advisory Group, 126–127
Teaching English as Foreign Language (TEFL), 188
Teaching Scotland’s Future (see Donaldson Report)
Tensions in Teacher Induction Scheme, 159–161
TESOL/ELT, 194–195
Theory–practice gap, 65
Traditional ‘policy community’, 70–71
Training, 42
of male Catholic teachers, 170–171
Training Centres (TCs), 14–15, 19, 33–34
Two-stage review of initial teacher education, 51–52
Universities, 11–12, 14–15, 17, 114–115
ELT Teacher Education in, 193–195
teacher education in, 55–57
Universities Scotland, 71
Universitisation, 9–10, 112–113
University curricula and teacher education, 18–25
University of Aberdeen, 22–23, 128–129
University of Dundee, 129
University of Glasgow, 22, 146, 173–174
University of Highlands and Islands (UHI), 128
University turn, 112–113
Warnock Report, 83
Wilkinson, Thomas, 181, 182
Women teachers, 37
School-Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT), 139
Scotland’s Teacher Induction Scheme, 151–152
Scottish (Educational) Policy Positions, 66–67
Scottish context, 113–115
Scottish Council for the Training of Teachers (SCTT), 39
Scottish Council of Deans of Education (SCDE), 71, 130
Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF), 96, 99, 137, 146
Scottish Diplomas of Education, 81–82
Scottish Education Department (SED), 9–10, 14, 16–17, 33–34, 38–39
Scottish Executive Education Department, 153
Scottish Funding Council (SFC), 131
Scottish Government, 71
Scottish Higher Education Funding Council (SHEFC), 43
Scottish model of ODL, 131–132
Scottish National Committee for Teachers, 142
Scottish National Party (SNP), 67
Scottish parliamentary voting system, 50
Scottish Study of Probationers, 153
Scottish Teacher Education Committee (see Scottish Council of Deans of Education (SCDE))
Scottish Teacher Induction Scheme, 151–152, 155
Scottish Tertiary Education Advisory Council (STEAC), 42–43
Scottishness, 66–67
Second Language Acquisition, 190–191
Senior Phase, 54–55
Sex Discrimination Act (1975), 41–42, 83
Short-course teacher education, 188
Site-based learning, 111–112
St Andrew’s College, 173–174
St Margaret’s College Craiglockhart, 170
Staff elementary schools, 11
Staffing, 18
Standard for Provisional Registration, 3, 73
Standards for Leadership, 3
Standards for Registration, 3, 73–74, 158
Strategic Board for Education, 130
Strategic Board for Teacher Education (SBTE), 130
Strathclyde University, 40
Student Placement System (SPS), 114–115
Student teachers, 111–112, 114–117, 119–120
Support and professional learning, 158–159
Teach First programme, 112–113
Teacher Education (TE), 49–50
change and innovation in, 57–58
in universities, 55–57
Teacher Education Reform, 68–72
Teacher induction, 151–152
allocation of induction year teachers to schools, 156–158
components, 153–156
Flexible Route to Registration, 156
standard for full registration, 158
support and professional learning, 158–159
teacher probation prior to 2002, 152–153
tensions in Teacher Induction Scheme, 159–161
Teacher preparation in Scotland, 1–4
founding of chairs in education, 10–14
governance of, 14–18
university curricula and, 18–25, 24
Teacher preparation post-devolution
change and innovation in TE, 57–58
continuous professional development and GTCS Standards, 57
curriculum for excellence, 53–55
curriculum for excellence and initial TE, 52–53
teacher education in universities, 55–57
two-stage review of initial TE, 51–52
Teacher probation prior to 2002, 152–153
Teacher Workforce Planning Advisory Group, 126–127
Teaching English as Foreign Language (TEFL), 188
Teaching Scotland’s Future (see Donaldson Report)
Tensions in Teacher Induction Scheme, 159–161
TESOL/ELT, 194–195
Theory–practice gap, 65
Traditional ‘policy community’, 70–71
Training, 42
of male Catholic teachers, 170–171
Training Centres (TCs), 14–15, 19, 33–34
Two-stage review of initial teacher education, 51–52
Universities, 11–12, 14–15, 17, 114–115
ELT Teacher Education in, 193–195
teacher education in, 55–57
Universities Scotland, 71
Universitisation, 9–10, 112–113
University curricula and teacher education, 18–25
University of Aberdeen, 22–23, 128–129
University of Dundee, 129
University of Glasgow, 22, 146, 173–174
University of Highlands and Islands (UHI), 128
University turn, 112–113
Warnock Report, 83
Wilkinson, Thomas, 181, 182
Women teachers, 37
Universities, 11–12, 14–15, 17, 114–115
ELT Teacher Education in, 193–195
teacher education in, 55–57
Universities Scotland, 71
Universitisation, 9–10, 112–113
University curricula and teacher education, 18–25
University of Aberdeen, 22–23, 128–129
University of Dundee, 129
University of Glasgow, 22, 146, 173–174
University of Highlands and Islands (UHI), 128
University turn, 112–113
Warnock Report, 83
Wilkinson, Thomas, 181, 182
Women teachers, 37
- Prelims
- Introduction: Development of Teacher Preparation in Scotland
- Chapter 1 Teacher Preparation in Scotland, 1872–1920
- Chapter 2 Re-shaping Teacher Preparation in Scotland: Curricular, Institutional and Professional Changes, 1920–2000
- Chapter 3 Teacher Preparation Post-devolution, 1999–2007
- Chapter 4 The Donaldson Report, Partnership and Teacher Education
- Chapter 5 Bachelor's Degrees in Eductaion
- Chapter 6 Professional Graduate Diploma in Education
- Chapter 7 School Placement: Problematising Notions of the ‘Good’ Placement
- Chapter 8 Online and Distance Teacher Preparation
- Chapter 9 Masters-level Teacher Preparation
- Chapter 10 Teacher Induction
- Chapter 11 Catholic Teacher Preparation
- Chapter 12 A Concise History of the Episcopal Teacher Training College in Scotland
- Chapter 13 English Language Teacher Preparation
- Conclusion: Caledonian Teacher Education Futures
- Index