Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ)
, 183–184
Catalan Community Commons (CIC)
, 146
Collaborative consumption
, 51–52
Collective structuring patterns
, 165
Common pool resources (CPRs)
, 16–19, 22
Common property regime (CPR)
, 63
, 3, 6, 18, 29, 161
alternative modes of production
, 118–119
commons-centric society
, 119–120
complexities of transition
, 124–125
post-capitalist transition
, 117
prefigurative movements
, 113–114
radical municipal activism
, 116
role in transition
, 113
role of social movements
, 123–124
social revolution
, 115
views of commons transition
, 120–123
, 59, 64, 66, 74, 76, 78, 121, 136, 162
and community
, 85–87
leading oneself through values of
, 172
, 3
and values
, 88
, 3, 31, 43, 63–64, 69, 83, 162–163
capitalism and capital accumulation
, 54–55
collaborative consumption and sharing economy
, 51–52
commons and enclosure beyond England
, 12–13
commons-based laws
, 3
commons-based peer production
, 23–25
commons-based society
, 162
commons-centric language
, 141
to commons-centric society
, 88
crisis and survival
, 52–54
, 3–4
emergence of relational ontology
, 48
enclosure movement in England
, 7–9
end of land enclosure in England
, 12
environmental awakening
, 44
in Feudal Europe
, 5–6
flattening of organizations and self-organizing systems
, 48–49
gender and commons
, 13–14
historical sketch of
, 4–5
humans models as cooperative rather than competitive
, 47
identifying phenomena as
, 43–44
increasing inequality and changing employment
, 44–46
industrial paradigm
, 14
Internet and noose of neoliberal capitalism
, 46–47
justification of enclosure
, 9–10
leadership theory
, 49–50
Leviathan vs. Penguin
, 48
moral divide
, 47
neoliberalism and enclosure of
, 38
, 29
networks and network thinking
, 50–51
politics of
, 131
pro-capitalist vs. anti-capitalist perspectives on commons
, 56–57
and question of evil and elitism
, 132–133
resistance to enclosure and moral justification for
, 10–12
, 136
social crisis and precariat
, 57–59
in subsistence economies
, 19
theoretical perspectives on rise of commons
, 54
Transition Platform
, 29
Commons-centric society
, 88, 98, 114, 119–120, 127
centralized ideologies
, 96–97
challenges with state
, 131
climate crisis
, 92–93
collaborative commons
, 91–92
commons and question of evil and elitism
, 132–133
complexities of change process
, 128–130
confronting state
, 131–132
, 98–105
external shocks
, 127–128
fighting intellectual property laws
, 94–95
gentler, sustainable capitalism and participatory municipalities
, 135
, 111–112
insufficient resources to live autonomously
, 130–131
integral theory of consciousness
, 105–108
internal challenges
, 133–135
Kaleidoscope of consciousnesses and Western-centric perspective
, 130
, 97–98, 108–111
limitations of systems approach
, 136–137
marginalized commons
, 130
nature of systems change
, 127
need for commons self-awareness
, 136
organizing principle of universe
, 90–91
overarching theories of socio-economic change
, 89–90
social imaginary
, 97–98, 108–111
transition to
, 93
Communal governance models, leadership with
, 157–158
, 4, 85–87
community/organizational level process
, 185–186
Complex adaptive systems (CAS)
, 141
, 161
and leading from nature
, 149
Computer-generated voices
, 45
Contemporary environmentalist movement
, 20
Contemporary interest proliferation in commons
, 19–21
Cooperative Integral Catalana (CIC)
, 86–87
Critical abilities of leading oneself
, 172–174