Technology-infused Organizational Frontlines: When (Not) to Use Chatbots in Retailing to Promote Customer Engagement
Learning Outcomes
Connecting with customers at the organizational frontline is not only a matter of transaction but is also a matter of emotional connection
Customers interact with retailers to seek social contact in order to recover their affective and cognitive balance
Chatbots are well suited to resolve simple problems; they keep social interactions simple, and they provide cognitive clarity and personalized answers without engaging customers in socioaffective interactions
Chatbots must develop the ability to read customers' emotions in order to identify the exact point at which the conversation must be managed by a human agent
Lajante, M. and Del Prete, M. (2020), "Technology-infused Organizational Frontlines: When (Not) to Use Chatbots in Retailing to Promote Customer Engagement", Pantano, E. (Ed.) Retail Futures, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 71-84.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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