Digital Signage in the Store Atmosphere: Balancing Gains and Pains
Learning Outcomes
Innovative technologies, such as DS, can engage different human senses and play an important role in enhancing the store atmosphere.
The majority of DS networks feature content that is generic and is rarely tailored to the audience passing by the screens. As a result, digital displays are often ignored.
DS coupled with sensors and Artificial Intelligence allow for more relevant and personalized experiences.
Relevance through personalization can help retailers overcome display blindness, but challenges in terms of legal restrictions and ethical concerns exist to unlock its potential.
Nontouch interaction technologies, such as voice assistants, gesture controls, facial recognition, and augmented reality, present new ways of interacting with digital screens.
This work was supported by VLAIO (Vlaams Agentschap Innoveren & Ondernemen – Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship) under Baekeland Grant Number 150726 (In search of a sustainable competitive advantage: Digitally instrumenting bricks-and-mortar retailing in Flanders), which is co-funded by Digitopia N.V. (Wijnegem, Belgium).
van de Sanden, S., Willems, K., Poncin, I. and Brengman, M. (2020), "Digital Signage in the Store Atmosphere: Balancing Gains and Pains", Pantano, E. (Ed.) Retail Futures, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 53-69.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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