Technological Diversification in Retail Agglomerations: Case Studies Alongside the Digital Marketing Mix
Learning Outcomes
Retail agglomerations are predestined to capitalise on the combination of the strengths of traditional retailing and digital service innovations.
Digital touchpoints can enhance the visitor experience throughout the whole customer journey, that is not only on-site but also before reaching as well as after having left the agglomeration.
Digital service innovations can provide additional value to visitors of a retail agglomeration through four elements of the digital marketing mix: Information, orientation, communication and atmosphere.
Technologies like augmented reality (AR) or virtual reality (VR) can create unique and memorable customer experiences, ensuring that retailers and service providers as well as the retail agglomeration as a whole continue to thrive.
Key success factors for the implementation of digital services in the context of retail agglomerations include participative innovation processes, cooperation and the communication of clear benefits to stakeholders.
Dizdarevic, A., Evanschitzky, H. and Backhaus, C. (2020), "Technological Diversification in Retail Agglomerations: Case Studies Alongside the Digital Marketing Mix", Pantano, E. (Ed.) Retail Futures, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 37-50.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
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