Lloyd J. Dumas
(University of Texas at Dallas, USA)
ISBN: 978-1-83867-632-2, eISBN: 978-1-83867-629-2
Publication date: 2 December 2019
This content is currently only available as a PDF
Dumas, L.J. (2019), "Index", Building the Good Society, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 225-228.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2020 Lloyd J. Dumas
Absolute/relative limits
, 161
Adaptable strategies
, 141
Akerlof, George
, 36
Ali, Ben
, 87
Antitrust activity
, 4, 38, 55, 204
“Arts incubators”
, 174
Authoritarian governments
, 20, 23, 28, 30, 180, 182
Authoritarian systems
, 18, 179
Balanced economic relationship
, 133, 134, 138
Balanced mutually beneficial relationships
, 132–135, 138
“Barter system”
, 48
Bouazizi, Mohamed
, 186
Boulding, Kenneth
, 29
Buchanan, Pat
, 192
Burger, Jerry M.
, 83
Bush, George W.
, 192
“Butterfly ballot”
, 191
“Cap and trade” approach
, 176
Carnegie, Andrew
, 160
Central planning
, 31
Churchill, Winston
, 19
“Citizens United” decision
, 152
“Civic education”
, 167
Civic responsibility
, 77
Civil discourse
, 127
Civil disobedience
, 87, 88, 181
and rebellion
, 77
unjust and discriminatory laws
, 85
“Civilian based defense,” 181
Civil society
force multipliers
, 19
, 24
nongovernmental organizations (NGOs)
, 125–127
Climate change
, 70
global warming
, 140, 146, 176, 207
“greenhouse gas,” 137
, 140
Clinton, Hillary
, 18
“Collateral damage”
, 94
Collective responsibility
, 11
“Commercial speech”
, 21
Comparative advantage
, 128, 129, 130
, 3, 43
, 5, 32, 88–91
“laissez-faire,” 33–38
Competitive advantage
, 144, 172
Concentrations of economic and political power
, 3, 29
“Conflict diamonds”
, 157
Constitutional liberalism
, 25, 26
, 32
, 88–91
, 142
Core attitudes
, 66
Core principles
, 3, 201–210
, 25, 152, 183, 198, 199
“Countervalue” attack
, 94
, 100
, 173
Dawson, Michael
, 44, 70
De facto protectionism
, 143
Demand side economic power
, 23
Democracy and freedom
, 3, 7, 107, 148
legal system
, 9–14
long deprived
, 180–189
market capitalism
, 29–30
norms and social institutions
, 15–16
not enough
, 16–29
stopping the loss
, 189–196
international political or legal systems
, 147
military skills
, 66
nuclear weapons
, 64
strong civil society
, 125
technology generation
, 101
“Disinvestment campaigns”
, 157
Distortion of democracy
, 21–25, 191
, 127, 196, 201, 204
Diversity of beliefs, opinions, and lifestyles
, 18, 100, 109
Divided governance
, 196
Duterte, Rodrigo
, 187
Dysfunctional democracy
, 27
Ecological stress
, 136–138
Economic and political power
, 3, 29, 130, 199
Economic limits
, 153–162
Economic peacekeeping
, 132, 137, 138–139
Economic power
, 29, 38, 60, 130
distortion of democracy
, 21–25
Economic purpose of work
, 115
Economic value/money value
, 4, 51–54
Effective demand
, 4, 43–47, 149
Einstein, Albert
, 100
Eisenhower, Dwight
, 27, 197
Ellerman, David
, 57
Equalizing environmental tariffs
, 145
Extending an experience
, 118
, 39, 40
and “internalities,” 40
, 72
, 72, 171, 174
substantial divergence
, 43
Force multiplier
, 19, 126, 198
Formal institutions
, 20, 125
Frankl, Viktor E.
, 104
Free and fair elections
, 19, 25, 190
and democracy (See Democracy and freedom)
and security
, 5, 96–100
Freedom-maximizing legal system
, 9–14
“Free rider” problem
, 146
Freud, Sigmund
, 103
Friedman, Milton
, 46
Full output
costs and benefits
, 43
productivity (efficiency)
, 72
firm’s product
, 39
“rules of the game” regulation
, 175
Gaddafi, Muammar
, 186
Gandhi, Mohandas
, 85, 181
Gangster capitalism
, 35, 43
Gates, Bill
, 24
Gaylor, Noel
, 95
, 127–131
Global warming
, 14, 146, 207, 208
Gorbachev, Mikhail
, 86, 182
Grass roots NGO
, 24, 126
Ground-launched cruise missiles (GLCMs)
, 94
Gustave Speth, James
, 159
Hard power/soft power
, 102, 151
Herd immunity
, 13, 174, 203
Hickox, Kaci
, 79
Hitler, Adolf
, 17, 192
“Hybrid” companies
, 90
Hybrid economic system
, 55–60
, 4, 70, 74
, 70
Illiberal democracies
, 23, 28
Incentive-based mechanisms
, 73
Incentive structures
, 59, 138, 149, 150
Individualism and social responsibility
, 5, 78–80
Informal rules
, 15
Intergovernmental organization(s) (IGOs)
, 142–148
Irrational behavior
, 11
Jackson, Michael
, 168
“Jasmine Revolution”
, 87
Jim Crow
, 10
Kardashian, Kim
, 168
Kennedy, John F.
, 16, 159
Kennedy, Robert
, 1
Key principles
, 192, 202
King, Jr., Martin Luther
, 85, 181
Kissinger, Henry
, 167
Knight, Phillip
, 157
Koch, Charles and David
, 24
Laissez-faire capitalism
, 33–43
and attitudes
, 91–96
, 126
Lee, Harper
, 117
Liberal democracy
, 25, 26, 27, 28, 165
Madison, James
, 25, 162, 196
Madoff, Bernard
, 54
Marco, Ferdinand
, 86
Marcos, Ferdinand
, 29, 152, 182
Market capitalism
, 29–30
, 68–75
Material wellbeing
, 31, 46
, 52
, 49
human happiness
, 74
money-valued goods and services
, 53
McNamara, Robert
, 21
Medium of exchange
, 47, 48, 49, 106
Melman, Seymour
, 56
Meritocracy myth
, 5, 76
Meritocratic principles
, 5
Milgram, Stanley
, 81
, 4, 64–68, 205
Money economy/real economy
, 4, 50, 54, 61
Money income
, 49, 110, 150
Money value/economic value
, 4, 51–54
Moritaki, Ichiro
, 118
Morris, Philip
, 25
Mubarak, Hosni
, 87, 186
Multinational corporations (MNCs)
, 23, 24, 130, 147, 148
Myers, David
, 161
Narrowly economic
, 113
Nationalism and independence
, 100–107
Need for reassurance
, 106, 107
Negative externalities
, 72, 73, 175
Net social benefit
, 40
Non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
, 10, 19
and civil society
, 125–127
environmental policy
, 22
freedom of action
, 21
grassroots organizations
, 24
“naming and shaming,” 157
Nonrational behavior
, 11
Nonviolent disobedience
, 5, 84–88
Nonviolent noncooperation
, 87, 189
Nonviolent protest
, 7, 87, 180–189
Norms of behavior
, 15, 63, 97
“Nuclear language”
, 93
Nye, Joseph
, 151
Obedience to authority
, 80–84
Packard, Vance
, 26
Peacekeeping economics
, 102, 132, 138–139
Peace Movement Aotearoa (PMA)
, 101
Political power
, 6
, 25–29, 162
economic power
, 22, 148
economic wealth
, 152
Positive externalities
, 72, 170, 171, 175
Power of economic relationships
, 132, 133
Price mechanism
, 32, 38
Primary driver of human behavior
, 104, 105, 106, 107
Privacy, freedom, and security
, 96–100
Private sector organization
, 6
Profit motive
, 38
Psychic income
, 110
Public sector organization
, 6
Purchasing power
, 45, 49, 150, 151
Putin, Vladimir
, 87, 187
Quantitative growth/qualitative growth
, 208, 209
, 4, 64–68, 116, 205
Real economy/money economy
, 4, 50, 54, 61
Redford, Robert
, 194
Relative limits/absolute limits
, 6, 159, 160, 161
, 5, 14, 121–123, 167
Religious freedom
, 122
Religious fundamentalists
, 122
Representative democracy
, 25, 26, 59, 192
Ricardo, David
, 128
“Rogue traders”
, 55
Rules of the game
, 4
“full output,” 175
, 38–43, 61, 204
, 110
Sanders, Bernie
, 165
Schneider, John G.
, 26
, 5, 6, 96–100, 132, 137
, 32, 56, 119
national and international
, 136, 139
, 6, 131–138
, 4, 64–68, 205
Sharp, Gene
, 85, 181
Shevardnadze, Eduard
, 183
Shiller, Robert
, 36
Short run
, 23, 24
Sierra Leone
, 79
Simon, Neal
, 77
Smith, Adam
, 128
Snowden, Edward
, 98
Social costs and benefits
, 72, 73, 157
Social institutions
, 15–16
, 3, 31, 32, 56, 59, 90
Social norms
, 3, 15, 71, 155, 196
Social responsibility
, 5, 7, 15, 78–80, 179
“Soft” power/hard power
, 151
Stalin, Joseph
, 17
“Stanford Prison Experiment”
, 81
Stevenson, Adlai
, 26
Store of value
, 49
Submarine-launched cruise missiles (SLCMs)
, 94
Supply-side economic power
, 23
, 119–121, 201
Theory of comparative advantage
, 128, 129, 130
Tipping point(s)
, 141
Too big to fail/ too big to be allowed to fail
, 37, 38, 55, 199
, 38, 97, 98, 126, 165, 199
Trump, Donald
, 17, 168
Turner, Ted
, 24
, 69, 71, 74, 110
Wayne, William
, 12
Weber, Max
, 53
“Web of life,” 139–142
Xiaopeng, Deng
, 185
Yaobang, Hu
, 184
Yeltsin, Boris
, 182
Yudken, Joel
, 114
Yushchenko, Viktor
, 183
Zimbardo, Philip G.
, 81
- Prelims
- Introduction
- 1 Securing Political Freedom and Sustainable Democracy
- 2 The Market System: Achieving Equity and Material Abundance
- 3 Attitudes: Promoting Progress or Destroying Dignity?
- 4 Institutions and Organizations: Constructing the Social Foundation
- 5 Limits and Incentives: Tools for an Efficient, Fair and Responsible Society
- 6 Democratic Transitions: Creating, Protecting and Sustaining the Good Society
- Conclusion: The Core Principles of a Good Society
- Notes
- Index