Dawn of Learning! Sinti and Roma in Germany
Lifelong Learning and the Roma Minority in Western and Southern Europe
ISBN: 978-1-83867-264-5, eISBN: 978-1-83867-263-8
Publication date: 22 November 2019
In this chapter, the author analyses the education situation of Sinti and Roma in Germany and calls for a ‘Dawn of Learning!’ The author asks: Who is learning (from whom and for whom)? What is learned? What has to be learned? To answer these questions firstly the author describes the social and legal situation of the Roma minority in Germany then analyses their attainment in the German education system. With the help of two studies (Hundsalz, 1982; Strauss, 2011) the author demonstrates that educational attainments of German Sinti and Roma had significantly increased over time. Then the author emphasises the importance of mentoring programmes – involving Sinti and Roma as educational mentors – especially for their important role in the integration process. Lastly, the author shows the results of her own study aimed at revealing correlations of education and integration opportunities of Roma youth, with or without a limited residence permit in Germany (Hofmann, 2011). The question: What has been learned – so far? The author answers as followed: A dawn of learning for mutual respect and appreciation can be seen. The question: What has to be learned? The author’s answer: she wishes for a common aim of our learning processes to be a conscious and respectful handling of diversity which allows differences but focuses on common ground as a starting point for social negotiation to shape the society in which we want to live – on regional, national and European grounds.
Hofmann, N. (2019), "Dawn of Learning! Sinti and Roma in Germany", Óhidy, A. and Forray, K.R. (Ed.) Lifelong Learning and the Roma Minority in Western and Southern Europe, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 27-44. https://doi.org/10.1108/978-1-83867-263-820191007
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2020 Natascha Hofmann