Building Communities in Academia
ISBN: 978-1-83797-503-7, eISBN: 978-1-83797-500-6
Publication date: 6 August 2024
(2024), "Index", Aarnikoivu, M. and Le, A.T. (Ed.) Building Communities in Academia (Surviving and Thriving in Academia), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 163-169.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2024 Melina Aarnikoivu and Ai Tam Le. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited
Academia, 5, 14–15, 77–78
building communities to, 160–161
diversity of important communities, 156
Academic capitalism, 45
CV, 44
performance, 49–50
publication, 45
Academic communities, 1–2, 5–6, 143–144
challenges, 158–160
developing and maintaining, 157–158
Academic environments, 91
Academic hierarchies, 151–152
Academic neoliberalism, 45
Academic nomads, 158–159
Academic precarity, 76–77
Academic work, 127
Academic writing, 138
conditions in HE, 129–131
Academic Writing Month (AcWriMo), 127–128, 130–131
Administrative staff, 12–13
Affect, 47
Affective aspects of belonging, 55–56
Affective communities, 143, 146, 148
Africa, 63
Alternative, 7–8
Alternative internationalism, 7–8, 143, 145
Anxiety, 92–93
Asia, 63, 67–68
Australia, 1, 5, 30–31, 34
Australian university, 29
Banting postdoctoral fellowship, 46, 55
Becoming, 12–13
Belonging, 12–13, 45–46, 53
Belonging, sense of, 46–47
feeling, 47
physical, 47
place, 47
politics, 47
Yuval-Davis, 46–47
Beyond Gender
, 7, 128
Blogs, 32–33, 109
Book chapters, 128
Broadcasting, 33
Burnout, 98
Canada, 44, 46, 50–51, 55–56, 60
Capitalism, 45
Career, 1–2, 5, 20
Career progression, 64
Co-creation, 29–30, 36–37
Collaboration, 22–23, 35, 37–38, 65–66
practices, 7
work, 129
Collective close reading, 129
Collective practice, 126–127
Communal experiences, 45–46
Community, 1–6, 12–13, 45–46, 61, 127, 155–156
in academia, 108–111
affective, 143, 146, 148
builders, 2
challenges of sustaining, 118–121
community-forming experiences and reflections, 22–23
critically supportive, 148
development, 93–94, 111, 118
informal, 6, 77–78, 83
intellectual, 29
of learners, 12–13
liminal, 12–13, 156
maintaining, 111–118
managers, 92
of researchers, 12–13
sense of, 29, 32–33
value of, 76–77
Community building, 2–5, 63, 94, 96, 137–138
Community of Practice (CoP), 3–4, 13–14, 22–23, 76–77
Wegner, 18–19
grant, 78–82
hyper-competitiveness, 110
Conference announcements, 83
Conference papers, 128
Consortium project and grant managers, 92
Contractual shifts, 130
Conversation, significant, 77–78, 82
COVID-19 pandemic, 54–55, 128, 142
Critical reflection and initiatives, 91
Depression, 92–93
Dialogical reflections approach, 78
education, 61
researchers, 4
students, 63
Early and Mid-Career Researchers (EMCR), 5–6, 61, 69
absence of financial backing, 68–69
accommodating global timelines, 66
added learning opportunity in international EMCR network, 64–65
appreciating support for, 64
challenges, 66–69
EMCR Taboo Group, 63–66
navigating career, family and childcare demands, 67
navigating technical challenges, 68
publication decision dilemmas, 67–68
struggles in employment prospects, 67
women EMCR, 63, 69
Early career higher education researchers (ECHER), 1
Early career researchers (ECRs), 74, 112
Early-career researchers network (ECRN), 6, 74–75, 77
online coffee meetings, 78
Emotional well-being, 83
Engagement, 21–22, 32–33
Enthusiastic participation, 67
Europe, 31, 63, 91
Explicit knowledge, 77–78
‘False-starts and messy-sidesteps’ approach, 150
Financial insecurities, 91
Finland, 74–75
Finnish HE system, 76
Forgotten scholars, 45
Formal education, 12–13
Found poems, 134–135, 137
Funding calls, 83
Good practices, 36–37
Graduate networking project, 34–36
Graduate researchers, 4–5, 28–29
engagement initiative, 31–33
graduate researcher-led projects from co-creation lens, 29–31
interdisciplinary exploration and graduate networking project, 34–36
practical guidelines for, 36–38
Graduate school coordinators, 92
Group members, 12–13, 22–23
Groupings, 12–13
Guest authors, inviting in, 116–118
Hannover conference, 69–70
Hidden curriculum, 91
Hidden injuries, 158
Higher degree research (HDR), 12–13
Higher education (HE), 74–75, 127–128
research, 74–75
Higher education institutions (HEIs), 74–75
Hong Kong, 44, 48–49
Humanising academia, 143, 150, 152
vulnerable academics, 152
Humanities and social sciences (HSS), 129–130
Ideation, 36–37
Individualistic, 5, 45–46
individualism, 158–159
Informal academic communities, 74–75
conversations, 78–82
online coffee meetings, 82–84
in professional growth and well-being, 76–78
Informal communities, 6
Intellectual communities, 29
Intentions, 94–96
Interdisciplinary exploration, 34–36
Interdisciplinary research, 34
International Master’s Programme in Educational Research (IMER), 15
Job announcements, 83
cheap, 54
emotional, 48–49
Learned society, 127–128
Learning, 14
Legitimate peripheral participation, 14
Liminal community, 12–13, 156
Amoni, 16–17
community-forming experiences and reflections, 22–23
engagement, vulnerabilities and staying the course, 19–22
invitation, acceptance and belonging, 15–17
Martina, 17–19
Oscar, 20–22
theoretical framing, 13–15
Liminal CoP, 15–16
Lived experience, 91
Loneliness, 53
Membership, 7, 28–29, 157–158
Mental health, 6
in academia, 92–93
practitioners, 91
researchers, 91
Mental well-being, 90
Mentors, 14
Mission, 96
Multivocality, 126–127
Mutual engagement, 22
Network, 83
News writing, 33
Non-belonging, 49–50
North America, 63, 67–68
Oceania, 63
virtual staffroom, 109
Online coffee meetings, 82–84
Online meetings, 75
Ontario Tech University (OTU), 46, 54
Open Science movement, 90–91
Organisation, 97–101
Pandemic, 54–55, 128, 142
Pedagogy, Education and Praxis (PEP), 16–17
Peer, 93
community, 83
learning, 14, 76–77
networks and communities, 93
support, 93
support network, 93
Peripherality, 22–23
PhD candidate, 4
Physical non-belonging, 49
Place, 47
Podcasts, 32–33
Politics, 47
Postdoc, 48–49, 56
Postdoctoral fellowships, 44–46
Banting, 46
Juuso’s narrative, 47–54
Robyn’s reflection, 54–55
sense of belonging, 46–47
Postdoctoral researchers, 44–45
Power Hour of Writing, 133–134
Praxis Symposium, 16–18
Precarity, 147
development, 29, 32–33
growth, 74–75
Project, 31–33
Projectisation, 45
Promotion pathways, 130
Publishing, 65–66
Purpose, 157–158
Queer Art of Failure, The
, 148–149
Queer failure, 148–149
Queering, 143
academic communities, 148–150
Reading material, 83
Reflection, 36–37
Reflexive space of appearance, 3–4
Reimagine, 160–161
Research and development (R&D), 74–75
Research collective, 126–127
Research Excellence Framework (REF), 129–130
Research Whisperer (RW), 108
challenges of sustaining community, 118–121
community in academia, 108–111
developing and maintaining community, 111–118
WhisperCon, 114–116
WhisperFest, 114, 116, 119
Research Whisperer
, 7
Researcher developers, 92
Researcher development, 109
Researchers, 92
doctoral, 4, 34
masters, 4–5
postdoctoral, 5, 44–45
financial, 68
human, 97–98
Scholarship on solidarity, 131–132
Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), 91
Scientific communities, 91–92
Short-form social media, 111
Shut Up and Write (SUAW), 113–114
Sisterhood, 63
Slow scholarship, 150–151
connections, 31
media channels, 109–110
relationships, 47
Social dimension of learning, 76–77
Social theory of learning, 13–14
Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE), 127–128, 130–131
ACWRIMO 2021, 131–134
Sociocultural approaches, 74
Sole ownership, 127–128
Student-centred approach, 29–30
Support staff members, 92
Survey, 44–45, 133–134
Taboo Group, 5–6, 61–63, 66
Tacit knowledge, 77–78
Teaching, 14
and research’ contracts, 130
Twitter (X), 53, 57
UK, 126–127
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), 91
University of Eastern Finland (UEF), 46, 54
Values, 96
Vision–mission–values, 94, 96
Volkswagen Foundation, 61
Vulnerable educators, 151–152
Well-being, 6, 74–75
WhisperCon, 114–116
WhisperFest, 114, 116, 119
Whole university communities, 12–13
Women-only group, benefits of, 65
Workbook, 6, 93, 98
for community builders in academia, 91–92
intentions, 94–96
organisation, 97–101
Work–life balance, 64
Workshop materials, 128
Writing as interlocution, 128–129
Zoom, 60, 118–119, 145
Canada, 44, 46, 50–51, 55–56, 60
Capitalism, 45
Career, 1–2, 5, 20
Career progression, 64
Co-creation, 29–30, 36–37
Collaboration, 22–23, 35, 37–38, 65–66
practices, 7
work, 129
Collective close reading, 129
Collective practice, 126–127
Communal experiences, 45–46
Community, 1–6, 12–13, 45–46, 61, 127, 155–156
in academia, 108–111
affective, 143, 146, 148
builders, 2
challenges of sustaining, 118–121
community-forming experiences and reflections, 22–23
critically supportive, 148
development, 93–94, 111, 118
informal, 6, 77–78, 83
intellectual, 29
of learners, 12–13
liminal, 12–13, 156
maintaining, 111–118
managers, 92
of researchers, 12–13
sense of, 29, 32–33
value of, 76–77
Community building, 2–5, 63, 94, 96, 137–138
Community of Practice (CoP), 3–4, 13–14, 22–23, 76–77
Wegner, 18–19
grant, 78–82
hyper-competitiveness, 110
Conference announcements, 83
Conference papers, 128
Consortium project and grant managers, 92
Contractual shifts, 130
Conversation, significant, 77–78, 82
COVID-19 pandemic, 54–55, 128, 142
Critical reflection and initiatives, 91
Depression, 92–93
Dialogical reflections approach, 78
education, 61
researchers, 4
students, 63
Early and Mid-Career Researchers (EMCR), 5–6, 61, 69
absence of financial backing, 68–69
accommodating global timelines, 66
added learning opportunity in international EMCR network, 64–65
appreciating support for, 64
challenges, 66–69
EMCR Taboo Group, 63–66
navigating career, family and childcare demands, 67
navigating technical challenges, 68
publication decision dilemmas, 67–68
struggles in employment prospects, 67
women EMCR, 63, 69
Early career higher education researchers (ECHER), 1
Early career researchers (ECRs), 74, 112
Early-career researchers network (ECRN), 6, 74–75, 77
online coffee meetings, 78
Emotional well-being, 83
Engagement, 21–22, 32–33
Enthusiastic participation, 67
Europe, 31, 63, 91
Explicit knowledge, 77–78
‘False-starts and messy-sidesteps’ approach, 150
Financial insecurities, 91
Finland, 74–75
Finnish HE system, 76
Forgotten scholars, 45
Formal education, 12–13
Found poems, 134–135, 137
Funding calls, 83
Good practices, 36–37
Graduate networking project, 34–36
Graduate researchers, 4–5, 28–29
engagement initiative, 31–33
graduate researcher-led projects from co-creation lens, 29–31
interdisciplinary exploration and graduate networking project, 34–36
practical guidelines for, 36–38
Graduate school coordinators, 92
Group members, 12–13, 22–23
Groupings, 12–13
Guest authors, inviting in, 116–118
Hannover conference, 69–70
Hidden curriculum, 91
Hidden injuries, 158
Higher degree research (HDR), 12–13
Higher education (HE), 74–75, 127–128
research, 74–75
Higher education institutions (HEIs), 74–75
Hong Kong, 44, 48–49
Humanising academia, 143, 150, 152
vulnerable academics, 152
Humanities and social sciences (HSS), 129–130
Ideation, 36–37
Individualistic, 5, 45–46
individualism, 158–159
Informal academic communities, 74–75
conversations, 78–82
online coffee meetings, 82–84
in professional growth and well-being, 76–78
Informal communities, 6
Intellectual communities, 29
Intentions, 94–96
Interdisciplinary exploration, 34–36
Interdisciplinary research, 34
International Master’s Programme in Educational Research (IMER), 15
Job announcements, 83
cheap, 54
emotional, 48–49
Learned society, 127–128
Learning, 14
Legitimate peripheral participation, 14
Liminal community, 12–13, 156
Amoni, 16–17
community-forming experiences and reflections, 22–23
engagement, vulnerabilities and staying the course, 19–22
invitation, acceptance and belonging, 15–17
Martina, 17–19
Oscar, 20–22
theoretical framing, 13–15
Liminal CoP, 15–16
Lived experience, 91
Loneliness, 53
Membership, 7, 28–29, 157–158
Mental health, 6
in academia, 92–93
practitioners, 91
researchers, 91
Mental well-being, 90
Mentors, 14
Mission, 96
Multivocality, 126–127
Mutual engagement, 22
Network, 83
News writing, 33
Non-belonging, 49–50
North America, 63, 67–68
Oceania, 63
virtual staffroom, 109
Online coffee meetings, 82–84
Online meetings, 75
Ontario Tech University (OTU), 46, 54
Open Science movement, 90–91
Organisation, 97–101
Pandemic, 54–55, 128, 142
Pedagogy, Education and Praxis (PEP), 16–17
Peer, 93
community, 83
learning, 14, 76–77
networks and communities, 93
support, 93
support network, 93
Peripherality, 22–23
PhD candidate, 4
Physical non-belonging, 49
Place, 47
Podcasts, 32–33
Politics, 47
Postdoc, 48–49, 56
Postdoctoral fellowships, 44–46
Banting, 46
Juuso’s narrative, 47–54
Robyn’s reflection, 54–55
sense of belonging, 46–47
Postdoctoral researchers, 44–45
Power Hour of Writing, 133–134
Praxis Symposium, 16–18
Precarity, 147
development, 29, 32–33
growth, 74–75
Project, 31–33
Projectisation, 45
Promotion pathways, 130
Publishing, 65–66
Purpose, 157–158
Queer Art of Failure, The
, 148–149
Queer failure, 148–149
Queering, 143
academic communities, 148–150
Reading material, 83
Reflection, 36–37
Reflexive space of appearance, 3–4
Reimagine, 160–161
Research and development (R&D), 74–75
Research collective, 126–127
Research Excellence Framework (REF), 129–130
Research Whisperer (RW), 108
challenges of sustaining community, 118–121
community in academia, 108–111
developing and maintaining community, 111–118
WhisperCon, 114–116
WhisperFest, 114, 116, 119
Research Whisperer
, 7
Researcher developers, 92
Researcher development, 109
Researchers, 92
doctoral, 4, 34
masters, 4–5
postdoctoral, 5, 44–45
financial, 68
human, 97–98
Scholarship on solidarity, 131–132
Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), 91
Scientific communities, 91–92
Short-form social media, 111
Shut Up and Write (SUAW), 113–114
Sisterhood, 63
Slow scholarship, 150–151
connections, 31
media channels, 109–110
relationships, 47
Social dimension of learning, 76–77
Social theory of learning, 13–14
Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE), 127–128, 130–131
ACWRIMO 2021, 131–134
Sociocultural approaches, 74
Sole ownership, 127–128
Student-centred approach, 29–30
Support staff members, 92
Survey, 44–45, 133–134
Taboo Group, 5–6, 61–63, 66
Tacit knowledge, 77–78
Teaching, 14
and research’ contracts, 130
Twitter (X), 53, 57
UK, 126–127
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), 91
University of Eastern Finland (UEF), 46, 54
Values, 96
Vision–mission–values, 94, 96
Volkswagen Foundation, 61
Vulnerable educators, 151–152
Well-being, 6, 74–75
WhisperCon, 114–116
WhisperFest, 114, 116, 119
Whole university communities, 12–13
Women-only group, benefits of, 65
Workbook, 6, 93, 98
for community builders in academia, 91–92
intentions, 94–96
organisation, 97–101
Work–life balance, 64
Workshop materials, 128
Writing as interlocution, 128–129
Zoom, 60, 118–119, 145
Early and Mid-Career Researchers (EMCR), 5–6, 61, 69
absence of financial backing, 68–69
accommodating global timelines, 66
added learning opportunity in international EMCR network, 64–65
appreciating support for, 64
challenges, 66–69
EMCR Taboo Group, 63–66
navigating career, family and childcare demands, 67
navigating technical challenges, 68
publication decision dilemmas, 67–68
struggles in employment prospects, 67
women EMCR, 63, 69
Early career higher education researchers (ECHER), 1
Early career researchers (ECRs), 74, 112
Early-career researchers network (ECRN), 6, 74–75, 77
online coffee meetings, 78
Emotional well-being, 83
Engagement, 21–22, 32–33
Enthusiastic participation, 67
Europe, 31, 63, 91
Explicit knowledge, 77–78
‘False-starts and messy-sidesteps’ approach, 150
Financial insecurities, 91
Finland, 74–75
Finnish HE system, 76
Forgotten scholars, 45
Formal education, 12–13
Found poems, 134–135, 137
Funding calls, 83
Good practices, 36–37
Graduate networking project, 34–36
Graduate researchers, 4–5, 28–29
engagement initiative, 31–33
graduate researcher-led projects from co-creation lens, 29–31
interdisciplinary exploration and graduate networking project, 34–36
practical guidelines for, 36–38
Graduate school coordinators, 92
Group members, 12–13, 22–23
Groupings, 12–13
Guest authors, inviting in, 116–118
Hannover conference, 69–70
Hidden curriculum, 91
Hidden injuries, 158
Higher degree research (HDR), 12–13
Higher education (HE), 74–75, 127–128
research, 74–75
Higher education institutions (HEIs), 74–75
Hong Kong, 44, 48–49
Humanising academia, 143, 150, 152
vulnerable academics, 152
Humanities and social sciences (HSS), 129–130
Ideation, 36–37
Individualistic, 5, 45–46
individualism, 158–159
Informal academic communities, 74–75
conversations, 78–82
online coffee meetings, 82–84
in professional growth and well-being, 76–78
Informal communities, 6
Intellectual communities, 29
Intentions, 94–96
Interdisciplinary exploration, 34–36
Interdisciplinary research, 34
International Master’s Programme in Educational Research (IMER), 15
Job announcements, 83
cheap, 54
emotional, 48–49
Learned society, 127–128
Learning, 14
Legitimate peripheral participation, 14
Liminal community, 12–13, 156
Amoni, 16–17
community-forming experiences and reflections, 22–23
engagement, vulnerabilities and staying the course, 19–22
invitation, acceptance and belonging, 15–17
Martina, 17–19
Oscar, 20–22
theoretical framing, 13–15
Liminal CoP, 15–16
Lived experience, 91
Loneliness, 53
Membership, 7, 28–29, 157–158
Mental health, 6
in academia, 92–93
practitioners, 91
researchers, 91
Mental well-being, 90
Mentors, 14
Mission, 96
Multivocality, 126–127
Mutual engagement, 22
Network, 83
News writing, 33
Non-belonging, 49–50
North America, 63, 67–68
Oceania, 63
virtual staffroom, 109
Online coffee meetings, 82–84
Online meetings, 75
Ontario Tech University (OTU), 46, 54
Open Science movement, 90–91
Organisation, 97–101
Pandemic, 54–55, 128, 142
Pedagogy, Education and Praxis (PEP), 16–17
Peer, 93
community, 83
learning, 14, 76–77
networks and communities, 93
support, 93
support network, 93
Peripherality, 22–23
PhD candidate, 4
Physical non-belonging, 49
Place, 47
Podcasts, 32–33
Politics, 47
Postdoc, 48–49, 56
Postdoctoral fellowships, 44–46
Banting, 46
Juuso’s narrative, 47–54
Robyn’s reflection, 54–55
sense of belonging, 46–47
Postdoctoral researchers, 44–45
Power Hour of Writing, 133–134
Praxis Symposium, 16–18
Precarity, 147
development, 29, 32–33
growth, 74–75
Project, 31–33
Projectisation, 45
Promotion pathways, 130
Publishing, 65–66
Purpose, 157–158
Queer Art of Failure, The
, 148–149
Queer failure, 148–149
Queering, 143
academic communities, 148–150
Reading material, 83
Reflection, 36–37
Reflexive space of appearance, 3–4
Reimagine, 160–161
Research and development (R&D), 74–75
Research collective, 126–127
Research Excellence Framework (REF), 129–130
Research Whisperer (RW), 108
challenges of sustaining community, 118–121
community in academia, 108–111
developing and maintaining community, 111–118
WhisperCon, 114–116
WhisperFest, 114, 116, 119
Research Whisperer
, 7
Researcher developers, 92
Researcher development, 109
Researchers, 92
doctoral, 4, 34
masters, 4–5
postdoctoral, 5, 44–45
financial, 68
human, 97–98
Scholarship on solidarity, 131–132
Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), 91
Scientific communities, 91–92
Short-form social media, 111
Shut Up and Write (SUAW), 113–114
Sisterhood, 63
Slow scholarship, 150–151
connections, 31
media channels, 109–110
relationships, 47
Social dimension of learning, 76–77
Social theory of learning, 13–14
Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE), 127–128, 130–131
ACWRIMO 2021, 131–134
Sociocultural approaches, 74
Sole ownership, 127–128
Student-centred approach, 29–30
Support staff members, 92
Survey, 44–45, 133–134
Taboo Group, 5–6, 61–63, 66
Tacit knowledge, 77–78
Teaching, 14
and research’ contracts, 130
Twitter (X), 53, 57
UK, 126–127
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), 91
University of Eastern Finland (UEF), 46, 54
Values, 96
Vision–mission–values, 94, 96
Volkswagen Foundation, 61
Vulnerable educators, 151–152
Well-being, 6, 74–75
WhisperCon, 114–116
WhisperFest, 114, 116, 119
Whole university communities, 12–13
Women-only group, benefits of, 65
Workbook, 6, 93, 98
for community builders in academia, 91–92
intentions, 94–96
organisation, 97–101
Work–life balance, 64
Workshop materials, 128
Writing as interlocution, 128–129
Zoom, 60, 118–119, 145
Good practices, 36–37
Graduate networking project, 34–36
Graduate researchers, 4–5, 28–29
engagement initiative, 31–33
graduate researcher-led projects from co-creation lens, 29–31
interdisciplinary exploration and graduate networking project, 34–36
practical guidelines for, 36–38
Graduate school coordinators, 92
Group members, 12–13, 22–23
Groupings, 12–13
Guest authors, inviting in, 116–118
Hannover conference, 69–70
Hidden curriculum, 91
Hidden injuries, 158
Higher degree research (HDR), 12–13
Higher education (HE), 74–75, 127–128
research, 74–75
Higher education institutions (HEIs), 74–75
Hong Kong, 44, 48–49
Humanising academia, 143, 150, 152
vulnerable academics, 152
Humanities and social sciences (HSS), 129–130
Ideation, 36–37
Individualistic, 5, 45–46
individualism, 158–159
Informal academic communities, 74–75
conversations, 78–82
online coffee meetings, 82–84
in professional growth and well-being, 76–78
Informal communities, 6
Intellectual communities, 29
Intentions, 94–96
Interdisciplinary exploration, 34–36
Interdisciplinary research, 34
International Master’s Programme in Educational Research (IMER), 15
Job announcements, 83
cheap, 54
emotional, 48–49
Learned society, 127–128
Learning, 14
Legitimate peripheral participation, 14
Liminal community, 12–13, 156
Amoni, 16–17
community-forming experiences and reflections, 22–23
engagement, vulnerabilities and staying the course, 19–22
invitation, acceptance and belonging, 15–17
Martina, 17–19
Oscar, 20–22
theoretical framing, 13–15
Liminal CoP, 15–16
Lived experience, 91
Loneliness, 53
Membership, 7, 28–29, 157–158
Mental health, 6
in academia, 92–93
practitioners, 91
researchers, 91
Mental well-being, 90
Mentors, 14
Mission, 96
Multivocality, 126–127
Mutual engagement, 22
Network, 83
News writing, 33
Non-belonging, 49–50
North America, 63, 67–68
Oceania, 63
virtual staffroom, 109
Online coffee meetings, 82–84
Online meetings, 75
Ontario Tech University (OTU), 46, 54
Open Science movement, 90–91
Organisation, 97–101
Pandemic, 54–55, 128, 142
Pedagogy, Education and Praxis (PEP), 16–17
Peer, 93
community, 83
learning, 14, 76–77
networks and communities, 93
support, 93
support network, 93
Peripherality, 22–23
PhD candidate, 4
Physical non-belonging, 49
Place, 47
Podcasts, 32–33
Politics, 47
Postdoc, 48–49, 56
Postdoctoral fellowships, 44–46
Banting, 46
Juuso’s narrative, 47–54
Robyn’s reflection, 54–55
sense of belonging, 46–47
Postdoctoral researchers, 44–45
Power Hour of Writing, 133–134
Praxis Symposium, 16–18
Precarity, 147
development, 29, 32–33
growth, 74–75
Project, 31–33
Projectisation, 45
Promotion pathways, 130
Publishing, 65–66
Purpose, 157–158
Queer Art of Failure, The
, 148–149
Queer failure, 148–149
Queering, 143
academic communities, 148–150
Reading material, 83
Reflection, 36–37
Reflexive space of appearance, 3–4
Reimagine, 160–161
Research and development (R&D), 74–75
Research collective, 126–127
Research Excellence Framework (REF), 129–130
Research Whisperer (RW), 108
challenges of sustaining community, 118–121
community in academia, 108–111
developing and maintaining community, 111–118
WhisperCon, 114–116
WhisperFest, 114, 116, 119
Research Whisperer
, 7
Researcher developers, 92
Researcher development, 109
Researchers, 92
doctoral, 4, 34
masters, 4–5
postdoctoral, 5, 44–45
financial, 68
human, 97–98
Scholarship on solidarity, 131–132
Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), 91
Scientific communities, 91–92
Short-form social media, 111
Shut Up and Write (SUAW), 113–114
Sisterhood, 63
Slow scholarship, 150–151
connections, 31
media channels, 109–110
relationships, 47
Social dimension of learning, 76–77
Social theory of learning, 13–14
Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE), 127–128, 130–131
ACWRIMO 2021, 131–134
Sociocultural approaches, 74
Sole ownership, 127–128
Student-centred approach, 29–30
Support staff members, 92
Survey, 44–45, 133–134
Taboo Group, 5–6, 61–63, 66
Tacit knowledge, 77–78
Teaching, 14
and research’ contracts, 130
Twitter (X), 53, 57
UK, 126–127
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), 91
University of Eastern Finland (UEF), 46, 54
Values, 96
Vision–mission–values, 94, 96
Volkswagen Foundation, 61
Vulnerable educators, 151–152
Well-being, 6, 74–75
WhisperCon, 114–116
WhisperFest, 114, 116, 119
Whole university communities, 12–13
Women-only group, benefits of, 65
Workbook, 6, 93, 98
for community builders in academia, 91–92
intentions, 94–96
organisation, 97–101
Work–life balance, 64
Workshop materials, 128
Writing as interlocution, 128–129
Zoom, 60, 118–119, 145
Ideation, 36–37
Individualistic, 5, 45–46
individualism, 158–159
Informal academic communities, 74–75
conversations, 78–82
online coffee meetings, 82–84
in professional growth and well-being, 76–78
Informal communities, 6
Intellectual communities, 29
Intentions, 94–96
Interdisciplinary exploration, 34–36
Interdisciplinary research, 34
International Master’s Programme in Educational Research (IMER), 15
Job announcements, 83
cheap, 54
emotional, 48–49
Learned society, 127–128
Learning, 14
Legitimate peripheral participation, 14
Liminal community, 12–13, 156
Amoni, 16–17
community-forming experiences and reflections, 22–23
engagement, vulnerabilities and staying the course, 19–22
invitation, acceptance and belonging, 15–17
Martina, 17–19
Oscar, 20–22
theoretical framing, 13–15
Liminal CoP, 15–16
Lived experience, 91
Loneliness, 53
Membership, 7, 28–29, 157–158
Mental health, 6
in academia, 92–93
practitioners, 91
researchers, 91
Mental well-being, 90
Mentors, 14
Mission, 96
Multivocality, 126–127
Mutual engagement, 22
Network, 83
News writing, 33
Non-belonging, 49–50
North America, 63, 67–68
Oceania, 63
virtual staffroom, 109
Online coffee meetings, 82–84
Online meetings, 75
Ontario Tech University (OTU), 46, 54
Open Science movement, 90–91
Organisation, 97–101
Pandemic, 54–55, 128, 142
Pedagogy, Education and Praxis (PEP), 16–17
Peer, 93
community, 83
learning, 14, 76–77
networks and communities, 93
support, 93
support network, 93
Peripherality, 22–23
PhD candidate, 4
Physical non-belonging, 49
Place, 47
Podcasts, 32–33
Politics, 47
Postdoc, 48–49, 56
Postdoctoral fellowships, 44–46
Banting, 46
Juuso’s narrative, 47–54
Robyn’s reflection, 54–55
sense of belonging, 46–47
Postdoctoral researchers, 44–45
Power Hour of Writing, 133–134
Praxis Symposium, 16–18
Precarity, 147
development, 29, 32–33
growth, 74–75
Project, 31–33
Projectisation, 45
Promotion pathways, 130
Publishing, 65–66
Purpose, 157–158
Queer Art of Failure, The
, 148–149
Queer failure, 148–149
Queering, 143
academic communities, 148–150
Reading material, 83
Reflection, 36–37
Reflexive space of appearance, 3–4
Reimagine, 160–161
Research and development (R&D), 74–75
Research collective, 126–127
Research Excellence Framework (REF), 129–130
Research Whisperer (RW), 108
challenges of sustaining community, 118–121
community in academia, 108–111
developing and maintaining community, 111–118
WhisperCon, 114–116
WhisperFest, 114, 116, 119
Research Whisperer
, 7
Researcher developers, 92
Researcher development, 109
Researchers, 92
doctoral, 4, 34
masters, 4–5
postdoctoral, 5, 44–45
financial, 68
human, 97–98
Scholarship on solidarity, 131–132
Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), 91
Scientific communities, 91–92
Short-form social media, 111
Shut Up and Write (SUAW), 113–114
Sisterhood, 63
Slow scholarship, 150–151
connections, 31
media channels, 109–110
relationships, 47
Social dimension of learning, 76–77
Social theory of learning, 13–14
Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE), 127–128, 130–131
ACWRIMO 2021, 131–134
Sociocultural approaches, 74
Sole ownership, 127–128
Student-centred approach, 29–30
Support staff members, 92
Survey, 44–45, 133–134
Taboo Group, 5–6, 61–63, 66
Tacit knowledge, 77–78
Teaching, 14
and research’ contracts, 130
Twitter (X), 53, 57
UK, 126–127
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), 91
University of Eastern Finland (UEF), 46, 54
Values, 96
Vision–mission–values, 94, 96
Volkswagen Foundation, 61
Vulnerable educators, 151–152
Well-being, 6, 74–75
WhisperCon, 114–116
WhisperFest, 114, 116, 119
Whole university communities, 12–13
Women-only group, benefits of, 65
Workbook, 6, 93, 98
for community builders in academia, 91–92
intentions, 94–96
organisation, 97–101
Work–life balance, 64
Workshop materials, 128
Writing as interlocution, 128–129
Zoom, 60, 118–119, 145
cheap, 54
emotional, 48–49
Learned society, 127–128
Learning, 14
Legitimate peripheral participation, 14
Liminal community, 12–13, 156
Amoni, 16–17
community-forming experiences and reflections, 22–23
engagement, vulnerabilities and staying the course, 19–22
invitation, acceptance and belonging, 15–17
Martina, 17–19
Oscar, 20–22
theoretical framing, 13–15
Liminal CoP, 15–16
Lived experience, 91
Loneliness, 53
Membership, 7, 28–29, 157–158
Mental health, 6
in academia, 92–93
practitioners, 91
researchers, 91
Mental well-being, 90
Mentors, 14
Mission, 96
Multivocality, 126–127
Mutual engagement, 22
Network, 83
News writing, 33
Non-belonging, 49–50
North America, 63, 67–68
Oceania, 63
virtual staffroom, 109
Online coffee meetings, 82–84
Online meetings, 75
Ontario Tech University (OTU), 46, 54
Open Science movement, 90–91
Organisation, 97–101
Pandemic, 54–55, 128, 142
Pedagogy, Education and Praxis (PEP), 16–17
Peer, 93
community, 83
learning, 14, 76–77
networks and communities, 93
support, 93
support network, 93
Peripherality, 22–23
PhD candidate, 4
Physical non-belonging, 49
Place, 47
Podcasts, 32–33
Politics, 47
Postdoc, 48–49, 56
Postdoctoral fellowships, 44–46
Banting, 46
Juuso’s narrative, 47–54
Robyn’s reflection, 54–55
sense of belonging, 46–47
Postdoctoral researchers, 44–45
Power Hour of Writing, 133–134
Praxis Symposium, 16–18
Precarity, 147
development, 29, 32–33
growth, 74–75
Project, 31–33
Projectisation, 45
Promotion pathways, 130
Publishing, 65–66
Purpose, 157–158
Queer Art of Failure, The
, 148–149
Queer failure, 148–149
Queering, 143
academic communities, 148–150
Reading material, 83
Reflection, 36–37
Reflexive space of appearance, 3–4
Reimagine, 160–161
Research and development (R&D), 74–75
Research collective, 126–127
Research Excellence Framework (REF), 129–130
Research Whisperer (RW), 108
challenges of sustaining community, 118–121
community in academia, 108–111
developing and maintaining community, 111–118
WhisperCon, 114–116
WhisperFest, 114, 116, 119
Research Whisperer
, 7
Researcher developers, 92
Researcher development, 109
Researchers, 92
doctoral, 4, 34
masters, 4–5
postdoctoral, 5, 44–45
financial, 68
human, 97–98
Scholarship on solidarity, 131–132
Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), 91
Scientific communities, 91–92
Short-form social media, 111
Shut Up and Write (SUAW), 113–114
Sisterhood, 63
Slow scholarship, 150–151
connections, 31
media channels, 109–110
relationships, 47
Social dimension of learning, 76–77
Social theory of learning, 13–14
Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE), 127–128, 130–131
ACWRIMO 2021, 131–134
Sociocultural approaches, 74
Sole ownership, 127–128
Student-centred approach, 29–30
Support staff members, 92
Survey, 44–45, 133–134
Taboo Group, 5–6, 61–63, 66
Tacit knowledge, 77–78
Teaching, 14
and research’ contracts, 130
Twitter (X), 53, 57
UK, 126–127
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), 91
University of Eastern Finland (UEF), 46, 54
Values, 96
Vision–mission–values, 94, 96
Volkswagen Foundation, 61
Vulnerable educators, 151–152
Well-being, 6, 74–75
WhisperCon, 114–116
WhisperFest, 114, 116, 119
Whole university communities, 12–13
Women-only group, benefits of, 65
Workbook, 6, 93, 98
for community builders in academia, 91–92
intentions, 94–96
organisation, 97–101
Work–life balance, 64
Workshop materials, 128
Writing as interlocution, 128–129
Zoom, 60, 118–119, 145
Network, 83
News writing, 33
Non-belonging, 49–50
North America, 63, 67–68
Oceania, 63
virtual staffroom, 109
Online coffee meetings, 82–84
Online meetings, 75
Ontario Tech University (OTU), 46, 54
Open Science movement, 90–91
Organisation, 97–101
Pandemic, 54–55, 128, 142
Pedagogy, Education and Praxis (PEP), 16–17
Peer, 93
community, 83
learning, 14, 76–77
networks and communities, 93
support, 93
support network, 93
Peripherality, 22–23
PhD candidate, 4
Physical non-belonging, 49
Place, 47
Podcasts, 32–33
Politics, 47
Postdoc, 48–49, 56
Postdoctoral fellowships, 44–46
Banting, 46
Juuso’s narrative, 47–54
Robyn’s reflection, 54–55
sense of belonging, 46–47
Postdoctoral researchers, 44–45
Power Hour of Writing, 133–134
Praxis Symposium, 16–18
Precarity, 147
development, 29, 32–33
growth, 74–75
Project, 31–33
Projectisation, 45
Promotion pathways, 130
Publishing, 65–66
Purpose, 157–158
Queer Art of Failure, The
, 148–149
Queer failure, 148–149
Queering, 143
academic communities, 148–150
Reading material, 83
Reflection, 36–37
Reflexive space of appearance, 3–4
Reimagine, 160–161
Research and development (R&D), 74–75
Research collective, 126–127
Research Excellence Framework (REF), 129–130
Research Whisperer (RW), 108
challenges of sustaining community, 118–121
community in academia, 108–111
developing and maintaining community, 111–118
WhisperCon, 114–116
WhisperFest, 114, 116, 119
Research Whisperer
, 7
Researcher developers, 92
Researcher development, 109
Researchers, 92
doctoral, 4, 34
masters, 4–5
postdoctoral, 5, 44–45
financial, 68
human, 97–98
Scholarship on solidarity, 131–132
Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), 91
Scientific communities, 91–92
Short-form social media, 111
Shut Up and Write (SUAW), 113–114
Sisterhood, 63
Slow scholarship, 150–151
connections, 31
media channels, 109–110
relationships, 47
Social dimension of learning, 76–77
Social theory of learning, 13–14
Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE), 127–128, 130–131
ACWRIMO 2021, 131–134
Sociocultural approaches, 74
Sole ownership, 127–128
Student-centred approach, 29–30
Support staff members, 92
Survey, 44–45, 133–134
Taboo Group, 5–6, 61–63, 66
Tacit knowledge, 77–78
Teaching, 14
and research’ contracts, 130
Twitter (X), 53, 57
UK, 126–127
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), 91
University of Eastern Finland (UEF), 46, 54
Values, 96
Vision–mission–values, 94, 96
Volkswagen Foundation, 61
Vulnerable educators, 151–152
Well-being, 6, 74–75
WhisperCon, 114–116
WhisperFest, 114, 116, 119
Whole university communities, 12–13
Women-only group, benefits of, 65
Workbook, 6, 93, 98
for community builders in academia, 91–92
intentions, 94–96
organisation, 97–101
Work–life balance, 64
Workshop materials, 128
Writing as interlocution, 128–129
Zoom, 60, 118–119, 145
Pandemic, 54–55, 128, 142
Pedagogy, Education and Praxis (PEP), 16–17
Peer, 93
community, 83
learning, 14, 76–77
networks and communities, 93
support, 93
support network, 93
Peripherality, 22–23
PhD candidate, 4
Physical non-belonging, 49
Place, 47
Podcasts, 32–33
Politics, 47
Postdoc, 48–49, 56
Postdoctoral fellowships, 44–46
Banting, 46
Juuso’s narrative, 47–54
Robyn’s reflection, 54–55
sense of belonging, 46–47
Postdoctoral researchers, 44–45
Power Hour of Writing, 133–134
Praxis Symposium, 16–18
Precarity, 147
development, 29, 32–33
growth, 74–75
Project, 31–33
Projectisation, 45
Promotion pathways, 130
Publishing, 65–66
Purpose, 157–158
Queer Art of Failure, The
, 148–149
Queer failure, 148–149
Queering, 143
academic communities, 148–150
Reading material, 83
Reflection, 36–37
Reflexive space of appearance, 3–4
Reimagine, 160–161
Research and development (R&D), 74–75
Research collective, 126–127
Research Excellence Framework (REF), 129–130
Research Whisperer (RW), 108
challenges of sustaining community, 118–121
community in academia, 108–111
developing and maintaining community, 111–118
WhisperCon, 114–116
WhisperFest, 114, 116, 119
Research Whisperer
, 7
Researcher developers, 92
Researcher development, 109
Researchers, 92
doctoral, 4, 34
masters, 4–5
postdoctoral, 5, 44–45
financial, 68
human, 97–98
Scholarship on solidarity, 131–132
Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), 91
Scientific communities, 91–92
Short-form social media, 111
Shut Up and Write (SUAW), 113–114
Sisterhood, 63
Slow scholarship, 150–151
connections, 31
media channels, 109–110
relationships, 47
Social dimension of learning, 76–77
Social theory of learning, 13–14
Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE), 127–128, 130–131
ACWRIMO 2021, 131–134
Sociocultural approaches, 74
Sole ownership, 127–128
Student-centred approach, 29–30
Support staff members, 92
Survey, 44–45, 133–134
Taboo Group, 5–6, 61–63, 66
Tacit knowledge, 77–78
Teaching, 14
and research’ contracts, 130
Twitter (X), 53, 57
UK, 126–127
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), 91
University of Eastern Finland (UEF), 46, 54
Values, 96
Vision–mission–values, 94, 96
Volkswagen Foundation, 61
Vulnerable educators, 151–152
Well-being, 6, 74–75
WhisperCon, 114–116
WhisperFest, 114, 116, 119
Whole university communities, 12–13
Women-only group, benefits of, 65
Workbook, 6, 93, 98
for community builders in academia, 91–92
intentions, 94–96
organisation, 97–101
Work–life balance, 64
Workshop materials, 128
Writing as interlocution, 128–129
Zoom, 60, 118–119, 145
Reading material, 83
Reflection, 36–37
Reflexive space of appearance, 3–4
Reimagine, 160–161
Research and development (R&D), 74–75
Research collective, 126–127
Research Excellence Framework (REF), 129–130
Research Whisperer (RW), 108
challenges of sustaining community, 118–121
community in academia, 108–111
developing and maintaining community, 111–118
WhisperCon, 114–116
WhisperFest, 114, 116, 119
Research Whisperer
, 7
Researcher developers, 92
Researcher development, 109
Researchers, 92
doctoral, 4, 34
masters, 4–5
postdoctoral, 5, 44–45
financial, 68
human, 97–98
Scholarship on solidarity, 131–132
Science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), 91
Scientific communities, 91–92
Short-form social media, 111
Shut Up and Write (SUAW), 113–114
Sisterhood, 63
Slow scholarship, 150–151
connections, 31
media channels, 109–110
relationships, 47
Social dimension of learning, 76–77
Social theory of learning, 13–14
Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE), 127–128, 130–131
ACWRIMO 2021, 131–134
Sociocultural approaches, 74
Sole ownership, 127–128
Student-centred approach, 29–30
Support staff members, 92
Survey, 44–45, 133–134
Taboo Group, 5–6, 61–63, 66
Tacit knowledge, 77–78
Teaching, 14
and research’ contracts, 130
Twitter (X), 53, 57
UK, 126–127
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), 91
University of Eastern Finland (UEF), 46, 54
Values, 96
Vision–mission–values, 94, 96
Volkswagen Foundation, 61
Vulnerable educators, 151–152
Well-being, 6, 74–75
WhisperCon, 114–116
WhisperFest, 114, 116, 119
Whole university communities, 12–13
Women-only group, benefits of, 65
Workbook, 6, 93, 98
for community builders in academia, 91–92
intentions, 94–96
organisation, 97–101
Work–life balance, 64
Workshop materials, 128
Writing as interlocution, 128–129
Zoom, 60, 118–119, 145
Taboo Group, 5–6, 61–63, 66
Tacit knowledge, 77–78
Teaching, 14
and research’ contracts, 130
Twitter (X), 53, 57
UK, 126–127
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), 91
University of Eastern Finland (UEF), 46, 54
Values, 96
Vision–mission–values, 94, 96
Volkswagen Foundation, 61
Vulnerable educators, 151–152
Well-being, 6, 74–75
WhisperCon, 114–116
WhisperFest, 114, 116, 119
Whole university communities, 12–13
Women-only group, benefits of, 65
Workbook, 6, 93, 98
for community builders in academia, 91–92
intentions, 94–96
organisation, 97–101
Work–life balance, 64
Workshop materials, 128
Writing as interlocution, 128–129
Zoom, 60, 118–119, 145
Values, 96
Vision–mission–values, 94, 96
Volkswagen Foundation, 61
Vulnerable educators, 151–152
Well-being, 6, 74–75
WhisperCon, 114–116
WhisperFest, 114, 116, 119
Whole university communities, 12–13
Women-only group, benefits of, 65
Workbook, 6, 93, 98
for community builders in academia, 91–92
intentions, 94–96
organisation, 97–101
Work–life balance, 64
Workshop materials, 128
Writing as interlocution, 128–129
Zoom, 60, 118–119, 145
Zoom, 60, 118–119, 145
- Prelims
- 1 Introduction
- 2 Liminal Communities in Academia: From Research Education to Practice
- 3 Co-creating Graduate Research Communities: Reflections on Designing, Developing and Delivering Graduate Researcher-Led Projects
- 4 In Search of a Community: Navigating the Academic Spaces of Belonging as a Postdoctoral Fellow
- 5 Uncovering the Journey of Building a Community: A Story of a Global Network for Early- and Mid-Career Women Researchers
- 6 Invitation to an Online Coffee! Exploring How Informal Academic Communities Support Early Career Researchers' Professional Growth and Well-Being
- 7 Building a Community for Researchers to Foster Mental Health and Well-Being
- 8 Tensions of Aspirational Activism: Developing the Research Whisperer Community
- 9 Making a Beginning Together: The Value of Collective Practice
- 10 What If Academia Was Not a Gladiator Fight? Reflections on Trying to Change the Discourse From Competition to Community Building
- 11 Conclusion: Can Communities Be Cornerstones of Future Academia?
- Index