Technology Intensive Indian Exports: Hurdles and Puzzles
Contemporary Issues in International Trade
ISBN: 978-1-83797-321-7, eISBN: 978-1-83797-320-0
Publication date: 28 May 2024
India's manufacturing exports are heavily tilted toward primary and resource-based products, while its Asian peers have a significant proportion of high and mid-tech products in their export baskets. An attempt is thus made to understand the hurdles faced by technology-intensive exports by India, using gravity panel estimates on its high, mid, and low-tech exports, using data across 130 countries from 2001 to 2019. In line with the Knowledge Theories of trade, which postulate that technical and scientific knowledge and innovation provide trade advantages, this chapter also tries to understand how India fares on this front. We use Principal Component Analysis to construct an index which provides a relative understanding of India's technical and scientific knowledge base.
We conclude that nontariff measures (NTMs) are a stringent hurdle faced by Indian exports, especially in the European Union. Tariffs have the most debilitating effect on its mid-tech exports and the least on high-tech exports. Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs) are most effective in creating trade for mid-tech exports and least in case of low-tech exports. The index for ascertaining India's relative knowledge base shows that while India ranked 6th in 2017, much higher than its Asian peers, its high and mid-tech exports lagged behind these countries. This puzzle is explained by the fact that scientific research in India has very little industry collaboration and thus is out of sync with market needs. Hence, the prevalent scientific and technical knowledge in India does not have the expected favorable impact on its technology-intensive exports.
Banerjee, S. and Chaudhuri, B.R. (2024), "Technology Intensive Indian Exports: Hurdles and Puzzles", Bhattacharyya, R. and Mazumdar, D. (Ed.) Contemporary Issues in International Trade, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 95-112.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2024 Subhasree Banerjee and Bibek Ray Chaudhuri. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited