NGB: Keeping up With CSR and Succession During Pandemic
Asian Family Business Case Studies
ISBN: 978-1-83753-761-7, eISBN: 978-1-83753-760-0
Publication date: 10 July 2024
Kaber Ali, the second-generation successor of NGB, had returned home to Bangladesh upon completing his undergraduate studies at Taylor's University, Malaysia, in March 2020. With the plan to take over his father, Jaber, by the end of 2020, he joined as a full-time director in May 2020, working alongside his father. The intention for succession and the complexity of the business and operations led to restructuring of NGB to ensure smooth succession. The father and son worked closely in restructuring the business, while going through the COVID-19 pandemic and departure of several of Jaber's cousins. Despite the challenges faced during the COVID-19 pandemic, Kaber strived to upkeep the family value by ensuring all employees were still receiving their wages, especially the garment factory workers, despite temporary closure of factories without profit. Jaber also ensured that no layoff occurred during restructuring of the business. Following his father's step in helping the needy communities, Kaber had also started his own social work with fundraising. Kaber was looking forward to take over the business fully, while anticipating possible changes to the family dynamics when the family had found him a bride and possible return of his uncles to the business.
The case illustrated is based on a real family firm located in Bangladesh. To protect the privacy of the family involved in this case, we have changed all names.
Feranita, F., Margiono, A. and Irviana, L. (2024), "NGB: Keeping up With CSR and Succession During Pandemic", Feranita, F., Lin, W.L., Khong, K.W. and Goh, S.K. (Ed.) Asian Family Business Case Studies, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 1-12.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2024 Feranita Feranita, Ari Margiono and Lala Irviana. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited