Active and Transformative Learning in STEAM Disciplines
ISBN: 978-1-83753-619-1, eISBN: 978-1-83753-618-4
Publication date: 20 November 2023
(2023), "Index", Lytras, M.D. (Ed.) Active and Transformative Learning in STEAM Disciplines (Emerald Studies in Active and Transformative Learning in Higher Education), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 297-306.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2024 Miltiadis D. Lytras. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited
Academic management, 135
Active and Transformative Learning (ATL), 1–2
core components in higher education in times of change, 15–19
determinants, 1–2
as enabler and multiplier of entrepreneurship, 14–15
enabler and multiplier of research, development and innovation in times of change, as, 16
enablers, 288–291
in higher education, 2
higher education in times of fast and disruptive changes, 5, 7–8
as integrated set of value-adding initiatives, 284–288
ontological proposition, 19–20
strategic alignment, 10–11
supplementary material, 21–22
system in higher education, 8–15
Active blended learning (ABL), 231
Active learning, 7, 9, 11, 26, 42, 62–63, 66–67, 104, 126–127, 157, 199, 248, 261–262
approaches, 46–47
assessing effectiveness of active learning at SNIH, 52–53
challenges and opportunities for promoting active learning at SNIH, 53–54
in education, 63, 231
key features of active learning methods, 51–52
and relation to transformative education and research skills capability, 46–47
strategies in economics education, 69
“Active Learning in Large Economics Lecture” case study, 73–74
Active learning integrative model (ALIM), 163
Active participation, 64
Active training model (ATM), 164, 167
Activity reports, 87–88, 91
apply data mining, 91
collect, 89
data cleanup, 90–91
data validity, 91
interpret, evaluate, and deploy results, 91
pre-process, 89
Administrative support, 18
Adult education, 126
Adult learners, 132
Adult learning, 129–130
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, 27
2014 Aicha-Nagoya Declaration on Education for Sustainable Development, 28, 33–34
Analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation model (ADDIE model), 213
Andragogy, 132
Appraisals, 158
Apprenticeships, 50
Artificial intelligence (AI), 9, 11, 178, 282, 285
education supported by, 180
replace writers, 114–115
tools, 179
Assessment and Teaching of the 21st Century Skills (ATC21S), 29–30
Asynchronous learning and communication tools, 216
Audience Response System (ARS), 219–220
Augmented reality, 178
Backchannel technology, 219–220
Being proactive, importance of, 108
Benchmark assessment, 264–265
Big Data analytics, 82–83
Black swan event, 62
Blackboard, 81–84
Blended learning, 178
background information, 230
COVID-19 educational challenges, 230–231
definitions, 232
effective in economics, 238
hypothesis derived from COVID-19 challenges, 231–232
models, 232–236
pre-COVID-19 learning in universities and colleges, 230
prerequisites and application of blended learning in economics, 236–238
sustainability, digital transformation, and active learning in education, 231
teaching orientation, 241–243
Blogs, 62–63, 113
Bloom’s taxonomy, 66
Bow Valley College, 206
Business papers, 108
Business plans, 108, 113
Business professionals, 105, 107
Business strategy, 252
Business texting, 113
Business writing, 113
Cabrini University, 206
California Common Core Standards (CACCS), 269–270
Case studies, 51
Case-based active learning approach, 66
Case-based learning (CBL), 50
Class flipping, 68
Clickers, 219–220
Cloud computing, 282
Cloud words, 183
Cognitive computation, 282
Cognitive computing, 282
Collaboration, 45, 156–157
Collaborative learning, 50, 161
Collaborative partnerships, 49
College of Business and Administration (CBA), 82–83
College of Engineering (CE), 82–83
College of Law (CL), 82–83
Communication skills, 105
in business, 108
evolution, 109–110
Communication through writing, 111
Communities of practice, 155
Community of inquiry (CoI), 214
Computer-based test (CBT), 268
Constructivism, 42–43, 45
Content reflection, 130–131
Content writing, 111–114
blogs, 113
business plans, 113
business texting, 113
communication through writing, 111
creative writing, 112
email, 112–113
journalism, 112
letter writing, 113–114
memorandum, 113
research, 111–112
social media writing, 114
Continuous Professional Development (CPD), 158, 162–163
Conventional educational approaches, 64–65
Council of International Schools (CIS), 269–270
educational challenges, 230–231
health crisis, 159
pandemic, 62, 65, 135–136, 154
Creative writing, 106, 112
Critical reflection theory, 130–131
Dashboards, 83
Data analysis, 92–99
Data mining, 83–87, 92
analysis, 93–94
discussion forums, 95–96, 99
file, 98
four-year historic activity report analysis, 93–94
log file data mining results, 96
quiz, 95
quiz attempt view, 96
status of submission, 96–97
turnitin assignment, 97–98
Data security, 49
Data sources, 86–87
DBMiner, 85–86
Delgado Community College, 203–204
Delphi study, 206–207
Development, 45
capacity, 1
DigComp, 161
Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI), 169
Digital identities, 110
Digital innovation, 80–81
Digital learning technologies, 80–81
Digital resources, 142
Digital technology, 33, 154, 180–181
Digital transformation (see also Educational transformation), 63, 104, 126–127, 199, 231
propositions for initiatives related to digital transformation of education, 144–148
Digitalization, 138
Discovery-based active learning approach, 66
Discussion forums, 95–96
Distance education, 178
Divergent situations, 141
E-learning, 50, 282
E-mentoring programs, 168
E-professionalism, 110
Economics, 238
education, 62
Economics students, 62
challenges and opportunities, 68
future recommendations, 72–73
implications for policymakers, 70–72
key findings, 68–70
literature review, 64–70
methodology, 63–64
teaching orientation, 73–74
theoretical framework, 64–65
Education, 27, 42–43, 129–130
administrators, 71, 105–106
data analytics framework, 178
supported by artificial intelligence, 180
for sustainability, 154
Education 4.0, 178
Education for Sustainable Development, 28–29
Education for Sustainable Education (ESD), 26
Educational challenges, 230–231
Educational Data Mining (EDM), 83–86
process, 84
Educational institutions, 32, 65, 156
Educational leadership, 18
Educational policies and practices, 28–29
Educational sustainability, 26
association of educational sustainability with educational transformation, 28
and education for sustainable development, 26–27
educational policies and practices, 28–29
educational transformation to prepare students for jobs, 29–30
external relations to develop competencies, 33–34
key drivers for transforming education, 30–33
need for, 27
rethinking approaches of educational practice, 29
and transformation in education, 26–30
Educational transformation
educational sustainability and, 26–30
key drivers for, 30–33
to prepare students for jobs, 29–30
Educators, 66, 68, 134
Email, 112–113
EmSAT test, 260, 265
English language learners (ELLs), 232–233
Entrepreneurship, 1
Entrepreneurship, 11, 13
European School of Sustainability Sciences and Research (ESSSR), 31
Evidence-based EdTech solutions, 73
Experience, 132
Experiential learning, 132–133
Exploratory case study, 86
Extrinsic motivation, 251
Face-to-face driver model, 232–233
Facilitator, 137–138
Faculty, 71, 105–106
capacity, 17
members, 104–105
training and support, 53
Feedback, 52
Flex model, 234–235
Flexibly accessible learning environment (FALE), 200–201
Flipped classroom method, 50, 52
Four-year historic activity report analysis, 93–94
Fund-raising, 13
General Educational Development (GED), 268
Google Docs, 199
Google Wave, 199
Government officers, 71, 106
Graduate studies, 134–135
Grant applications, 108
Group discussions and debate, 51
Group work, 43
Health Information Administration (HIA), 104–105
Health profession education, 42
key concepts and principles of active learning in, 45–46
Health research institutions, 49
High school diploma, 265
High School Equivalency policy (HSE policy), 260–261
aims and objective, 261–262
benchmark assessment, 264–265
knowledge-based economy, 263
literature review, 262–269
methodology, 269–271
options and challenges, 268–269
qualifications and skills mismatch, 263–264
results, 271–272
teaching orientation, 274–276
theoretical and conceptual framework, 262–263
in UAE, 265
in US context, 267–268
for US-Curriculum Schools, 266–267
Higher education (HE), 1, 9, 31, 80, 105, 207
active and transformative learning system in, 8–15
faculty’s commitments, 31
institutions, 99
matching in times of change, 12
in times of fast and disruptive changes, 5, 7–8
Higher-order thinking skills, promotion of, 45
Historic 4-year log data, 96
Historic learning analytics, 85
Hybrid education model, 178, 180–181
clustering stage, 186–188
data exploration stage, 183–185
experimental results, 189–194
extraction and collected data stage, 181–183
future work, 194
interpretation stage, 188
proposed methodology, 181–189
related work, 179–181
validation stage, 189
Hybrid learning, 180
in-service teacher education, professional development, and teacher evaluation, 158–160
innovative hybrid learning models, 162–169
new educational paradigm, 155–158
structuring principles of active teacher training, 165
teaching and research orientation, 171
technology-enhanced active learning, 160–162
Hybrid-Flexible course design (HyFlex course design), 198
benefits, 201–202
empirical evidence, 203–206
guiding principles and policies for curriculum alignment and enhanced learning, 217
instructional design, 202–203
limitations and challenges, 212–216
literature review, 200–201
longitudinal and real-time empirical data, 219
methodology, 206–207
need for guiding principles and policies for clear and effective communication, 219
need for guiding principles and policies for institutional practices, 218
need for guiding principles and policies for training and support, 217–218
policy recommendations, 211–212
results, 207–209
scalable technological and pedagogical approach, 219–220
strategies and actions, 216–217
Idea, 248
Ill-structured problems, 141
Impact measurement & learning analytics, 18
Implementation guidelines, 202–203
In-service teacher education (ITE), 154, 157–158, 160
Incheon Declaration, 27
Industry, 9
matching in times of change, 12
Information and communication technology (ICT), 156–157
Information technologies, 62
Innovation, 1, 13, 135
Innovative hybrid learning models, 162–169
Inquiry-based active learning approach, 66
Inquiry-based learning (IBL), 50
Instructional design, 198, 202–203
Instructional technologies (ITEC), 198
Instructors, 216
Interactive multimedia, 142
Interdisciplinary program, 26
International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED), 263
International studies, 154–155
Internships, 50
Interprofessional education (IPE), 42
Intrinsic motivation, 251
Isomorphism, 166
Jeddah College of Advertising (JCA), 82–83
Journalism, 106, 112
K-means algorithm, 188
Key drivers for transforming education, 30–33
Key performance indicators (KPIs), 285
Knowledge and content, 17
Knowledge assessment methodology tool (KAM tool), 263
Knowledge-based economy, 29–30, 260, 263
Leadership model, 33
Learner-centered instruction, 45
Learner-centeredness, 45
Learners, 132
Learning, 42, 126
spheres, 129
strategies, 17, 164
Learning analytics, 80–81, 83
in Saudi Arabia, 82–83
Learning management systems (LMS), 62–63, 80, 82–83, 213–214
Lecturers, 80
Legal writing, 116
Lehigh Valley Campus of Pennsylvania State University (PSU-LV), 200–201
Letter writing, 113–114
LinkedIn, 110
Live lecture streaming (LLS), 219–220
Locke’s Goal Setting Theory, 250
Log file, 87
data mining results, 96
historic 4-year log data, 96
Machine learning (ML), 285
Management and business theories, 251–252
Marketing agents, 110
Massive open online courses (MOOCs), 286
Medical education, 42
Medical educators, 42
Memorandum, 113
Mentoring, 50
Metaverse, 14–15, 282
Mezirow’s transformative learning theory, 64, 72
Modified Cornell split-page method, 141
Moodle, 81–84
Moodle Log File, 91–92
apply data mining, 92
collect, 91–92
interpret, evaluate, and deploy results, 92
pre-process, 92
Motivation, 248
literature review, 249–255
significance of research, 248–249
teaching orientation, 256–257
theory, 251
New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC), 269–270
One-minute papers strategy, 141
Online driver model, 236
Online education, 135–136
Online lab model, 235
Online learning, 64–65
frameworks, 62
Online simulations, 142
Online-based active learning strategies, 67
Online-based solutions, 62
Opportunities and challenges of HyFlex course design, 200
Oracle based information systems for registration, grading, attendance, and advising systems (OPERA systems), 82–83
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 29–30
Orientation to learning, 132
Participatory pedagogies, 32
Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21), 29–30
Passive learning, 62–63
Pedagogical differentiation, 166
Pedagogical methods, 62–63
Pedagogy, 231, 248
of sustainability, 29
Peer evaluation, 52–53
Peer learning, 156–157
Peer teaching, 52
Personal digital mobile devices, 167
Policy makers, 71, 106
Post-Covid-19 adoption, 63
Post-digital era, 180–181
Post-digital learning spaces, 180–181
Practical learning activities, 43
Practical technologies, 216
Pre and post-assessments, 52
Pre-COVID-19 learning in universities and colleges, 230
Premise reflection, 130–131
Principles of Clinical Trial Program, 54–57
Privacy, 49
Problem-based active learning approach, 66
Problem-based learning (PBL), 43, 45, 50
Process reflection, 130–131
Professional development, 154, 158, 160
Professional learning, 156–157
Professional writing, 107–108
Project-based active learning approach, 66
Project-based learning, 43, 51, 161
Promoting transformative active learning at SNIH, 49–54
Qualifications and skills mismatch, 263–264
Quiz, 95
attempt view, 96
Readiness to learn, 132
Reflection, 52
Reflective learning, 130
Reinforcement Theory of Motivation, 250
Remote live participation (RLP), 200–201
Research, 1
education, 46
Research, Development (R&D), 13
Resistance to change, 53
Resources, 32–33
Role-playing, 51
Rotation model, 234
Rubrics, 52
Sakai, 81–82
Saudi Arabia, 281–282
Active and Transformative Learning as integrated set of value-adding initiatives, 284–288
Active and Transformative Learning enablers, 288–291
supplementary material, 291–295
Vision 2030 implementation and resilience, 281–284
Saudi Arabian higher education, 80
contribution to theory and applied industry, 100
data analysis, 92–99
data mining, 87–92
EDM, 83–86
findings, 99
future research, 101
learning analytics, 81–83
limitation, 100
methodology, 86–87
transformative learning, 80–81
Saudi National Institute of Health (SNIH), 42–43, 58
assessing effectiveness of active learning at, 52–53
background and context, 42–43
case studies, 54–57
challenges and opportunities for promoting active learning at, 53–54
current challenges and opportunities, 49
current teaching methods and approaches, 49–51
educational and training initiatives, 48
future direction for transformative active learning, 58–59
history and mission, 47–48
key features of active learning methods, 51–52
objectives, strategies, and outcomes, 55–57
promoting transformative active learning at, 49–54
purpose, 43
recommendations, 57–58
theoretical framework, 43–47
Saudi Vision 2030 program, 47
School systems, 157
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), 59, 261, 268–269
Science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics disciplines (STEAM disciplines), 70, 117, 127, 249
Science Technology and Innovation (STI), 261
Self-blend model, 236
Self-concept, 132
Self-directed learning, 44, 126
Self-Efficacy Theory of Motivation, 250
Self-regulated learning (SRL), 101
Simulation-based learning, 45–46
Simulations, 51
Skills and competencies uniqueness, 17
Smartphones, 167
Social impact, 134
Social media, 62–63
and business, 115
for student writers, 110–111
writing, 114
Social movement, 155–156
Social presence, 214
Social sensing, 282
Space and resources, 53
SPSS Clementine, 85–86
Stakeholders, 62
Standard operating procedures (SOPs), 108
Start-up incubators, 13
Status of submission, 96–97
Strategic writing, 111
Strategy, 252–255
teacher employ, 252–254
Strength, weaknesses, opportunities, threats analysis (SWOT analysis), 253
Student engagement, 64–66, 231
and motivation, 53
Student writers, importance of social media for, 110–111
Student-centered learning, 199
Student-mediated podcasts, 62–63
Students, 71
Students’ engagement, 31–32
Successful teaching and learning, 128
Surveys, 52
Sustainability, 26–27, 63, 104, 126–127, 199, 231
Sustainable development (SD), 26, 283–284
17 sustainable development goals (SDG), 26–27
Synchronous learning in distributed environments (SLIDE), 200–201
Tablets, 167
Teachers, 126, 154
appraisal, 160
education, 154
educators, 154–155, 157, 159
evaluation, 158–160
Teaching, 230
presence, 214
sustainability, 29
Teaching writing
in promoting active and transformative learning, 116–117
research findings about, 104–106
Team-based learning, 68
Technical communication (TC), 104
Technical reports, 108
Technological skills, 155
Technology, 46, 80, 248
enablers, 164
infrastructure, 53
transfer offices, 13
Technology-enhanced active learning, 160–162
Technology-enhanced learning, 170
enhancement, 17
Topic modeling, 183
Training models, 162
Transformation, 268–269, 283–284
Transformational learning theory, 128, 131
Transformational visions, 30–31
Transformative active learning, 42–43, 45
future direction for, 58–59
Transformative learning, 9, 11, 31–32, 62–63, 128, 134, 155
implications of research, 143
propositions for initiatives related to digital transformation of education, 144–148
Saudi Arabian higher education, 80–81
strategies, 128, 138, 143
in transforming higher education, 134–138
Transforming higher education, 134–138
Turnitin assignment, 97–98
Twenty-first-century skills, 29–30
UAE Ministry of Education (MOE), 260
Undergraduate studies, 134–135
UNESCO, 29–30
Universities, 109, 156
digitalization, 135
University of Business and Technology (UBT), 82–83
University of St. Thomas, 205
Virtual and augmented reality technology (VR/AR), 256
Virtual education, 179
Virtual labs, 142
Virtual learning, 236
Virtual reality, 178, 282
Vision 2030 implementation and resilience, 281–284
Vocational training programs, 134–135
Web science, 282
Weka tool, 84–86
Word Clouds, 183–185
Workplace writing, 115–116
World Culture Theory, 264
Writing, 103–104, 141
artificial intelligence replace writers, 114–115
business professionals, 107
communication skills in business, 108
content writing, 111–114
evolution of communication skills, 109–110
importance of being proactive, 108
importance of social media for student writers, 110–111
nutshell, 107
research findings about teaching writing, 104–106
social media and business, 115
teaching orientation, 120–122
teaching writing in promoting active and transformative learning, 116–117
transformative role of writing in active learning approaches in STEAM disciplines, 106–111
universities, 109
workplace writing, 115–116
Cabrini University, 206
California Common Core Standards (CACCS), 269–270
Case studies, 51
Case-based active learning approach, 66
Case-based learning (CBL), 50
Class flipping, 68
Clickers, 219–220
Cloud computing, 282
Cloud words, 183
Cognitive computation, 282
Cognitive computing, 282
Collaboration, 45, 156–157
Collaborative learning, 50, 161
Collaborative partnerships, 49
College of Business and Administration (CBA), 82–83
College of Engineering (CE), 82–83
College of Law (CL), 82–83
Communication skills, 105
in business, 108
evolution, 109–110
Communication through writing, 111
Communities of practice, 155
Community of inquiry (CoI), 214
Computer-based test (CBT), 268
Constructivism, 42–43, 45
Content reflection, 130–131
Content writing, 111–114
blogs, 113
business plans, 113
business texting, 113
communication through writing, 111
creative writing, 112
email, 112–113
journalism, 112
letter writing, 113–114
memorandum, 113
research, 111–112
social media writing, 114
Continuous Professional Development (CPD), 158, 162–163
Conventional educational approaches, 64–65
Council of International Schools (CIS), 269–270
educational challenges, 230–231
health crisis, 159
pandemic, 62, 65, 135–136, 154
Creative writing, 106, 112
Critical reflection theory, 130–131
Dashboards, 83
Data analysis, 92–99
Data mining, 83–87, 92
analysis, 93–94
discussion forums, 95–96, 99
file, 98
four-year historic activity report analysis, 93–94
log file data mining results, 96
quiz, 95
quiz attempt view, 96
status of submission, 96–97
turnitin assignment, 97–98
Data security, 49
Data sources, 86–87
DBMiner, 85–86
Delgado Community College, 203–204
Delphi study, 206–207
Development, 45
capacity, 1
DigComp, 161
Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI), 169
Digital identities, 110
Digital innovation, 80–81
Digital learning technologies, 80–81
Digital resources, 142
Digital technology, 33, 154, 180–181
Digital transformation (see also Educational transformation), 63, 104, 126–127, 199, 231
propositions for initiatives related to digital transformation of education, 144–148
Digitalization, 138
Discovery-based active learning approach, 66
Discussion forums, 95–96
Distance education, 178
Divergent situations, 141
E-learning, 50, 282
E-mentoring programs, 168
E-professionalism, 110
Economics, 238
education, 62
Economics students, 62
challenges and opportunities, 68
future recommendations, 72–73
implications for policymakers, 70–72
key findings, 68–70
literature review, 64–70
methodology, 63–64
teaching orientation, 73–74
theoretical framework, 64–65
Education, 27, 42–43, 129–130
administrators, 71, 105–106
data analytics framework, 178
supported by artificial intelligence, 180
for sustainability, 154
Education 4.0, 178
Education for Sustainable Development, 28–29
Education for Sustainable Education (ESD), 26
Educational challenges, 230–231
Educational Data Mining (EDM), 83–86
process, 84
Educational institutions, 32, 65, 156
Educational leadership, 18
Educational policies and practices, 28–29
Educational sustainability, 26
association of educational sustainability with educational transformation, 28
and education for sustainable development, 26–27
educational policies and practices, 28–29
educational transformation to prepare students for jobs, 29–30
external relations to develop competencies, 33–34
key drivers for transforming education, 30–33
need for, 27
rethinking approaches of educational practice, 29
and transformation in education, 26–30
Educational transformation
educational sustainability and, 26–30
key drivers for, 30–33
to prepare students for jobs, 29–30
Educators, 66, 68, 134
Email, 112–113
EmSAT test, 260, 265
English language learners (ELLs), 232–233
Entrepreneurship, 1
Entrepreneurship, 11, 13
European School of Sustainability Sciences and Research (ESSSR), 31
Evidence-based EdTech solutions, 73
Experience, 132
Experiential learning, 132–133
Exploratory case study, 86
Extrinsic motivation, 251
Face-to-face driver model, 232–233
Facilitator, 137–138
Faculty, 71, 105–106
capacity, 17
members, 104–105
training and support, 53
Feedback, 52
Flex model, 234–235
Flexibly accessible learning environment (FALE), 200–201
Flipped classroom method, 50, 52
Four-year historic activity report analysis, 93–94
Fund-raising, 13
General Educational Development (GED), 268
Google Docs, 199
Google Wave, 199
Government officers, 71, 106
Graduate studies, 134–135
Grant applications, 108
Group discussions and debate, 51
Group work, 43
Health Information Administration (HIA), 104–105
Health profession education, 42
key concepts and principles of active learning in, 45–46
Health research institutions, 49
High school diploma, 265
High School Equivalency policy (HSE policy), 260–261
aims and objective, 261–262
benchmark assessment, 264–265
knowledge-based economy, 263
literature review, 262–269
methodology, 269–271
options and challenges, 268–269
qualifications and skills mismatch, 263–264
results, 271–272
teaching orientation, 274–276
theoretical and conceptual framework, 262–263
in UAE, 265
in US context, 267–268
for US-Curriculum Schools, 266–267
Higher education (HE), 1, 9, 31, 80, 105, 207
active and transformative learning system in, 8–15
faculty’s commitments, 31
institutions, 99
matching in times of change, 12
in times of fast and disruptive changes, 5, 7–8
Higher-order thinking skills, promotion of, 45
Historic 4-year log data, 96
Historic learning analytics, 85
Hybrid education model, 178, 180–181
clustering stage, 186–188
data exploration stage, 183–185
experimental results, 189–194
extraction and collected data stage, 181–183
future work, 194
interpretation stage, 188
proposed methodology, 181–189
related work, 179–181
validation stage, 189
Hybrid learning, 180
in-service teacher education, professional development, and teacher evaluation, 158–160
innovative hybrid learning models, 162–169
new educational paradigm, 155–158
structuring principles of active teacher training, 165
teaching and research orientation, 171
technology-enhanced active learning, 160–162
Hybrid-Flexible course design (HyFlex course design), 198
benefits, 201–202
empirical evidence, 203–206
guiding principles and policies for curriculum alignment and enhanced learning, 217
instructional design, 202–203
limitations and challenges, 212–216
literature review, 200–201
longitudinal and real-time empirical data, 219
methodology, 206–207
need for guiding principles and policies for clear and effective communication, 219
need for guiding principles and policies for institutional practices, 218
need for guiding principles and policies for training and support, 217–218
policy recommendations, 211–212
results, 207–209
scalable technological and pedagogical approach, 219–220
strategies and actions, 216–217
Idea, 248
Ill-structured problems, 141
Impact measurement & learning analytics, 18
Implementation guidelines, 202–203
In-service teacher education (ITE), 154, 157–158, 160
Incheon Declaration, 27
Industry, 9
matching in times of change, 12
Information and communication technology (ICT), 156–157
Information technologies, 62
Innovation, 1, 13, 135
Innovative hybrid learning models, 162–169
Inquiry-based active learning approach, 66
Inquiry-based learning (IBL), 50
Instructional design, 198, 202–203
Instructional technologies (ITEC), 198
Instructors, 216
Interactive multimedia, 142
Interdisciplinary program, 26
International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED), 263
International studies, 154–155
Internships, 50
Interprofessional education (IPE), 42
Intrinsic motivation, 251
Isomorphism, 166
Jeddah College of Advertising (JCA), 82–83
Journalism, 106, 112
K-means algorithm, 188
Key drivers for transforming education, 30–33
Key performance indicators (KPIs), 285
Knowledge and content, 17
Knowledge assessment methodology tool (KAM tool), 263
Knowledge-based economy, 29–30, 260, 263
Leadership model, 33
Learner-centered instruction, 45
Learner-centeredness, 45
Learners, 132
Learning, 42, 126
spheres, 129
strategies, 17, 164
Learning analytics, 80–81, 83
in Saudi Arabia, 82–83
Learning management systems (LMS), 62–63, 80, 82–83, 213–214
Lecturers, 80
Legal writing, 116
Lehigh Valley Campus of Pennsylvania State University (PSU-LV), 200–201
Letter writing, 113–114
LinkedIn, 110
Live lecture streaming (LLS), 219–220
Locke’s Goal Setting Theory, 250
Log file, 87
data mining results, 96
historic 4-year log data, 96
Machine learning (ML), 285
Management and business theories, 251–252
Marketing agents, 110
Massive open online courses (MOOCs), 286
Medical education, 42
Medical educators, 42
Memorandum, 113
Mentoring, 50
Metaverse, 14–15, 282
Mezirow’s transformative learning theory, 64, 72
Modified Cornell split-page method, 141
Moodle, 81–84
Moodle Log File, 91–92
apply data mining, 92
collect, 91–92
interpret, evaluate, and deploy results, 92
pre-process, 92
Motivation, 248
literature review, 249–255
significance of research, 248–249
teaching orientation, 256–257
theory, 251
New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC), 269–270
One-minute papers strategy, 141
Online driver model, 236
Online education, 135–136
Online lab model, 235
Online learning, 64–65
frameworks, 62
Online simulations, 142
Online-based active learning strategies, 67
Online-based solutions, 62
Opportunities and challenges of HyFlex course design, 200
Oracle based information systems for registration, grading, attendance, and advising systems (OPERA systems), 82–83
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 29–30
Orientation to learning, 132
Participatory pedagogies, 32
Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21), 29–30
Passive learning, 62–63
Pedagogical differentiation, 166
Pedagogical methods, 62–63
Pedagogy, 231, 248
of sustainability, 29
Peer evaluation, 52–53
Peer learning, 156–157
Peer teaching, 52
Personal digital mobile devices, 167
Policy makers, 71, 106
Post-Covid-19 adoption, 63
Post-digital era, 180–181
Post-digital learning spaces, 180–181
Practical learning activities, 43
Practical technologies, 216
Pre and post-assessments, 52
Pre-COVID-19 learning in universities and colleges, 230
Premise reflection, 130–131
Principles of Clinical Trial Program, 54–57
Privacy, 49
Problem-based active learning approach, 66
Problem-based learning (PBL), 43, 45, 50
Process reflection, 130–131
Professional development, 154, 158, 160
Professional learning, 156–157
Professional writing, 107–108
Project-based active learning approach, 66
Project-based learning, 43, 51, 161
Promoting transformative active learning at SNIH, 49–54
Qualifications and skills mismatch, 263–264
Quiz, 95
attempt view, 96
Readiness to learn, 132
Reflection, 52
Reflective learning, 130
Reinforcement Theory of Motivation, 250
Remote live participation (RLP), 200–201
Research, 1
education, 46
Research, Development (R&D), 13
Resistance to change, 53
Resources, 32–33
Role-playing, 51
Rotation model, 234
Rubrics, 52
Sakai, 81–82
Saudi Arabia, 281–282
Active and Transformative Learning as integrated set of value-adding initiatives, 284–288
Active and Transformative Learning enablers, 288–291
supplementary material, 291–295
Vision 2030 implementation and resilience, 281–284
Saudi Arabian higher education, 80
contribution to theory and applied industry, 100
data analysis, 92–99
data mining, 87–92
EDM, 83–86
findings, 99
future research, 101
learning analytics, 81–83
limitation, 100
methodology, 86–87
transformative learning, 80–81
Saudi National Institute of Health (SNIH), 42–43, 58
assessing effectiveness of active learning at, 52–53
background and context, 42–43
case studies, 54–57
challenges and opportunities for promoting active learning at, 53–54
current challenges and opportunities, 49
current teaching methods and approaches, 49–51
educational and training initiatives, 48
future direction for transformative active learning, 58–59
history and mission, 47–48
key features of active learning methods, 51–52
objectives, strategies, and outcomes, 55–57
promoting transformative active learning at, 49–54
purpose, 43
recommendations, 57–58
theoretical framework, 43–47
Saudi Vision 2030 program, 47
School systems, 157
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), 59, 261, 268–269
Science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics disciplines (STEAM disciplines), 70, 117, 127, 249
Science Technology and Innovation (STI), 261
Self-blend model, 236
Self-concept, 132
Self-directed learning, 44, 126
Self-Efficacy Theory of Motivation, 250
Self-regulated learning (SRL), 101
Simulation-based learning, 45–46
Simulations, 51
Skills and competencies uniqueness, 17
Smartphones, 167
Social impact, 134
Social media, 62–63
and business, 115
for student writers, 110–111
writing, 114
Social movement, 155–156
Social presence, 214
Social sensing, 282
Space and resources, 53
SPSS Clementine, 85–86
Stakeholders, 62
Standard operating procedures (SOPs), 108
Start-up incubators, 13
Status of submission, 96–97
Strategic writing, 111
Strategy, 252–255
teacher employ, 252–254
Strength, weaknesses, opportunities, threats analysis (SWOT analysis), 253
Student engagement, 64–66, 231
and motivation, 53
Student writers, importance of social media for, 110–111
Student-centered learning, 199
Student-mediated podcasts, 62–63
Students, 71
Students’ engagement, 31–32
Successful teaching and learning, 128
Surveys, 52
Sustainability, 26–27, 63, 104, 126–127, 199, 231
Sustainable development (SD), 26, 283–284
17 sustainable development goals (SDG), 26–27
Synchronous learning in distributed environments (SLIDE), 200–201
Tablets, 167
Teachers, 126, 154
appraisal, 160
education, 154
educators, 154–155, 157, 159
evaluation, 158–160
Teaching, 230
presence, 214
sustainability, 29
Teaching writing
in promoting active and transformative learning, 116–117
research findings about, 104–106
Team-based learning, 68
Technical communication (TC), 104
Technical reports, 108
Technological skills, 155
Technology, 46, 80, 248
enablers, 164
infrastructure, 53
transfer offices, 13
Technology-enhanced active learning, 160–162
Technology-enhanced learning, 170
enhancement, 17
Topic modeling, 183
Training models, 162
Transformation, 268–269, 283–284
Transformational learning theory, 128, 131
Transformational visions, 30–31
Transformative active learning, 42–43, 45
future direction for, 58–59
Transformative learning, 9, 11, 31–32, 62–63, 128, 134, 155
implications of research, 143
propositions for initiatives related to digital transformation of education, 144–148
Saudi Arabian higher education, 80–81
strategies, 128, 138, 143
in transforming higher education, 134–138
Transforming higher education, 134–138
Turnitin assignment, 97–98
Twenty-first-century skills, 29–30
UAE Ministry of Education (MOE), 260
Undergraduate studies, 134–135
UNESCO, 29–30
Universities, 109, 156
digitalization, 135
University of Business and Technology (UBT), 82–83
University of St. Thomas, 205
Virtual and augmented reality technology (VR/AR), 256
Virtual education, 179
Virtual labs, 142
Virtual learning, 236
Virtual reality, 178, 282
Vision 2030 implementation and resilience, 281–284
Vocational training programs, 134–135
Web science, 282
Weka tool, 84–86
Word Clouds, 183–185
Workplace writing, 115–116
World Culture Theory, 264
Writing, 103–104, 141
artificial intelligence replace writers, 114–115
business professionals, 107
communication skills in business, 108
content writing, 111–114
evolution of communication skills, 109–110
importance of being proactive, 108
importance of social media for student writers, 110–111
nutshell, 107
research findings about teaching writing, 104–106
social media and business, 115
teaching orientation, 120–122
teaching writing in promoting active and transformative learning, 116–117
transformative role of writing in active learning approaches in STEAM disciplines, 106–111
universities, 109
workplace writing, 115–116
E-learning, 50, 282
E-mentoring programs, 168
E-professionalism, 110
Economics, 238
education, 62
Economics students, 62
challenges and opportunities, 68
future recommendations, 72–73
implications for policymakers, 70–72
key findings, 68–70
literature review, 64–70
methodology, 63–64
teaching orientation, 73–74
theoretical framework, 64–65
Education, 27, 42–43, 129–130
administrators, 71, 105–106
data analytics framework, 178
supported by artificial intelligence, 180
for sustainability, 154
Education 4.0, 178
Education for Sustainable Development, 28–29
Education for Sustainable Education (ESD), 26
Educational challenges, 230–231
Educational Data Mining (EDM), 83–86
process, 84
Educational institutions, 32, 65, 156
Educational leadership, 18
Educational policies and practices, 28–29
Educational sustainability, 26
association of educational sustainability with educational transformation, 28
and education for sustainable development, 26–27
educational policies and practices, 28–29
educational transformation to prepare students for jobs, 29–30
external relations to develop competencies, 33–34
key drivers for transforming education, 30–33
need for, 27
rethinking approaches of educational practice, 29
and transformation in education, 26–30
Educational transformation
educational sustainability and, 26–30
key drivers for, 30–33
to prepare students for jobs, 29–30
Educators, 66, 68, 134
Email, 112–113
EmSAT test, 260, 265
English language learners (ELLs), 232–233
Entrepreneurship, 1
Entrepreneurship, 11, 13
European School of Sustainability Sciences and Research (ESSSR), 31
Evidence-based EdTech solutions, 73
Experience, 132
Experiential learning, 132–133
Exploratory case study, 86
Extrinsic motivation, 251
Face-to-face driver model, 232–233
Facilitator, 137–138
Faculty, 71, 105–106
capacity, 17
members, 104–105
training and support, 53
Feedback, 52
Flex model, 234–235
Flexibly accessible learning environment (FALE), 200–201
Flipped classroom method, 50, 52
Four-year historic activity report analysis, 93–94
Fund-raising, 13
General Educational Development (GED), 268
Google Docs, 199
Google Wave, 199
Government officers, 71, 106
Graduate studies, 134–135
Grant applications, 108
Group discussions and debate, 51
Group work, 43
Health Information Administration (HIA), 104–105
Health profession education, 42
key concepts and principles of active learning in, 45–46
Health research institutions, 49
High school diploma, 265
High School Equivalency policy (HSE policy), 260–261
aims and objective, 261–262
benchmark assessment, 264–265
knowledge-based economy, 263
literature review, 262–269
methodology, 269–271
options and challenges, 268–269
qualifications and skills mismatch, 263–264
results, 271–272
teaching orientation, 274–276
theoretical and conceptual framework, 262–263
in UAE, 265
in US context, 267–268
for US-Curriculum Schools, 266–267
Higher education (HE), 1, 9, 31, 80, 105, 207
active and transformative learning system in, 8–15
faculty’s commitments, 31
institutions, 99
matching in times of change, 12
in times of fast and disruptive changes, 5, 7–8
Higher-order thinking skills, promotion of, 45
Historic 4-year log data, 96
Historic learning analytics, 85
Hybrid education model, 178, 180–181
clustering stage, 186–188
data exploration stage, 183–185
experimental results, 189–194
extraction and collected data stage, 181–183
future work, 194
interpretation stage, 188
proposed methodology, 181–189
related work, 179–181
validation stage, 189
Hybrid learning, 180
in-service teacher education, professional development, and teacher evaluation, 158–160
innovative hybrid learning models, 162–169
new educational paradigm, 155–158
structuring principles of active teacher training, 165
teaching and research orientation, 171
technology-enhanced active learning, 160–162
Hybrid-Flexible course design (HyFlex course design), 198
benefits, 201–202
empirical evidence, 203–206
guiding principles and policies for curriculum alignment and enhanced learning, 217
instructional design, 202–203
limitations and challenges, 212–216
literature review, 200–201
longitudinal and real-time empirical data, 219
methodology, 206–207
need for guiding principles and policies for clear and effective communication, 219
need for guiding principles and policies for institutional practices, 218
need for guiding principles and policies for training and support, 217–218
policy recommendations, 211–212
results, 207–209
scalable technological and pedagogical approach, 219–220
strategies and actions, 216–217
Idea, 248
Ill-structured problems, 141
Impact measurement & learning analytics, 18
Implementation guidelines, 202–203
In-service teacher education (ITE), 154, 157–158, 160
Incheon Declaration, 27
Industry, 9
matching in times of change, 12
Information and communication technology (ICT), 156–157
Information technologies, 62
Innovation, 1, 13, 135
Innovative hybrid learning models, 162–169
Inquiry-based active learning approach, 66
Inquiry-based learning (IBL), 50
Instructional design, 198, 202–203
Instructional technologies (ITEC), 198
Instructors, 216
Interactive multimedia, 142
Interdisciplinary program, 26
International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED), 263
International studies, 154–155
Internships, 50
Interprofessional education (IPE), 42
Intrinsic motivation, 251
Isomorphism, 166
Jeddah College of Advertising (JCA), 82–83
Journalism, 106, 112
K-means algorithm, 188
Key drivers for transforming education, 30–33
Key performance indicators (KPIs), 285
Knowledge and content, 17
Knowledge assessment methodology tool (KAM tool), 263
Knowledge-based economy, 29–30, 260, 263
Leadership model, 33
Learner-centered instruction, 45
Learner-centeredness, 45
Learners, 132
Learning, 42, 126
spheres, 129
strategies, 17, 164
Learning analytics, 80–81, 83
in Saudi Arabia, 82–83
Learning management systems (LMS), 62–63, 80, 82–83, 213–214
Lecturers, 80
Legal writing, 116
Lehigh Valley Campus of Pennsylvania State University (PSU-LV), 200–201
Letter writing, 113–114
LinkedIn, 110
Live lecture streaming (LLS), 219–220
Locke’s Goal Setting Theory, 250
Log file, 87
data mining results, 96
historic 4-year log data, 96
Machine learning (ML), 285
Management and business theories, 251–252
Marketing agents, 110
Massive open online courses (MOOCs), 286
Medical education, 42
Medical educators, 42
Memorandum, 113
Mentoring, 50
Metaverse, 14–15, 282
Mezirow’s transformative learning theory, 64, 72
Modified Cornell split-page method, 141
Moodle, 81–84
Moodle Log File, 91–92
apply data mining, 92
collect, 91–92
interpret, evaluate, and deploy results, 92
pre-process, 92
Motivation, 248
literature review, 249–255
significance of research, 248–249
teaching orientation, 256–257
theory, 251
New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC), 269–270
One-minute papers strategy, 141
Online driver model, 236
Online education, 135–136
Online lab model, 235
Online learning, 64–65
frameworks, 62
Online simulations, 142
Online-based active learning strategies, 67
Online-based solutions, 62
Opportunities and challenges of HyFlex course design, 200
Oracle based information systems for registration, grading, attendance, and advising systems (OPERA systems), 82–83
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 29–30
Orientation to learning, 132
Participatory pedagogies, 32
Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21), 29–30
Passive learning, 62–63
Pedagogical differentiation, 166
Pedagogical methods, 62–63
Pedagogy, 231, 248
of sustainability, 29
Peer evaluation, 52–53
Peer learning, 156–157
Peer teaching, 52
Personal digital mobile devices, 167
Policy makers, 71, 106
Post-Covid-19 adoption, 63
Post-digital era, 180–181
Post-digital learning spaces, 180–181
Practical learning activities, 43
Practical technologies, 216
Pre and post-assessments, 52
Pre-COVID-19 learning in universities and colleges, 230
Premise reflection, 130–131
Principles of Clinical Trial Program, 54–57
Privacy, 49
Problem-based active learning approach, 66
Problem-based learning (PBL), 43, 45, 50
Process reflection, 130–131
Professional development, 154, 158, 160
Professional learning, 156–157
Professional writing, 107–108
Project-based active learning approach, 66
Project-based learning, 43, 51, 161
Promoting transformative active learning at SNIH, 49–54
Qualifications and skills mismatch, 263–264
Quiz, 95
attempt view, 96
Readiness to learn, 132
Reflection, 52
Reflective learning, 130
Reinforcement Theory of Motivation, 250
Remote live participation (RLP), 200–201
Research, 1
education, 46
Research, Development (R&D), 13
Resistance to change, 53
Resources, 32–33
Role-playing, 51
Rotation model, 234
Rubrics, 52
Sakai, 81–82
Saudi Arabia, 281–282
Active and Transformative Learning as integrated set of value-adding initiatives, 284–288
Active and Transformative Learning enablers, 288–291
supplementary material, 291–295
Vision 2030 implementation and resilience, 281–284
Saudi Arabian higher education, 80
contribution to theory and applied industry, 100
data analysis, 92–99
data mining, 87–92
EDM, 83–86
findings, 99
future research, 101
learning analytics, 81–83
limitation, 100
methodology, 86–87
transformative learning, 80–81
Saudi National Institute of Health (SNIH), 42–43, 58
assessing effectiveness of active learning at, 52–53
background and context, 42–43
case studies, 54–57
challenges and opportunities for promoting active learning at, 53–54
current challenges and opportunities, 49
current teaching methods and approaches, 49–51
educational and training initiatives, 48
future direction for transformative active learning, 58–59
history and mission, 47–48
key features of active learning methods, 51–52
objectives, strategies, and outcomes, 55–57
promoting transformative active learning at, 49–54
purpose, 43
recommendations, 57–58
theoretical framework, 43–47
Saudi Vision 2030 program, 47
School systems, 157
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), 59, 261, 268–269
Science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics disciplines (STEAM disciplines), 70, 117, 127, 249
Science Technology and Innovation (STI), 261
Self-blend model, 236
Self-concept, 132
Self-directed learning, 44, 126
Self-Efficacy Theory of Motivation, 250
Self-regulated learning (SRL), 101
Simulation-based learning, 45–46
Simulations, 51
Skills and competencies uniqueness, 17
Smartphones, 167
Social impact, 134
Social media, 62–63
and business, 115
for student writers, 110–111
writing, 114
Social movement, 155–156
Social presence, 214
Social sensing, 282
Space and resources, 53
SPSS Clementine, 85–86
Stakeholders, 62
Standard operating procedures (SOPs), 108
Start-up incubators, 13
Status of submission, 96–97
Strategic writing, 111
Strategy, 252–255
teacher employ, 252–254
Strength, weaknesses, opportunities, threats analysis (SWOT analysis), 253
Student engagement, 64–66, 231
and motivation, 53
Student writers, importance of social media for, 110–111
Student-centered learning, 199
Student-mediated podcasts, 62–63
Students, 71
Students’ engagement, 31–32
Successful teaching and learning, 128
Surveys, 52
Sustainability, 26–27, 63, 104, 126–127, 199, 231
Sustainable development (SD), 26, 283–284
17 sustainable development goals (SDG), 26–27
Synchronous learning in distributed environments (SLIDE), 200–201
Tablets, 167
Teachers, 126, 154
appraisal, 160
education, 154
educators, 154–155, 157, 159
evaluation, 158–160
Teaching, 230
presence, 214
sustainability, 29
Teaching writing
in promoting active and transformative learning, 116–117
research findings about, 104–106
Team-based learning, 68
Technical communication (TC), 104
Technical reports, 108
Technological skills, 155
Technology, 46, 80, 248
enablers, 164
infrastructure, 53
transfer offices, 13
Technology-enhanced active learning, 160–162
Technology-enhanced learning, 170
enhancement, 17
Topic modeling, 183
Training models, 162
Transformation, 268–269, 283–284
Transformational learning theory, 128, 131
Transformational visions, 30–31
Transformative active learning, 42–43, 45
future direction for, 58–59
Transformative learning, 9, 11, 31–32, 62–63, 128, 134, 155
implications of research, 143
propositions for initiatives related to digital transformation of education, 144–148
Saudi Arabian higher education, 80–81
strategies, 128, 138, 143
in transforming higher education, 134–138
Transforming higher education, 134–138
Turnitin assignment, 97–98
Twenty-first-century skills, 29–30
UAE Ministry of Education (MOE), 260
Undergraduate studies, 134–135
UNESCO, 29–30
Universities, 109, 156
digitalization, 135
University of Business and Technology (UBT), 82–83
University of St. Thomas, 205
Virtual and augmented reality technology (VR/AR), 256
Virtual education, 179
Virtual labs, 142
Virtual learning, 236
Virtual reality, 178, 282
Vision 2030 implementation and resilience, 281–284
Vocational training programs, 134–135
Web science, 282
Weka tool, 84–86
Word Clouds, 183–185
Workplace writing, 115–116
World Culture Theory, 264
Writing, 103–104, 141
artificial intelligence replace writers, 114–115
business professionals, 107
communication skills in business, 108
content writing, 111–114
evolution of communication skills, 109–110
importance of being proactive, 108
importance of social media for student writers, 110–111
nutshell, 107
research findings about teaching writing, 104–106
social media and business, 115
teaching orientation, 120–122
teaching writing in promoting active and transformative learning, 116–117
transformative role of writing in active learning approaches in STEAM disciplines, 106–111
universities, 109
workplace writing, 115–116
General Educational Development (GED), 268
Google Docs, 199
Google Wave, 199
Government officers, 71, 106
Graduate studies, 134–135
Grant applications, 108
Group discussions and debate, 51
Group work, 43
Health Information Administration (HIA), 104–105
Health profession education, 42
key concepts and principles of active learning in, 45–46
Health research institutions, 49
High school diploma, 265
High School Equivalency policy (HSE policy), 260–261
aims and objective, 261–262
benchmark assessment, 264–265
knowledge-based economy, 263
literature review, 262–269
methodology, 269–271
options and challenges, 268–269
qualifications and skills mismatch, 263–264
results, 271–272
teaching orientation, 274–276
theoretical and conceptual framework, 262–263
in UAE, 265
in US context, 267–268
for US-Curriculum Schools, 266–267
Higher education (HE), 1, 9, 31, 80, 105, 207
active and transformative learning system in, 8–15
faculty’s commitments, 31
institutions, 99
matching in times of change, 12
in times of fast and disruptive changes, 5, 7–8
Higher-order thinking skills, promotion of, 45
Historic 4-year log data, 96
Historic learning analytics, 85
Hybrid education model, 178, 180–181
clustering stage, 186–188
data exploration stage, 183–185
experimental results, 189–194
extraction and collected data stage, 181–183
future work, 194
interpretation stage, 188
proposed methodology, 181–189
related work, 179–181
validation stage, 189
Hybrid learning, 180
in-service teacher education, professional development, and teacher evaluation, 158–160
innovative hybrid learning models, 162–169
new educational paradigm, 155–158
structuring principles of active teacher training, 165
teaching and research orientation, 171
technology-enhanced active learning, 160–162
Hybrid-Flexible course design (HyFlex course design), 198
benefits, 201–202
empirical evidence, 203–206
guiding principles and policies for curriculum alignment and enhanced learning, 217
instructional design, 202–203
limitations and challenges, 212–216
literature review, 200–201
longitudinal and real-time empirical data, 219
methodology, 206–207
need for guiding principles and policies for clear and effective communication, 219
need for guiding principles and policies for institutional practices, 218
need for guiding principles and policies for training and support, 217–218
policy recommendations, 211–212
results, 207–209
scalable technological and pedagogical approach, 219–220
strategies and actions, 216–217
Idea, 248
Ill-structured problems, 141
Impact measurement & learning analytics, 18
Implementation guidelines, 202–203
In-service teacher education (ITE), 154, 157–158, 160
Incheon Declaration, 27
Industry, 9
matching in times of change, 12
Information and communication technology (ICT), 156–157
Information technologies, 62
Innovation, 1, 13, 135
Innovative hybrid learning models, 162–169
Inquiry-based active learning approach, 66
Inquiry-based learning (IBL), 50
Instructional design, 198, 202–203
Instructional technologies (ITEC), 198
Instructors, 216
Interactive multimedia, 142
Interdisciplinary program, 26
International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED), 263
International studies, 154–155
Internships, 50
Interprofessional education (IPE), 42
Intrinsic motivation, 251
Isomorphism, 166
Jeddah College of Advertising (JCA), 82–83
Journalism, 106, 112
K-means algorithm, 188
Key drivers for transforming education, 30–33
Key performance indicators (KPIs), 285
Knowledge and content, 17
Knowledge assessment methodology tool (KAM tool), 263
Knowledge-based economy, 29–30, 260, 263
Leadership model, 33
Learner-centered instruction, 45
Learner-centeredness, 45
Learners, 132
Learning, 42, 126
spheres, 129
strategies, 17, 164
Learning analytics, 80–81, 83
in Saudi Arabia, 82–83
Learning management systems (LMS), 62–63, 80, 82–83, 213–214
Lecturers, 80
Legal writing, 116
Lehigh Valley Campus of Pennsylvania State University (PSU-LV), 200–201
Letter writing, 113–114
LinkedIn, 110
Live lecture streaming (LLS), 219–220
Locke’s Goal Setting Theory, 250
Log file, 87
data mining results, 96
historic 4-year log data, 96
Machine learning (ML), 285
Management and business theories, 251–252
Marketing agents, 110
Massive open online courses (MOOCs), 286
Medical education, 42
Medical educators, 42
Memorandum, 113
Mentoring, 50
Metaverse, 14–15, 282
Mezirow’s transformative learning theory, 64, 72
Modified Cornell split-page method, 141
Moodle, 81–84
Moodle Log File, 91–92
apply data mining, 92
collect, 91–92
interpret, evaluate, and deploy results, 92
pre-process, 92
Motivation, 248
literature review, 249–255
significance of research, 248–249
teaching orientation, 256–257
theory, 251
New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC), 269–270
One-minute papers strategy, 141
Online driver model, 236
Online education, 135–136
Online lab model, 235
Online learning, 64–65
frameworks, 62
Online simulations, 142
Online-based active learning strategies, 67
Online-based solutions, 62
Opportunities and challenges of HyFlex course design, 200
Oracle based information systems for registration, grading, attendance, and advising systems (OPERA systems), 82–83
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 29–30
Orientation to learning, 132
Participatory pedagogies, 32
Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21), 29–30
Passive learning, 62–63
Pedagogical differentiation, 166
Pedagogical methods, 62–63
Pedagogy, 231, 248
of sustainability, 29
Peer evaluation, 52–53
Peer learning, 156–157
Peer teaching, 52
Personal digital mobile devices, 167
Policy makers, 71, 106
Post-Covid-19 adoption, 63
Post-digital era, 180–181
Post-digital learning spaces, 180–181
Practical learning activities, 43
Practical technologies, 216
Pre and post-assessments, 52
Pre-COVID-19 learning in universities and colleges, 230
Premise reflection, 130–131
Principles of Clinical Trial Program, 54–57
Privacy, 49
Problem-based active learning approach, 66
Problem-based learning (PBL), 43, 45, 50
Process reflection, 130–131
Professional development, 154, 158, 160
Professional learning, 156–157
Professional writing, 107–108
Project-based active learning approach, 66
Project-based learning, 43, 51, 161
Promoting transformative active learning at SNIH, 49–54
Qualifications and skills mismatch, 263–264
Quiz, 95
attempt view, 96
Readiness to learn, 132
Reflection, 52
Reflective learning, 130
Reinforcement Theory of Motivation, 250
Remote live participation (RLP), 200–201
Research, 1
education, 46
Research, Development (R&D), 13
Resistance to change, 53
Resources, 32–33
Role-playing, 51
Rotation model, 234
Rubrics, 52
Sakai, 81–82
Saudi Arabia, 281–282
Active and Transformative Learning as integrated set of value-adding initiatives, 284–288
Active and Transformative Learning enablers, 288–291
supplementary material, 291–295
Vision 2030 implementation and resilience, 281–284
Saudi Arabian higher education, 80
contribution to theory and applied industry, 100
data analysis, 92–99
data mining, 87–92
EDM, 83–86
findings, 99
future research, 101
learning analytics, 81–83
limitation, 100
methodology, 86–87
transformative learning, 80–81
Saudi National Institute of Health (SNIH), 42–43, 58
assessing effectiveness of active learning at, 52–53
background and context, 42–43
case studies, 54–57
challenges and opportunities for promoting active learning at, 53–54
current challenges and opportunities, 49
current teaching methods and approaches, 49–51
educational and training initiatives, 48
future direction for transformative active learning, 58–59
history and mission, 47–48
key features of active learning methods, 51–52
objectives, strategies, and outcomes, 55–57
promoting transformative active learning at, 49–54
purpose, 43
recommendations, 57–58
theoretical framework, 43–47
Saudi Vision 2030 program, 47
School systems, 157
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), 59, 261, 268–269
Science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics disciplines (STEAM disciplines), 70, 117, 127, 249
Science Technology and Innovation (STI), 261
Self-blend model, 236
Self-concept, 132
Self-directed learning, 44, 126
Self-Efficacy Theory of Motivation, 250
Self-regulated learning (SRL), 101
Simulation-based learning, 45–46
Simulations, 51
Skills and competencies uniqueness, 17
Smartphones, 167
Social impact, 134
Social media, 62–63
and business, 115
for student writers, 110–111
writing, 114
Social movement, 155–156
Social presence, 214
Social sensing, 282
Space and resources, 53
SPSS Clementine, 85–86
Stakeholders, 62
Standard operating procedures (SOPs), 108
Start-up incubators, 13
Status of submission, 96–97
Strategic writing, 111
Strategy, 252–255
teacher employ, 252–254
Strength, weaknesses, opportunities, threats analysis (SWOT analysis), 253
Student engagement, 64–66, 231
and motivation, 53
Student writers, importance of social media for, 110–111
Student-centered learning, 199
Student-mediated podcasts, 62–63
Students, 71
Students’ engagement, 31–32
Successful teaching and learning, 128
Surveys, 52
Sustainability, 26–27, 63, 104, 126–127, 199, 231
Sustainable development (SD), 26, 283–284
17 sustainable development goals (SDG), 26–27
Synchronous learning in distributed environments (SLIDE), 200–201
Tablets, 167
Teachers, 126, 154
appraisal, 160
education, 154
educators, 154–155, 157, 159
evaluation, 158–160
Teaching, 230
presence, 214
sustainability, 29
Teaching writing
in promoting active and transformative learning, 116–117
research findings about, 104–106
Team-based learning, 68
Technical communication (TC), 104
Technical reports, 108
Technological skills, 155
Technology, 46, 80, 248
enablers, 164
infrastructure, 53
transfer offices, 13
Technology-enhanced active learning, 160–162
Technology-enhanced learning, 170
enhancement, 17
Topic modeling, 183
Training models, 162
Transformation, 268–269, 283–284
Transformational learning theory, 128, 131
Transformational visions, 30–31
Transformative active learning, 42–43, 45
future direction for, 58–59
Transformative learning, 9, 11, 31–32, 62–63, 128, 134, 155
implications of research, 143
propositions for initiatives related to digital transformation of education, 144–148
Saudi Arabian higher education, 80–81
strategies, 128, 138, 143
in transforming higher education, 134–138
Transforming higher education, 134–138
Turnitin assignment, 97–98
Twenty-first-century skills, 29–30
UAE Ministry of Education (MOE), 260
Undergraduate studies, 134–135
UNESCO, 29–30
Universities, 109, 156
digitalization, 135
University of Business and Technology (UBT), 82–83
University of St. Thomas, 205
Virtual and augmented reality technology (VR/AR), 256
Virtual education, 179
Virtual labs, 142
Virtual learning, 236
Virtual reality, 178, 282
Vision 2030 implementation and resilience, 281–284
Vocational training programs, 134–135
Web science, 282
Weka tool, 84–86
Word Clouds, 183–185
Workplace writing, 115–116
World Culture Theory, 264
Writing, 103–104, 141
artificial intelligence replace writers, 114–115
business professionals, 107
communication skills in business, 108
content writing, 111–114
evolution of communication skills, 109–110
importance of being proactive, 108
importance of social media for student writers, 110–111
nutshell, 107
research findings about teaching writing, 104–106
social media and business, 115
teaching orientation, 120–122
teaching writing in promoting active and transformative learning, 116–117
transformative role of writing in active learning approaches in STEAM disciplines, 106–111
universities, 109
workplace writing, 115–116
Idea, 248
Ill-structured problems, 141
Impact measurement & learning analytics, 18
Implementation guidelines, 202–203
In-service teacher education (ITE), 154, 157–158, 160
Incheon Declaration, 27
Industry, 9
matching in times of change, 12
Information and communication technology (ICT), 156–157
Information technologies, 62
Innovation, 1, 13, 135
Innovative hybrid learning models, 162–169
Inquiry-based active learning approach, 66
Inquiry-based learning (IBL), 50
Instructional design, 198, 202–203
Instructional technologies (ITEC), 198
Instructors, 216
Interactive multimedia, 142
Interdisciplinary program, 26
International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED), 263
International studies, 154–155
Internships, 50
Interprofessional education (IPE), 42
Intrinsic motivation, 251
Isomorphism, 166
Jeddah College of Advertising (JCA), 82–83
Journalism, 106, 112
K-means algorithm, 188
Key drivers for transforming education, 30–33
Key performance indicators (KPIs), 285
Knowledge and content, 17
Knowledge assessment methodology tool (KAM tool), 263
Knowledge-based economy, 29–30, 260, 263
Leadership model, 33
Learner-centered instruction, 45
Learner-centeredness, 45
Learners, 132
Learning, 42, 126
spheres, 129
strategies, 17, 164
Learning analytics, 80–81, 83
in Saudi Arabia, 82–83
Learning management systems (LMS), 62–63, 80, 82–83, 213–214
Lecturers, 80
Legal writing, 116
Lehigh Valley Campus of Pennsylvania State University (PSU-LV), 200–201
Letter writing, 113–114
LinkedIn, 110
Live lecture streaming (LLS), 219–220
Locke’s Goal Setting Theory, 250
Log file, 87
data mining results, 96
historic 4-year log data, 96
Machine learning (ML), 285
Management and business theories, 251–252
Marketing agents, 110
Massive open online courses (MOOCs), 286
Medical education, 42
Medical educators, 42
Memorandum, 113
Mentoring, 50
Metaverse, 14–15, 282
Mezirow’s transformative learning theory, 64, 72
Modified Cornell split-page method, 141
Moodle, 81–84
Moodle Log File, 91–92
apply data mining, 92
collect, 91–92
interpret, evaluate, and deploy results, 92
pre-process, 92
Motivation, 248
literature review, 249–255
significance of research, 248–249
teaching orientation, 256–257
theory, 251
New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC), 269–270
One-minute papers strategy, 141
Online driver model, 236
Online education, 135–136
Online lab model, 235
Online learning, 64–65
frameworks, 62
Online simulations, 142
Online-based active learning strategies, 67
Online-based solutions, 62
Opportunities and challenges of HyFlex course design, 200
Oracle based information systems for registration, grading, attendance, and advising systems (OPERA systems), 82–83
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 29–30
Orientation to learning, 132
Participatory pedagogies, 32
Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21), 29–30
Passive learning, 62–63
Pedagogical differentiation, 166
Pedagogical methods, 62–63
Pedagogy, 231, 248
of sustainability, 29
Peer evaluation, 52–53
Peer learning, 156–157
Peer teaching, 52
Personal digital mobile devices, 167
Policy makers, 71, 106
Post-Covid-19 adoption, 63
Post-digital era, 180–181
Post-digital learning spaces, 180–181
Practical learning activities, 43
Practical technologies, 216
Pre and post-assessments, 52
Pre-COVID-19 learning in universities and colleges, 230
Premise reflection, 130–131
Principles of Clinical Trial Program, 54–57
Privacy, 49
Problem-based active learning approach, 66
Problem-based learning (PBL), 43, 45, 50
Process reflection, 130–131
Professional development, 154, 158, 160
Professional learning, 156–157
Professional writing, 107–108
Project-based active learning approach, 66
Project-based learning, 43, 51, 161
Promoting transformative active learning at SNIH, 49–54
Qualifications and skills mismatch, 263–264
Quiz, 95
attempt view, 96
Readiness to learn, 132
Reflection, 52
Reflective learning, 130
Reinforcement Theory of Motivation, 250
Remote live participation (RLP), 200–201
Research, 1
education, 46
Research, Development (R&D), 13
Resistance to change, 53
Resources, 32–33
Role-playing, 51
Rotation model, 234
Rubrics, 52
Sakai, 81–82
Saudi Arabia, 281–282
Active and Transformative Learning as integrated set of value-adding initiatives, 284–288
Active and Transformative Learning enablers, 288–291
supplementary material, 291–295
Vision 2030 implementation and resilience, 281–284
Saudi Arabian higher education, 80
contribution to theory and applied industry, 100
data analysis, 92–99
data mining, 87–92
EDM, 83–86
findings, 99
future research, 101
learning analytics, 81–83
limitation, 100
methodology, 86–87
transformative learning, 80–81
Saudi National Institute of Health (SNIH), 42–43, 58
assessing effectiveness of active learning at, 52–53
background and context, 42–43
case studies, 54–57
challenges and opportunities for promoting active learning at, 53–54
current challenges and opportunities, 49
current teaching methods and approaches, 49–51
educational and training initiatives, 48
future direction for transformative active learning, 58–59
history and mission, 47–48
key features of active learning methods, 51–52
objectives, strategies, and outcomes, 55–57
promoting transformative active learning at, 49–54
purpose, 43
recommendations, 57–58
theoretical framework, 43–47
Saudi Vision 2030 program, 47
School systems, 157
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), 59, 261, 268–269
Science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics disciplines (STEAM disciplines), 70, 117, 127, 249
Science Technology and Innovation (STI), 261
Self-blend model, 236
Self-concept, 132
Self-directed learning, 44, 126
Self-Efficacy Theory of Motivation, 250
Self-regulated learning (SRL), 101
Simulation-based learning, 45–46
Simulations, 51
Skills and competencies uniqueness, 17
Smartphones, 167
Social impact, 134
Social media, 62–63
and business, 115
for student writers, 110–111
writing, 114
Social movement, 155–156
Social presence, 214
Social sensing, 282
Space and resources, 53
SPSS Clementine, 85–86
Stakeholders, 62
Standard operating procedures (SOPs), 108
Start-up incubators, 13
Status of submission, 96–97
Strategic writing, 111
Strategy, 252–255
teacher employ, 252–254
Strength, weaknesses, opportunities, threats analysis (SWOT analysis), 253
Student engagement, 64–66, 231
and motivation, 53
Student writers, importance of social media for, 110–111
Student-centered learning, 199
Student-mediated podcasts, 62–63
Students, 71
Students’ engagement, 31–32
Successful teaching and learning, 128
Surveys, 52
Sustainability, 26–27, 63, 104, 126–127, 199, 231
Sustainable development (SD), 26, 283–284
17 sustainable development goals (SDG), 26–27
Synchronous learning in distributed environments (SLIDE), 200–201
Tablets, 167
Teachers, 126, 154
appraisal, 160
education, 154
educators, 154–155, 157, 159
evaluation, 158–160
Teaching, 230
presence, 214
sustainability, 29
Teaching writing
in promoting active and transformative learning, 116–117
research findings about, 104–106
Team-based learning, 68
Technical communication (TC), 104
Technical reports, 108
Technological skills, 155
Technology, 46, 80, 248
enablers, 164
infrastructure, 53
transfer offices, 13
Technology-enhanced active learning, 160–162
Technology-enhanced learning, 170
enhancement, 17
Topic modeling, 183
Training models, 162
Transformation, 268–269, 283–284
Transformational learning theory, 128, 131
Transformational visions, 30–31
Transformative active learning, 42–43, 45
future direction for, 58–59
Transformative learning, 9, 11, 31–32, 62–63, 128, 134, 155
implications of research, 143
propositions for initiatives related to digital transformation of education, 144–148
Saudi Arabian higher education, 80–81
strategies, 128, 138, 143
in transforming higher education, 134–138
Transforming higher education, 134–138
Turnitin assignment, 97–98
Twenty-first-century skills, 29–30
UAE Ministry of Education (MOE), 260
Undergraduate studies, 134–135
UNESCO, 29–30
Universities, 109, 156
digitalization, 135
University of Business and Technology (UBT), 82–83
University of St. Thomas, 205
Virtual and augmented reality technology (VR/AR), 256
Virtual education, 179
Virtual labs, 142
Virtual learning, 236
Virtual reality, 178, 282
Vision 2030 implementation and resilience, 281–284
Vocational training programs, 134–135
Web science, 282
Weka tool, 84–86
Word Clouds, 183–185
Workplace writing, 115–116
World Culture Theory, 264
Writing, 103–104, 141
artificial intelligence replace writers, 114–115
business professionals, 107
communication skills in business, 108
content writing, 111–114
evolution of communication skills, 109–110
importance of being proactive, 108
importance of social media for student writers, 110–111
nutshell, 107
research findings about teaching writing, 104–106
social media and business, 115
teaching orientation, 120–122
teaching writing in promoting active and transformative learning, 116–117
transformative role of writing in active learning approaches in STEAM disciplines, 106–111
universities, 109
workplace writing, 115–116
K-means algorithm, 188
Key drivers for transforming education, 30–33
Key performance indicators (KPIs), 285
Knowledge and content, 17
Knowledge assessment methodology tool (KAM tool), 263
Knowledge-based economy, 29–30, 260, 263
Leadership model, 33
Learner-centered instruction, 45
Learner-centeredness, 45
Learners, 132
Learning, 42, 126
spheres, 129
strategies, 17, 164
Learning analytics, 80–81, 83
in Saudi Arabia, 82–83
Learning management systems (LMS), 62–63, 80, 82–83, 213–214
Lecturers, 80
Legal writing, 116
Lehigh Valley Campus of Pennsylvania State University (PSU-LV), 200–201
Letter writing, 113–114
LinkedIn, 110
Live lecture streaming (LLS), 219–220
Locke’s Goal Setting Theory, 250
Log file, 87
data mining results, 96
historic 4-year log data, 96
Machine learning (ML), 285
Management and business theories, 251–252
Marketing agents, 110
Massive open online courses (MOOCs), 286
Medical education, 42
Medical educators, 42
Memorandum, 113
Mentoring, 50
Metaverse, 14–15, 282
Mezirow’s transformative learning theory, 64, 72
Modified Cornell split-page method, 141
Moodle, 81–84
Moodle Log File, 91–92
apply data mining, 92
collect, 91–92
interpret, evaluate, and deploy results, 92
pre-process, 92
Motivation, 248
literature review, 249–255
significance of research, 248–249
teaching orientation, 256–257
theory, 251
New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC), 269–270
One-minute papers strategy, 141
Online driver model, 236
Online education, 135–136
Online lab model, 235
Online learning, 64–65
frameworks, 62
Online simulations, 142
Online-based active learning strategies, 67
Online-based solutions, 62
Opportunities and challenges of HyFlex course design, 200
Oracle based information systems for registration, grading, attendance, and advising systems (OPERA systems), 82–83
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 29–30
Orientation to learning, 132
Participatory pedagogies, 32
Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21), 29–30
Passive learning, 62–63
Pedagogical differentiation, 166
Pedagogical methods, 62–63
Pedagogy, 231, 248
of sustainability, 29
Peer evaluation, 52–53
Peer learning, 156–157
Peer teaching, 52
Personal digital mobile devices, 167
Policy makers, 71, 106
Post-Covid-19 adoption, 63
Post-digital era, 180–181
Post-digital learning spaces, 180–181
Practical learning activities, 43
Practical technologies, 216
Pre and post-assessments, 52
Pre-COVID-19 learning in universities and colleges, 230
Premise reflection, 130–131
Principles of Clinical Trial Program, 54–57
Privacy, 49
Problem-based active learning approach, 66
Problem-based learning (PBL), 43, 45, 50
Process reflection, 130–131
Professional development, 154, 158, 160
Professional learning, 156–157
Professional writing, 107–108
Project-based active learning approach, 66
Project-based learning, 43, 51, 161
Promoting transformative active learning at SNIH, 49–54
Qualifications and skills mismatch, 263–264
Quiz, 95
attempt view, 96
Readiness to learn, 132
Reflection, 52
Reflective learning, 130
Reinforcement Theory of Motivation, 250
Remote live participation (RLP), 200–201
Research, 1
education, 46
Research, Development (R&D), 13
Resistance to change, 53
Resources, 32–33
Role-playing, 51
Rotation model, 234
Rubrics, 52
Sakai, 81–82
Saudi Arabia, 281–282
Active and Transformative Learning as integrated set of value-adding initiatives, 284–288
Active and Transformative Learning enablers, 288–291
supplementary material, 291–295
Vision 2030 implementation and resilience, 281–284
Saudi Arabian higher education, 80
contribution to theory and applied industry, 100
data analysis, 92–99
data mining, 87–92
EDM, 83–86
findings, 99
future research, 101
learning analytics, 81–83
limitation, 100
methodology, 86–87
transformative learning, 80–81
Saudi National Institute of Health (SNIH), 42–43, 58
assessing effectiveness of active learning at, 52–53
background and context, 42–43
case studies, 54–57
challenges and opportunities for promoting active learning at, 53–54
current challenges and opportunities, 49
current teaching methods and approaches, 49–51
educational and training initiatives, 48
future direction for transformative active learning, 58–59
history and mission, 47–48
key features of active learning methods, 51–52
objectives, strategies, and outcomes, 55–57
promoting transformative active learning at, 49–54
purpose, 43
recommendations, 57–58
theoretical framework, 43–47
Saudi Vision 2030 program, 47
School systems, 157
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), 59, 261, 268–269
Science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics disciplines (STEAM disciplines), 70, 117, 127, 249
Science Technology and Innovation (STI), 261
Self-blend model, 236
Self-concept, 132
Self-directed learning, 44, 126
Self-Efficacy Theory of Motivation, 250
Self-regulated learning (SRL), 101
Simulation-based learning, 45–46
Simulations, 51
Skills and competencies uniqueness, 17
Smartphones, 167
Social impact, 134
Social media, 62–63
and business, 115
for student writers, 110–111
writing, 114
Social movement, 155–156
Social presence, 214
Social sensing, 282
Space and resources, 53
SPSS Clementine, 85–86
Stakeholders, 62
Standard operating procedures (SOPs), 108
Start-up incubators, 13
Status of submission, 96–97
Strategic writing, 111
Strategy, 252–255
teacher employ, 252–254
Strength, weaknesses, opportunities, threats analysis (SWOT analysis), 253
Student engagement, 64–66, 231
and motivation, 53
Student writers, importance of social media for, 110–111
Student-centered learning, 199
Student-mediated podcasts, 62–63
Students, 71
Students’ engagement, 31–32
Successful teaching and learning, 128
Surveys, 52
Sustainability, 26–27, 63, 104, 126–127, 199, 231
Sustainable development (SD), 26, 283–284
17 sustainable development goals (SDG), 26–27
Synchronous learning in distributed environments (SLIDE), 200–201
Tablets, 167
Teachers, 126, 154
appraisal, 160
education, 154
educators, 154–155, 157, 159
evaluation, 158–160
Teaching, 230
presence, 214
sustainability, 29
Teaching writing
in promoting active and transformative learning, 116–117
research findings about, 104–106
Team-based learning, 68
Technical communication (TC), 104
Technical reports, 108
Technological skills, 155
Technology, 46, 80, 248
enablers, 164
infrastructure, 53
transfer offices, 13
Technology-enhanced active learning, 160–162
Technology-enhanced learning, 170
enhancement, 17
Topic modeling, 183
Training models, 162
Transformation, 268–269, 283–284
Transformational learning theory, 128, 131
Transformational visions, 30–31
Transformative active learning, 42–43, 45
future direction for, 58–59
Transformative learning, 9, 11, 31–32, 62–63, 128, 134, 155
implications of research, 143
propositions for initiatives related to digital transformation of education, 144–148
Saudi Arabian higher education, 80–81
strategies, 128, 138, 143
in transforming higher education, 134–138
Transforming higher education, 134–138
Turnitin assignment, 97–98
Twenty-first-century skills, 29–30
UAE Ministry of Education (MOE), 260
Undergraduate studies, 134–135
UNESCO, 29–30
Universities, 109, 156
digitalization, 135
University of Business and Technology (UBT), 82–83
University of St. Thomas, 205
Virtual and augmented reality technology (VR/AR), 256
Virtual education, 179
Virtual labs, 142
Virtual learning, 236
Virtual reality, 178, 282
Vision 2030 implementation and resilience, 281–284
Vocational training programs, 134–135
Web science, 282
Weka tool, 84–86
Word Clouds, 183–185
Workplace writing, 115–116
World Culture Theory, 264
Writing, 103–104, 141
artificial intelligence replace writers, 114–115
business professionals, 107
communication skills in business, 108
content writing, 111–114
evolution of communication skills, 109–110
importance of being proactive, 108
importance of social media for student writers, 110–111
nutshell, 107
research findings about teaching writing, 104–106
social media and business, 115
teaching orientation, 120–122
teaching writing in promoting active and transformative learning, 116–117
transformative role of writing in active learning approaches in STEAM disciplines, 106–111
universities, 109
workplace writing, 115–116
Machine learning (ML), 285
Management and business theories, 251–252
Marketing agents, 110
Massive open online courses (MOOCs), 286
Medical education, 42
Medical educators, 42
Memorandum, 113
Mentoring, 50
Metaverse, 14–15, 282
Mezirow’s transformative learning theory, 64, 72
Modified Cornell split-page method, 141
Moodle, 81–84
Moodle Log File, 91–92
apply data mining, 92
collect, 91–92
interpret, evaluate, and deploy results, 92
pre-process, 92
Motivation, 248
literature review, 249–255
significance of research, 248–249
teaching orientation, 256–257
theory, 251
New England Association of Schools and Colleges (NEASC), 269–270
One-minute papers strategy, 141
Online driver model, 236
Online education, 135–136
Online lab model, 235
Online learning, 64–65
frameworks, 62
Online simulations, 142
Online-based active learning strategies, 67
Online-based solutions, 62
Opportunities and challenges of HyFlex course design, 200
Oracle based information systems for registration, grading, attendance, and advising systems (OPERA systems), 82–83
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 29–30
Orientation to learning, 132
Participatory pedagogies, 32
Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21), 29–30
Passive learning, 62–63
Pedagogical differentiation, 166
Pedagogical methods, 62–63
Pedagogy, 231, 248
of sustainability, 29
Peer evaluation, 52–53
Peer learning, 156–157
Peer teaching, 52
Personal digital mobile devices, 167
Policy makers, 71, 106
Post-Covid-19 adoption, 63
Post-digital era, 180–181
Post-digital learning spaces, 180–181
Practical learning activities, 43
Practical technologies, 216
Pre and post-assessments, 52
Pre-COVID-19 learning in universities and colleges, 230
Premise reflection, 130–131
Principles of Clinical Trial Program, 54–57
Privacy, 49
Problem-based active learning approach, 66
Problem-based learning (PBL), 43, 45, 50
Process reflection, 130–131
Professional development, 154, 158, 160
Professional learning, 156–157
Professional writing, 107–108
Project-based active learning approach, 66
Project-based learning, 43, 51, 161
Promoting transformative active learning at SNIH, 49–54
Qualifications and skills mismatch, 263–264
Quiz, 95
attempt view, 96
Readiness to learn, 132
Reflection, 52
Reflective learning, 130
Reinforcement Theory of Motivation, 250
Remote live participation (RLP), 200–201
Research, 1
education, 46
Research, Development (R&D), 13
Resistance to change, 53
Resources, 32–33
Role-playing, 51
Rotation model, 234
Rubrics, 52
Sakai, 81–82
Saudi Arabia, 281–282
Active and Transformative Learning as integrated set of value-adding initiatives, 284–288
Active and Transformative Learning enablers, 288–291
supplementary material, 291–295
Vision 2030 implementation and resilience, 281–284
Saudi Arabian higher education, 80
contribution to theory and applied industry, 100
data analysis, 92–99
data mining, 87–92
EDM, 83–86
findings, 99
future research, 101
learning analytics, 81–83
limitation, 100
methodology, 86–87
transformative learning, 80–81
Saudi National Institute of Health (SNIH), 42–43, 58
assessing effectiveness of active learning at, 52–53
background and context, 42–43
case studies, 54–57
challenges and opportunities for promoting active learning at, 53–54
current challenges and opportunities, 49
current teaching methods and approaches, 49–51
educational and training initiatives, 48
future direction for transformative active learning, 58–59
history and mission, 47–48
key features of active learning methods, 51–52
objectives, strategies, and outcomes, 55–57
promoting transformative active learning at, 49–54
purpose, 43
recommendations, 57–58
theoretical framework, 43–47
Saudi Vision 2030 program, 47
School systems, 157
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), 59, 261, 268–269
Science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics disciplines (STEAM disciplines), 70, 117, 127, 249
Science Technology and Innovation (STI), 261
Self-blend model, 236
Self-concept, 132
Self-directed learning, 44, 126
Self-Efficacy Theory of Motivation, 250
Self-regulated learning (SRL), 101
Simulation-based learning, 45–46
Simulations, 51
Skills and competencies uniqueness, 17
Smartphones, 167
Social impact, 134
Social media, 62–63
and business, 115
for student writers, 110–111
writing, 114
Social movement, 155–156
Social presence, 214
Social sensing, 282
Space and resources, 53
SPSS Clementine, 85–86
Stakeholders, 62
Standard operating procedures (SOPs), 108
Start-up incubators, 13
Status of submission, 96–97
Strategic writing, 111
Strategy, 252–255
teacher employ, 252–254
Strength, weaknesses, opportunities, threats analysis (SWOT analysis), 253
Student engagement, 64–66, 231
and motivation, 53
Student writers, importance of social media for, 110–111
Student-centered learning, 199
Student-mediated podcasts, 62–63
Students, 71
Students’ engagement, 31–32
Successful teaching and learning, 128
Surveys, 52
Sustainability, 26–27, 63, 104, 126–127, 199, 231
Sustainable development (SD), 26, 283–284
17 sustainable development goals (SDG), 26–27
Synchronous learning in distributed environments (SLIDE), 200–201
Tablets, 167
Teachers, 126, 154
appraisal, 160
education, 154
educators, 154–155, 157, 159
evaluation, 158–160
Teaching, 230
presence, 214
sustainability, 29
Teaching writing
in promoting active and transformative learning, 116–117
research findings about, 104–106
Team-based learning, 68
Technical communication (TC), 104
Technical reports, 108
Technological skills, 155
Technology, 46, 80, 248
enablers, 164
infrastructure, 53
transfer offices, 13
Technology-enhanced active learning, 160–162
Technology-enhanced learning, 170
enhancement, 17
Topic modeling, 183
Training models, 162
Transformation, 268–269, 283–284
Transformational learning theory, 128, 131
Transformational visions, 30–31
Transformative active learning, 42–43, 45
future direction for, 58–59
Transformative learning, 9, 11, 31–32, 62–63, 128, 134, 155
implications of research, 143
propositions for initiatives related to digital transformation of education, 144–148
Saudi Arabian higher education, 80–81
strategies, 128, 138, 143
in transforming higher education, 134–138
Transforming higher education, 134–138
Turnitin assignment, 97–98
Twenty-first-century skills, 29–30
UAE Ministry of Education (MOE), 260
Undergraduate studies, 134–135
UNESCO, 29–30
Universities, 109, 156
digitalization, 135
University of Business and Technology (UBT), 82–83
University of St. Thomas, 205
Virtual and augmented reality technology (VR/AR), 256
Virtual education, 179
Virtual labs, 142
Virtual learning, 236
Virtual reality, 178, 282
Vision 2030 implementation and resilience, 281–284
Vocational training programs, 134–135
Web science, 282
Weka tool, 84–86
Word Clouds, 183–185
Workplace writing, 115–116
World Culture Theory, 264
Writing, 103–104, 141
artificial intelligence replace writers, 114–115
business professionals, 107
communication skills in business, 108
content writing, 111–114
evolution of communication skills, 109–110
importance of being proactive, 108
importance of social media for student writers, 110–111
nutshell, 107
research findings about teaching writing, 104–106
social media and business, 115
teaching orientation, 120–122
teaching writing in promoting active and transformative learning, 116–117
transformative role of writing in active learning approaches in STEAM disciplines, 106–111
universities, 109
workplace writing, 115–116
One-minute papers strategy, 141
Online driver model, 236
Online education, 135–136
Online lab model, 235
Online learning, 64–65
frameworks, 62
Online simulations, 142
Online-based active learning strategies, 67
Online-based solutions, 62
Opportunities and challenges of HyFlex course design, 200
Oracle based information systems for registration, grading, attendance, and advising systems (OPERA systems), 82–83
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 29–30
Orientation to learning, 132
Participatory pedagogies, 32
Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21), 29–30
Passive learning, 62–63
Pedagogical differentiation, 166
Pedagogical methods, 62–63
Pedagogy, 231, 248
of sustainability, 29
Peer evaluation, 52–53
Peer learning, 156–157
Peer teaching, 52
Personal digital mobile devices, 167
Policy makers, 71, 106
Post-Covid-19 adoption, 63
Post-digital era, 180–181
Post-digital learning spaces, 180–181
Practical learning activities, 43
Practical technologies, 216
Pre and post-assessments, 52
Pre-COVID-19 learning in universities and colleges, 230
Premise reflection, 130–131
Principles of Clinical Trial Program, 54–57
Privacy, 49
Problem-based active learning approach, 66
Problem-based learning (PBL), 43, 45, 50
Process reflection, 130–131
Professional development, 154, 158, 160
Professional learning, 156–157
Professional writing, 107–108
Project-based active learning approach, 66
Project-based learning, 43, 51, 161
Promoting transformative active learning at SNIH, 49–54
Qualifications and skills mismatch, 263–264
Quiz, 95
attempt view, 96
Readiness to learn, 132
Reflection, 52
Reflective learning, 130
Reinforcement Theory of Motivation, 250
Remote live participation (RLP), 200–201
Research, 1
education, 46
Research, Development (R&D), 13
Resistance to change, 53
Resources, 32–33
Role-playing, 51
Rotation model, 234
Rubrics, 52
Sakai, 81–82
Saudi Arabia, 281–282
Active and Transformative Learning as integrated set of value-adding initiatives, 284–288
Active and Transformative Learning enablers, 288–291
supplementary material, 291–295
Vision 2030 implementation and resilience, 281–284
Saudi Arabian higher education, 80
contribution to theory and applied industry, 100
data analysis, 92–99
data mining, 87–92
EDM, 83–86
findings, 99
future research, 101
learning analytics, 81–83
limitation, 100
methodology, 86–87
transformative learning, 80–81
Saudi National Institute of Health (SNIH), 42–43, 58
assessing effectiveness of active learning at, 52–53
background and context, 42–43
case studies, 54–57
challenges and opportunities for promoting active learning at, 53–54
current challenges and opportunities, 49
current teaching methods and approaches, 49–51
educational and training initiatives, 48
future direction for transformative active learning, 58–59
history and mission, 47–48
key features of active learning methods, 51–52
objectives, strategies, and outcomes, 55–57
promoting transformative active learning at, 49–54
purpose, 43
recommendations, 57–58
theoretical framework, 43–47
Saudi Vision 2030 program, 47
School systems, 157
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), 59, 261, 268–269
Science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics disciplines (STEAM disciplines), 70, 117, 127, 249
Science Technology and Innovation (STI), 261
Self-blend model, 236
Self-concept, 132
Self-directed learning, 44, 126
Self-Efficacy Theory of Motivation, 250
Self-regulated learning (SRL), 101
Simulation-based learning, 45–46
Simulations, 51
Skills and competencies uniqueness, 17
Smartphones, 167
Social impact, 134
Social media, 62–63
and business, 115
for student writers, 110–111
writing, 114
Social movement, 155–156
Social presence, 214
Social sensing, 282
Space and resources, 53
SPSS Clementine, 85–86
Stakeholders, 62
Standard operating procedures (SOPs), 108
Start-up incubators, 13
Status of submission, 96–97
Strategic writing, 111
Strategy, 252–255
teacher employ, 252–254
Strength, weaknesses, opportunities, threats analysis (SWOT analysis), 253
Student engagement, 64–66, 231
and motivation, 53
Student writers, importance of social media for, 110–111
Student-centered learning, 199
Student-mediated podcasts, 62–63
Students, 71
Students’ engagement, 31–32
Successful teaching and learning, 128
Surveys, 52
Sustainability, 26–27, 63, 104, 126–127, 199, 231
Sustainable development (SD), 26, 283–284
17 sustainable development goals (SDG), 26–27
Synchronous learning in distributed environments (SLIDE), 200–201
Tablets, 167
Teachers, 126, 154
appraisal, 160
education, 154
educators, 154–155, 157, 159
evaluation, 158–160
Teaching, 230
presence, 214
sustainability, 29
Teaching writing
in promoting active and transformative learning, 116–117
research findings about, 104–106
Team-based learning, 68
Technical communication (TC), 104
Technical reports, 108
Technological skills, 155
Technology, 46, 80, 248
enablers, 164
infrastructure, 53
transfer offices, 13
Technology-enhanced active learning, 160–162
Technology-enhanced learning, 170
enhancement, 17
Topic modeling, 183
Training models, 162
Transformation, 268–269, 283–284
Transformational learning theory, 128, 131
Transformational visions, 30–31
Transformative active learning, 42–43, 45
future direction for, 58–59
Transformative learning, 9, 11, 31–32, 62–63, 128, 134, 155
implications of research, 143
propositions for initiatives related to digital transformation of education, 144–148
Saudi Arabian higher education, 80–81
strategies, 128, 138, 143
in transforming higher education, 134–138
Transforming higher education, 134–138
Turnitin assignment, 97–98
Twenty-first-century skills, 29–30
UAE Ministry of Education (MOE), 260
Undergraduate studies, 134–135
UNESCO, 29–30
Universities, 109, 156
digitalization, 135
University of Business and Technology (UBT), 82–83
University of St. Thomas, 205
Virtual and augmented reality technology (VR/AR), 256
Virtual education, 179
Virtual labs, 142
Virtual learning, 236
Virtual reality, 178, 282
Vision 2030 implementation and resilience, 281–284
Vocational training programs, 134–135
Web science, 282
Weka tool, 84–86
Word Clouds, 183–185
Workplace writing, 115–116
World Culture Theory, 264
Writing, 103–104, 141
artificial intelligence replace writers, 114–115
business professionals, 107
communication skills in business, 108
content writing, 111–114
evolution of communication skills, 109–110
importance of being proactive, 108
importance of social media for student writers, 110–111
nutshell, 107
research findings about teaching writing, 104–106
social media and business, 115
teaching orientation, 120–122
teaching writing in promoting active and transformative learning, 116–117
transformative role of writing in active learning approaches in STEAM disciplines, 106–111
universities, 109
workplace writing, 115–116
Qualifications and skills mismatch, 263–264
Quiz, 95
attempt view, 96
Readiness to learn, 132
Reflection, 52
Reflective learning, 130
Reinforcement Theory of Motivation, 250
Remote live participation (RLP), 200–201
Research, 1
education, 46
Research, Development (R&D), 13
Resistance to change, 53
Resources, 32–33
Role-playing, 51
Rotation model, 234
Rubrics, 52
Sakai, 81–82
Saudi Arabia, 281–282
Active and Transformative Learning as integrated set of value-adding initiatives, 284–288
Active and Transformative Learning enablers, 288–291
supplementary material, 291–295
Vision 2030 implementation and resilience, 281–284
Saudi Arabian higher education, 80
contribution to theory and applied industry, 100
data analysis, 92–99
data mining, 87–92
EDM, 83–86
findings, 99
future research, 101
learning analytics, 81–83
limitation, 100
methodology, 86–87
transformative learning, 80–81
Saudi National Institute of Health (SNIH), 42–43, 58
assessing effectiveness of active learning at, 52–53
background and context, 42–43
case studies, 54–57
challenges and opportunities for promoting active learning at, 53–54
current challenges and opportunities, 49
current teaching methods and approaches, 49–51
educational and training initiatives, 48
future direction for transformative active learning, 58–59
history and mission, 47–48
key features of active learning methods, 51–52
objectives, strategies, and outcomes, 55–57
promoting transformative active learning at, 49–54
purpose, 43
recommendations, 57–58
theoretical framework, 43–47
Saudi Vision 2030 program, 47
School systems, 157
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), 59, 261, 268–269
Science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics disciplines (STEAM disciplines), 70, 117, 127, 249
Science Technology and Innovation (STI), 261
Self-blend model, 236
Self-concept, 132
Self-directed learning, 44, 126
Self-Efficacy Theory of Motivation, 250
Self-regulated learning (SRL), 101
Simulation-based learning, 45–46
Simulations, 51
Skills and competencies uniqueness, 17
Smartphones, 167
Social impact, 134
Social media, 62–63
and business, 115
for student writers, 110–111
writing, 114
Social movement, 155–156
Social presence, 214
Social sensing, 282
Space and resources, 53
SPSS Clementine, 85–86
Stakeholders, 62
Standard operating procedures (SOPs), 108
Start-up incubators, 13
Status of submission, 96–97
Strategic writing, 111
Strategy, 252–255
teacher employ, 252–254
Strength, weaknesses, opportunities, threats analysis (SWOT analysis), 253
Student engagement, 64–66, 231
and motivation, 53
Student writers, importance of social media for, 110–111
Student-centered learning, 199
Student-mediated podcasts, 62–63
Students, 71
Students’ engagement, 31–32
Successful teaching and learning, 128
Surveys, 52
Sustainability, 26–27, 63, 104, 126–127, 199, 231
Sustainable development (SD), 26, 283–284
17 sustainable development goals (SDG), 26–27
Synchronous learning in distributed environments (SLIDE), 200–201
Tablets, 167
Teachers, 126, 154
appraisal, 160
education, 154
educators, 154–155, 157, 159
evaluation, 158–160
Teaching, 230
presence, 214
sustainability, 29
Teaching writing
in promoting active and transformative learning, 116–117
research findings about, 104–106
Team-based learning, 68
Technical communication (TC), 104
Technical reports, 108
Technological skills, 155
Technology, 46, 80, 248
enablers, 164
infrastructure, 53
transfer offices, 13
Technology-enhanced active learning, 160–162
Technology-enhanced learning, 170
enhancement, 17
Topic modeling, 183
Training models, 162
Transformation, 268–269, 283–284
Transformational learning theory, 128, 131
Transformational visions, 30–31
Transformative active learning, 42–43, 45
future direction for, 58–59
Transformative learning, 9, 11, 31–32, 62–63, 128, 134, 155
implications of research, 143
propositions for initiatives related to digital transformation of education, 144–148
Saudi Arabian higher education, 80–81
strategies, 128, 138, 143
in transforming higher education, 134–138
Transforming higher education, 134–138
Turnitin assignment, 97–98
Twenty-first-century skills, 29–30
UAE Ministry of Education (MOE), 260
Undergraduate studies, 134–135
UNESCO, 29–30
Universities, 109, 156
digitalization, 135
University of Business and Technology (UBT), 82–83
University of St. Thomas, 205
Virtual and augmented reality technology (VR/AR), 256
Virtual education, 179
Virtual labs, 142
Virtual learning, 236
Virtual reality, 178, 282
Vision 2030 implementation and resilience, 281–284
Vocational training programs, 134–135
Web science, 282
Weka tool, 84–86
Word Clouds, 183–185
Workplace writing, 115–116
World Culture Theory, 264
Writing, 103–104, 141
artificial intelligence replace writers, 114–115
business professionals, 107
communication skills in business, 108
content writing, 111–114
evolution of communication skills, 109–110
importance of being proactive, 108
importance of social media for student writers, 110–111
nutshell, 107
research findings about teaching writing, 104–106
social media and business, 115
teaching orientation, 120–122
teaching writing in promoting active and transformative learning, 116–117
transformative role of writing in active learning approaches in STEAM disciplines, 106–111
universities, 109
workplace writing, 115–116
Sakai, 81–82
Saudi Arabia, 281–282
Active and Transformative Learning as integrated set of value-adding initiatives, 284–288
Active and Transformative Learning enablers, 288–291
supplementary material, 291–295
Vision 2030 implementation and resilience, 281–284
Saudi Arabian higher education, 80
contribution to theory and applied industry, 100
data analysis, 92–99
data mining, 87–92
EDM, 83–86
findings, 99
future research, 101
learning analytics, 81–83
limitation, 100
methodology, 86–87
transformative learning, 80–81
Saudi National Institute of Health (SNIH), 42–43, 58
assessing effectiveness of active learning at, 52–53
background and context, 42–43
case studies, 54–57
challenges and opportunities for promoting active learning at, 53–54
current challenges and opportunities, 49
current teaching methods and approaches, 49–51
educational and training initiatives, 48
future direction for transformative active learning, 58–59
history and mission, 47–48
key features of active learning methods, 51–52
objectives, strategies, and outcomes, 55–57
promoting transformative active learning at, 49–54
purpose, 43
recommendations, 57–58
theoretical framework, 43–47
Saudi Vision 2030 program, 47
School systems, 157
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), 59, 261, 268–269
Science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics disciplines (STEAM disciplines), 70, 117, 127, 249
Science Technology and Innovation (STI), 261
Self-blend model, 236
Self-concept, 132
Self-directed learning, 44, 126
Self-Efficacy Theory of Motivation, 250
Self-regulated learning (SRL), 101
Simulation-based learning, 45–46
Simulations, 51
Skills and competencies uniqueness, 17
Smartphones, 167
Social impact, 134
Social media, 62–63
and business, 115
for student writers, 110–111
writing, 114
Social movement, 155–156
Social presence, 214
Social sensing, 282
Space and resources, 53
SPSS Clementine, 85–86
Stakeholders, 62
Standard operating procedures (SOPs), 108
Start-up incubators, 13
Status of submission, 96–97
Strategic writing, 111
Strategy, 252–255
teacher employ, 252–254
Strength, weaknesses, opportunities, threats analysis (SWOT analysis), 253
Student engagement, 64–66, 231
and motivation, 53
Student writers, importance of social media for, 110–111
Student-centered learning, 199
Student-mediated podcasts, 62–63
Students, 71
Students’ engagement, 31–32
Successful teaching and learning, 128
Surveys, 52
Sustainability, 26–27, 63, 104, 126–127, 199, 231
Sustainable development (SD), 26, 283–284
17 sustainable development goals (SDG), 26–27
Synchronous learning in distributed environments (SLIDE), 200–201
Tablets, 167
Teachers, 126, 154
appraisal, 160
education, 154
educators, 154–155, 157, 159
evaluation, 158–160
Teaching, 230
presence, 214
sustainability, 29
Teaching writing
in promoting active and transformative learning, 116–117
research findings about, 104–106
Team-based learning, 68
Technical communication (TC), 104
Technical reports, 108
Technological skills, 155
Technology, 46, 80, 248
enablers, 164
infrastructure, 53
transfer offices, 13
Technology-enhanced active learning, 160–162
Technology-enhanced learning, 170
enhancement, 17
Topic modeling, 183
Training models, 162
Transformation, 268–269, 283–284
Transformational learning theory, 128, 131
Transformational visions, 30–31
Transformative active learning, 42–43, 45
future direction for, 58–59
Transformative learning, 9, 11, 31–32, 62–63, 128, 134, 155
implications of research, 143
propositions for initiatives related to digital transformation of education, 144–148
Saudi Arabian higher education, 80–81
strategies, 128, 138, 143
in transforming higher education, 134–138
Transforming higher education, 134–138
Turnitin assignment, 97–98
Twenty-first-century skills, 29–30
UAE Ministry of Education (MOE), 260
Undergraduate studies, 134–135
UNESCO, 29–30
Universities, 109, 156
digitalization, 135
University of Business and Technology (UBT), 82–83
University of St. Thomas, 205
Virtual and augmented reality technology (VR/AR), 256
Virtual education, 179
Virtual labs, 142
Virtual learning, 236
Virtual reality, 178, 282
Vision 2030 implementation and resilience, 281–284
Vocational training programs, 134–135
Web science, 282
Weka tool, 84–86
Word Clouds, 183–185
Workplace writing, 115–116
World Culture Theory, 264
Writing, 103–104, 141
artificial intelligence replace writers, 114–115
business professionals, 107
communication skills in business, 108
content writing, 111–114
evolution of communication skills, 109–110
importance of being proactive, 108
importance of social media for student writers, 110–111
nutshell, 107
research findings about teaching writing, 104–106
social media and business, 115
teaching orientation, 120–122
teaching writing in promoting active and transformative learning, 116–117
transformative role of writing in active learning approaches in STEAM disciplines, 106–111
universities, 109
workplace writing, 115–116
UAE Ministry of Education (MOE), 260
Undergraduate studies, 134–135
UNESCO, 29–30
Universities, 109, 156
digitalization, 135
University of Business and Technology (UBT), 82–83
University of St. Thomas, 205
Virtual and augmented reality technology (VR/AR), 256
Virtual education, 179
Virtual labs, 142
Virtual learning, 236
Virtual reality, 178, 282
Vision 2030 implementation and resilience, 281–284
Vocational training programs, 134–135
Web science, 282
Weka tool, 84–86
Word Clouds, 183–185
Workplace writing, 115–116
World Culture Theory, 264
Writing, 103–104, 141
artificial intelligence replace writers, 114–115
business professionals, 107
communication skills in business, 108
content writing, 111–114
evolution of communication skills, 109–110
importance of being proactive, 108
importance of social media for student writers, 110–111
nutshell, 107
research findings about teaching writing, 104–106
social media and business, 115
teaching orientation, 120–122
teaching writing in promoting active and transformative learning, 116–117
transformative role of writing in active learning approaches in STEAM disciplines, 106–111
universities, 109
workplace writing, 115–116
Web science, 282
Weka tool, 84–86
Word Clouds, 183–185
Workplace writing, 115–116
World Culture Theory, 264
Writing, 103–104, 141
artificial intelligence replace writers, 114–115
business professionals, 107
communication skills in business, 108
content writing, 111–114
evolution of communication skills, 109–110
importance of being proactive, 108
importance of social media for student writers, 110–111
nutshell, 107
research findings about teaching writing, 104–106
social media and business, 115
teaching orientation, 120–122
teaching writing in promoting active and transformative learning, 116–117
transformative role of writing in active learning approaches in STEAM disciplines, 106–111
universities, 109
workplace writing, 115–116
- Prelims
- Introduction: Active and Transformative Learning (ATL) as a New Higher Educational Paradigm
- Chapter 1 Active and Transformative Learning (ATL) in Higher Education in Times of Artificial Intelligence and ChatGPT: Investigating a New Value-Based Framework
- Chapter 2 Educational Sustainability for Transforming Education: A New Approach of Active Learning in an Interdisciplinary Program in Higher Education
- Chapter 3 Transformative Active Learning in the Saudi National Institute of Health: Promoting Education and Research Skills Capability
- Chapter 4 Practical Applicability of Active Learning Strategies for Stimulating Engagement Among Economics Students: The Post-Pandemic Outlook
- Chapter 5 Historic Learning Analytics Transforming Learning in Saudi Arabian Higher Education
- Chapter 6 From Passive to Active Learning: The Transformative Power of Writing in Higher Education
- Chapter 7 Transformative Learning Strategies for Successful Teaching and Learning in the Transforming Higher Education
- Chapter 8 Innovative Hybrid Learning: A New Paradigm in Teacher Education for Transformative Learning
- Chapter 9 How a Hybrid Education Model Can Support the COVID-19 Sanitary Emergency Based on Information and Communication Technologies
- Chapter 10 Adopting HyFlex Course Design: Actions for Policymakers, Researchers, and Practitioners
- Chapter 11 Blended Learning as the Baseline for Post-COVID-19 Higher Education
- Chapter 12 Seeking Motivation for the Success of Active Learning
- Chapter 13 Implementation of a High School Equivalency Policy in an Active Learning Environment: A Case Study of US-Curriculum School in the United Arab Emirates
- Chapter 14 An Integrated Transformative Learning Strategy at National Level: Bold Initiatives Toward Vision 2030 in Saudi Arabia
- Index