Carpet Recycling UK programme
, 124
Circular business model innovation (CBMI)
, 29
Circular business models (CBM)
, 48, 114, 116–117, 135
evaluation tools for
, 135
Circular business updates
, 91
Circular economy (CE)
, 1–2, 9, 37, 59, 79, 113, 133
business innovation and change
, 6–7
change and
, 124–125
consumer behaviour and
, 119
conventional waste management driven by collection and disposal costs
, 17–21
core drivers
, 62
dematerialisation of economy
, 23–26
developing critical assessment of
, 135–139
drivers, barriers, and practices
, 143–146
ecological systems and economic growth
, 21–23
embedding CE concepts into mainstream business and management
, 134–135
frameworks for embedding and ensuring longevity of sustainability and CE principles
, 146–150
global CE models
, 48–51
implementation strategies
, 67–68
, 114–115
innovation and adoption in
, 122–124
innovation and business model canvas
, 119–121
and knowledge management
, 66–68
linear to
, 10–17
managing complex CE business models
, 51–52
new managerial and policy implications for
, 139–141
organisational and dynamic capabilities for enhancement of sustainability and
, 142–143
origins of
, 2–3
rebound effect
, 97
review and research agenda for
, 7–8
social and institutional dimensions
, 26–30
supply chain management and
, 5
sustainability and
, 3
sustainable production and consumption within
, 4–5
systemic strategies for CE implementation
, 42–44
Circular Economy Monitoring Framework (CEMF)
, 49
Circular economy rebound (CER)
, 141–142
Circular Performance Indicator (CPI)
, 89, 138
Circular product design (CPD)
, 81, 137
Circular production systems
, 22
Circular supply chain management (CSCM)
, 7, 85, 89–91, 114
Circular Transition Indicators (CTI)
, 127
, 10–17
, 11
ten metrics for successful corporate circularity strategy
, 12
Circularity indicator for treatment plants (CITP)
, 20
Circularity indicators (C-indicators)
, 52
Climate change mitigation strategy
, 16
Construction and demolition waste (C&DW)
, 20
Consumer Product Safety Committee
, 45
Consumer-facing corporations (CFCs)
, 29, 143
Conventional waste management driven by collection and disposal costs
, 17–21
Corporate hypocrisy, perceptions of
, 39
Corporate social responsibility (CSR)
, 6, 16, 39, 84, 133
Cradle-to-cradle certificate (C2C certificate)
, 11, 134
Cross-functional circulatory indicator (C-F CI)
, 49
Cumulative Energy Extraction from the Natural Environment (CEENE)
, 89, 138
Customer relationship management (CRM)
, 86