Changing the Narrative of Mental and Emotional Health Training in an FE Context: Explorations of Transformational Learning
Critical Perspectives on Educational Policies and Professional Identities
ISBN: 978-1-83753-333-6, eISBN: 978-1-83753-332-9
Publication date: 4 June 2024
This doctoral study arose from a need for policy and training change across further education (FE), to create competent practitioners and a whole college mental and emotional health training framework. Policy cites FE as key to supporting student mental health but there is a significant lack of training and research output supporting this ambition. As a mental health and well-being specialist, I became immersed in the context of FE to design, deliver and evaluate a whole college training model.
The study predominantly utilises qualitative methodology following constructivism as a theoretical framework. Utilising Goleman's (1995) and Mezirow's (2000) theories, the study seeks to redefine professional development by introducing transformational learning through Mental Health First Aid and Emotional training. A mixed-method approach ensures a demonstration of impact, specifically the confidence and knowledge of FE staff.
Thematic analysis allows for the contextualisation of staff experience and explores to which FE roles mental and emotional health support should belong. This enables prescribing of key elements for a whole college training approach. A diverse range of pastoral and academic staff demonstrate, via interviews and focus groups, a significant belief that FE mental and emotional health support cannot and should not solely be the responsibility of pastoral staff; this is an outdated model requiring regeneration. This research provides recommendations for FE practice; concluding with the recommendation that affective training must allow opportunity to explore pre-existing schemas and development of new constructions and conceptualisations; those in education require urgent opportunities to create new meanings of mental and emotional health. The study recommends a regeneration of the labelled ‘whole’ approach, including universal mandatory training for all FE staff.
Ford, G. and Waller, R. (2024), "Changing the Narrative of Mental and Emotional Health Training in an FE Context: Explorations of Transformational Learning
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2024 Georgie Ford and Richard Waller. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited