Systems Thinking Through the Lens of Critical Thinking
A Primer on Critical Thinking and Business Ethics
ISBN: 978-1-83753-309-1, eISBN: 978-1-83753-308-4
Publication date: 27 July 2023
Executive Summary
Systems thinking calls for a shift of our mindset from seeing just parts to seeing the whole reality in its structured dynamic unity and interconnectedness. Systems thinking fosters a sensibility to see subtle connections between components and parts of reality, especially the free enterprise capitalist system (FECS). It enables us to see ourselves as active participants or partners of FECS and not mere induced factors of its production–distribution–consumption processes. Systems thinking seeks to identify the economic “structures” that underlie complex situations in FECS that bring about high versus low leveraged changes. A system is strengthened and reinforced by feedback of reciprocal exchanges that makes the system alive, transparent, human, and humanizing.
In Part I, we explore basic laws or patterns of behaviors as understood by systems thinking; in Part II we examine the basic archetypes or structured behaviors of systems thinking; in both parts we strive to see reality through the lens of critical thinking to help us understand patterns and structures of behavior among systems and their component parts. In conclusion, we argue for compatibility and complementarity of critical thinking and systems thinking to identify and resolve management problems created by our flawed thinking, and sedimented by our wanton assumptions, presumptions, suppositions and presuppositions, biases, and prejudices. Such thinking will also identify unnecessary economic and political structures of the self-serving policies we create, which imprison us.
Mascarenhas, O.A.J., Thakur, M. and Kumar, P. (2023), "Systems Thinking Through the Lens of Critical Thinking", A Primer on Critical Thinking and Business Ethics, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 147-186.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2023 Oswald A. J. Mascarenhas, Munish Thakur and Payal Kumar. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited