Characterizing the Concept, Domain, and Scope of Critical Thinking
A Primer on Critical Thinking and Business Ethics
ISBN: 978-1-83753-309-1, eISBN: 978-1-83753-308-4
Publication date: 27 July 2023
Executive Summary
“The unexamined life is not worth living,” said Socrates. That is, without critically inquiring into the knowledge of life, which is well-being and valuable, life is not worth living. Critical thinking questions existing theories and their unexamined and obsessive assumptions and generalizations, constraints, and the so-called “best” practices of the prevailing system of management and tries to replace them with more valid assumptions and generalizations that uphold the dignity, uniqueness, and inalienable rights of every individual and the community. In our diverse and pluralistic cultural environment, the promise of a truly generative dialogue among occidental (western) and oriental (eastern) cultures and civilizations holds great hope for the future. Critical thinking can facilitate this dialogue such that all of us have a meaningful place in this universe. In this chapter, we explore introductory working definitions of critical thinking so that we can early enough understand its demanding domains, moral calls, and ramifications in its current critical applications. Specifically, in Part I, we examine the structured layers of our thinking and reasoning to dismantle them progressively, and in Part II, in support of our claims, we explore complexity and chaos theories as a new resource for critical thinking.
Mascarenhas, O.A.J., Thakur, M. and Kumar, P. (2023), "Characterizing the Concept, Domain, and Scope of Critical Thinking", A Primer on Critical Thinking and Business Ethics, Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 13-40.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2023 Oswald A. J. Mascarenhas, Munish Thakur and Payal Kumar. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited