Technological Innovations for Business, Education and Sustainability
ISBN: 978-1-83753-107-3, eISBN: 978-1-83753-106-6
Publication date: 23 April 2024
(2024), "Index", Hamdan, A. (Ed.) Technological Innovations for Business, Education and Sustainability (Technological Innovation and Sustainability for Business Competitive Advantage), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. 309-316.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2024 Allam Hamdan. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited
Absorptive capacity of economy, 189
Academic research, 93
curricula, 85
departments, 170
education, 81, 85, 170
profession, 72–73
for virtual assets in metaverse, 73
Accuracy, 62
Agency theory, 266
Agenda for Sustainable Development (2030), 31
Algorithms, 6
Amazon, 4, 12–13
Amman Stock Exchange (ASE), 273
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), 241
Ancash, 250
econometric model, 254
mathematical model, 253–254
methodology, 253–254
results, 255–259
Ant colony optimizations (ACOs), 49
Applied knowledge, 133–134
Art industry, 74
Artificial Algae Algorithm (AAA), 49
Artificial intelligence (AI) (see also Business intelligence (BI)), 4, 34, 92
contributions, 5–6
customer behavior, 10–11
and ethical issues, 11–12
future of AI marketing, 13–14
literature review, 6–14
overview, 6–7
relationship between marketing and, 4–5
research methodology, 6
research problem, 5
Artificial neural networks, 49
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), 106
Augmented reality (AR), 121
for experiential sustainability learning, 121–122
Auto regression distributed lag model (ARDL model), 301
bounds test, 301–304
Back propagation neural network (BPNN), 60
Bahrain Vision 2030, 132–133
Balance-of-Payments, 204
Bat algorithm (BA), 56
Big data, 6–7
Biodiversity loss, 210
Blockchain technology, 34, 72, 121
and role in accounting for virtual assets, 74
for transparent supply chains, 123–124
Board independence, 268–269, 273, 275
Board of directors, 269
Board size, 270, 276–277
Board structure, 266
board independence and firm performance, 268–269
board size and firm performance, 270
CEO duality and firm performance, 269–270
gender diversity on board and firm performance, 271
literature review, 268
method, 271–273
population and sample of study, 273
research objectives and importance, 267–268
results, 273–278
Bound test, 307
Budget constraints, 39
Business Analysis, 171
Business enterprises, 187
Business intelligence (BI) (see also Emotional intelligence (EI)), 170
applications, 170
data collection methods, 174
higher education sector and public and private Jordanian universities, 172
methodology, 174
methods of data analysis, 174
results, 176–178
study hypotheses, 172–173
study model, 172
theoretical framework and previous studies, 171–172
Business sustainability, ESG factors in, 32–33
Capabilities, 184–185
Capital accumulations, 206
Capital consolidation, 206
Capital-saving technology, 207
Carbon footprint, 211
Cash transfers, 260
CEO duality, 269–270, 275–276
Chatbots, 92
ChatGPT, 92–93
Classification using SVM, 59–60
Climate change, 18, 209–210
Climatic indicators, 214
Cloud computing, 34
Collaboration, 135
Collaborative learning, 20
Communication skills, 135
Competitive Advantage, 285
Competitiveness, 285
Concentration indices, 195–198
Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), 60
Constructivism, 120–121
Content knowledge (CK), 156
Corporate governance
research, 266
theories, 266
Corporate social responsibility (CSR), 49–50
Creative destruction, 237
Credit analysts, 19–20, 22
Critical thinking skills, 132, 135
Cronbach’s alpha, 109
Cryptocurrencies, 72–73
Cuckoo algorithm (CA), 53–54
Cuckoo optimization algorithms, 49
Cuckoo particle swarm optimization (C-PSO), 49
Cumulative sum of squares of the recursive residuals (CUSUMSQ), 305
Cumulative sum of the recursive (CUSUM), 305
Curriculum vitae (CV), 124
Customer behavior, 10–11
risks, 40
threats, 39
Data analysis (DA), 49, 95
Data cleaning, 51–52, 95
Data integration, 52–53
Data management, 95–96
Data normalization, 52
Data privacy issues, 40
Data sharing, 95
Data visualization, 95
Data Warehouses, 171
Decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), 75
Decentralized exchanges, 74
Decimal scaling normalization, 52
Decision support systems, 171
Deep learning, 6
Delegated proof-of-stake, 74
Descriptive research design, 136
Descriptive statistics, 273
Desertification, 210
DevOps, 48–49
Diasporas to productive capabilities, 190–192
Digital competencies
of teacher, 155–156
in workforce, 39
Digital education, 119–120
Digital literacy deficit, 40
Digital resources, 19, 22
Digital technologies, 18, 30, 118, 184–185, 191
unequal access to, 39
Digital transformation, 30
in achieving SDGs, 35–36
case studies, 37–38
challenges and ramifications, 38–41
current trends and future predictions, 41
in driving sustainability, 34–37
roadmap, 39
and sustainability, 36
sustainable business practices, 30, 34, 41–42
Distance education, 154–155
Diversification indices, 195–198
E-learning platforms, 121
for sustainable business courses, 123
Economic development, 186
Economic diversification, 184, 192, 198
Economic environment, 289
Economic growth, 204–205, 298
concept of, 205–206
elements, 206–207
growth indicators, 207–208
theory, 205–208
Economic resources indicator, 214
Economic thought, 205–206
Education, 118, 298–299
Educational technologies (EdTech), 118–119
blockchain technology for transparent supply chains, 123–124
challenges and obstacles in adopting and implementing, 125
E-learning platforms for sustainable business courses, 123
gamification for sustainable behavior change, 122
research gap, 119–120
strategies to overcome barriers, 125–126
sustainable data analytics for evidence-based decision-making, 124–125
tools for sustainable practices in education, 120–121
VR and AR for experiential sustainability learning, 121–122
Educators, 119
Effective relationship skills, 134–135
Egypt, 298
data description, 301
literature review, 298–300
methodology, 301–305
model, 301–305
Emotional intelligence (EI), 224
and job success, 224–225
methodology, 226
results, 226–229
teacher performance, emotional intelligence, and job engagement, 225–226
Empathy, 226
Employability, 132–133
chi-square tests, 142–143
correlation, 140–142
demographic, 138–139
descriptive analysis, 139–140
factors influencing employability of fresh graduates, 133–136
hypothesis of study, 136–137
literature review, 133–136
methodology, 136–137
regression, 144–145
reliability analysis, 140
skills, 132–133
Employment, 285
Encuesta Nacional de Hogares (ENAHO), 253
Endogenous Growth Model, 204–205
Endogenous theory, 204
Energy indicators, 214
Engagement, 225
Entrepreneurial capabilities, 186–187
Entrepreneurship, 240
Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG), 31
factors in business sustainability, 32–33
Environmental challenges, 209–210
Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC), 213
Error Correction Model (ECM), 304–305
Explicit knowledge, 133–134
F1 measure, 64–65
Feature extraction using PCA, 57–59
Female education, 298, 300
Financial inclusion, 249–250
Financial services, 252
Financing capabilities, 39
Firm capabilities, 186–187
Firm performance, 268–269
board independence and, 268–269
board size and, 270
CEO duality and, 269–270
Flower Pollination Algorithm (FPA), 49
Foreign direct investment (FDI), 184
Forest Optimization Algorithm (FOA), 49
Formal employment, 255
Fresh graduates, factors influencing employability of, 133–136
Gamification, 121
for sustainable behavior change, 122
Gender diversity on board and firm performance, 271, 277–278
Gender inequality, 298
General job skills, 133
Global competitiveness index, 198
Global value chains, 189, 194
Globalization, 189–190
Google, 6, 8
Google Bard, 92–93
advancement of knowledge, 96–97
capabilities, 97–98
collaborative aspects of research, 96
in data management, 95–96
direct insights from, 93–101
ethical usage and data privacy, 101
improving accessibility and understanding of complex research topics, 99–100
limitations or challenges, 100–101
in organization, storage, and retrieval of research materials, 98–99
specific AI technologies, 94
specific examples, 94–95
Google Meet, 155
Governance, 32–33
Green Bonds, 18
Green finance, 18
hypothesis testing of study, 24
inferential results, 23–24
materials and methods, 20–21
results, 21–24
Grey wolf optimization method, 49
Gross domestic product (GDP), 184, 207–208, 251, 286–287, 301
Gross National Income (GNI), 208
Gross national product (GNP), 204, 207
Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), 184, 205
economic growth theory, 205–208
environment challenges, 208–212
theoretical framework, 212–215
Gulf region, 189–190, 192
Heaviside function, 54–55
Higher education sector, 172
Household health, 288–289
Human capital, 106, 206–207
Human development, 284
literature review, 285–289
methodology, 289
results, 289–290
Human development index (HDI), 284
Human Development Report (HDR), 288
Human resource (HR), 48
classification using SVM, 59–60
data collection, 51
experiments and results, 60–65
feature extraction using PCA, 57–59
KCM-DCBOA, 53–57
methods, 50–60
preprocessing, 51–53
Human resource management (HRM), 48
“I learn at home” strategy, 155
Inclusive growth, 299
Income, 250
Information and communication technology (ICT), 118, 134, 154, 185
teacher’s attitude toward use of, 157–158
Information skills, 134
Information technology (IT), 134, 159
skills, 135
Infrastructure insufficiency, 40–41
Initiatives, 18
Innovation theory, 237
Institutions, 119
Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática de Perú (INEI), 253
Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), 112, 286
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 211
Internet of Things (IoT), 34
Internet services, 40–41
Interpersonal competences, 106–107
optimal performance, 107–108
study of, 108–109
Interpersonal skills, 107
Job displacement risks, 38
Job engagement, 225–226
Job satisfaction, 226
Jordan, 266
Jordanian universities, 170
Jumia in Uganda, 35
K-C-means-data driven cuckoo bat optimization algorithm (KCM-DCBOA), 50–51, 53, 57
Knowledge, 299
management, 172
Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, 23
Labor, 206–207
Language Model for Dialogue Applications (LaMDA), 92–93
Large language models (LLMs), 94
Leadership, 36–37, 135
skills, 239
Levy flight, 56–57
Lightning Network, 75
Likert scale, 109, 140
Linear classifier, 60
Linear regression model, 241
Linkages, 186
Machine learning (ML), 6–7, 34–35, 92–94
Marketing, 4–5
relationship between AI and, 4–5
strategy, 8
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), 120–121
Mastery, 112–113
Metaverse, 72–73
accounting for virtual assets in, 73
blockchain technology and role in accounting for virtual assets, 74
challenges and limitations, 74–75
future implications and opportunities, 75
literature review, 72–74
virtual assets in, 73
Micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), 35
Microenterprise survival (MES), 241
Microenterprises (MEs), 236
achievements, 239–240
prosperity, 238–240
Microentrepreneurs, 240–241
innovation or Schumpeterian innovation theory, 237
innovative capacity, 238–239
leadership skills, 239
literature review, 236–237
methodology, 240–241
multiple regression analysis, 241
networking, 239–240
regression analysis, 241–243
risk-taking, 240
Teoría del Liderazgo por Objetivos, 237–238
Microsoft, 37
Microsoft Teams, 155
Mobile devices, 34
Motivation, 106
Motivational area, 108
Multiple regression analysis, 241
National University Santiago Antunez de Mayolo (UNASAM), 107, 109–110
Natural Language Processing (NLP), 92–94
Natural resources, 206
Nature-inspired computing (NIC), 48–49
Neoclassical model of growth, 204
Netflix, 9–10
Networking, 239–240
Neural network training, 60–61
Neutral technology, 207
New Growth Theory, 204
Non-presential education in Peru, 154–155
Nonfungible tokens (NFTs), 72–73
Nongovernmental organization (NGO), 134
Nonlinearity, 300
Null hypothesis, 145
Odds ratios, 255
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 286
p-value of test, 226
Particle swarm optimization (PSO), 49
Pearson correlation, 272
Pedagogical knowledge (PK), 156
Personal skills, 135
Peruvian education system, 154–155
Peruvian financial sector, 18
Plant propagation techniques, 49
Plasma, 75
Pollution, 211
Population, 174
Poverty reduction strategies, 251
Precision, 62
Primary quantitative method, 136
Principal component analysis (PCA), 50–51
feature extraction using, 57–59
Privacy, 11
Privacy-focused blockchain protocols, 74
Private Jordanian universities, 172
Problem-solving, 135
Production linkages, 186
Productive capacity, 184, 186, 190
diasporas to productive capabilities, 190–192
economic diversification, 192–198
literature review, 184–185
Productive resources, 186
Productivity, 285–286
Professionalism, 135
Proof-of-stake, 74
Public educational institutions, 155
Public Jordanian universities, 172
Public Relations Council of India (PRCI), 290
Quality of teaching, 107–110
Quantitative research approach, 136
R-squared value, 226
Randomization, 273
Rank Brain, 6
Regional competitiveness index (RCI), 284
Regression analysis, 228, 241, 243
Relationship management, 226
Resistance to change, 39–40
Resource management skills, 137
Risk-taking, 240
Risks analysis, 173
Sample, 174
Scalability, 75
Schumpeterian innovation theory, 237
Sea level rise, 211–212
Secondary education, 154
Secondary school teachers, 154
digital competencies of teacher, 155–156
methodology, 158–159
non-presential education in Peru, 154–155
results, 159–162
teacher’s attitude toward use of ICTs, 157–158
TPACK model, 156–157
Self area, 108
Self-awareness, 226
Self-management, 226
Short message service (SMS), 243
Singular value decomposition, 59
Skepticism, 39
Skill, 299
Sliding window method, 52
Smart contracts, 74
Social indicator, 214
Soft skills, 19–20, 133
Solid waste, 212
Solow’s Growth Model, 204
Spearman’s correlation coefficient (Rho), 23–24
Spearman’s Rho, 109
Stability tests, 305
Stakeholders, 79–80
industry’s perception of sustainability accounting practice and education, 80–81
university’s perception of sustainability accounting education, 81–85
Standard of living, 284
State Bank of Vietnam, 38
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), 273
Stewardship theory, 269
Stratified random sampling, 241
Successful marketing, 11
Supply chain management, 74
Support vector machines (SVMs), 50–51
classification using, 59–60
Survival of microentrepreneurs, 238–239
Sustainability, 18–19, 30, 79–80, 205–206, 285
as competitive advantage and role of leadership, 36–37
digital transformation, 36
Sustainable business practices, 30, 34, 41–42
definition and importance, 30–32
ESG factors in business sustainability, 32–33
need for businesses to transition to sustainable models, 33–34
shaping future of, 41–42
Sustainable data analytics for evidence-based decision-making, 121, 124–125
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 31, 117–118
Sustainable finance, 18
Sustainable growth, 299
Sustainable practices, 118
Sustainable public university
methodology, 108–109
results, 109–111
Tactical knowledge, 133–134
Task Area, 108
Teacher performance, 225–226
Teacher’s attitude toward use of ICTs, 157–158
Teamwork, 20, 135
Techno-optimism, 120–121
Technological change and progress, 207
Technological literacy, 40
Technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge model (TPACK model), 155–157, 162–163
Technology knowledge (TK), 156
Teoría del Liderazgo por Objetivos, 237–238
Test’s specificity, 64
Text mining techniques, 49–50
Theory of planned behavior (TPB), 135–136
Theory of reasoned actions, 135
Tokenization, 74
Training data, 101–102
Transferable skills, 19
Trust building in digital era, 39
Unilever, 37
Unit root test, 301
United Nations Development Program (UNDP), 35, 251, 288
Universities, 82
education, 170
perception of sustainability accounting education, 81–85
Vinamilk, 38
Virtual assets
accounting, 74
in metaverse, 73
Virtual real estate, 72–73
Virtual reality (VR), 121
for experiential sustainability learning, 121–122
Volume, velocity, and variety (three Vs), 6–7
Waste generation, 212
Web intelligence (WI), 48
Wireless sensor network (WSN), 49
Work engagement, 227
Work-saving technology, 207
Workforce skills, 40
Workplace skills, 134
World Bank, 286
World Competitiveness Year book, 286–287
Zoom, 155
Capabilities, 184–185
Capital accumulations, 206
Capital consolidation, 206
Capital-saving technology, 207
Carbon footprint, 211
Cash transfers, 260
CEO duality, 269–270, 275–276
Chatbots, 92
ChatGPT, 92–93
Classification using SVM, 59–60
Climate change, 18, 209–210
Climatic indicators, 214
Cloud computing, 34
Collaboration, 135
Collaborative learning, 20
Communication skills, 135
Competitive Advantage, 285
Competitiveness, 285
Concentration indices, 195–198
Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), 60
Constructivism, 120–121
Content knowledge (CK), 156
Corporate governance
research, 266
theories, 266
Corporate social responsibility (CSR), 49–50
Creative destruction, 237
Credit analysts, 19–20, 22
Critical thinking skills, 132, 135
Cronbach’s alpha, 109
Cryptocurrencies, 72–73
Cuckoo algorithm (CA), 53–54
Cuckoo optimization algorithms, 49
Cuckoo particle swarm optimization (C-PSO), 49
Cumulative sum of squares of the recursive residuals (CUSUMSQ), 305
Cumulative sum of the recursive (CUSUM), 305
Curriculum vitae (CV), 124
Customer behavior, 10–11
risks, 40
threats, 39
Data analysis (DA), 49, 95
Data cleaning, 51–52, 95
Data integration, 52–53
Data management, 95–96
Data normalization, 52
Data privacy issues, 40
Data sharing, 95
Data visualization, 95
Data Warehouses, 171
Decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), 75
Decentralized exchanges, 74
Decimal scaling normalization, 52
Decision support systems, 171
Deep learning, 6
Delegated proof-of-stake, 74
Descriptive research design, 136
Descriptive statistics, 273
Desertification, 210
DevOps, 48–49
Diasporas to productive capabilities, 190–192
Digital competencies
of teacher, 155–156
in workforce, 39
Digital education, 119–120
Digital literacy deficit, 40
Digital resources, 19, 22
Digital technologies, 18, 30, 118, 184–185, 191
unequal access to, 39
Digital transformation, 30
in achieving SDGs, 35–36
case studies, 37–38
challenges and ramifications, 38–41
current trends and future predictions, 41
in driving sustainability, 34–37
roadmap, 39
and sustainability, 36
sustainable business practices, 30, 34, 41–42
Distance education, 154–155
Diversification indices, 195–198
E-learning platforms, 121
for sustainable business courses, 123
Economic development, 186
Economic diversification, 184, 192, 198
Economic environment, 289
Economic growth, 204–205, 298
concept of, 205–206
elements, 206–207
growth indicators, 207–208
theory, 205–208
Economic resources indicator, 214
Economic thought, 205–206
Education, 118, 298–299
Educational technologies (EdTech), 118–119
blockchain technology for transparent supply chains, 123–124
challenges and obstacles in adopting and implementing, 125
E-learning platforms for sustainable business courses, 123
gamification for sustainable behavior change, 122
research gap, 119–120
strategies to overcome barriers, 125–126
sustainable data analytics for evidence-based decision-making, 124–125
tools for sustainable practices in education, 120–121
VR and AR for experiential sustainability learning, 121–122
Educators, 119
Effective relationship skills, 134–135
Egypt, 298
data description, 301
literature review, 298–300
methodology, 301–305
model, 301–305
Emotional intelligence (EI), 224
and job success, 224–225
methodology, 226
results, 226–229
teacher performance, emotional intelligence, and job engagement, 225–226
Empathy, 226
Employability, 132–133
chi-square tests, 142–143
correlation, 140–142
demographic, 138–139
descriptive analysis, 139–140
factors influencing employability of fresh graduates, 133–136
hypothesis of study, 136–137
literature review, 133–136
methodology, 136–137
regression, 144–145
reliability analysis, 140
skills, 132–133
Employment, 285
Encuesta Nacional de Hogares (ENAHO), 253
Endogenous Growth Model, 204–205
Endogenous theory, 204
Energy indicators, 214
Engagement, 225
Entrepreneurial capabilities, 186–187
Entrepreneurship, 240
Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG), 31
factors in business sustainability, 32–33
Environmental challenges, 209–210
Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC), 213
Error Correction Model (ECM), 304–305
Explicit knowledge, 133–134
F1 measure, 64–65
Feature extraction using PCA, 57–59
Female education, 298, 300
Financial inclusion, 249–250
Financial services, 252
Financing capabilities, 39
Firm capabilities, 186–187
Firm performance, 268–269
board independence and, 268–269
board size and, 270
CEO duality and, 269–270
Flower Pollination Algorithm (FPA), 49
Foreign direct investment (FDI), 184
Forest Optimization Algorithm (FOA), 49
Formal employment, 255
Fresh graduates, factors influencing employability of, 133–136
Gamification, 121
for sustainable behavior change, 122
Gender diversity on board and firm performance, 271, 277–278
Gender inequality, 298
General job skills, 133
Global competitiveness index, 198
Global value chains, 189, 194
Globalization, 189–190
Google, 6, 8
Google Bard, 92–93
advancement of knowledge, 96–97
capabilities, 97–98
collaborative aspects of research, 96
in data management, 95–96
direct insights from, 93–101
ethical usage and data privacy, 101
improving accessibility and understanding of complex research topics, 99–100
limitations or challenges, 100–101
in organization, storage, and retrieval of research materials, 98–99
specific AI technologies, 94
specific examples, 94–95
Google Meet, 155
Governance, 32–33
Green Bonds, 18
Green finance, 18
hypothesis testing of study, 24
inferential results, 23–24
materials and methods, 20–21
results, 21–24
Grey wolf optimization method, 49
Gross domestic product (GDP), 184, 207–208, 251, 286–287, 301
Gross National Income (GNI), 208
Gross national product (GNP), 204, 207
Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), 184, 205
economic growth theory, 205–208
environment challenges, 208–212
theoretical framework, 212–215
Gulf region, 189–190, 192
Heaviside function, 54–55
Higher education sector, 172
Household health, 288–289
Human capital, 106, 206–207
Human development, 284
literature review, 285–289
methodology, 289
results, 289–290
Human development index (HDI), 284
Human Development Report (HDR), 288
Human resource (HR), 48
classification using SVM, 59–60
data collection, 51
experiments and results, 60–65
feature extraction using PCA, 57–59
KCM-DCBOA, 53–57
methods, 50–60
preprocessing, 51–53
Human resource management (HRM), 48
“I learn at home” strategy, 155
Inclusive growth, 299
Income, 250
Information and communication technology (ICT), 118, 134, 154, 185
teacher’s attitude toward use of, 157–158
Information skills, 134
Information technology (IT), 134, 159
skills, 135
Infrastructure insufficiency, 40–41
Initiatives, 18
Innovation theory, 237
Institutions, 119
Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática de Perú (INEI), 253
Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), 112, 286
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 211
Internet of Things (IoT), 34
Internet services, 40–41
Interpersonal competences, 106–107
optimal performance, 107–108
study of, 108–109
Interpersonal skills, 107
Job displacement risks, 38
Job engagement, 225–226
Job satisfaction, 226
Jordan, 266
Jordanian universities, 170
Jumia in Uganda, 35
K-C-means-data driven cuckoo bat optimization algorithm (KCM-DCBOA), 50–51, 53, 57
Knowledge, 299
management, 172
Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, 23
Labor, 206–207
Language Model for Dialogue Applications (LaMDA), 92–93
Large language models (LLMs), 94
Leadership, 36–37, 135
skills, 239
Levy flight, 56–57
Lightning Network, 75
Likert scale, 109, 140
Linear classifier, 60
Linear regression model, 241
Linkages, 186
Machine learning (ML), 6–7, 34–35, 92–94
Marketing, 4–5
relationship between AI and, 4–5
strategy, 8
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), 120–121
Mastery, 112–113
Metaverse, 72–73
accounting for virtual assets in, 73
blockchain technology and role in accounting for virtual assets, 74
challenges and limitations, 74–75
future implications and opportunities, 75
literature review, 72–74
virtual assets in, 73
Micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), 35
Microenterprise survival (MES), 241
Microenterprises (MEs), 236
achievements, 239–240
prosperity, 238–240
Microentrepreneurs, 240–241
innovation or Schumpeterian innovation theory, 237
innovative capacity, 238–239
leadership skills, 239
literature review, 236–237
methodology, 240–241
multiple regression analysis, 241
networking, 239–240
regression analysis, 241–243
risk-taking, 240
Teoría del Liderazgo por Objetivos, 237–238
Microsoft, 37
Microsoft Teams, 155
Mobile devices, 34
Motivation, 106
Motivational area, 108
Multiple regression analysis, 241
National University Santiago Antunez de Mayolo (UNASAM), 107, 109–110
Natural Language Processing (NLP), 92–94
Natural resources, 206
Nature-inspired computing (NIC), 48–49
Neoclassical model of growth, 204
Netflix, 9–10
Networking, 239–240
Neural network training, 60–61
Neutral technology, 207
New Growth Theory, 204
Non-presential education in Peru, 154–155
Nonfungible tokens (NFTs), 72–73
Nongovernmental organization (NGO), 134
Nonlinearity, 300
Null hypothesis, 145
Odds ratios, 255
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 286
p-value of test, 226
Particle swarm optimization (PSO), 49
Pearson correlation, 272
Pedagogical knowledge (PK), 156
Personal skills, 135
Peruvian education system, 154–155
Peruvian financial sector, 18
Plant propagation techniques, 49
Plasma, 75
Pollution, 211
Population, 174
Poverty reduction strategies, 251
Precision, 62
Primary quantitative method, 136
Principal component analysis (PCA), 50–51
feature extraction using, 57–59
Privacy, 11
Privacy-focused blockchain protocols, 74
Private Jordanian universities, 172
Problem-solving, 135
Production linkages, 186
Productive capacity, 184, 186, 190
diasporas to productive capabilities, 190–192
economic diversification, 192–198
literature review, 184–185
Productive resources, 186
Productivity, 285–286
Professionalism, 135
Proof-of-stake, 74
Public educational institutions, 155
Public Jordanian universities, 172
Public Relations Council of India (PRCI), 290
Quality of teaching, 107–110
Quantitative research approach, 136
R-squared value, 226
Randomization, 273
Rank Brain, 6
Regional competitiveness index (RCI), 284
Regression analysis, 228, 241, 243
Relationship management, 226
Resistance to change, 39–40
Resource management skills, 137
Risk-taking, 240
Risks analysis, 173
Sample, 174
Scalability, 75
Schumpeterian innovation theory, 237
Sea level rise, 211–212
Secondary education, 154
Secondary school teachers, 154
digital competencies of teacher, 155–156
methodology, 158–159
non-presential education in Peru, 154–155
results, 159–162
teacher’s attitude toward use of ICTs, 157–158
TPACK model, 156–157
Self area, 108
Self-awareness, 226
Self-management, 226
Short message service (SMS), 243
Singular value decomposition, 59
Skepticism, 39
Skill, 299
Sliding window method, 52
Smart contracts, 74
Social indicator, 214
Soft skills, 19–20, 133
Solid waste, 212
Solow’s Growth Model, 204
Spearman’s correlation coefficient (Rho), 23–24
Spearman’s Rho, 109
Stability tests, 305
Stakeholders, 79–80
industry’s perception of sustainability accounting practice and education, 80–81
university’s perception of sustainability accounting education, 81–85
Standard of living, 284
State Bank of Vietnam, 38
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), 273
Stewardship theory, 269
Stratified random sampling, 241
Successful marketing, 11
Supply chain management, 74
Support vector machines (SVMs), 50–51
classification using, 59–60
Survival of microentrepreneurs, 238–239
Sustainability, 18–19, 30, 79–80, 205–206, 285
as competitive advantage and role of leadership, 36–37
digital transformation, 36
Sustainable business practices, 30, 34, 41–42
definition and importance, 30–32
ESG factors in business sustainability, 32–33
need for businesses to transition to sustainable models, 33–34
shaping future of, 41–42
Sustainable data analytics for evidence-based decision-making, 121, 124–125
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 31, 117–118
Sustainable finance, 18
Sustainable growth, 299
Sustainable practices, 118
Sustainable public university
methodology, 108–109
results, 109–111
Tactical knowledge, 133–134
Task Area, 108
Teacher performance, 225–226
Teacher’s attitude toward use of ICTs, 157–158
Teamwork, 20, 135
Techno-optimism, 120–121
Technological change and progress, 207
Technological literacy, 40
Technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge model (TPACK model), 155–157, 162–163
Technology knowledge (TK), 156
Teoría del Liderazgo por Objetivos, 237–238
Test’s specificity, 64
Text mining techniques, 49–50
Theory of planned behavior (TPB), 135–136
Theory of reasoned actions, 135
Tokenization, 74
Training data, 101–102
Transferable skills, 19
Trust building in digital era, 39
Unilever, 37
Unit root test, 301
United Nations Development Program (UNDP), 35, 251, 288
Universities, 82
education, 170
perception of sustainability accounting education, 81–85
Vinamilk, 38
Virtual assets
accounting, 74
in metaverse, 73
Virtual real estate, 72–73
Virtual reality (VR), 121
for experiential sustainability learning, 121–122
Volume, velocity, and variety (three Vs), 6–7
Waste generation, 212
Web intelligence (WI), 48
Wireless sensor network (WSN), 49
Work engagement, 227
Work-saving technology, 207
Workforce skills, 40
Workplace skills, 134
World Bank, 286
World Competitiveness Year book, 286–287
Zoom, 155
E-learning platforms, 121
for sustainable business courses, 123
Economic development, 186
Economic diversification, 184, 192, 198
Economic environment, 289
Economic growth, 204–205, 298
concept of, 205–206
elements, 206–207
growth indicators, 207–208
theory, 205–208
Economic resources indicator, 214
Economic thought, 205–206
Education, 118, 298–299
Educational technologies (EdTech), 118–119
blockchain technology for transparent supply chains, 123–124
challenges and obstacles in adopting and implementing, 125
E-learning platforms for sustainable business courses, 123
gamification for sustainable behavior change, 122
research gap, 119–120
strategies to overcome barriers, 125–126
sustainable data analytics for evidence-based decision-making, 124–125
tools for sustainable practices in education, 120–121
VR and AR for experiential sustainability learning, 121–122
Educators, 119
Effective relationship skills, 134–135
Egypt, 298
data description, 301
literature review, 298–300
methodology, 301–305
model, 301–305
Emotional intelligence (EI), 224
and job success, 224–225
methodology, 226
results, 226–229
teacher performance, emotional intelligence, and job engagement, 225–226
Empathy, 226
Employability, 132–133
chi-square tests, 142–143
correlation, 140–142
demographic, 138–139
descriptive analysis, 139–140
factors influencing employability of fresh graduates, 133–136
hypothesis of study, 136–137
literature review, 133–136
methodology, 136–137
regression, 144–145
reliability analysis, 140
skills, 132–133
Employment, 285
Encuesta Nacional de Hogares (ENAHO), 253
Endogenous Growth Model, 204–205
Endogenous theory, 204
Energy indicators, 214
Engagement, 225
Entrepreneurial capabilities, 186–187
Entrepreneurship, 240
Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG), 31
factors in business sustainability, 32–33
Environmental challenges, 209–210
Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC), 213
Error Correction Model (ECM), 304–305
Explicit knowledge, 133–134
F1 measure, 64–65
Feature extraction using PCA, 57–59
Female education, 298, 300
Financial inclusion, 249–250
Financial services, 252
Financing capabilities, 39
Firm capabilities, 186–187
Firm performance, 268–269
board independence and, 268–269
board size and, 270
CEO duality and, 269–270
Flower Pollination Algorithm (FPA), 49
Foreign direct investment (FDI), 184
Forest Optimization Algorithm (FOA), 49
Formal employment, 255
Fresh graduates, factors influencing employability of, 133–136
Gamification, 121
for sustainable behavior change, 122
Gender diversity on board and firm performance, 271, 277–278
Gender inequality, 298
General job skills, 133
Global competitiveness index, 198
Global value chains, 189, 194
Globalization, 189–190
Google, 6, 8
Google Bard, 92–93
advancement of knowledge, 96–97
capabilities, 97–98
collaborative aspects of research, 96
in data management, 95–96
direct insights from, 93–101
ethical usage and data privacy, 101
improving accessibility and understanding of complex research topics, 99–100
limitations or challenges, 100–101
in organization, storage, and retrieval of research materials, 98–99
specific AI technologies, 94
specific examples, 94–95
Google Meet, 155
Governance, 32–33
Green Bonds, 18
Green finance, 18
hypothesis testing of study, 24
inferential results, 23–24
materials and methods, 20–21
results, 21–24
Grey wolf optimization method, 49
Gross domestic product (GDP), 184, 207–208, 251, 286–287, 301
Gross National Income (GNI), 208
Gross national product (GNP), 204, 207
Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), 184, 205
economic growth theory, 205–208
environment challenges, 208–212
theoretical framework, 212–215
Gulf region, 189–190, 192
Heaviside function, 54–55
Higher education sector, 172
Household health, 288–289
Human capital, 106, 206–207
Human development, 284
literature review, 285–289
methodology, 289
results, 289–290
Human development index (HDI), 284
Human Development Report (HDR), 288
Human resource (HR), 48
classification using SVM, 59–60
data collection, 51
experiments and results, 60–65
feature extraction using PCA, 57–59
KCM-DCBOA, 53–57
methods, 50–60
preprocessing, 51–53
Human resource management (HRM), 48
“I learn at home” strategy, 155
Inclusive growth, 299
Income, 250
Information and communication technology (ICT), 118, 134, 154, 185
teacher’s attitude toward use of, 157–158
Information skills, 134
Information technology (IT), 134, 159
skills, 135
Infrastructure insufficiency, 40–41
Initiatives, 18
Innovation theory, 237
Institutions, 119
Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática de Perú (INEI), 253
Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), 112, 286
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 211
Internet of Things (IoT), 34
Internet services, 40–41
Interpersonal competences, 106–107
optimal performance, 107–108
study of, 108–109
Interpersonal skills, 107
Job displacement risks, 38
Job engagement, 225–226
Job satisfaction, 226
Jordan, 266
Jordanian universities, 170
Jumia in Uganda, 35
K-C-means-data driven cuckoo bat optimization algorithm (KCM-DCBOA), 50–51, 53, 57
Knowledge, 299
management, 172
Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, 23
Labor, 206–207
Language Model for Dialogue Applications (LaMDA), 92–93
Large language models (LLMs), 94
Leadership, 36–37, 135
skills, 239
Levy flight, 56–57
Lightning Network, 75
Likert scale, 109, 140
Linear classifier, 60
Linear regression model, 241
Linkages, 186
Machine learning (ML), 6–7, 34–35, 92–94
Marketing, 4–5
relationship between AI and, 4–5
strategy, 8
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), 120–121
Mastery, 112–113
Metaverse, 72–73
accounting for virtual assets in, 73
blockchain technology and role in accounting for virtual assets, 74
challenges and limitations, 74–75
future implications and opportunities, 75
literature review, 72–74
virtual assets in, 73
Micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), 35
Microenterprise survival (MES), 241
Microenterprises (MEs), 236
achievements, 239–240
prosperity, 238–240
Microentrepreneurs, 240–241
innovation or Schumpeterian innovation theory, 237
innovative capacity, 238–239
leadership skills, 239
literature review, 236–237
methodology, 240–241
multiple regression analysis, 241
networking, 239–240
regression analysis, 241–243
risk-taking, 240
Teoría del Liderazgo por Objetivos, 237–238
Microsoft, 37
Microsoft Teams, 155
Mobile devices, 34
Motivation, 106
Motivational area, 108
Multiple regression analysis, 241
National University Santiago Antunez de Mayolo (UNASAM), 107, 109–110
Natural Language Processing (NLP), 92–94
Natural resources, 206
Nature-inspired computing (NIC), 48–49
Neoclassical model of growth, 204
Netflix, 9–10
Networking, 239–240
Neural network training, 60–61
Neutral technology, 207
New Growth Theory, 204
Non-presential education in Peru, 154–155
Nonfungible tokens (NFTs), 72–73
Nongovernmental organization (NGO), 134
Nonlinearity, 300
Null hypothesis, 145
Odds ratios, 255
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 286
p-value of test, 226
Particle swarm optimization (PSO), 49
Pearson correlation, 272
Pedagogical knowledge (PK), 156
Personal skills, 135
Peruvian education system, 154–155
Peruvian financial sector, 18
Plant propagation techniques, 49
Plasma, 75
Pollution, 211
Population, 174
Poverty reduction strategies, 251
Precision, 62
Primary quantitative method, 136
Principal component analysis (PCA), 50–51
feature extraction using, 57–59
Privacy, 11
Privacy-focused blockchain protocols, 74
Private Jordanian universities, 172
Problem-solving, 135
Production linkages, 186
Productive capacity, 184, 186, 190
diasporas to productive capabilities, 190–192
economic diversification, 192–198
literature review, 184–185
Productive resources, 186
Productivity, 285–286
Professionalism, 135
Proof-of-stake, 74
Public educational institutions, 155
Public Jordanian universities, 172
Public Relations Council of India (PRCI), 290
Quality of teaching, 107–110
Quantitative research approach, 136
R-squared value, 226
Randomization, 273
Rank Brain, 6
Regional competitiveness index (RCI), 284
Regression analysis, 228, 241, 243
Relationship management, 226
Resistance to change, 39–40
Resource management skills, 137
Risk-taking, 240
Risks analysis, 173
Sample, 174
Scalability, 75
Schumpeterian innovation theory, 237
Sea level rise, 211–212
Secondary education, 154
Secondary school teachers, 154
digital competencies of teacher, 155–156
methodology, 158–159
non-presential education in Peru, 154–155
results, 159–162
teacher’s attitude toward use of ICTs, 157–158
TPACK model, 156–157
Self area, 108
Self-awareness, 226
Self-management, 226
Short message service (SMS), 243
Singular value decomposition, 59
Skepticism, 39
Skill, 299
Sliding window method, 52
Smart contracts, 74
Social indicator, 214
Soft skills, 19–20, 133
Solid waste, 212
Solow’s Growth Model, 204
Spearman’s correlation coefficient (Rho), 23–24
Spearman’s Rho, 109
Stability tests, 305
Stakeholders, 79–80
industry’s perception of sustainability accounting practice and education, 80–81
university’s perception of sustainability accounting education, 81–85
Standard of living, 284
State Bank of Vietnam, 38
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), 273
Stewardship theory, 269
Stratified random sampling, 241
Successful marketing, 11
Supply chain management, 74
Support vector machines (SVMs), 50–51
classification using, 59–60
Survival of microentrepreneurs, 238–239
Sustainability, 18–19, 30, 79–80, 205–206, 285
as competitive advantage and role of leadership, 36–37
digital transformation, 36
Sustainable business practices, 30, 34, 41–42
definition and importance, 30–32
ESG factors in business sustainability, 32–33
need for businesses to transition to sustainable models, 33–34
shaping future of, 41–42
Sustainable data analytics for evidence-based decision-making, 121, 124–125
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 31, 117–118
Sustainable finance, 18
Sustainable growth, 299
Sustainable practices, 118
Sustainable public university
methodology, 108–109
results, 109–111
Tactical knowledge, 133–134
Task Area, 108
Teacher performance, 225–226
Teacher’s attitude toward use of ICTs, 157–158
Teamwork, 20, 135
Techno-optimism, 120–121
Technological change and progress, 207
Technological literacy, 40
Technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge model (TPACK model), 155–157, 162–163
Technology knowledge (TK), 156
Teoría del Liderazgo por Objetivos, 237–238
Test’s specificity, 64
Text mining techniques, 49–50
Theory of planned behavior (TPB), 135–136
Theory of reasoned actions, 135
Tokenization, 74
Training data, 101–102
Transferable skills, 19
Trust building in digital era, 39
Unilever, 37
Unit root test, 301
United Nations Development Program (UNDP), 35, 251, 288
Universities, 82
education, 170
perception of sustainability accounting education, 81–85
Vinamilk, 38
Virtual assets
accounting, 74
in metaverse, 73
Virtual real estate, 72–73
Virtual reality (VR), 121
for experiential sustainability learning, 121–122
Volume, velocity, and variety (three Vs), 6–7
Waste generation, 212
Web intelligence (WI), 48
Wireless sensor network (WSN), 49
Work engagement, 227
Work-saving technology, 207
Workforce skills, 40
Workplace skills, 134
World Bank, 286
World Competitiveness Year book, 286–287
Zoom, 155
Gamification, 121
for sustainable behavior change, 122
Gender diversity on board and firm performance, 271, 277–278
Gender inequality, 298
General job skills, 133
Global competitiveness index, 198
Global value chains, 189, 194
Globalization, 189–190
Google, 6, 8
Google Bard, 92–93
advancement of knowledge, 96–97
capabilities, 97–98
collaborative aspects of research, 96
in data management, 95–96
direct insights from, 93–101
ethical usage and data privacy, 101
improving accessibility and understanding of complex research topics, 99–100
limitations or challenges, 100–101
in organization, storage, and retrieval of research materials, 98–99
specific AI technologies, 94
specific examples, 94–95
Google Meet, 155
Governance, 32–33
Green Bonds, 18
Green finance, 18
hypothesis testing of study, 24
inferential results, 23–24
materials and methods, 20–21
results, 21–24
Grey wolf optimization method, 49
Gross domestic product (GDP), 184, 207–208, 251, 286–287, 301
Gross National Income (GNI), 208
Gross national product (GNP), 204, 207
Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), 184, 205
economic growth theory, 205–208
environment challenges, 208–212
theoretical framework, 212–215
Gulf region, 189–190, 192
Heaviside function, 54–55
Higher education sector, 172
Household health, 288–289
Human capital, 106, 206–207
Human development, 284
literature review, 285–289
methodology, 289
results, 289–290
Human development index (HDI), 284
Human Development Report (HDR), 288
Human resource (HR), 48
classification using SVM, 59–60
data collection, 51
experiments and results, 60–65
feature extraction using PCA, 57–59
KCM-DCBOA, 53–57
methods, 50–60
preprocessing, 51–53
Human resource management (HRM), 48
“I learn at home” strategy, 155
Inclusive growth, 299
Income, 250
Information and communication technology (ICT), 118, 134, 154, 185
teacher’s attitude toward use of, 157–158
Information skills, 134
Information technology (IT), 134, 159
skills, 135
Infrastructure insufficiency, 40–41
Initiatives, 18
Innovation theory, 237
Institutions, 119
Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática de Perú (INEI), 253
Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), 112, 286
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 211
Internet of Things (IoT), 34
Internet services, 40–41
Interpersonal competences, 106–107
optimal performance, 107–108
study of, 108–109
Interpersonal skills, 107
Job displacement risks, 38
Job engagement, 225–226
Job satisfaction, 226
Jordan, 266
Jordanian universities, 170
Jumia in Uganda, 35
K-C-means-data driven cuckoo bat optimization algorithm (KCM-DCBOA), 50–51, 53, 57
Knowledge, 299
management, 172
Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, 23
Labor, 206–207
Language Model for Dialogue Applications (LaMDA), 92–93
Large language models (LLMs), 94
Leadership, 36–37, 135
skills, 239
Levy flight, 56–57
Lightning Network, 75
Likert scale, 109, 140
Linear classifier, 60
Linear regression model, 241
Linkages, 186
Machine learning (ML), 6–7, 34–35, 92–94
Marketing, 4–5
relationship between AI and, 4–5
strategy, 8
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), 120–121
Mastery, 112–113
Metaverse, 72–73
accounting for virtual assets in, 73
blockchain technology and role in accounting for virtual assets, 74
challenges and limitations, 74–75
future implications and opportunities, 75
literature review, 72–74
virtual assets in, 73
Micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), 35
Microenterprise survival (MES), 241
Microenterprises (MEs), 236
achievements, 239–240
prosperity, 238–240
Microentrepreneurs, 240–241
innovation or Schumpeterian innovation theory, 237
innovative capacity, 238–239
leadership skills, 239
literature review, 236–237
methodology, 240–241
multiple regression analysis, 241
networking, 239–240
regression analysis, 241–243
risk-taking, 240
Teoría del Liderazgo por Objetivos, 237–238
Microsoft, 37
Microsoft Teams, 155
Mobile devices, 34
Motivation, 106
Motivational area, 108
Multiple regression analysis, 241
National University Santiago Antunez de Mayolo (UNASAM), 107, 109–110
Natural Language Processing (NLP), 92–94
Natural resources, 206
Nature-inspired computing (NIC), 48–49
Neoclassical model of growth, 204
Netflix, 9–10
Networking, 239–240
Neural network training, 60–61
Neutral technology, 207
New Growth Theory, 204
Non-presential education in Peru, 154–155
Nonfungible tokens (NFTs), 72–73
Nongovernmental organization (NGO), 134
Nonlinearity, 300
Null hypothesis, 145
Odds ratios, 255
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 286
p-value of test, 226
Particle swarm optimization (PSO), 49
Pearson correlation, 272
Pedagogical knowledge (PK), 156
Personal skills, 135
Peruvian education system, 154–155
Peruvian financial sector, 18
Plant propagation techniques, 49
Plasma, 75
Pollution, 211
Population, 174
Poverty reduction strategies, 251
Precision, 62
Primary quantitative method, 136
Principal component analysis (PCA), 50–51
feature extraction using, 57–59
Privacy, 11
Privacy-focused blockchain protocols, 74
Private Jordanian universities, 172
Problem-solving, 135
Production linkages, 186
Productive capacity, 184, 186, 190
diasporas to productive capabilities, 190–192
economic diversification, 192–198
literature review, 184–185
Productive resources, 186
Productivity, 285–286
Professionalism, 135
Proof-of-stake, 74
Public educational institutions, 155
Public Jordanian universities, 172
Public Relations Council of India (PRCI), 290
Quality of teaching, 107–110
Quantitative research approach, 136
R-squared value, 226
Randomization, 273
Rank Brain, 6
Regional competitiveness index (RCI), 284
Regression analysis, 228, 241, 243
Relationship management, 226
Resistance to change, 39–40
Resource management skills, 137
Risk-taking, 240
Risks analysis, 173
Sample, 174
Scalability, 75
Schumpeterian innovation theory, 237
Sea level rise, 211–212
Secondary education, 154
Secondary school teachers, 154
digital competencies of teacher, 155–156
methodology, 158–159
non-presential education in Peru, 154–155
results, 159–162
teacher’s attitude toward use of ICTs, 157–158
TPACK model, 156–157
Self area, 108
Self-awareness, 226
Self-management, 226
Short message service (SMS), 243
Singular value decomposition, 59
Skepticism, 39
Skill, 299
Sliding window method, 52
Smart contracts, 74
Social indicator, 214
Soft skills, 19–20, 133
Solid waste, 212
Solow’s Growth Model, 204
Spearman’s correlation coefficient (Rho), 23–24
Spearman’s Rho, 109
Stability tests, 305
Stakeholders, 79–80
industry’s perception of sustainability accounting practice and education, 80–81
university’s perception of sustainability accounting education, 81–85
Standard of living, 284
State Bank of Vietnam, 38
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), 273
Stewardship theory, 269
Stratified random sampling, 241
Successful marketing, 11
Supply chain management, 74
Support vector machines (SVMs), 50–51
classification using, 59–60
Survival of microentrepreneurs, 238–239
Sustainability, 18–19, 30, 79–80, 205–206, 285
as competitive advantage and role of leadership, 36–37
digital transformation, 36
Sustainable business practices, 30, 34, 41–42
definition and importance, 30–32
ESG factors in business sustainability, 32–33
need for businesses to transition to sustainable models, 33–34
shaping future of, 41–42
Sustainable data analytics for evidence-based decision-making, 121, 124–125
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 31, 117–118
Sustainable finance, 18
Sustainable growth, 299
Sustainable practices, 118
Sustainable public university
methodology, 108–109
results, 109–111
Tactical knowledge, 133–134
Task Area, 108
Teacher performance, 225–226
Teacher’s attitude toward use of ICTs, 157–158
Teamwork, 20, 135
Techno-optimism, 120–121
Technological change and progress, 207
Technological literacy, 40
Technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge model (TPACK model), 155–157, 162–163
Technology knowledge (TK), 156
Teoría del Liderazgo por Objetivos, 237–238
Test’s specificity, 64
Text mining techniques, 49–50
Theory of planned behavior (TPB), 135–136
Theory of reasoned actions, 135
Tokenization, 74
Training data, 101–102
Transferable skills, 19
Trust building in digital era, 39
Unilever, 37
Unit root test, 301
United Nations Development Program (UNDP), 35, 251, 288
Universities, 82
education, 170
perception of sustainability accounting education, 81–85
Vinamilk, 38
Virtual assets
accounting, 74
in metaverse, 73
Virtual real estate, 72–73
Virtual reality (VR), 121
for experiential sustainability learning, 121–122
Volume, velocity, and variety (three Vs), 6–7
Waste generation, 212
Web intelligence (WI), 48
Wireless sensor network (WSN), 49
Work engagement, 227
Work-saving technology, 207
Workforce skills, 40
Workplace skills, 134
World Bank, 286
World Competitiveness Year book, 286–287
Zoom, 155
“I learn at home” strategy, 155
Inclusive growth, 299
Income, 250
Information and communication technology (ICT), 118, 134, 154, 185
teacher’s attitude toward use of, 157–158
Information skills, 134
Information technology (IT), 134, 159
skills, 135
Infrastructure insufficiency, 40–41
Initiatives, 18
Innovation theory, 237
Institutions, 119
Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática de Perú (INEI), 253
Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), 112, 286
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), 211
Internet of Things (IoT), 34
Internet services, 40–41
Interpersonal competences, 106–107
optimal performance, 107–108
study of, 108–109
Interpersonal skills, 107
Job displacement risks, 38
Job engagement, 225–226
Job satisfaction, 226
Jordan, 266
Jordanian universities, 170
Jumia in Uganda, 35
K-C-means-data driven cuckoo bat optimization algorithm (KCM-DCBOA), 50–51, 53, 57
Knowledge, 299
management, 172
Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, 23
Labor, 206–207
Language Model for Dialogue Applications (LaMDA), 92–93
Large language models (LLMs), 94
Leadership, 36–37, 135
skills, 239
Levy flight, 56–57
Lightning Network, 75
Likert scale, 109, 140
Linear classifier, 60
Linear regression model, 241
Linkages, 186
Machine learning (ML), 6–7, 34–35, 92–94
Marketing, 4–5
relationship between AI and, 4–5
strategy, 8
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), 120–121
Mastery, 112–113
Metaverse, 72–73
accounting for virtual assets in, 73
blockchain technology and role in accounting for virtual assets, 74
challenges and limitations, 74–75
future implications and opportunities, 75
literature review, 72–74
virtual assets in, 73
Micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), 35
Microenterprise survival (MES), 241
Microenterprises (MEs), 236
achievements, 239–240
prosperity, 238–240
Microentrepreneurs, 240–241
innovation or Schumpeterian innovation theory, 237
innovative capacity, 238–239
leadership skills, 239
literature review, 236–237
methodology, 240–241
multiple regression analysis, 241
networking, 239–240
regression analysis, 241–243
risk-taking, 240
Teoría del Liderazgo por Objetivos, 237–238
Microsoft, 37
Microsoft Teams, 155
Mobile devices, 34
Motivation, 106
Motivational area, 108
Multiple regression analysis, 241
National University Santiago Antunez de Mayolo (UNASAM), 107, 109–110
Natural Language Processing (NLP), 92–94
Natural resources, 206
Nature-inspired computing (NIC), 48–49
Neoclassical model of growth, 204
Netflix, 9–10
Networking, 239–240
Neural network training, 60–61
Neutral technology, 207
New Growth Theory, 204
Non-presential education in Peru, 154–155
Nonfungible tokens (NFTs), 72–73
Nongovernmental organization (NGO), 134
Nonlinearity, 300
Null hypothesis, 145
Odds ratios, 255
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 286
p-value of test, 226
Particle swarm optimization (PSO), 49
Pearson correlation, 272
Pedagogical knowledge (PK), 156
Personal skills, 135
Peruvian education system, 154–155
Peruvian financial sector, 18
Plant propagation techniques, 49
Plasma, 75
Pollution, 211
Population, 174
Poverty reduction strategies, 251
Precision, 62
Primary quantitative method, 136
Principal component analysis (PCA), 50–51
feature extraction using, 57–59
Privacy, 11
Privacy-focused blockchain protocols, 74
Private Jordanian universities, 172
Problem-solving, 135
Production linkages, 186
Productive capacity, 184, 186, 190
diasporas to productive capabilities, 190–192
economic diversification, 192–198
literature review, 184–185
Productive resources, 186
Productivity, 285–286
Professionalism, 135
Proof-of-stake, 74
Public educational institutions, 155
Public Jordanian universities, 172
Public Relations Council of India (PRCI), 290
Quality of teaching, 107–110
Quantitative research approach, 136
R-squared value, 226
Randomization, 273
Rank Brain, 6
Regional competitiveness index (RCI), 284
Regression analysis, 228, 241, 243
Relationship management, 226
Resistance to change, 39–40
Resource management skills, 137
Risk-taking, 240
Risks analysis, 173
Sample, 174
Scalability, 75
Schumpeterian innovation theory, 237
Sea level rise, 211–212
Secondary education, 154
Secondary school teachers, 154
digital competencies of teacher, 155–156
methodology, 158–159
non-presential education in Peru, 154–155
results, 159–162
teacher’s attitude toward use of ICTs, 157–158
TPACK model, 156–157
Self area, 108
Self-awareness, 226
Self-management, 226
Short message service (SMS), 243
Singular value decomposition, 59
Skepticism, 39
Skill, 299
Sliding window method, 52
Smart contracts, 74
Social indicator, 214
Soft skills, 19–20, 133
Solid waste, 212
Solow’s Growth Model, 204
Spearman’s correlation coefficient (Rho), 23–24
Spearman’s Rho, 109
Stability tests, 305
Stakeholders, 79–80
industry’s perception of sustainability accounting practice and education, 80–81
university’s perception of sustainability accounting education, 81–85
Standard of living, 284
State Bank of Vietnam, 38
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), 273
Stewardship theory, 269
Stratified random sampling, 241
Successful marketing, 11
Supply chain management, 74
Support vector machines (SVMs), 50–51
classification using, 59–60
Survival of microentrepreneurs, 238–239
Sustainability, 18–19, 30, 79–80, 205–206, 285
as competitive advantage and role of leadership, 36–37
digital transformation, 36
Sustainable business practices, 30, 34, 41–42
definition and importance, 30–32
ESG factors in business sustainability, 32–33
need for businesses to transition to sustainable models, 33–34
shaping future of, 41–42
Sustainable data analytics for evidence-based decision-making, 121, 124–125
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 31, 117–118
Sustainable finance, 18
Sustainable growth, 299
Sustainable practices, 118
Sustainable public university
methodology, 108–109
results, 109–111
Tactical knowledge, 133–134
Task Area, 108
Teacher performance, 225–226
Teacher’s attitude toward use of ICTs, 157–158
Teamwork, 20, 135
Techno-optimism, 120–121
Technological change and progress, 207
Technological literacy, 40
Technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge model (TPACK model), 155–157, 162–163
Technology knowledge (TK), 156
Teoría del Liderazgo por Objetivos, 237–238
Test’s specificity, 64
Text mining techniques, 49–50
Theory of planned behavior (TPB), 135–136
Theory of reasoned actions, 135
Tokenization, 74
Training data, 101–102
Transferable skills, 19
Trust building in digital era, 39
Unilever, 37
Unit root test, 301
United Nations Development Program (UNDP), 35, 251, 288
Universities, 82
education, 170
perception of sustainability accounting education, 81–85
Vinamilk, 38
Virtual assets
accounting, 74
in metaverse, 73
Virtual real estate, 72–73
Virtual reality (VR), 121
for experiential sustainability learning, 121–122
Volume, velocity, and variety (three Vs), 6–7
Waste generation, 212
Web intelligence (WI), 48
Wireless sensor network (WSN), 49
Work engagement, 227
Work-saving technology, 207
Workforce skills, 40
Workplace skills, 134
World Bank, 286
World Competitiveness Year book, 286–287
Zoom, 155
K-C-means-data driven cuckoo bat optimization algorithm (KCM-DCBOA), 50–51, 53, 57
Knowledge, 299
management, 172
Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, 23
Labor, 206–207
Language Model for Dialogue Applications (LaMDA), 92–93
Large language models (LLMs), 94
Leadership, 36–37, 135
skills, 239
Levy flight, 56–57
Lightning Network, 75
Likert scale, 109, 140
Linear classifier, 60
Linear regression model, 241
Linkages, 186
Machine learning (ML), 6–7, 34–35, 92–94
Marketing, 4–5
relationship between AI and, 4–5
strategy, 8
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), 120–121
Mastery, 112–113
Metaverse, 72–73
accounting for virtual assets in, 73
blockchain technology and role in accounting for virtual assets, 74
challenges and limitations, 74–75
future implications and opportunities, 75
literature review, 72–74
virtual assets in, 73
Micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), 35
Microenterprise survival (MES), 241
Microenterprises (MEs), 236
achievements, 239–240
prosperity, 238–240
Microentrepreneurs, 240–241
innovation or Schumpeterian innovation theory, 237
innovative capacity, 238–239
leadership skills, 239
literature review, 236–237
methodology, 240–241
multiple regression analysis, 241
networking, 239–240
regression analysis, 241–243
risk-taking, 240
Teoría del Liderazgo por Objetivos, 237–238
Microsoft, 37
Microsoft Teams, 155
Mobile devices, 34
Motivation, 106
Motivational area, 108
Multiple regression analysis, 241
National University Santiago Antunez de Mayolo (UNASAM), 107, 109–110
Natural Language Processing (NLP), 92–94
Natural resources, 206
Nature-inspired computing (NIC), 48–49
Neoclassical model of growth, 204
Netflix, 9–10
Networking, 239–240
Neural network training, 60–61
Neutral technology, 207
New Growth Theory, 204
Non-presential education in Peru, 154–155
Nonfungible tokens (NFTs), 72–73
Nongovernmental organization (NGO), 134
Nonlinearity, 300
Null hypothesis, 145
Odds ratios, 255
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 286
p-value of test, 226
Particle swarm optimization (PSO), 49
Pearson correlation, 272
Pedagogical knowledge (PK), 156
Personal skills, 135
Peruvian education system, 154–155
Peruvian financial sector, 18
Plant propagation techniques, 49
Plasma, 75
Pollution, 211
Population, 174
Poverty reduction strategies, 251
Precision, 62
Primary quantitative method, 136
Principal component analysis (PCA), 50–51
feature extraction using, 57–59
Privacy, 11
Privacy-focused blockchain protocols, 74
Private Jordanian universities, 172
Problem-solving, 135
Production linkages, 186
Productive capacity, 184, 186, 190
diasporas to productive capabilities, 190–192
economic diversification, 192–198
literature review, 184–185
Productive resources, 186
Productivity, 285–286
Professionalism, 135
Proof-of-stake, 74
Public educational institutions, 155
Public Jordanian universities, 172
Public Relations Council of India (PRCI), 290
Quality of teaching, 107–110
Quantitative research approach, 136
R-squared value, 226
Randomization, 273
Rank Brain, 6
Regional competitiveness index (RCI), 284
Regression analysis, 228, 241, 243
Relationship management, 226
Resistance to change, 39–40
Resource management skills, 137
Risk-taking, 240
Risks analysis, 173
Sample, 174
Scalability, 75
Schumpeterian innovation theory, 237
Sea level rise, 211–212
Secondary education, 154
Secondary school teachers, 154
digital competencies of teacher, 155–156
methodology, 158–159
non-presential education in Peru, 154–155
results, 159–162
teacher’s attitude toward use of ICTs, 157–158
TPACK model, 156–157
Self area, 108
Self-awareness, 226
Self-management, 226
Short message service (SMS), 243
Singular value decomposition, 59
Skepticism, 39
Skill, 299
Sliding window method, 52
Smart contracts, 74
Social indicator, 214
Soft skills, 19–20, 133
Solid waste, 212
Solow’s Growth Model, 204
Spearman’s correlation coefficient (Rho), 23–24
Spearman’s Rho, 109
Stability tests, 305
Stakeholders, 79–80
industry’s perception of sustainability accounting practice and education, 80–81
university’s perception of sustainability accounting education, 81–85
Standard of living, 284
State Bank of Vietnam, 38
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), 273
Stewardship theory, 269
Stratified random sampling, 241
Successful marketing, 11
Supply chain management, 74
Support vector machines (SVMs), 50–51
classification using, 59–60
Survival of microentrepreneurs, 238–239
Sustainability, 18–19, 30, 79–80, 205–206, 285
as competitive advantage and role of leadership, 36–37
digital transformation, 36
Sustainable business practices, 30, 34, 41–42
definition and importance, 30–32
ESG factors in business sustainability, 32–33
need for businesses to transition to sustainable models, 33–34
shaping future of, 41–42
Sustainable data analytics for evidence-based decision-making, 121, 124–125
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 31, 117–118
Sustainable finance, 18
Sustainable growth, 299
Sustainable practices, 118
Sustainable public university
methodology, 108–109
results, 109–111
Tactical knowledge, 133–134
Task Area, 108
Teacher performance, 225–226
Teacher’s attitude toward use of ICTs, 157–158
Teamwork, 20, 135
Techno-optimism, 120–121
Technological change and progress, 207
Technological literacy, 40
Technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge model (TPACK model), 155–157, 162–163
Technology knowledge (TK), 156
Teoría del Liderazgo por Objetivos, 237–238
Test’s specificity, 64
Text mining techniques, 49–50
Theory of planned behavior (TPB), 135–136
Theory of reasoned actions, 135
Tokenization, 74
Training data, 101–102
Transferable skills, 19
Trust building in digital era, 39
Unilever, 37
Unit root test, 301
United Nations Development Program (UNDP), 35, 251, 288
Universities, 82
education, 170
perception of sustainability accounting education, 81–85
Vinamilk, 38
Virtual assets
accounting, 74
in metaverse, 73
Virtual real estate, 72–73
Virtual reality (VR), 121
for experiential sustainability learning, 121–122
Volume, velocity, and variety (three Vs), 6–7
Waste generation, 212
Web intelligence (WI), 48
Wireless sensor network (WSN), 49
Work engagement, 227
Work-saving technology, 207
Workforce skills, 40
Workplace skills, 134
World Bank, 286
World Competitiveness Year book, 286–287
Zoom, 155
Machine learning (ML), 6–7, 34–35, 92–94
Marketing, 4–5
relationship between AI and, 4–5
strategy, 8
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs), 120–121
Mastery, 112–113
Metaverse, 72–73
accounting for virtual assets in, 73
blockchain technology and role in accounting for virtual assets, 74
challenges and limitations, 74–75
future implications and opportunities, 75
literature review, 72–74
virtual assets in, 73
Micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs), 35
Microenterprise survival (MES), 241
Microenterprises (MEs), 236
achievements, 239–240
prosperity, 238–240
Microentrepreneurs, 240–241
innovation or Schumpeterian innovation theory, 237
innovative capacity, 238–239
leadership skills, 239
literature review, 236–237
methodology, 240–241
multiple regression analysis, 241
networking, 239–240
regression analysis, 241–243
risk-taking, 240
Teoría del Liderazgo por Objetivos, 237–238
Microsoft, 37
Microsoft Teams, 155
Mobile devices, 34
Motivation, 106
Motivational area, 108
Multiple regression analysis, 241
National University Santiago Antunez de Mayolo (UNASAM), 107, 109–110
Natural Language Processing (NLP), 92–94
Natural resources, 206
Nature-inspired computing (NIC), 48–49
Neoclassical model of growth, 204
Netflix, 9–10
Networking, 239–240
Neural network training, 60–61
Neutral technology, 207
New Growth Theory, 204
Non-presential education in Peru, 154–155
Nonfungible tokens (NFTs), 72–73
Nongovernmental organization (NGO), 134
Nonlinearity, 300
Null hypothesis, 145
Odds ratios, 255
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 286
p-value of test, 226
Particle swarm optimization (PSO), 49
Pearson correlation, 272
Pedagogical knowledge (PK), 156
Personal skills, 135
Peruvian education system, 154–155
Peruvian financial sector, 18
Plant propagation techniques, 49
Plasma, 75
Pollution, 211
Population, 174
Poverty reduction strategies, 251
Precision, 62
Primary quantitative method, 136
Principal component analysis (PCA), 50–51
feature extraction using, 57–59
Privacy, 11
Privacy-focused blockchain protocols, 74
Private Jordanian universities, 172
Problem-solving, 135
Production linkages, 186
Productive capacity, 184, 186, 190
diasporas to productive capabilities, 190–192
economic diversification, 192–198
literature review, 184–185
Productive resources, 186
Productivity, 285–286
Professionalism, 135
Proof-of-stake, 74
Public educational institutions, 155
Public Jordanian universities, 172
Public Relations Council of India (PRCI), 290
Quality of teaching, 107–110
Quantitative research approach, 136
R-squared value, 226
Randomization, 273
Rank Brain, 6
Regional competitiveness index (RCI), 284
Regression analysis, 228, 241, 243
Relationship management, 226
Resistance to change, 39–40
Resource management skills, 137
Risk-taking, 240
Risks analysis, 173
Sample, 174
Scalability, 75
Schumpeterian innovation theory, 237
Sea level rise, 211–212
Secondary education, 154
Secondary school teachers, 154
digital competencies of teacher, 155–156
methodology, 158–159
non-presential education in Peru, 154–155
results, 159–162
teacher’s attitude toward use of ICTs, 157–158
TPACK model, 156–157
Self area, 108
Self-awareness, 226
Self-management, 226
Short message service (SMS), 243
Singular value decomposition, 59
Skepticism, 39
Skill, 299
Sliding window method, 52
Smart contracts, 74
Social indicator, 214
Soft skills, 19–20, 133
Solid waste, 212
Solow’s Growth Model, 204
Spearman’s correlation coefficient (Rho), 23–24
Spearman’s Rho, 109
Stability tests, 305
Stakeholders, 79–80
industry’s perception of sustainability accounting practice and education, 80–81
university’s perception of sustainability accounting education, 81–85
Standard of living, 284
State Bank of Vietnam, 38
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), 273
Stewardship theory, 269
Stratified random sampling, 241
Successful marketing, 11
Supply chain management, 74
Support vector machines (SVMs), 50–51
classification using, 59–60
Survival of microentrepreneurs, 238–239
Sustainability, 18–19, 30, 79–80, 205–206, 285
as competitive advantage and role of leadership, 36–37
digital transformation, 36
Sustainable business practices, 30, 34, 41–42
definition and importance, 30–32
ESG factors in business sustainability, 32–33
need for businesses to transition to sustainable models, 33–34
shaping future of, 41–42
Sustainable data analytics for evidence-based decision-making, 121, 124–125
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 31, 117–118
Sustainable finance, 18
Sustainable growth, 299
Sustainable practices, 118
Sustainable public university
methodology, 108–109
results, 109–111
Tactical knowledge, 133–134
Task Area, 108
Teacher performance, 225–226
Teacher’s attitude toward use of ICTs, 157–158
Teamwork, 20, 135
Techno-optimism, 120–121
Technological change and progress, 207
Technological literacy, 40
Technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge model (TPACK model), 155–157, 162–163
Technology knowledge (TK), 156
Teoría del Liderazgo por Objetivos, 237–238
Test’s specificity, 64
Text mining techniques, 49–50
Theory of planned behavior (TPB), 135–136
Theory of reasoned actions, 135
Tokenization, 74
Training data, 101–102
Transferable skills, 19
Trust building in digital era, 39
Unilever, 37
Unit root test, 301
United Nations Development Program (UNDP), 35, 251, 288
Universities, 82
education, 170
perception of sustainability accounting education, 81–85
Vinamilk, 38
Virtual assets
accounting, 74
in metaverse, 73
Virtual real estate, 72–73
Virtual reality (VR), 121
for experiential sustainability learning, 121–122
Volume, velocity, and variety (three Vs), 6–7
Waste generation, 212
Web intelligence (WI), 48
Wireless sensor network (WSN), 49
Work engagement, 227
Work-saving technology, 207
Workforce skills, 40
Workplace skills, 134
World Bank, 286
World Competitiveness Year book, 286–287
Zoom, 155
Odds ratios, 255
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), 286
p-value of test, 226
Particle swarm optimization (PSO), 49
Pearson correlation, 272
Pedagogical knowledge (PK), 156
Personal skills, 135
Peruvian education system, 154–155
Peruvian financial sector, 18
Plant propagation techniques, 49
Plasma, 75
Pollution, 211
Population, 174
Poverty reduction strategies, 251
Precision, 62
Primary quantitative method, 136
Principal component analysis (PCA), 50–51
feature extraction using, 57–59
Privacy, 11
Privacy-focused blockchain protocols, 74
Private Jordanian universities, 172
Problem-solving, 135
Production linkages, 186
Productive capacity, 184, 186, 190
diasporas to productive capabilities, 190–192
economic diversification, 192–198
literature review, 184–185
Productive resources, 186
Productivity, 285–286
Professionalism, 135
Proof-of-stake, 74
Public educational institutions, 155
Public Jordanian universities, 172
Public Relations Council of India (PRCI), 290
Quality of teaching, 107–110
Quantitative research approach, 136
R-squared value, 226
Randomization, 273
Rank Brain, 6
Regional competitiveness index (RCI), 284
Regression analysis, 228, 241, 243
Relationship management, 226
Resistance to change, 39–40
Resource management skills, 137
Risk-taking, 240
Risks analysis, 173
Sample, 174
Scalability, 75
Schumpeterian innovation theory, 237
Sea level rise, 211–212
Secondary education, 154
Secondary school teachers, 154
digital competencies of teacher, 155–156
methodology, 158–159
non-presential education in Peru, 154–155
results, 159–162
teacher’s attitude toward use of ICTs, 157–158
TPACK model, 156–157
Self area, 108
Self-awareness, 226
Self-management, 226
Short message service (SMS), 243
Singular value decomposition, 59
Skepticism, 39
Skill, 299
Sliding window method, 52
Smart contracts, 74
Social indicator, 214
Soft skills, 19–20, 133
Solid waste, 212
Solow’s Growth Model, 204
Spearman’s correlation coefficient (Rho), 23–24
Spearman’s Rho, 109
Stability tests, 305
Stakeholders, 79–80
industry’s perception of sustainability accounting practice and education, 80–81
university’s perception of sustainability accounting education, 81–85
Standard of living, 284
State Bank of Vietnam, 38
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), 273
Stewardship theory, 269
Stratified random sampling, 241
Successful marketing, 11
Supply chain management, 74
Support vector machines (SVMs), 50–51
classification using, 59–60
Survival of microentrepreneurs, 238–239
Sustainability, 18–19, 30, 79–80, 205–206, 285
as competitive advantage and role of leadership, 36–37
digital transformation, 36
Sustainable business practices, 30, 34, 41–42
definition and importance, 30–32
ESG factors in business sustainability, 32–33
need for businesses to transition to sustainable models, 33–34
shaping future of, 41–42
Sustainable data analytics for evidence-based decision-making, 121, 124–125
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 31, 117–118
Sustainable finance, 18
Sustainable growth, 299
Sustainable practices, 118
Sustainable public university
methodology, 108–109
results, 109–111
Tactical knowledge, 133–134
Task Area, 108
Teacher performance, 225–226
Teacher’s attitude toward use of ICTs, 157–158
Teamwork, 20, 135
Techno-optimism, 120–121
Technological change and progress, 207
Technological literacy, 40
Technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge model (TPACK model), 155–157, 162–163
Technology knowledge (TK), 156
Teoría del Liderazgo por Objetivos, 237–238
Test’s specificity, 64
Text mining techniques, 49–50
Theory of planned behavior (TPB), 135–136
Theory of reasoned actions, 135
Tokenization, 74
Training data, 101–102
Transferable skills, 19
Trust building in digital era, 39
Unilever, 37
Unit root test, 301
United Nations Development Program (UNDP), 35, 251, 288
Universities, 82
education, 170
perception of sustainability accounting education, 81–85
Vinamilk, 38
Virtual assets
accounting, 74
in metaverse, 73
Virtual real estate, 72–73
Virtual reality (VR), 121
for experiential sustainability learning, 121–122
Volume, velocity, and variety (three Vs), 6–7
Waste generation, 212
Web intelligence (WI), 48
Wireless sensor network (WSN), 49
Work engagement, 227
Work-saving technology, 207
Workforce skills, 40
Workplace skills, 134
World Bank, 286
World Competitiveness Year book, 286–287
Zoom, 155
Quality of teaching, 107–110
Quantitative research approach, 136
R-squared value, 226
Randomization, 273
Rank Brain, 6
Regional competitiveness index (RCI), 284
Regression analysis, 228, 241, 243
Relationship management, 226
Resistance to change, 39–40
Resource management skills, 137
Risk-taking, 240
Risks analysis, 173
Sample, 174
Scalability, 75
Schumpeterian innovation theory, 237
Sea level rise, 211–212
Secondary education, 154
Secondary school teachers, 154
digital competencies of teacher, 155–156
methodology, 158–159
non-presential education in Peru, 154–155
results, 159–162
teacher’s attitude toward use of ICTs, 157–158
TPACK model, 156–157
Self area, 108
Self-awareness, 226
Self-management, 226
Short message service (SMS), 243
Singular value decomposition, 59
Skepticism, 39
Skill, 299
Sliding window method, 52
Smart contracts, 74
Social indicator, 214
Soft skills, 19–20, 133
Solid waste, 212
Solow’s Growth Model, 204
Spearman’s correlation coefficient (Rho), 23–24
Spearman’s Rho, 109
Stability tests, 305
Stakeholders, 79–80
industry’s perception of sustainability accounting practice and education, 80–81
university’s perception of sustainability accounting education, 81–85
Standard of living, 284
State Bank of Vietnam, 38
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), 273
Stewardship theory, 269
Stratified random sampling, 241
Successful marketing, 11
Supply chain management, 74
Support vector machines (SVMs), 50–51
classification using, 59–60
Survival of microentrepreneurs, 238–239
Sustainability, 18–19, 30, 79–80, 205–206, 285
as competitive advantage and role of leadership, 36–37
digital transformation, 36
Sustainable business practices, 30, 34, 41–42
definition and importance, 30–32
ESG factors in business sustainability, 32–33
need for businesses to transition to sustainable models, 33–34
shaping future of, 41–42
Sustainable data analytics for evidence-based decision-making, 121, 124–125
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 31, 117–118
Sustainable finance, 18
Sustainable growth, 299
Sustainable practices, 118
Sustainable public university
methodology, 108–109
results, 109–111
Tactical knowledge, 133–134
Task Area, 108
Teacher performance, 225–226
Teacher’s attitude toward use of ICTs, 157–158
Teamwork, 20, 135
Techno-optimism, 120–121
Technological change and progress, 207
Technological literacy, 40
Technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge model (TPACK model), 155–157, 162–163
Technology knowledge (TK), 156
Teoría del Liderazgo por Objetivos, 237–238
Test’s specificity, 64
Text mining techniques, 49–50
Theory of planned behavior (TPB), 135–136
Theory of reasoned actions, 135
Tokenization, 74
Training data, 101–102
Transferable skills, 19
Trust building in digital era, 39
Unilever, 37
Unit root test, 301
United Nations Development Program (UNDP), 35, 251, 288
Universities, 82
education, 170
perception of sustainability accounting education, 81–85
Vinamilk, 38
Virtual assets
accounting, 74
in metaverse, 73
Virtual real estate, 72–73
Virtual reality (VR), 121
for experiential sustainability learning, 121–122
Volume, velocity, and variety (three Vs), 6–7
Waste generation, 212
Web intelligence (WI), 48
Wireless sensor network (WSN), 49
Work engagement, 227
Work-saving technology, 207
Workforce skills, 40
Workplace skills, 134
World Bank, 286
World Competitiveness Year book, 286–287
Zoom, 155
Sample, 174
Scalability, 75
Schumpeterian innovation theory, 237
Sea level rise, 211–212
Secondary education, 154
Secondary school teachers, 154
digital competencies of teacher, 155–156
methodology, 158–159
non-presential education in Peru, 154–155
results, 159–162
teacher’s attitude toward use of ICTs, 157–158
TPACK model, 156–157
Self area, 108
Self-awareness, 226
Self-management, 226
Short message service (SMS), 243
Singular value decomposition, 59
Skepticism, 39
Skill, 299
Sliding window method, 52
Smart contracts, 74
Social indicator, 214
Soft skills, 19–20, 133
Solid waste, 212
Solow’s Growth Model, 204
Spearman’s correlation coefficient (Rho), 23–24
Spearman’s Rho, 109
Stability tests, 305
Stakeholders, 79–80
industry’s perception of sustainability accounting practice and education, 80–81
university’s perception of sustainability accounting education, 81–85
Standard of living, 284
State Bank of Vietnam, 38
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), 273
Stewardship theory, 269
Stratified random sampling, 241
Successful marketing, 11
Supply chain management, 74
Support vector machines (SVMs), 50–51
classification using, 59–60
Survival of microentrepreneurs, 238–239
Sustainability, 18–19, 30, 79–80, 205–206, 285
as competitive advantage and role of leadership, 36–37
digital transformation, 36
Sustainable business practices, 30, 34, 41–42
definition and importance, 30–32
ESG factors in business sustainability, 32–33
need for businesses to transition to sustainable models, 33–34
shaping future of, 41–42
Sustainable data analytics for evidence-based decision-making, 121, 124–125
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 31, 117–118
Sustainable finance, 18
Sustainable growth, 299
Sustainable practices, 118
Sustainable public university
methodology, 108–109
results, 109–111
Tactical knowledge, 133–134
Task Area, 108
Teacher performance, 225–226
Teacher’s attitude toward use of ICTs, 157–158
Teamwork, 20, 135
Techno-optimism, 120–121
Technological change and progress, 207
Technological literacy, 40
Technology, pedagogy, and content knowledge model (TPACK model), 155–157, 162–163
Technology knowledge (TK), 156
Teoría del Liderazgo por Objetivos, 237–238
Test’s specificity, 64
Text mining techniques, 49–50
Theory of planned behavior (TPB), 135–136
Theory of reasoned actions, 135
Tokenization, 74
Training data, 101–102
Transferable skills, 19
Trust building in digital era, 39
Unilever, 37
Unit root test, 301
United Nations Development Program (UNDP), 35, 251, 288
Universities, 82
education, 170
perception of sustainability accounting education, 81–85
Vinamilk, 38
Virtual assets
accounting, 74
in metaverse, 73
Virtual real estate, 72–73
Virtual reality (VR), 121
for experiential sustainability learning, 121–122
Volume, velocity, and variety (three Vs), 6–7
Waste generation, 212
Web intelligence (WI), 48
Wireless sensor network (WSN), 49
Work engagement, 227
Work-saving technology, 207
Workforce skills, 40
Workplace skills, 134
World Bank, 286
World Competitiveness Year book, 286–287
Zoom, 155
Unilever, 37
Unit root test, 301
United Nations Development Program (UNDP), 35, 251, 288
Universities, 82
education, 170
perception of sustainability accounting education, 81–85
Vinamilk, 38
Virtual assets
accounting, 74
in metaverse, 73
Virtual real estate, 72–73
Virtual reality (VR), 121
for experiential sustainability learning, 121–122
Volume, velocity, and variety (three Vs), 6–7
Waste generation, 212
Web intelligence (WI), 48
Wireless sensor network (WSN), 49
Work engagement, 227
Work-saving technology, 207
Workforce skills, 40
Workplace skills, 134
World Bank, 286
World Competitiveness Year book, 286–287
Zoom, 155
Waste generation, 212
Web intelligence (WI), 48
Wireless sensor network (WSN), 49
Work engagement, 227
Work-saving technology, 207
Workforce skills, 40
Workplace skills, 134
World Bank, 286
World Competitiveness Year book, 286–287
Zoom, 155
- Prelims
- Part I Business Intelligence, Technology for Sustainability
- Chapter 1 Artificial Intelligence and Marketing: Challenges and Opportunities
- Chapter 2 Digital Resources and Social Skills Development for Credit Analysts in Banks Focused on Green Finance
- Chapter 3 Digital Transformation: A Catalyst for Sustainable Business Practices
- Chapter 4 An Innovative Web Intelligence Data Clustering Algorithm for Human Resources Based on Sustainability
- Part II Technological Education and Skills Development for Sustainable Practices
- Chapter 5 Blockchain Technology and Virtual Asset Accounting in the Metaverse
- Chapter 6 Stakeholders' Perceptions of Sustainability Accounting Education: A Literature Review
- Chapter 7 A Symphony of Insights: Orchestrating Business and Education Research With Google Bard
- Chapter 8 Interpersonal Competence and Teaching Quality in a Sustainable Public University
- Chapter 9 EdTech Tools for Sustainable Practices: A Green Revolution in Education
- Chapter 10 Gap Analysis of Employability Attributes Among Job Seekers in Bahrain: Employee Perspective
- Chapter 11 Digital Competencies and Attitude Toward the Use of Information Technologies in Secondary School Teachers in a Peruvian Public Educational Institution
- Chapter 12 Effect of Business Intelligence Applications on the Contribution of Accounting Departments at Jordanian Universities in Developing University Accounting Education and Its Quality Assurance
- Part III Digital Technologies, Economic Diversification, Entrepreneurial Capacities, and Sustainability
- Chapter 13 Building Productive Capacity for Economic Diversification in the Gulf Region
- Chapter 14 Assessing the Sustainability of GCC Economic Growth: A Proposed Theoretical Framework
- Chapter 15 Emotional Intelligence, Job Satisfaction, and Work Engagement at a Public University
- Chapter 16 Entrepreneurial Capabilities and Survival of Microentrepreneurs in Rural Peru
- Chapter 17 Socioeconomic Factors and Financial Inclusion in the Department of Ancash, Peru, 2015 and 2021
- Chapter 18 Board Structure and Financial Performance: A Survey to Directors' Perception
- Chapter 19 Human Development Based on the Competitiveness of the Peruvian Region of Ancash, 2008–2021
- Chapter 20 Female Education and Economic Growth in Egypt: An Empirical Study
- Index