Technological Innovations for Business, Education and Sustainability
ISBN: 978-1-83753-107-3, eISBN: 978-1-83753-106-6
Publication date: 23 April 2024
(2024), "Prelims", Hamdan, A. (Ed.) Technological Innovations for Business, Education and Sustainability (Technological Innovation and Sustainability for Business Competitive Advantage), Emerald Publishing Limited, Leeds, pp. i-xxv.
:Emerald Publishing Limited
Copyright © 2024 Allam Hamdan. Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited
Half Title Page
Technological Innovations for Business, Education and Sustainability
Series Title Page
Technological Innovation and Sustainability for Business Competitive Advantage
Series Editors: Allam Hamdan and Reem Khamis
Innovation and sustainability are broad terms that describe many interdisciplinary sciences – business success and competitiveness may not be separated from social and cultural aspects that interfere with any future development prospects. Research in across areas would provide a better understanding of international experiences, bridging the gap between developing and developed nations. This series promotes new visions for business research prospects that work in favor of innovation and sustainability in terms of governance, environment, and ethics.
Technological Innovation and Sustainability for Business Competitive Advantage highlights business problems faced by institutions in a scientific way, finding possible practical solutions. Contributing to setting and improving business theories and practices and encouraging scientific research in technological innovation and sustainability, volumes activate dialogue between academics, practitioners, and individuals and provide recommendations to improve institutions.
Title Page
Technological Innovations for Business, Education and Sustainability
Edited by
Allam Hamdan
Ahlia University, Bahrain
United Kingdom – North America – Japan – India – Malaysia – China
Copyright Page
Emerald Publishing Limited
Emerald Publishing, Floor 5, Northspring, 21-23 Wellington Street, Leeds LS1 4DL
First edition 2024
Editorial matter and selection © 2024 Allam Hamdan.
Individual chapters © 2024 The Authors.
Published under exclusive licence by Emerald Publishing Limited.
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ISBN: 978-1-83753-107-3 (Print)
ISBN: 978-1-83753-106-6 (Online)
ISBN: 978-1-83753-108-0 (Epub)
About the Editor
Allam Hamdan is a Full Professor; he is listed within the World's top 2% scientists list by Stanford University; he is the Dean of College of Business and Finance at Ahlia University, Bahrain. He is the author of many publications in regional and international journals that discussed several accountings, financial, and economic issues concerning the Arab world. In addition, he has interests in education-related issues in the Arab world universities like educational governance, investment in education, and economic growth. He was awarded the First Prize of Al-Owais Creative Award, UAE, 2019; 2017; the Second Prize of Rashid bin Humaid Award for Culture and Science, UAE, 2016; the Third Prize of Arab Prize for the Social Sciences and Humanities, 2015; and the First Prize of “Durrat Watan,” UAE, 2013. He has achieved the highest (first) scientific research citation among the Arab countries according to Arcif 2018–2023; appointed as an external panel member as part of Bahrain Quality Assurance Authority and National Qualifications Framework NQF as a validator, and appeal committee, General Directorate of NQF, Kingdom of Bahrain. He is a member of Steering Committee in International Arab Conference of Quality Assurance of Higher Education. He is currently leading a mission-driven process for International Accreditation for College of Business and Finance by Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB).
About the Contributors
Nawal Abdulla – Graduated from Ahlia University, Bahrain. He holds a Master's degree in Business Administration (MBA).
Mohamed Sayed Abou Elseoud holds a PhD in Economics. He is an Economics Professor at Sadat Academy for Management Sciences, Egypt and he currently works at the University of Bahrain's College of Business Administration, Department of Economics and Finance, and as a program coordinator for BSc in International Business and Economics. His areas of expertise include economic policies, econometrics, nonparametric models, and environmental economics. He has more than 50 research papers published in indexed journals worldwide and international conferences. Macroeconomic models, economic development, applied economics, financial markets, and sustainable development are among his research interests. Affiliation: Department of Economics and Finance, College of Business Administration University of Bahrain, Zallaq, Kingdom of Bahrain.
Walter Medrano Acuña is an Accountant and has completed Doctorate in Accounting. His research interests are competence of the public official, economic models of regional development, and business innovation. He is currently regional councilor of Ancash and University Professor of the Academic Department of Accounting at the National University Santiago Antunez de Mayolo, Huaraz, Peru.
Samar H. AlBagoury is an Economics Associate professor at Cairo University and director of centre of Nile basin studies. She had various studies in African economies and participated as an editor of various issues of African strategic report issued by Faculty of African postgraduate studies at Cairo University.
Hashim Al-Hashimi is in his 4th year of dental school at the tender age of 18, stands out as the youngest among his peers. He graduated with a high school diploma from the esteemed International School of Chouefiat (SABIS) at 16. Excelling in both academics and international board certified exams, he achieved an acceptance into Riyadh Elm University for a BDS in (Bachelor's Dentistry). Hashim's academic dedication led him to have the highest GPA in his class which awarded him with a partial scholarship.
Mukthar Al-Hashimi is a Bahraini national, who has four degrees: undergraduate, two Master's degrees, and a PhD from the well-reputed University of Utah and Indiana State University, USA. During the last 25 years, he has served as an academic, advisor, director, and executive member for a number of government and non-government organizations. He is currently working as an Academic Professor at Ahlia University, Bahrain. Professor Al-Hashmi's experiences are rich and a blend of academic, managerial, and administrative activities at both government and private organizations. He gained much recognition for the development of a comprehensive medical information system “Al-Care System.”
Ahmad AL-Hawamleh is an Assistant Professor in Computer Science-Cybersecurity at the Institute of Public Administration-KSA, a Certified Trainer in Blackboard Education Technology and Services, and a Certified Trainer in the Zoom Meetings Platform. His research is situated in the fields of Information Security, Cybersecurity, and IoT.
Huthaifa Al-Hazaima is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Accounting, School of Business, The Hashemite University, Zarqa, Jordan.
Fahad K. Alkhaldi holds a PhD in Economics and Sustainability, with a significant focus on the nexus between Economic Growth and Climate Change. His expansive research interests also include “the Knowledge Economy, Resource Diversification, Economics of Energy, Circular Economy, and Security & Development Studies of The Middle East.” Affiliation: Environment and Sustainable Development Program, College of Science, University of Bahrain, Zallaq, Kingdom of Bahrain.
Leena Abdelsalam Almajaly is a Researcher at Department of Accounting, Business School, The Hashemite University, Zarqa, Jordan.
Muneer Al Mubarak received his PhD in Business and Economic Studies (Marketing) from University of Leeds, UK, in early 2010. Al Mubarak's expertise is in strategic management, marketing management, and relationship marketing. He has over 34 years work experience as he contributed well in teaching and training in areas such as leadership, strategic management, relationship marketing, marketing management, marketing communications, sustainability, corporate social responsibility, customer relationship management, and service excellence. He has participated in many community activities over the years and is a reviewer of many reputable international journals.
Amer Al-Roubaie is a Professor of Economics at Ahlia University in Bahrain. He obtained his Doctorate in Economics from McGill University, Montreal, Canada. He taught Economics at Concordia University as an Adjunct Professor and also at other North American and Middle Eastern universities. He was also a research Fellow at ISTAC, kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, for a number of years. Besides economics, his expertise lies in the fields of knowledge-based development, Islamic banking and Finance, development economics and globalization, and international business.
Noor Alsayed – PhD holder from Brunel University – London and an Assistant Professor at College of Business and Finance, Ahlia University, Bahrain.
Mohannad Obeid Al Shbail is an Assistant Professor at the School of Business, Al al-Bayt University.
Hashem Alshurafat is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Accounting, School of Business, The Hashemite University, Zarqa, Jordan.
Marwan Altarawneh is an Assistant Professor in Accounting at the Faculty of Business Studies, Arab Open University-KSA. His research is currently focused on BI, blockchain technology. He has research papers published in journals indexed under data source Scopus.
Abdallah Bader Alzoubi is an Assistant Professor at Department of Accounting, Business School, The Hashemite University, Zarqa, Jordan.
Husam Ananzeh is an Assistant Professor of accounting at Irbid National University.
Luis Angulo-Cabanillas, PhD in Computer Science and Engineering from the Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo, is a Research Professor and Statistician specialized in the area of research methodology. He is an Associate Professor assigned to the Academic Department of Statistics at the Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo, Huaraz, Peru.
Omar Arabiat is an Assistant Professor in the Accounting Department of the Business School at Hashemite University in Jordan. He holds a PhD in Accounting and Financial Management from the Business Informatics, Systems, and Accounting Department of Henley Business School, University of Reading.
Arjun B. S., PhD, is an Assistant Professor in the School of Business and Management at Christ (Deemed to be University). He received his PhD degree in Finance and his current research interests include risk management, derivatives, volatility measurement, ESG investing, and sustainable finance.
Nilda Barrutia-Montoya, Master's in Tourism and Hotel Marketing, is a PhD student in Public Management and Governance, with more than 5 years of experience in the teaching and learning process in higher education. Her research interests are the management of tourism resources, tourism potential, development of new tourism products, and sustainability of tourism development. She currently teaches at the Universidad Tecnologica del Peru S.A.C., Ica, Peru.
Yeni Bullón-Miguel has a Doctorate in Public Management and Governance. She has more than 8 years of experience in the teaching and learning process of regular basic education. Her research interests are the management of the public education process, educational innovation, and the reduction of gaps and deficiencies in education. She currently teaches classes in education for work at the Institucion Educativa Javier Heraud – San Juan de Miraflores, Lima, Peru.
Jorge Castillo-Picon is a Senior Lecturer at Universidad Nacional Santiago Antunez de Mayolo; Master's in Economics with mention in Business Management; PhD in Economics. He is author of scientific articles published and indexed in Scopus and Web of Science. He has also published several essays and books on economics and development. His research interests are rural development and digital innovation. He is currently Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Accounting at the Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo, Huaraz, Peru.
Manuel Chenet-Zuta is a Senior Lecturer at the Universidad Nacional Tecnológica de Lima Sur UNTELS. He has been recognized as Doctor Honoris Causa, Honorary Professor, and Visiting Professor in several countries in Latin America and the United States. He holds a Postdoctoral degree in Diachronic and Synchronous Systems of Scientific Research and Postdoctorate in Educational Sciences; Postgraduate Unit in Education of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos; Postgraduate of the Universidad del Golfo de México Rectoría Centro. He is a national and international Lecturer in University Management, University Internationalization, and Human Talent Management.
Deepika S. R. is an Assistant Professor at School of Business and Management, Christ (Deemed to be University), Bangalore. She holds a PhD in the area of Finance from Bharathiar University, Coimbatore. Her area of specialization is Finance and handles subjects such as Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management, Derivatives and Commodities Market, Financial markets and services, Fundamentals of Accounting, Business Statistics, Entrepreneurship Development, etc. She has also published research articles in refereed journals and has presented research papers at International Conferences. She is also a YouTuber, in the area of personal finance and investments and she is interested in public speaking.
Karin De la Cruz Inchicaqui, Economist, holds Master's in Finance, and is a PhD student in economics. Her research interests are knowledge society, econometric models, microfinance, and sustainable development. She currently teaches at the Academic Department of Economics of the Faculty of Economics and Accounting at the Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo, Huaraz, Peru.
William Dextre-Martinez holds Bachelor's in Management, Master's in Business Administration, and MBA. He has 12 years of experience in teaching and learning, as well as in writing scientific articles. He has four articles published and indexed in Scopus and Web of science. His research interests are information society, innovation in microfinance, and digital marketing. He is currently a full-time Assistant Professor in the Academic Department of Management at the Faculty of Management and Tourism – Universidad Nacional Santiago Antunez de Mayolo, Huaraz, Peru.
Alya Elfedawy is an Assistant Professor in Accounting at the Faculty of Business Studies, Arab Open University-KSA. Her research is currently focused on blockchain technology and AIS. She has research papers published in journals indexed under data source Scopus.
Abraham Jose García-Yovera, Industrial Engineer, holds Bachelor's in Administration and PhD in public management and governance. He has experience in recruitment and selection processes, hiring, training development, job analysis, and feedback. He currently holds the position of Coordinator of Research and Social Responsibility of the Universidad Señor de Sipan, Chicalyo, Peru.
Freddy David Zuluaga Guerrra, Chemical Engineer, holds a Master's degree in Digital Marketing. His research interests are the design of sustainable products, information society, innovation in microfinance, rural entrepreneurship, and digital business marketing. He is a Professor at the Universidad Industrial de Santander, Colombia.
Martha Esther Guerra Muñoz is a Full Professor at the Universidad Popular del Cesar, Valledupar, Colombia. She has a Doctorate in Administration and Social Sciences. She is a Research Professor recognized by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, Colombia. She has more than 20 years of experience in teaching and learning, as well as in writing scientific articles. She has articles published and indexed in Scopus and Web of science. She is currently the Director of the Graduate School of the Universidad Popular del Cesar, Colombia.
Heba Hikal is an Assistant Professor in Accounting at the Faculty of Business Studies, Arab Open University-KSA. Her research is currently focused on BI, blockchain technology and AIS. She has research papers published in journals indexed under data source Scopus.
Hober Huaranga-Toledo has a Doctorate in Public Management and Governance, with more than 15 years of experience in the public management. His research interests are public management, innovation in the public sector, and digital marketing. He currently teaches in different universities.
Mercedes Huerta-Soto is an Economist and holds an MBA. He is specialized in finance as regional credit manager; Researcher RENACYT qualified and recognized by the National Council of Science, Technology and Technological Innovation, Peru. He is the author of books, book chapters, and articles in journals indexed in Scopus and Web of science. He is currently teaching at the Academic Department of Economics at the Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo, Huaraz, Peru.
Rosario Huerta-Soto is an Economist and holds an MBA. He is a Researcher recognized by the National Council of Science, Technology and Technological Innovation, Peru. Her research interests are microfinance, regulation and innovation in the financial system. He has experience as regional credit manager at Financiera Confianza S.A. He is currently the Head of teaching and head of the formative research office at Universidad Cesar Vallejo, Huaraz, Peru.
Jaheer Mukthar K. P. holds PhD in economics. His research interests are econometrics, financial economics, monetary economics, capital markets, and foreign direct investment. He is a reviewer of Scopus indexed journals, chapter editor of Scopus indexed books, and editor of scientific journals in economics. He is currently an Assistant Professor of the Department of Economics, Kristu Jayanti College, Bangalore, India.
Zaid Jaradat is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Accounting at the Al al-Bayt University, where he earned his PhD in Managerial Accounting from Malaysia. His research is currently focused on E-accounting in SMEs and adoption of ERP and blockchain technology in industrial and banking sectors. He has research papers published in journals indexed under data source Scopus and Web of Science. ORCID: 0000-0002-1735-8346.
Orlando Leiva-Chauca has Bachelor's in Administration, Master's in Social Policies with mention in Project Management and Social Programs. His research interests are entrepreneurship, economic development models, microfinance for entrepreneurs, and social marketing. He currently teaches in the Academic Department of Administration at the Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo, Huaraz, Peru.
Ali Makhlooq graduated from George Washington University, USA and holds an MSc in Engineering Management.
Bashar Matoog graduated with honors from University of Bahrain. He also received an award for his high academic achievement from Ahlia University. Mr. Bashar Matooq joined Ahlia University as a part time Lecturer in the Accounting & Economics Department in 2007. He specializes in Economics, particularly microeconomics, macroeconomics, managerial economics, economic development, and mathematical economics.
Jenny Villacorta Miranda, Bachelor's in Economics, is a professional with experience in monitoring and evaluation of public investment. He is currently engaged in research on issues of competitiveness of the tourism sector, motivations of public servants, economic models of regional development, and business innovation. He has a spirit of self-improvement, capacity, responsibility, and aptitude to work under pressure.
Nagarjuna G. is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Tourism Management, School of Business and Management, Bannerghatta Campus, Christ (Deemed to be University). His research interests are sustainable tourism, cultural and heritage tourism, tourism education, and wildlife tourism. His doctoral research was on Sustainable Tourism Management: Issues and Challenges of Eco and Wildlife Resorts in Karnataka.
Emerson Norabuena-Figueroa has a BS in Statistics and Computer Science with a Master's degree in Science, and Engineering with a major in Information Technology and Computer Systems. His experience in research lines includes data mining, metaheuristics, production models, and decision-making. He is a university Professor attached to the Department of Mathematics at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM), Lima, Peru.
Elia Ramirez-Asis, Master's in Educational Administration, is a Researcher recognized by the National Council of Science and Technology and Technological Innovation of Peru. Her research interests are teaching competence, teaching–learning models, and innovation in higher education. She is currently a Professor at the National University Santiago Antunez de Mayolo, Huaraz, Peru.
Edwin Ramirez-Asis is a Research professor at Universidad Señor de Sipan, Chiclayo, Peru. He holds a PhD in administration and international Postdoctorate in Didactics of Scientific Research. He is a Researcher recognized by the National Council of Science, Technology and Technological Innovation, Peru. His research interests are the information society, innovation in microfinance, and digital marketing. He is currently the Editor in Chief of the scientific journal Epistemia.
Edwin Hernan Ramirez Asis holds a Degree in Administration, Doctorate in Administration, and international Postdoctorate in Didactics of Scientific Research. He is a Researcher recognized by the National Council of Science, Technology and Technological Innovation, Peru. He has 15 years of experience in teaching and learning, as well as in writing scientific articles. He has 20 articles published and indexed in Scopus and Web of science. His research interests are the information society, innovation in microfinance and digital marketing. He is currently an Associate Professor in the Academic Department of Administration at the Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo, Huaraz, Peru.
Hernan Ramirez-Asis is a Research Professor at the Universidad Nacional Santiago Antunez de Mayolo, Huaraz, Peru. He has completed Doctorate in Administration and international Postdoctorate in Didactics of Scientific Research. He is a Researcher recognized by the National Council of Science, Technology and Technological Innovation, Peru. His research interests are the information society, innovation in microfinance, and digital marketing. He is currently the Editor in Chief of the Research Unit of the Faculty of Management and Tourism of the Universidad Nacional Santiago Antunez de Mayolo, Huaraz, Peru.
Eduardo Rocca-Espinoza is an Industrial Engineer from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (PUCP) with Master's in Business Administration at the Universidad del Pacífico. He completed his Doctoral studies at the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of the University of Murcia, Spain. He is the Coordinator of Accreditation of the Department of Engineering of the PUCP. He has Participated in research with the universities of Murcia, Cantabria and the Polytechnic of Cartagena, member of the Faedpyme network, design and execution of research in the SME sector. He is currently an Associate Professor at the Engineering Department of the PUCP.
José Rodríguez Herrera is an Economist, Professor at the Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo, in the category of full-time associate, professional with spirit of improvement, ability, responsibility, and aptitude to work under pressure with full-time availability, able to perform in various fields related to the profession of economist. She is currently an Associate Professor of the Academic Department of Economics of the Faculty of Economics and Accounting, Huaraz, Peru.
Jose Rodriguez-Kong is an Industrial Engineer with a Master's degree in Economic Sciences, mention: business management. He is responsible, perseverant, proactive, and efficient with initiative, ethics, analytical skills, and ability to interact with people and perform teamwork oriented to the achievement of objectives. He also has the ability to learn quickly, predisposition to work in a team and under pressure. He is currently teaching at the Universidad Señor de Sipan, Chicalyo, Peru.
Huber Rodriguez-Nomura is an Economist by profession, He holds a PhD in Economics and Industrial Development with experience in the area of university education and with management skills in both public and private sector by having democratic leadership. He seeks to transmit the knowledge and skills acquired throughout his career. He is currently Rector of the Universidad Señor de Sipan, Peru.
Hugo Marino Rodríguez-Orellana has Bachelor's in Statistics and Informatics, Master's in Public Management, specialist in sampling, with experience in spatial statistical analysis, SQL database management, and modeling with application in nonlinear physics. He currently teaches in the Academic Department of Mathematical Sciences at the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru.
Rober Trinidad Romero Ramirez is a lawyer with PhD in political science, specialist in public management, University Professor with undergraduate, graduate and Master's degree. He has served as deputy of the department of Cesar, councilman of the municipality of Valledupar, delegated prosecutor before the municipal criminal judges of Valledupar, Secretary of Municipal Government of Valledupar during the mayoralty of Luis Fabián Fernández, Dean of the law school of the Universidad Popular del Cesar in Valledupar Colombia, and currently Rector of the same institution.
Roger Rurush-Asencio is an Economist with Master's in Social Policies and PhD in public management and governance. He is a Professor at the Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo, in the category of full-time assistant, professional with a spirit of improvement, capacity, responsibility, and ability to work under pressure with full-time availability, able to work in various fields related to the profession of economist, law, and accounting that contribute to social welfare, institutional, and professional development.
Mallika Sankar is an Assistant Professor in the School of Business and Management at the Christ University in Bangalore, India. She received her PhD in Management from Bharathiar University. Her research interests are in the areas of higher education, ranging from scale development to design to implementation. She has co-authored a book in research methodology and is preferred as a resource person in several faculty development programs, conferences, and workshops. She has also served as trainer in the programs organized by AICTE and an invited speaker in many public events and academic institutions. She has also served in industry at various administrative positions for over 12 years. Her areas of teaching include research methodology, business analytics, and strategic management.
Maha Shehadeh is an Assistant Professor of FinTech at the Applied Science Private University in Jordan. She earned her PhD in Economics and Islamic Banking from Yarmouk University in 2021, focusing on digital transformation. Her research interests include FinTech, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML), digital transformation in banking, and financial inclusion. Dr Shehadeh has been awarded the first place in the Al Qasimia University Research Award for Islamic Economics for her research on the dimensions of digital transformation. She also serves as an editor and reviewer for various academic journals. In her teaching role, she leverages her expertise in digital transformation, instructing a variety of courses in Financial Technology.
Fadi Shehab Shiyyab is an Assistant Professor at Department of Accounting, Business School, The Hashemite University, Zarqa, Jordan.
Walid Zakaria Siam is a Professor at Department of Accounting, Business School, The Hashemite University, Zarqa, Jordan.
Jose Sifuentes-Stratti is an Economist with Master's in Public Administration. His research interests are competence of the public official, economic models of regional development, and business innovation. Currently, he is the Head of the Statistics Unit and University Professor of the Academic Department of Economics at the Universidad Nacional Santiago Antúnez de Mayolo, Huaraz, Peru.
Jais V. Thomas is a Research Scholar at Christ University, Bangalore. He graduated in computer science and Philosophy and pursued an MBA specializing in finance. He has three years of industry experience in the Healthcare Sector in various capacities as Operating Manager and Finance Manager. He has served as director of a group of schools and presently working as an Assistant professor of Commerce and Management. He published four articles in various journals and was one of the guest editors of a book. His subject domains are financial management, organizational development, digital transformation, talent management, and strategic management.
Technology innovation became essential in day-to-day operations; post COVID-19 governmental and organizational strategies have shifted toward digital transformation and green processes including education sector. The role of Business Education is crucial; business schools mission statements aim to produce graduates equipped with sustainable skills that could lead organizations from a technological aspect including digital transformation and use of technology innovation. International Accreditation Bodies including to Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) revised their standards with more emphasis on technology innovation to allow graduates to have the appropriate competency level to support business sustainability and impact. Technology Innovation including the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Big Data, and Data analytics supports various ways the businesses in terms of facilitating operational or strategic decision-making with a level of rationality, and evidence based on several studies highlighted the need to effectively utilize the technology for sustainable business operations including identification of risks and forecasting. In terms of business education, studies highlighted that 83 jobs will no longer be valid in the future due to technology innovation; therefore, education section must transform its teaching and learning methods to maintain the expedition of innovation and produce graduates with key competency in terms of ICT and digitalization. The question is “Technology Innovation” is it a blessing or a curse?
The answer is found in this book; a careful selection of the book chapters assures providing an insight for the readers that could be used by authors and policymakers. This book covers several chapters which highlight different innovative technology tools, education and teaching practices, and sustainability actions toward impact from multiple contexts. This book contributes to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDGs), particularly Education Quality (SDG4), Sustainable Cities and Communities (SDG11), and Partnership for the Goals (SDG17).
Esra AlDhaen, PFHEA
Associate Professor, Ahlia University, Manama, Bahrain
Executive Director Strategy, Quality and Sustainability
The world is rapidly changing, and technology is at the forefront of this transformation. Technological innovations have revolutionized every aspect of our lives, from the way we communicate, to how we learn, work, and do business. The impact of technology on business, education, and sustainability cannot be overstated, and this book serves as a testament to the crucial role of technology in shaping the future of these fields. The era of digital economy is no longer anticipated since we are currently living in it. Several frameworks are needed to be discussed to better understand how business, education, and technology could enable people contribute positively to the global digital transformation. Business and business education needs to beat the contradictory that always existed between the needs of labor market and outputs of universities. Educators need and employers should have some kind of similar perception for the skills needed to enhance employability. This book will clearly contribute to the growing need of aligning business strategy and educational curriculums with the changing needs and skills needed for business workplaces in different fields such as marketing, management information systems, and data analytics along with other business applications of AI.
The book's focus on sustainability is particularly relevant as it aligns with the United Nations' sustainable development goals (SDGs). The SDGs aim to create a better and more sustainable future for all, and technology is a key enabler in achieving these goals. This book's chapters explore the role of technology in promoting sustainable development and offer insights into how technology can be used to address the challenges facing the world today.
This book, entitled “Technological Innovations for Business, Education, and Sustainability,” is a compilation of 19 chapters that have undergone rigorous double-blind peer review to ensure quality and accuracy. The chapters cover a range of topics that explore the intersection of technology, business, education, and sustainability.
This book is divided into three sections, each focusing on a different area of technology's impact on business, education, and sustainability. The sections are as follows:
Section I. Business Intelligence, Technology for Sustainability.
Section II. Technological Education and Skills Development for Sustainable Practices.
Section III. Digital technologies, Economic Diversification, Entrepreneurial Capacities, and Sustainability.
This book's chapters explore a range of topics within these sections, including the impact of digital transformation on business practices, the role of emotional intelligence in job satisfaction, and the relationship between board structure and financial performance. The chapters offer practical insights and solutions for leveraging technology to achieve sustainable development goals, improve business practices, and enhance the quality of education.
We hope that this book will inspire further research and innovation in this exciting and rapidly evolving field.
Allam Hamdan
Professor, Dean
College of Business and Finance, Ahlia University, Manama, Bahrain
We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Prof Abdulla Y. Al Hawaj the Founding President and the Chair of the Board of Trustees of Ahlia University, Bahrain, for his unwavering support and dedication to the advancement of scientific research. His invaluable guidance and expertise have been instrumental in the success of our research efforts. Also, we would like to thank all the chapter authors who contributed their time, knowledge, and expertise to make this book a reality. Lastly, I would like to thank the referee of our book for their insightful comments and constructive feedback, which have helped us to improve the quality of the book.
- Prelims
- Part I Business Intelligence, Technology for Sustainability
- Chapter 1 Artificial Intelligence and Marketing: Challenges and Opportunities
- Chapter 2 Digital Resources and Social Skills Development for Credit Analysts in Banks Focused on Green Finance
- Chapter 3 Digital Transformation: A Catalyst for Sustainable Business Practices
- Chapter 4 An Innovative Web Intelligence Data Clustering Algorithm for Human Resources Based on Sustainability
- Part II Technological Education and Skills Development for Sustainable Practices
- Chapter 5 Blockchain Technology and Virtual Asset Accounting in the Metaverse
- Chapter 6 Stakeholders' Perceptions of Sustainability Accounting Education: A Literature Review
- Chapter 7 A Symphony of Insights: Orchestrating Business and Education Research With Google Bard
- Chapter 8 Interpersonal Competence and Teaching Quality in a Sustainable Public University
- Chapter 9 EdTech Tools for Sustainable Practices: A Green Revolution in Education
- Chapter 10 Gap Analysis of Employability Attributes Among Job Seekers in Bahrain: Employee Perspective
- Chapter 11 Digital Competencies and Attitude Toward the Use of Information Technologies in Secondary School Teachers in a Peruvian Public Educational Institution
- Chapter 12 Effect of Business Intelligence Applications on the Contribution of Accounting Departments at Jordanian Universities in Developing University Accounting Education and Its Quality Assurance
- Part III Digital Technologies, Economic Diversification, Entrepreneurial Capacities, and Sustainability
- Chapter 13 Building Productive Capacity for Economic Diversification in the Gulf Region
- Chapter 14 Assessing the Sustainability of GCC Economic Growth: A Proposed Theoretical Framework
- Chapter 15 Emotional Intelligence, Job Satisfaction, and Work Engagement at a Public University
- Chapter 16 Entrepreneurial Capabilities and Survival of Microentrepreneurs in Rural Peru
- Chapter 17 Socioeconomic Factors and Financial Inclusion in the Department of Ancash, Peru, 2015 and 2021
- Chapter 18 Board Structure and Financial Performance: A Survey to Directors' Perception
- Chapter 19 Human Development Based on the Competitiveness of the Peruvian Region of Ancash, 2008–2021
- Chapter 20 Female Education and Economic Growth in Egypt: An Empirical Study
- Index